1000 resultados para Barbosa, Joaquim José.


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São de grande importância os cuidados no preparo do café desde a colheita até o consumo e o estudo de parâmetros que possam influenciar na classificação comercial do grão e na qualidade da bebida. Teve-se como objetivos analisar a influência da idade das plantas, pertencentes à mesma variedade, e dos estágios de maturação dos grãos (secos, cerejas e verdes) no resultado da classificação comercial e na qualidade da bebida. Realizou-se a colheita, por derriça no pano, de uma área com café arábica variedade Catuaí de 12 anos e de outra de 3 anos. Constituiu-se, para cada idade das plantas, os seguintes lotes: 100% cereja, 60% cereja e 40% verde, 80% cereja e 20% verde, 60% cereja e 40% seco, 80% cereja e 20% seco, e composição obtida na colheita. Na classificação comercial, obedeceu-se as normas estabelecidas pela Tabela Oficial Brasileira de Classificação (tipo), peneira, aspecto, cor e seca. Na classificação da bebida, optou-se por utilizar consumidores como provadores, com o objetivo de analisar a aceitabilidade da bebida pelo mercado consumidor. Como resultados, obteve-se, na classificação por tamanho e determinação de peneira média que os lotes de 12 anos apresentaram-se, com peneira média 15, resultado inferior aos lotes de 3 anos, com peneira média 16. Na classificação comercial e na da bebida, os resultados foram melhores, em geral, para os lotes de 3 anos em diferentes misturas, sem influência dos diferentes estágios de maturação.


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Origanum vulgare L. (oregano), Lamiaceae, essential oil has a variety of biological properties and its antimicrobial activity has received a renewed interest for use in food conservation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the interference of heating on the antimicrobial activity and chemical composition of O. vulgare essential oil. The antimicrobial activity of the essential oil kept at room temperature and exposed to different heating temperatures (60, 80, 100 and 120 °C during 1 hour) was evaluated by observing antimicrobial effectiveness at absolute concentration and determining MIC values by the solid medium diffusion procedure. The essential oil chemical composition analysis was performed by GC-MS. O. vulgare essential oil showed interesting antimicrobial activity on all assayed microbial strains (Candida albicans, C.krusei, C. tropicalis, Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Yersinia enterocolitica, Salmonella enterica, Serratia marcencens), noted by large growth inhibition zones (30-42 mm). Heating treatment showed no significant interference (p < 0.05) on the essential oil antimicrobial activity, noted by the development of microbial growth inhibition zones with similar or close diameters when evaluating the essential oil kept at room temperature and after exposure to different thermal treatments. MIC values oscillated between 10and 40 µL.mL-1 (20µL.mL-1 for most strains). However, no significant difference (p < 0.05) was noted among the MIC values found for the essential oil aliquots exposed to different temperatures. Moreover, heating did not significantly (p < 0.05) affect the chemical composition of O. vulgare essential oil. Monoterpenes, terpenic compounds and sesquiterpenes were found in the essential oil, with carvacrol (68.06-70.27%) and p-cymene (12.85-15.81%) being the compounds found in the highest amounts. These results showed the thermal stability and intense antimicrobial properties of O. vulgare essential oil and support its possible concomitant use with heating temperatures in order to reach microbial safety in foods.


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The objective of this study was to assess the potential utilization of ostrich meat trimming in hamburger preparation, as well as its physicochemical and sensory characterization. Using ostrich meat trimmings from the legs and neck, four different formulations were prepared with varied amounts of bacon and textured soybean protein. Physical analysis of yield, shrinkage percentage, and water retention capacity and chemical analysis of proximate composition, cholesterol levels, and calories were performed. The formulations underwent sensory analysis by 52 potential ostrich meat consumers, who evaluated tenderness, juiciness, flavor, and purchase intent. The formulations containing textured soybean protein showed the highest yield, lowest shrinkage percentage, and highest water retention capacity. Lipid content varied from 0.58 to 4.99%; protein from 17.08 to 21.37%; ash from 3.00 to 3.62%; moisture from 73.87 to 76.27%; cholesterol from 22.54 to 32.11 mg.100 g-1; and calorie from 87.22 to 163.42 kcal.100 g-1. All formulations showed low cholesterol and calorie levels, even that containing 10% bacon and 3.5% textured soybean protein, which achieved the best scores and acceptance by the panelists.


