626 resultados para Auer, Väinö
Esse documento trata de Conceitos b??sicos;Partes interessadas; Compet??ncias necess??rias ao l??der/gerente de projetos; Estilos de ger??ncia ; Estrutura organizacional ; Escrit??rio de gerenciamento de projetos ; ??reas de conhecimento ; Grupos de processos de gerenciamento de projetos ; ??reas de conhecimento e grupos de processos ; Ciclo de vida de um projeto ; Fases do projeto ; O que ?? projeto ; Metodologias ; Ferramentas
Esse documento trata de Grupos de processo de gerenciamento de projetos; Grupo de processo de Inicia????o do projeto; Grupo de processo de Planejamento; Grupo de processo de Execu????o; Grupo de processo de Monitoramento e Controle; Grupo de processo de Encerramento
Esse documento trata de Contextualiza????o; Conceitos b??sicos de Gerenciamento de Projetos; Grupos de processos de gerenciamento de projetos
O objetivo deste paper ?? demonstrar a todos aqueles que trabalham com a disciplina Administra????o P??blica quais s??o os principais autores e obras da literatura nacional/internacional recente, articulando-os sob os aspectos anal??tico, metodol??gico e te??rico-conceitual, no sentido de contribuir para a cumulatividade da gera????o do conhecimento e forma????o de panorama nessa ??rea, no per??odo selecionado (1994/2002). Para tanto, foi adotada metodologia espec??fica para esse objetivo, apresentada por KEINERT (2000) em fun????o das caracter??sticas estruturais da disciplina. A literatura foi agrupada em cinco loci contemplando a vertente p??s-burocr??tica da gest??o p??blica, os impactos da globaliza????o no aparelho do Estado, as condicionantes do ordenamento pol??tico e econ??mico nacional e internacional, as novas tend??ncias no ciclo de pol??ticas p??blicas e a gest??o de pol??ticas sociais.As principais conclus??es da pesquisa apontam para a adequa????o do instrumental anal??tico adotado para compreens??o da literatura em Administra????o P??blica e tamb??m para a baixa verticalidade e cumulatividade da pesquisa nesse campo, com pouca sistematiza????o e densidade anal??tica no que se refere a determinados temas.
Este artigo tem por objetivo analisar a forma????o de consensos sociais e pol??ticos para a reforma do Estado e de seu aparelho em n??vel estadual, conforme a governabilidade democr??tica. Optou-se por uma pesquisa sobre a privatiza????o das Centrais El??tricas Mato- Grossenses S.A. (Cemat), considerada representativa tanto da reforma empreendida pelo Estado de Mato Grosso quanto das dificuldades do setor el??trico em n??vel nacional. O referencial metodol??gico dessa pesquisa ?? composto de um problema e de quatro hip??teses de trabalho. Trata-se de estudo de caso da esp??cie ???provas de plausibilidade???, em que, por uma aplica????o iterativa, apresenta-se uma proposi????o te??rica inicial e, em seguida, as conclus??es da pesquisa s??o comparadas, o que permite sua revis??o e compara????o. Para tanto, descrevem-se a privatiza????o da Cemat e os problemas da desestatiza????o do setor el??trico brasileiro no seu conjunto. Por fim, na conclus??o, verifica-se a validade das hip??teses e fazem-se algumas considera????es finais sobre a pesquisa.
A experi??ncia do microempreendedor individual na amplia????o da cobertura previdenci??ria no Brasil
O mercado de trabalho brasileiro ?? caracterizado por elevada informalidade e por alto grau de desprote????o previdenci??ria. Entre os principais componentes da referida desprote????o est??o os chamados trabalhadores por conta pr??pria, que respondem por grande parcela do total de desprotegidos. Nesse sentido, a amplia????o da cobertura passa, necessariamente, por medidas que ampliem a prote????o social dos trabalhadores por conta pr??pria. J?? foram tomadas medidas no passado como, por exemplo, o Plano Simplificado, sem impacto significativo. Mais recentemente, foi institu??do o Programa MicroEmpreendedor Individual, que, depois de dois anos do in??cio do seu funcionamento em n??vel nacional, j?? registrava 2,1 milh??es de ades??es. O referido programa combina tratamento tribut??rio diferenciado e favorecido; simplifica????o e racionaliza????o da burocracia; apoio aos microempreendedores e benef??cios pela formaliza????o. O artigo apresenta a l??gica do programa e sua evolu????o, bem como discute os riscos, cuidados e necessidades de avan??os adicionais.
