1000 resultados para Bacterial retention


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The results of the present investigation reveal that the presence of anions in the reacting medium greatly modify the reactions between soil and solution P. Associating anions reduce considerably the retention of phosphate in soils. Citrate, tartrate, and silicate are found to be superior to arsenate, oxalate, and fluoride in reducing phosphate retention in soil. The performance of associating anions depends on the pH and P concentration of the reacting medium. The nature and properties of soil also play a highly significant role on the effectiveness of associating anions.


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Fish farming introduces nutrients, microbes and a wide variety of chemicals such as heavy metals, antifoulants and antibiotics to the surrounding environment. Introduction of antibiotics has been linked with the increased incidence of antibiotic resistant pathogenic bacteria in the farm vicinities. In this thesis molecular methods such as quantitative PCR and DNA sequencing were applied to analyze bacterial communities in sediments from fish farms and pristine locations. Altogether four farms and four pristine sites were sampled in the Baltic Sea. Two farm and two pristine locations were sampled over a surveillance period of four years. Furthermore, a new methodology was developed as a part of the study that permits amplifying single microbial genomes and capturing them according to any genetic traits, including antibiotic resistance genes. The study revealed that several resistance genes for tetracycline were found at the sediment underneath the aquaculture farms. The copy number of these genes remained elevated even at a farm that had not used any antibiotics since year 2000, six years before this study started. Similarly, an increase in the amount of mercury resistance gene merA was observed at the aquaculture sediment. The persistence of the resistance genes in absence of any selection pressure from antibiotics or heavy metals suggests that the genes may be introduced to the sediment by the farming process. This is also supported by the diversity pattern of the merA gene between farm and pristine sediments. The bacterial community-level changes in response to fish farming were very complex and no single phylogenetic groups were found that would be typical to fish farm sediments. However, the community structures had some correlation with the exposure to fish farming. Our studies suggest that the established approaches to deal with antibiotic resistance at the aquaculture, such as antibiotic cycling, are fundamentally flawed because they cannot prevent the introduction of the resistance genes and resistant bacteria to the farm area by the farming process. Further studies are required to study the entire fish farming process to identify the sources of the resistance genes and the resistant bacteria. The results also suggest that in order to prevent major microbiological changes in the surrounding aquatic environment, the farms should not be founded in shallow water where currents do not transport sedimenting matter from the farms. Finally, the technique to amplify and select microbial genomes will potentially have a considerable impact in microbial ecology and genomics.


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Background:Bacterial non-coding small RNAs (sRNAs) have attracted considerable attention due to their ubiquitous nature and contribution to numerous cellular processes including survival, adaptation and pathogenesis. Existing computational approaches for identifying bacterial sRNAs demonstrate varying levels of success and there remains considerable room for improvement. Methodology/Principal Findings: Here we have proposed a transcriptional signal-based computational method to identify intergenic sRNA transcriptional units (TUs) in completely sequenced bacterial genomes. Our sRNAscanner tool uses position weight matrices derived from experimentally defined E. coli K-12 MG1655 sRNA promoter and rho-independent terminator signals to identify intergenic sRNA TUs through sliding window based genome scans. Analysis of genomes representative of twelve species suggested that sRNAscanner demonstrated equivalent sensitivity to sRNAPredict2, the best performing bioinformatics tool available presently. However, each algorithm yielded substantial numbers of known and uncharacterized hits that were unique to one or the other tool only. sRNAscanner identified 118 novel putative intergenic sRNA genes in Salmonella enterica Typhimurium LT2, none of which were flagged by sRNAPredict2. Candidate sRNA locations were compared with available deep sequencing libraries derived from Hfq-co-immunoprecipitated RNA purified from a second Typhimurium strain (Sittka et al. (2008) PLoS Genetics 4: e1000163). Sixteen potential novel sRNAs computationally predicted and detected in deep sequencing libraries were selected for experimental validation by Northern analysis using total RNA isolated from bacteria grown under eleven different growth conditions. RNA bands of expected sizes were detected in Northern blots for six of the examined candidates. Furthermore, the 5'-ends of these six Northern-supported sRNA candidates were successfully mapped using 5'-RACE analysis. Conclusions/Significance: We have developed, computationally examined and experimentally validated the sRNAscanner algorithm. Data derived from this study has successfully identified six novel S. Typhimurium sRNA genes. In addition, the computational specificity analysis we have undertaken suggests that similar to 40% of sRNAscanner hits with high cumulative sum of scores represent genuine, undiscovered sRNA genes. Collectively, these data strongly support the utility of sRNAscanner and offer a glimpse of its potential to reveal large numbers of sRNA genes that have to date defied identification. sRNAscanner is available from: http://bicmku.in:8081/sRNAscanner or http://cluster.physics.iisc.ernet.in/sRNAscanner/.