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El artículo pertenece a una sección monográfica de la revista dedicada a evaluación. - Resumen tomado parcialmente de la revista.


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A aplicação de metodologias inovadoras no estudo da zona costeira, como as Técnicas de Informação Geográfica (TIG), utilizando fotografia aérea e imagens de satélite de alta resolução espacial, é um assunto proeminente da investigação das áreas das Ciências Geo-Espaciais e da Engenharia Costeira. Um conjunto de fotografias aéreas, entre 1958 e 2002, foi analisado visualmente num ambiente de Sistemas de Informação Geográfica (SIG), com o objectivo de identificar hidroformas e hidromorfologias costeiras, no sector entre Esmoriz e Mira. Este trabalho tem como objectivo principal identificar e analisar formas/padrões morfológicas e hidrodinâmicos (hidroformas e hidromorfologias) recorrendo a algoritmos da classificação de imagem. Para alcançar esse objectivo foram aplicados diferentes métodos de classificação de imagem, nomeadamente técnicas de classificação supervisionada e não supervisionada, utilizando o software PCI Geomatica®. Foram testados diferentes algoritmos na classificação supervisionada, (paralelepípedo, distância mínima e máxima probabilidade) e na classificação não supervisionada, o K-médias e o ISODATA. Os algoritmos de classificação supervisionada apresentaram bons resultados, demonstrados pela precisão global e coeficiente Kappa, de 95.65% - 0.95661 e de 95.85% - 0.95840, para o método do paralelepípedo e para o método da máxima probabilidade respectivamente. Os algoritmos de classificação não supervisionada (K-médias e ISODATA) permitiram identificar várias classes, como por exemplo, praia, face da praia e zona de rebentação. Os resultados obtidos foram comparados (sobrepostos) com os da análise visual em ambiente SIG, mostrando uma boa concordância nas hidroformas e hidromorfologias identificadas.


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Here we present a status report of the first spherical antenna project equipped with a set of parametric transducers for gravitational detection. The Mario Schenberg, as it is called, started its commissioning phase at the Physics Institute of the University of Sao Paulo, in September 2006, under the full support of FAPESP. We have been testing the three preliminary parametric transducer systems in order to prepare the detector for the next cryogenic run, when it will be calibrated. We are also developing sapphire oscillators that will replace the current ones thereby providing better performance. We also plan to install eight transducers in the near future, six of which are of the two-mode type and arranged according to the truncated icosahedron configuration. The other two, which will be placed close to the sphere equator, will be mechanically non-resonant. In doing so, we want to verify that if the Schenberg antenna can become a wideband gravitational wave detector through the use of an ultra-high sensitivity non-resonant transducer constructed using the recent achievements of nanotechnology.


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal demonstrar uma nova metodologia que utilizará um motor automotivo adaptado a um módulo experimental onde será possível realizar-se medições da intensidade de detonação, e a partir desses valores determinar a octanagem dos combustíveis ensaiados, sendo este um método que oferece uma nova alternativa de baixo custo se comparado aos métodos tradicionais que utilizam motores CFR (Co-operative Fuel Research) fabricados pela Waukesha para determinação da octanagem dos combustíveis. O módulo experimental é composto por um motor automotivo acoplado a um freio eletromagnético e por sensores instalados em pontos estratégicos do motor que informam, em tempo real, os valores dos parâmetros de funcionamento do mesmo. A octanagem, para ser medida, a exemplo do que ocorre nos motores CFR, depende da ocorrência de detonação que é provocada durante a realização dos ensaios para que o valor de sua intensidade e o valor dos demais parâmetros de funcionamento do motor neste instante possam ser registrados. Para que pudesse ocorrer detonação em baixa rotação fez-se necessário à alteração do volume da câmera de combustão do motor utilizado, a fim de aumentar sua taxa de compressão e favorecer o aparecimento do fenômeno Durante a realização dos ensaios, no módulo experimental, utilizaram-se dois computadores para monitorar os parâmetros de funcionamento do motor e armazenar as informações adquiridas a partir da placa de aquisição de dados que transforma os sinais analógicos dos sensores em informações digitais, as quais serão utilizadas nos cálculos e na construção de gráficos para análise dos resultados do experimento. Após realizar-se os ensaios utilizando-se combustíveis de referência com diferentes valores de octanagem, foi possível determinar a exatidão dos resultados obtidos pelo método proposto comparando-os com os valores obtidos no motor CFR, sendo que o módulo experimental permitiu medir os valores de octanagens com uma incerteza de ± 1,66 octanas em um intervalo de confiança de 95,45%.