Infection of humans with embryonated eggs of Toxocara canis (larva migrans) remains asymptomatic, or results in covert or common toxocarosis, visceral larva migrans syndrome, or ophthalmologic and neurologic impairment. Though neurological manifestations of Toxocara canis larvae are rare, toxocarosis remains an important differential diagnosis of various neurological disorders. Manifestations of the central nervous system are dementia, meningo-encephalitis, myelitis, cerebral vasculitis, epilepsy, or optic neuritis. Manifestations of the peripheral nervous system comprise radiculitis, affection of cranial nerves, or musculo-skeletal involvement. If toxocarosis is neglected, ignored, or refused as a differential of these abnormalities, it may be easily overlooked for years. Early recognition and treatment of the infection is, however, of paramount importance since it reduces morbidity and mortality and the risk of secondary superinfection. Like the visceral manifestations, neurological manifestations of toxocarosis are treated by benzimidazole components, most frequently albendazole, corticosteroids, or diethylcarbamazine. If detected and treated early, the prognosis of neurological manifestations of toxocarosis is favourable.
Der Maischprozess beeinflusst die Qualität des Bieres maßgeblich und ist Ausgangspunkt für die Effizienz nachfolgender Produktionsschritte. Daher ist es erstrebenswert, Qualitätsschwankungen während des Maischens zu erkennen und direkt Einfluss zu nehmen. Die prozessbegleitende Überwachung des Maischens wurde lange außer Acht gelassen und beschränkte sich auf die Erfassung nur einer Konzentration (z.B. Stammwürzegehalt) bzw. einzelner physikalischer Größen. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, die Korrelation zwischen dem Gehalt an α-Aminostickstoff und der Leitfähigkeit während der Maischeführung - beruhend auf einem standardisierten Verfahren - nachzuweisen bzw. zu bestätigen.
In this article, we analyze a multilingual interaction in a students' working group and hypothesize a correlation between management of languages in interaction and leadership. We consider Codeswitching as one of the most relevant observables in multilingual interaction and attempt to analyze how it is used by speakers. After a brief presentation of three theoretical and analytical conceptions of Code-switching in interaction (Auer, Mondada & Myers Scotton), we define Code-switching as an interactional, strategical, multilingual resource exploited by speakers to achieve various interactionaland non interactional goals. We then show in two CA-like analysis how multilingual strategical resources occur in the interactional practices of the analyzed working group, and how they are exploited by speakers in order to organize interaction, work, tasks, and to construct one's leadership.We also consider the metadiscourses of the students about their own practices and multilingualism in general, in order to confront them to their actual multilingual practices. We draw the hypothesis that discrepancies observed between metadiscourses and practices can be explained through the development of (meta)discourses showing a unilingual conception in describing multilingual practices.
Showing smokers their own atherosclerotic plaques might increase motivation for smoking cessation, since they underestimate their own risk for smoking-related diseases. To assess the feasibility and optimal processes of studying the impact of carotid atherosclerotic plaque screening in smokers, we enrolled 30 daily cigarette smokers, aged 40-70 years, in an observational pre-post pilot study. All smokers underwent smoking cessation counseling, nicotine replacement therapy, a carotid ultrasound, an educational tutorial on atherosclerosis, baseline and 2-month motivation to change assessment, and assessment of smoking cessation at 2 months. Participants had a mean smoking duration of 34 years (SD = 7). Carotid plaques were present in 22 smokers (73%). Between baseline and 2 months after plaque screening, motivation for smoking cessation increased from 7.4 to 8.4 out of 10 (p = .02), particularly in those with plaques (7.2 to 8.7, p = .008). At 2 months, the smoking quit rate was 63%, with a quit rate of 73% in those with plaques vs. 38% in those without plaques (p = .10). Perceived stress, anxiety, and depression did not increase after screening. 96% of respondents answered correctly at least 80% of questions regarding atherosclerosis knowledge at baseline and after 2 months. In conclusion, studying the process of screening for carotid plaques for the purpose of increasing motivation for smoking cessation, in addition to counseling and drug therapy for smoking cessation in long-term smokers, appears feasible. The impact of carotid plaque screening on smoking cessation should be examined in larger randomized controlled trials with sufficient power to assess the impact on long-term smoking cessation rates.