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The diverse biological activities of the insulin-like growth factors (IGF-1 and IGF-2) are mediated by the IGF-1 receptor (IGF-1R). These actions are modulated by a family of six IGF-binding proteins (ICFBP-1-6; 22-31 kDa) that via high affinity binding to the IGFs (K-D similar to 300-700 pM) both protect the IGFs in the circulation and attenuate IGF action by blocking their receptor access In recent years, IGFBPs have been implicated in a variety of cancers However, the structural basis of their interaction with IGFs and/or other proteins is not completely understood A critical challenge in the structural characterization of full-length IGFBPs has been the difficulty in expressing these proteins at levels suitable for NMR/X-ray crystallography analysis Here we describe the high-yield expression of full-length recombinant human IGFBP-2 (rhIGFBP-2) in Eschericha coli Using a single step purification protocol, rhIGFBP-2 was obtained with >95% purity and structurally characterized using NMR spectroscopy. The protein was found to exist as a monomer at the high concentrations required for structural studies and to exist in a single conformation exhibiting a unique intra-molecular disulfide-bonding pattern The protein retained full biologic activity. This study represents the first high-yield expression of wild-type recombinant human IGFBP-2 in E coli and first structural characterization of a full-length IGFBP (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved


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Background Acute bacterial meningitis (BM) continues to be an important cause of childhood mortality and morbidity, especially in developing countries. Prognostic scales and the identification of risk factors for adverse outcome both aid in assessing disease severity. New antimicrobial agents or adjunctive treatments - except for oral glycerol - have essentially failed to improve BM prognosis. A retrospective observational analysis found paracetamol beneficial in adult bacteraemic patients, and some experts recommend slow β-lactam infusion. We examined these treatments in a prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Patients and methods A retrospective analysis included 555 children treated for BM in 2004 in the infectious disease ward of the Paediatric Hospital of Luanda, Angola. Our prospective study randomised 723 children into four groups, to receive a combination of cefotaxime infusion or boluses every 6 hours for the first 24 hours and oral paracetamol or placebo for 48 hours. The primary endpoints were 1) death or severe neurological sequelae (SeNeSe), and 2) deafness. Results In the retrospective study, the mortality of children with blood transfusion was 23% (30 of 128) vs. without blood transfusion 39% (109 of 282; p=0.004). In the prospective study, 272 (38%) of the children died. Of those 451 surviving, 68 (15%) showed SeNeSe, and 12% (45 of 374) were deaf. Whereas no difference between treatment groups was observable in primary endpoints, the early mortality in the infusion-paracetamol group was lower, with the difference (Fisher s exact test) from the other groups at 24, 48, and 72 hours being significant (p=0.041, 0.0005, and 0.005, respectively). Prognostic factors for adverse outcomes were impaired consciousness, dyspnoea, seizures, delayed presentation, and absence of electricity at home (Simple Luanda Scale, SLS); the Bayesian Luanda Scale (BLS) also included abnormally low or high blood glucose. Conclusions New studies concerning the possible beneficial effect of blood transfusion, and concerning longer treatment with cefotaxime infusion and oral paracetamol, and a study to validate our simple prognostic scales are warranted.


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Phlebiopsis gigantea has been for a long time known as a strong competitor against Heterobasidion annosum and intensively applied as a biological control agent on stump surfaces of Picea abies in Fennoscandia. However, the mechanism underlying its antagonistic activity is still unknown. A primary concern is the possible impact of P. gigantea treatment on resident non-target microbial biota of conifer stumps. Additional risk factor is the potential of P. gigantea to acquire a necrotrophic habit through adaptation to living wood tissues. This study focused on the differential screening of several P. gigantea isolates from diverse geographical sources as well as the use of breeding approach to enhance the biocontrol efficacy against H. annosum infection. The results showed a significant positive correlation between growth rate in wood and high biocontrol efficacy. Furthermore, with aid of breeding approach, several progeny strains were obtained that had better growth rate and control efficacy than parental isolates. To address the issue of the potential of P. gigantea to acquire necrotrophic capability, a combination of histochemical, molecular and transcript profiling (454 sequencing) were used to investigate the interactions between these two fungi and ten year old P. sylvestris seedlings. The results revealed that both P. gigantea and H. annosum provoked strong necrotic lesions, but after prolonged incubation, P. gigantea lesions shrank and ceased to expand further. Tree seedlings pre-treated with P. gigantea further restricted H. annosum-induced necrosis and had elevated transcript levels of genes important for lignification, cell death regulation and jasmonic acid signalling. These suggest that induced localized resistance is a contributory factor for the biocontrol efficacy of P.gigantea, and it has a comparatively limited necrotrophic capability than H. annosum. Finally, to investigate the potential impact of P. gigantea on the stump bacterial biota, 16S rDNA isolated from tissue samples from stumps of P. abies after 1-, 6- and 13-year post treatment was sequenced using bar-coded 454 Titanium pyrosequencing. Proteobacteria were found to be the most abundant at the initial stages of stump decay but were selectively replaced by Acidobacteria at advanced stages of the decay. Moreover, P. gigantea treatment significantly decreased the bacterial richness at initial decay stage in the stumps. Over time, the bacterial community in the stumps gradually recovered and the negative effects of P. gigantea was attenuated.