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Busca uma análise da permanência da Elite Burocrática Japonesa no poder e na formulação e condução da Política Industrial nos anos seguintes ao Pós-Segunda Guerra. Essa permanência, possibilitada e fortalecida pelas orientações tomadas pelas Forças de Ocupação, favoreceu a retomada da orientação industrial por parte do Estado, via Elite Burocrática, partidos políticos e grupos econômicos (zaibatsu ou zaikai).


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi tentar entender a interação entre concentração geográfica de empresas, competitividade e tecnologia no cluster calçadista de Franca, importante pólo produtor calçadista no país, responsável por aproximadamente 10% do total da produção calçadista brasileira. Utiliza-se o conceito de cluster desenvolvido por Porter (1990). É apresentado um modelo para explicar o surgimento e desenvolvimento dos clusters, procurando validá-lo no cluster calçadista de Franca. A principal hipótese do modelo é a de que uma inovação revolucionária no processo, combinada com condições locais específicas, pode originar um cluster. Após o nascimento, o modelo afirma que o cluster passa por fases como embrionária, crescimento, maturidade e pós-maturidade, cada uma com características distintas e peculiares. Utilizou-se uma amostra de 9 empresas e setores correlatos representativos e a principal contribuição desta dissertação foi a constatação de que o cluster de Franca, teve trajetória bastante aderente ao modelo. No momento, o cluster está em sua fase de maturidade e devem ser feitas políticas e ações coordenadas para evitar o declínio ou pós-maturidade do cluster. Como resultado também, foi feita a avaliação do cluster de Franca segundo o modelo do diamante de Porter (1990) para caracterizar os principais pilares para a manutenção da vantagem competitiva as condições dos fatores, condições da demanda, setores correlatos e de apoio e estratégia, estrutura e rivalidade das empresas foram avaliadas baseado em fontes secundárias e primárias. Finalmente são propostas algumas ações e políticas no sentido de incrementar a competitividade do cluster calçadista de Franca, pela sua importância econômica nacional e principalmente pelo impacto na economia da cidade de Franca, por praticamente dependente exclusivamente do calçado. Palavra-chave: Cluster, Modelo de Evolução, Calçados


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In assessing the economic impact of a sector or group of sectors on a single or multiregional economy, input-output analysis has proven to be a popular method. . However, there has a problem in displaying all the information that can be obtained from this analytical approach. In this paper, we have tried to set new directions in the use of input-output analysis by presenting an improved way of looking at the economic landscapes. While this is not a new concept, a new meaning is explored in this paper; essentially, it will now be possible to visualize, in a simple picture, all the relations in the economy as well as being able to view how one sector is related to the other sectors/regions in the economy. These relations can be measured in terms of structural changes, production, value added, employment, imports, etc. While all the possibilities cannot be explored in this paper, the basic idea is given here and the smart reader can uncover all the various possibilities. To illustrate the power of analysis provided by the economic landscapes, an application is made to the sugar cane complex using an interregional inputoutput system for the Brazilian economy, constructed for 2 regions (Northeast and Rest of Brazil), for the years of 1985, 1992, and 1995.


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The study aimed to understand how the methodology of hatching contributes to the sustainability of economic enterprises in solidarity. For analysis, we developed a study on the social economy and the incubation methodology, based on the program of teaching, research and extension - Technological Incubator of Popular Cooperatives and Entrepreneurship Solidarity (PITCPES), and as the survey of the Cooperative of Fruit of Abaetetuba - COFRUTA. We started from the exploratory-descriptive approach in a qualitative and quantitative, in order to demonstrate the process of sustainability under the dimensions of different kinds such as: the economic dimension, social dimension, the political dimension, size and scale management training. Based on the analysis of these different dimensions was reached results as: first the recognition that the incubator contributes to the sustainability of COFRUTA, especially with regard to planning, control and the need to diversify production. However, there was suggestion of cooperative for training and technical assistance is continued, to the extent that the performance of projects under the base leaves gaps for the learning and application of social technologies required to the Incubator. It also concluded that the dissertation contributes to the team of the incubator can assess their strengths and weaknesses in their performance