Detection of papillomavirus DNA in sity hybridization technique was perfomed in 29 symptomatic patients (6 males and 23 females) during the period of 1989-1991 at the Clinic for Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Universidade Federal Fluminense, State of rio de Janeiro. All the male patients had condyloma acuminata. Only HPV 6/11 were found in these lesions. Clinical features inthe female patients included vulvar condyloma acuminata, bowenoid populosis, flat cervical condyloma, cervical condyloma acuminatum and cervical intraepithelialneoplasia grade II (CIN II). We also found cases of condyloma acuminata associated to vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia grade III (VIN III), as well as to vaginal invasive carcinoma. HPV 6/11 and 16/18 were found in vulvar condyloma acuminata. Mixed infection by 6/11-16/18 HPV were also seen in these lesions as well as in the patient who had cervical condyloma acuminatum. HPV 16/18 were found in the condyloma acuminatum plus VIN III and in the CIN II lesions. We have found HPV31/33/51 in the specimen of condyloma acuminatum plus invasive carcinoma. In order to investigate the ultrastructural aspects of HPV infection in genital tissue, the biopsies of three female patients were observed under electron microscope.Mature virus particles were found in the cells of a condyloma acuminatum as wellas in the condyloma acuminatum plus invasive carcinoma case. In another sample, chromosome breakages were found in the nuclei of the infected cells although no viral particles were observed.
This article proposes an update on the recommendations for the check-up and the primary and secondary prevention of cancers and cardio-vascular diseases. Indeed, new clinical data led the adaptation and clarification of some of them. The novelties for cancer screening concern mainly colorectal, breast and prostate cancers. Screening for low ankle brachial index is not recommended.
BACKGROUND: Adherence to guidelines is associated with improved outcomes of patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Clinical registries developed to assess quality of care at discharge often do not collect the reasons for non-prescription for proven efficacious preventive medication in Continental Europe. In a prospective cohort of patients hospitalized for an ACS, we aimed at measuring the rate of recommended treatment at discharge, using pre-specified quality indicators recommended in cardiologic guidelines and including systematic collection of reasons for non-prescription for preventive medications. METHODS: In a prospective cohort with 1260 patients hospitalized for ACS, we measured the rate of recommended treatment at discharge in 4 academic centers in Switzerland. Performance measures for medication at discharge were pre-specified according to guidelines, systematically collected for all patients and included in a centralized database. RESULTS: Six hundred and eighty eight patients(54.6%) were discharged with a main diagnosis of STEMI, 491(39%) of NSTEMI and 81(6.4%) of unstable angina. Mean age was 64 years and 21.3% were women. 94.6% were prescribed angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors/angiotensin II receptor blockers at discharge when only considering raw prescription rates, but increased to 99.5% when including reasons non-prescription. For statins, rates increased from 98% to 98.6% when including reasons for non-prescription and for beta-blockers, from 82% to 93%. For aspirin, rates further increased from 99.4% to 100% and from to 99.8% to 100% for P2Y12 inhibitors. CONCLUSIONS: We found a very high adherence to ACS guidelines for drug prescriptions at discharge when including reasons for non-prescription to drug therapy. For beta-blockers, prescription rates were suboptimal, even after taking into account reason for non-prescription. In an era of improving quality of care to achieve 100% prescription rates at discharge unless contra-indicated, pre-specification of reasons for non-prescription for cardiovascular preventive medication permits to identify remaining gaps in quality of care at discharge. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT01000701.
Les ressources de notre système de santé sont limitées. Des choix dans l'attribution de ressources sont nécessaires pour assurer son équilibre. Une analyse coût-efficacité compare les effets d'une intervention de santé à une autre, en prenant en compte les coûts (y compris ceux économisés) et les années de vie gagnées, ajustées pour la qualité de vie (coût-utilité). Une analyse coût-efficacité devrait se placer dans la perspective de la société et l'intervention étudiée doit être comparée à une intervention actuelle pertinente. Les médecins, situés à l'interface entre les patients et les payeurs, sont dans une position idéale pour interpréter, voire effectuer des analyses coût-efficacité, et pour promouvoir les interventions les plus efficaces ayant des coûts raisonnables. [Auteurs]