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Coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) are the most common bacteria isolated in bovine subclinical mastitis in many countries, and also a frequent cause of clinical mastitis. The most common species isolated are Staphylococcus (S) chromogenes, S. simulans, S. epidermidis, and S. xylosus. One half of the intramammary infections (IMI) caused by CNS persist in the udder. The pathogenesis of IMI caused by CNS is poorly understood. This dissertation focuses on host response in experimental intramammary infection induced by S. chromogenes, S. epidermidis and S. simulans. Model for a mild experimental CNS infection was developed with S. chromogenes (study I). All cows were infected and most developed subclinical mastitis. In study II the innate immune response to S. epidermidis and S. simulans IMI was compared in eight cows using a crossover design. A larger dose of bacteria was used to induce clinical mastitis. All cows became infected and showed mild to moderate clinical signs of mastitis. S. simulans caused a slightly stronger innate immune response than S. epidermidis, with significantly higher concentrations of the interleukins IL-1beta and IL-8 in the milk. The spontaneous elimination rate of the 16 IMIs was 31%, with no difference between species. No significant differences were recorded between infections eliminated spontaneously or remaining persistent, although the response was stronger in IMIs eliminated spontaneously, except the concentration of TNF-α, which remained elevated in persistent infections. Lactoferrin (Lf) is a component of the humoral defence of the host and is present at low concentrations in the milk. The concentration of Lf in milk is high during the dry period, in colostrum, and in mastitic milk. The effect of an inherent, high concentration of Lf in the milk on experimental IMI induced with S. chromogenes was studied in transgenic cows that expressed recombinant human Lf in their milk. Human Lf did not prevent S. chromogenes IMI, but the host response was milder in transgenic cows than in normal cows, and the former eliminated infection faster. Biofilm production has been suggested to promote persistence of IMI. Phenotypic biofilm formation and slime producing ability of CNS isolates from bovine mastitis was investigated in vitro. One-third of mastitis isolates produced biofilm. Slime production was less frequent for isolates of the most common mastitis causing species S. chromogenes and S. simulans compared with S. epidermidis. No association was found between the phenotypic ability to form biofilm and the persistence of IMI or severity of mastitis. Slime production was associated with persistent infections, but only 8% of isolates produced slime.


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The use of buffer areas in forested catchments has been actively researched during the last 15 years; but until now, the research has mainly concentrated on the reduction of sediment and phosphorus loads, instead of nitrogen (N). The aim of this thesis was to examine the use of wetland buffer areas to reduce the nitrogen transport in forested catchments and to investigate the environmental impacts involved in their use. Besides the retention capacity, particular attention was paid to the main factors contributing to the N retention, the potential for increased N2O emissions after large N loading, the effects of peatland restoration for use as buffer areas on CH4 emissions, as well as the vegetation composition dynamics induced by the use of peatlands as buffer areas. To study the capacity of buffer areas to reduce N transport in forested catchments, we first used large artificial loadings of N, and then studied the capacity of buffer areas to reduce ammonium (NH4-N) export originating from ditch network maintenance areas in forested catchments. The potential for increased N2O emissions were studied using the closed chamber technique and a large artificial N loading at five buffer areas. Sampling for CH4 emissions and methane-cycling microbial populations were done on three restored buffer areas and on three buffers constructed on natural peatlands. Vegetation composition dynamics was studied at three buffer areas between 1996 and 2009. Wetland buffer areas were efficient in retaining inorganic N from inflow. The key factors contributing to the retention were the size and the length of the buffer, the hydrological loading and the rate of nutrient loading. Our results show that although the N2O emissions may increase temporarily to very high levels after a large N loading into the buffer area, the buffer areas in forested catchments should be viewed as insignificant sources of N2O. CH4 fluxes were substantially higher from buffers constructed on natural peatlands than from the restored buffer areas, probably because of the slow recovery of methanogens after restoration. The use of peatlands as buffer areas was followed by clear changes in plant species composition and the largest changes occurred in the upstream parts of the buffer areas and the wet lawn-level surfaces, where the contact between the vegetation and the through-flow waters was closer than for the downstream parts and dry hummock sites. The changes in the plant species composition may be an undesired phenomenon especially in the case of the mires representing endangered mire site types, and therefore the construction of new buffer areas should be primarily directed into drained peatland areas.


