972 resultados para Bellingshausen Sea, western flank of trough, middle shelf


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The dataset is composed of 41 samples from 10 stations. The phytoplankton samples were collected by 5l Niskin bottles attached to the CTD system. The sampling depths were selected according to the CTD profile and the in situ fluorometer readings: surface, temperature, salinity and fluorescence gradients and 1 m above the bottom. At some stations phytoplankton net samples (20 µm mesh-size) were collected to assist species biodiversity examination. The samples (1l sea water) were preserved in 4% buffered to pH 8-8.2 with disodiumtetraborate formaldehyde solution and stored in plastic containers. On board at each station few live samples were qualitatively examined under microscope for preliminary analysis of taxonomic composition and dominant species. The taxon-specific phytoplankton abundance samples were concentrated down to 50 cm**3 by slow decantation after storage for 20 days in a cool and dark place. The species identification was done under light microscope OLIMPUS-BS41 connected to a video-interactive image analysis system at magnification of the ocular 10X and objective - 40X. A Sedgwick-Rafter camera (1ml) was used for counting. 400 specimen were counted for each sample, while rare and large species were checked in the whole sample (Manual of phytoplankton, 2005). Species identification was mainly after Carmelo T. (1997) and Fukuyo, Y. (2000). Total phytoplankton abundance was calculated as sum of taxon-specific abundances. Total phytoplankton biomass was calculated as sum of taxon-specific biomasses. The cell biovolume was determined based on morpho-metric measurement of phytoplankton units and the corresponding geometric shapes as described in detail in (Edier, 1979).


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The SESAME dataset contains mesozooplankton data collected during April 2008 in the North-Western part of Black Sea (between 44°46' N and 42°29'N latitude and 28°64'E and 30°59'E longitude). Mesozooplankton sampling was undertaken at 9 stations where samples were collected using a Hensen net in the 0-10, 10-25, 25-50, 50-100, 100-150, 150-200 m layer. The dataset includes 29 samples analysed for mesozooplankton species composition and abundance. The entire sample or an aliquot (1/2 to 1/4) was analyzed under the binocular microscope. Calculations of zooplankton abundance are made by the following formulae, in accordance with the Report of the third ICES/HELCOM workshop on quality assurance of Biological measurements Warnemünde, Germany, 1996. M - number of counted specimens (ind.), Vf - volume of filtrated water (m³), and K - counted part of sample. (http://www2008.io-warnemuende.de/research/helcom_zp/documents/qa_zp_part.pdf)


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The samples were concentrated down to 50 cm**3 by slow decantation after storage for 20 days in a cool and dark place. The species identification was done under light microscope OLIMPUS-BS41 connected to a video-interactive image analysis system at magnification of the ocular 10X and objective - 40X. A Sedgwick-Rafter camera (1ml) was used for counting. 400 specimen were counted for each sample, while rare and large species were checked in the whole sample (Manual of phytoplankton, 2005). Species identification was mainly after Carmelo T. (1997) and Fukuyo, Y. (2000). Taxon-specific phytoplankton abundance and biomass were analysed by Moncheva S., B. Parr, 2005. Manual for Phytoplankton Sampling and Analysis in the Black Sea. The cell biovolume was determined based on morpho-metric measurement of phytoplankton units and the corresponding geometric shapes as described in detail in (Edier, 1979).


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Dataset containing macrobenthos data for samples collected during September 2008 in the North-West Black Sea (between 44°46' - 43°45' N latitude and 30° 11' - 29°35' E longitude). Macrobenthos sampling was done in 4 stations using a 0.14 m**2 Van Veen grab. Washing of the sample through two sieves - 1 mm and 0.25 mm mesh size; the material retained by the two sieves was examined at the binocular microscope; all animals were extracted, using fine tweezers and the species or group of species were identified and counted (in order to determine the density of populations); the larger organisms were measured and weighed (structure and biomass); for smaller organisms, the average wet weights inscribed in standard tables were used to calculate the biomass. Taxonomic identification was done at the GeoEcoMar by A. Teaca and T. Begun using the relevant taxonomic literature ( "Key-book for the identification of the Black Sea and Sea of Azov Fauna, 1968 -1972, Kiev - in Russian, V 1-4; BACESCU, M.C., MÜLLER, G. I., GOMOIU, M.-T., 1971). BACESCU, M.C., MÜLLER, G. I., GOMOIU, M.-T., 1971-Benthic ecological research to Black Sea. Comparative quantitative and qualitative analyse of pontic benthic fauna. Marine Ecology, 4, 1-357 (in Romanian). Key-book for the identification of the Black Sea and Sea of Azov Fauna, 1968 -1972, Kiev, V. 1-4 (in Russian).


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Compositional and chemical analyses suggest that Middle Triassic–Lower Liassic continental redbeds (in the internal domains of the Betic, Maghrebian, and Apenninic chains) can be considered a regional lithosome marking the Triassic-Jurassic rift-valley stage of Tethyan rifting, which led to the Pangaea breakup and subsequent development of a mosaic of plates and microplates. Sandstones are quartzose to quartzolithic and represent a provenance of continental block and recycled orogen, made up mainly of Paleozoic metasedimentary rocks similar to those underlying the redbeds. Mudrocks display K enrichments; intense paleoweathering under a hot, episodically humid climate with a prolonged dry season; and sediment recycling. Redbeds experienced temperatures in the range of 100°–160°C and lithostatic/tectonic loading of more than 4 km. These redbeds represent an important stratigraphic signature to reconstruct a continental block (Mesomediterranean Microplate) that separated different realms of the western Tethys from Middle-Late Jurassic to Miocene, when it was completely involved in Alpine orogenesis.