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The globalization of markets has confirmed for the processes of change in organizations both in structure and in management. This dynamic was also observed in credit unions because they are financial institutions and are under the rules of the Brazil´s Financial System. Given the context of organizational changes in the financial capital has played the traditional management reform is urgent. In organizations credit unions, given its dual purpose, because in the same organizational environment and capitalism coexist cooperative whose logics are antagonistic, but can live through the balance between instrumental rationality and substantive rationality in credit unions. Based on this concept a new form of management should be thought to be able to accommodate the demand of cooperative, community, government and the market. Hybridization has been observed in management practices` COOPERUFPA into dimensions financial, social and solidarity participation with a trend in paradigmatic form of hybrid management, in that it directly or indirectly affect the management decisions in the credit union. The hybrid management is a trend that has been setting the basis for societal transformation, so that credit unions promote actions of welfare oriented cooperative members and the community around the same time that attend the dynamics of market globalization. These actions, in the context of hybrid management should be implemented by COOPERUFPA from the sociability of the remains and the wide diffusion of solidarity culture between cooperative partnership as a way to recover their participation in trade relations, financial and the social collective developement. For the members of COOPERUFPA financial interest is evidenced in greater relevance for the social interest given its dominant relationship as "mere customer" of the credit union, however, the proactive participation of the life of the cooperative credit union is one of its expectative among of participation of to share power in decisions by general meetings. This passivity`s cooperator of the COOPERUFPA in defending the ideals overshadowed the spread of cooperative principles and values of cooperation among them. Thus his conception for COOPERUFPA in the financial dimension, social and solidarity democracy, performed transversely. The COOPERUFPA for not developing an education policy for the cooperation among its members, contributed to a process of collective alienation of cooperative ideals, since the cooperative do not understand the reality that surrounds them as members of an organization whose mission is to social and financial sustainability of its members


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The subject Responsibility Enterprise Social (RSE) is relatively recent in the half national academic and the world of the management businesses as practical. For the lack of socialization of experiences and clarity of concepts, shunting lines in the agreement of the subject and the conduction of the interventions occur. It was looked to inquire, in this research, the development of the project of Social Responsibility Enterprise ―School of Computer science and Citizenship‖ of a situated company in the State of Pará, objectifying to evaluate it and later to understand it. For this, one searched to describe the characteristics and structure of the School, to identify to the lines and lines of direction adopted for this Project and to identify to the influence and results of the same in the life of pupils, professors and egresses of the School. It is characterized for a study of case with qualitative boarding of descriptive character, carried through interviews structuralized in a sample of 21 divided members of the School between professors, pupils and egresses. It was used of the analysis of categorical content, having as axle for the interpretation of the data the Social Responsibility, the Digital Inclusion and the Education. The gotten results inform that the infrastructure has challenges to face, point disparities between the conception and practical of the categories characterized in the Politician-Pedagogical Project of the EIC and the influence that, exactly under limits, the life of the professors, pupils reaches and egress. One evidenced that Social action for damages of this company when come back toward this project, they had not been evidenced. For this prism, these actions had only remained in the assistencialist speech and not structural, being thus, the company is not fulfilling its paper of transforming element of the reality of its clientele and the population that lives in it s around


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The city is the privileged place construction of social and political life, and the gathering of social groups. Meeting place, the diversity and possibilities. But the urban universe which cities belong is not a homogeneous whole. There are spaces demarcated and valued ideologically creating antithetical images about places that are now recognized as violent or dangerous. Peripheral urban situations of unprivileged add to theprejudices to the origin of place within the neighborlyallotments José Sarney and Novo Horizonte (Japan Slum) / Natal-RN, which are reproduced in narratives of everyday life. Spatial divisions are exploited, mixed and repeated to maintain social distances through rites of separations and dichotomies such as neighborhood/joint housing, allotment/slum and the people of the high place/the people of the down place. Social categories such as buraco(hole) and cabras (goats) are evoked to interpret the world of violence and places regarded as dangerous. The prominence of hypermasculinity and perception of children and adolescents living on the outer elements are brought up to the interpretation of images evoked in interviews with residents and their neighbors