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Motivation: The number of bacterial genomes being sequenced is increasing very rapidly and hence, it is crucial to have procedures for rapid and reliable annotation of their functional elements such as promoter regions, which control the expression of each gene or each transcription unit of the genome. The present work addresses this requirement and presents a generic method applicable across organisms. Results: Relative stability of the DNA double helical sequences has been used to discriminate promoter regions from non-promoter regions. Based on the difference in stability between neighboring regions, an algorithm has been implemented to predict promoter regions on a large scale over 913 microbial genome sequences. The average free energy values for the promoter regions as well as their downstream regions are found to differ, depending on their GC content. Threshold values to identify promoter regions have been derived using sequences flanking a subset of translation start sites from all microbial genomes and then used to predict promoters over the complete genome sequences. An average recall value of 72% (which indicates the percentage of protein and RNA coding genes with predicted promoter regions assigned to them) and precision of 56% is achieved over the 913 microbial genome dataset.


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Nitrogen-fixing bacterial isolate from the intercellular spaces of tomato root cortical cells was studied for the location of nif genes on the chromosomal or plasmid DNA. The bacterial isolate showed two plasmids of approximate molecular sizes of 220 and 120 kb. Klebsiella pneumoniae nif HDK probe hybridized with the chromosomal DNA and not with the plasmid DNA thereby showing that nif genes are localised on the chromosomal DNA.


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Predictions of two popular closed-form models for unsaturated hydraulic conductivity (K) are compared with in situ measurements made in a sandy loam field soil. Whereas the Van Genuchten model estimates were very close to field measured values, the Brooks-Corey model predictions were higher by about one order of magnitude in the wetter range. Estimation of parameters of the Van Genuchten soil moisture characteristic (SMC) equation, however, involves the use of non-linear regression techniques. The Brooks-Corey SMC equation has the advantage of being amenable to application of linear regression techniques for estimation of its parameters from retention data. A conversion technique, whereby known Brooks-Corey model parameters may be converted into Van Genuchten model parameters, is formulated. The proposed conversion algorithm may be used to obtain the parameters of the preferred Van Genuchten model from in situ retention data, without the use of non-linear regression techniques.


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Clay liners have been widely used to contain toxic and hazardous waste materials. Clays absorb contaminant cations due to their exchange capacity. To improve the performance of the clay liner, fly ash, a waste material arising from the combustion of coal has been studied as a pre-filter material. In particular, the retention of lead by two different fly ashes was studied. The influence of pH on retention as well as leaching characteristics are also examined. The results obtained from the retention experiments by the permeameter method indicate that fly ash retains the lead ions through precipitation in the pores as well as onto the surface when the ambient pH value is more than 5.5, and through adsorption when the pH value is less than 5.5. It has been observed that fly ash did not release the retained lead ions when the pH value is between 3.5 and 10.0. Hence, the retention of lead ions by fly ash is likely to be permanent since the pH of most of the municipal landfill leachates are within 3.7 to 8.8. However, for highly acidic or alkaline leachates, the retained ions can get released.


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Clay liners have been widely used to contain toxic and hazardous wastes. Clays adsorb the contaminant cations due to their exchange capacity. To improve the performance of the clay liner, fly ash, a waste material arising out of combustion of coal has been studied as a pre-filter material. The results indicate that fly ash has the potential to retain heavy metal ions. This study concerns the retention of zinc by fly ash. The influence of pH on retention as well as leaching characteristics are examined. The results obtained from the retention experiments by permeameter method indicate that fly ash retains the zinc ions through precipitation in the pores as well as onto the surface when the ambient pH value is more than 6.9, and only through adsorption when the pH value is less than 6.9. It has been observed that fly ash did not release the retained zinc ions when the pH value is between 3.5 and 10.0. Hence, the retention of zinc ions by fly ash is likely to be permanent since the pH of most of the landfill leachates are between 3.7 to 8.8.