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The southern Bellingshausen Sea (SBS) is a rapidly-changing part of West Antarctica, where oceanic and atmospheric warming has led to the recent basal melting and break-up of the Wilkins ice shelf, the dynamic thinning of fringing glaciers, and sea-ice reduction. Accurate sea-floor morphology is vital for understanding the continued effects of each process upon changes within Antarctica's ice sheets. Here we present a new bathymetric grid for the SBS compiled from shipborne echo-sounder, spot-sounding and sub-ice measurements. The 1-km grid is the most detailed compilation for the SBS to-date, revealing large cross-shelf troughs, shallow banks, and deep inner-shelf basins that continue inland of coastal ice shelves. The troughs now serve as pathways which allow warm deep water to access the ice fronts in the SBS. Our dataset highlights areas still lacking bathymetric constraint, as well as regions for further investigation, including the likely routes of palaeo-ice streams. The new compilation is a major improvement upon previous grids and will be a key dataset for incorporating into simulations of ocean circulation, ice-sheet change and history. It will also serve forecasts of ice stability and future sea-level contributions from ice loss in West Antarctica, required for the next IPCC assessment report in 2013.


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Die Rekonstruktion der glaziomarinen Sedimentationsprozesse am antarktischen Kontinentalrand des westlichen Bellingshausenmeeres erfolgte durch die sedimentologische Auswertung eines 962 cm langen Schwerelotkernes aus 3594 m Wassertiefe. Der Kern wurde während des Fahrtabschnittes ANT-XI/3 mit dem FS "Polarstern" vom Scheitel einer Sediment- "Drift" gezogen. An dem Sedimentkern wurde eine lithologische Beschreibung, sowie sedimentologische Untersuchungen und sedimentphysikalische Messungen durchgeführt. Anhand der Ergebnisse konnten signifikante Änderungen in der Zusammensetzung und Struktur der Sedimente erkannt, und drei Faziestypen unterschieden werden. Die Faziestypen charakterisieren jeweils glaziale oder interglaziale Zeiträume. Der größte Teil der Sedimentabfolge gehört der Laminitfazies an. Dabei handelt es sich um feinlaminierte Sedimentabschnitte, die vorwiegend aus feinkörnigen, terrigenen Komponenten zusammengesetzt sind. In die feinlaminierten Abschnitte sind vereinzelte, wenige Milimeter bis Zentimeter mächtige Siltlagen eingeschaltet. Die biogenen Anteile sind gering, Anzeichen für Bodenleben fehlen völlig. Die Manganfazies wird von authigen gebildeten Mangankonkretionen dominiert, die jeweils diskrete Lagen bilden. Dabei handelt es sich zum einen um Mikromanganknollen und -krusten und zum andern um manganhaltige Gangfüllungen. Biogene und terrigene Anteile sind in diesem Faziestyp unbedeutend. Die Biogenfazies ist von strukturlosen und stark bioturbierten Sedimenten gekennzeichnet. In diesen Sedimentabschnitten ist der hohe Anteil an Eisfracht (IRD) und die erhöhten Gehalte an Kalziumkarbonat und Opal in der Sandfraktion markant. Die stratigraphische Einordnung des Sedimentkernes erfolgte über die von Grobe & Mackensen (1992) entwickelte Lithostratigraphie, mit deren Einheiten die Faziestypen des Sedimentkernes korreliert werden konnten. Dabei ergaben sich zwei mögliche Altersmodelle und ein Basisalter von ca. 250.000 Jahren. Anhand der stratigraphischen Fixpunkte wurden Sedimentationsraten des Gesamtsedimentes und Akkumulationsraten des Kalziumkarbonates, des Biogenopals und des organisch gebundenen Kohlenstoffes berechnet. Dabei wurde gezeigt, daß lediglich das Kalziumkarbonat und der Biogenopal als Anzeiger für biologische Produktion dienen können, wobei Lösungsprozesse in der Wassersäule und im Sediment eine große Rolle spielen. Der Gehalt an organisch gebundenem Kohlenstoff ist in dem Sedimentkern nur erhaltungsbedingt zu erklären. Die Sedimentationsprozesse der einzelnen Faziestypen sind von den Eisverhältnissen, der biologischen Produktion, dem gravitativen Transport und der Umlagerung durch Meeresströmungen abhängig. Die Auswirkung der einzelnen Faktoren ist jeweils unterschiedlich ausgeprägt und wirkt sich spezifisch auf die einzelnen Parameter aus. In den Glazialen hatte ein Vorstoß des Schelfeises über die Schelfkante zur Anlieferung großer Sedimentmassen geführt, die über gravitativen Transport den Kontinentalhang hinunter transportiert wurden. Die Feinfracht wurde über parallel zum Kontinentalhang laufende Konturströme westwärts transportiert und in der Larninitfazies der Driftkörper abgelagert. Am Ende der Glaziale kam es zur Sedimentation der Manganfazies. Die geringen Sedimentationsraten am Kamm der Sedimentdrift kamen aufgrund reduzierter Intensität der Konturströme und fehlender Umlagerung von Schelfsedimenten in Folge rückschreitender Schelfeisrnassen zustande. In den Interglazialen kam es durch den aufsteigenden Meeresspiegel zum Aufschwimmen des Schelfeises. Der damit verbundene Abbau der Eisrnassen über dem Schelf, hatte eine hohe Sedimentation von IRD zur Folge. Mit fortschreitendem Interglazial kam es in Zeiten nur saisonaler Meereisbedeckung zu verstärkter biologischer Produktion und zur Sedimentation biogenen Materials.