739 resultados para At stake in schools


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This paper describes exploratory research into the development of innovative visual pedagogies for investigating how pre-service student teachers articulate their views about the effects of poverty on educational attainment. Social class emerges as the strongest factor in poverty and educational disadvantage in the UK. The resulting issues are often awkward for students to discuss and conventional pedagogies may not have effective ‘reach’ here. Findings from this study showed that the visual methods deployed gave students pedagogically well structured spaces for the expression and exchange of a diversity of views about poverty and social class, engaging them in both heated discussions and prolonged ‘silences’. However, the pedagogies did not challenge the stereotypical deficit models of ‘the poor’ which some students expressed. Nevertheless, we argue that reconfigured versions of these visual pedagogies have considerable potential for innovative social justice work in teacher education.


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The workshop will invite participants to engage in a discussion of the characteristics of outstanding leadership by taking part in an interactive activity which we have developed and used in different types of schools and colleges in England. The activity uses Q-methodology to develop and refine characteristics of outstanding leaders and outstanding leadership in education from a range of stakeholder perspectives. Q-methodology is a research method which originates from psychology and is used to study people's subjective viewpoints. We are applying the methodology to the study of enacted leadership practice in different educational contexts. Our sample of stakeholders consists of school and college leaders, governors, middle leaders, teachers, teacher educators, researchers and scholars in educational leadership and management research and practice. The range of contexts in which they work represents different age phases of education; primary, secondary and further education colleges, urban and rural schools and colleges and selective and non-selective schools. In the workshop participants will be invited to take part in the Q-sort activity we have used with in our research, using statements from leadership theory and practice. The Q-sort will be followed by discussion and reflection on the statements in relation to participants’ own experiences of leadership, management and governance in different contexts.


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epidemiological data. It involves a high degree of mortality, namely by suicide, which is the third leading cause of death in the 15-24 age group. Objectives: To assess the presence and severity of depressive symptoms in a non-clinical population of adolescents. Methodology: This is a quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional study, using the Portuguese version of the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II). The sample was composed of 741 adolescents. Results: The results show that 31.2% of the adolescents have depression and, of these, 17.7% have moderate to severe depressive symptoms. Girls have higher levels of depression (p=.00). The total mean score in the BDI-II was 12. Conclusion: Given the adolescents' high vulnerability to depression and suicide, it is essential to implement prevention programs in schools to promote the early detection of depression and suicidal behaviors, and the referral to mental health services.


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Este estudio describe el diseño y la evaluación ex-ante de un Programa de Educación Intercultural Bilingüe en la región amazónica de Perú. Los beneficiarios son los niños que no hablan español de tres comunidades étnicas amazónicas: awarunas, ashaninkas y shipibos-conibos, quienes son una pequeña minoría; los peruanos más pobres y con menor nivel de rendimiento en comprensión de lectura y matemáticas básicas, y el nivel más bajo de la matrícula, la escuela y las tasas de transición.


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Este artículo trata de abordar el uso dominante de los enfoques punitivos a los problemas de comportamiento en las escuelas, y se propone un enfoque de justicia restaurativa. En los Estados Unidos, y especialmente después de 1994, las políticas de tolerancia cero han transformado los problemas de control social en una crisis de graves proporciones. Estas políticas («tolerancia cero») parece que han servido, principalmente, para sólo marginalizar más a los chicos latinos y afroamericanos y para agravar, a largo plazo, los retos políticos, económicos y sociales del país. Sobre la base de las tradiciones de justicia restaurativa internacionales y la experiencia de los pueblos indígenas en los Estados Unidos, el objetivo de la justicia restaurativa es devolver a la víctima a la situación anterior al delito y reconstruir la relación del agresor tanto con el ofendido como con la comunidad. El artículo establece los principios que rigen un proceso de restauración, así como sus componentes esenciales.


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A cross-sectional survey was conducted to characterize the indoor air quality (IAQ) in schools and its relationship with children's respiratory symptoms. Concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOC), aldehydes, PM2.5, PM10, carbon dioxide, bacteria and fungi were assessed in 73 classrooms from 20 public primary schools located in Porto, Portugal. Children who attended the selected classrooms (n = 1134) were evaluated by a standardised health questionnaire completed by the legal guardians; spirometry and exhaled nitric oxide tests. The results indicated that no classrooms presented individual VOC pollutant concentrations higher than the WHO IAQ guidelines or by INDEX recommendations; while PM2.5, PM10 and bacteria levels exceeded the WHO air quality guidelines or national limit values. High levels of total VOC, acetaldehyde, PM2.5 and PM10 were associated with higher odds of wheezing in children. Thus, indoor air pollutants, some even at low exposure levels, were related with the development of respiratory symptoms. The results pointed out that it is crucial to take into account the unique characteristics of the public primary schools, to develop appropriate control strategies in order to reduce the exposure to indoor air pollutants and, therefore, to minimize the adverse health effects.


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The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10671-014-9171-y


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Cette recherche analyse la problématique de la collaboration école-famille et la réussite scolaire en Haïti. Considérant des cas d’élèves au profil social et scolaire contrasté, elle examine les points de vue d’une diversité d’acteurs impliqués dans l’éducation, tant au niveau formel qu’informel : 14 élèves, 17 parents, 7 enseignants, 7 membres de direction d’école, 3 inspecteurs, 2 conseillers pédagogiques et 6 intervenants (prêtres, psychologues, sociologue, médecin). Une approche multicas, à caractère ethnographique basée sur des entretiens approfondis a permis de croiser les regards de ces acteurs sur le cheminement scolaire des 14 cas d’élèves répartis dans huit établissements scolaires, du privé et du public, avec autant de cas de réussite et que de difficulté scolaire. À l’instar de la problématique que nous avons brossée au début de la thèse, les participants à notre recherche ont tous confirmé la vulnérabilité du contexte social en Haïti et ses répercussions sur le système scolaire : instabilité et insécurité sociopolitiques, précarité socioéconomique. Cette situation a transformé les structures familiales. Le système scolaire, dominé par le privé, est limité dans sa capacité d’accueil, ses ressources humaines, ses infrastructures matérielles et son programme de formation initiale et continue du personnel. C’est donc un système scolaire qui ne peut que difficilement soutenir l’apprentissage de ses élèves. En outre, la situation diglossique créole-français, qui prévaut dans la société et les écoles, freine en quelque sorte le progrès de plusieurs élèves. Au-delà des enjeux sociétaux évoqués par les acteurs, l’école au quotidien se dessine dans les discours comme lieu de résilience pour les élèves, inspiratrice de changement et la clé pour toute mobilité sociale dans l’avenir. L’éducation est toujours intégrée à un projet de société où la réussite scolaire devrait s’appuyer sur la collaboration de tous les acteurs. Il ressort la nécessité d’une grande mobilisation des jeunes eux-mêmes autour du métier d’élève et d’une compréhension partagée de la parentalité et de ses défis par les protagonistes de l’éducation. Les résultats soulèvent également l’importance d’une synergie sociétale autour de l’école, axée sur la coopération de tous au profit de l’apprentissage des élèves. En Haïti, la collaboration école-famille est plus complexe que dans d’autres contextes nationaux. Tout d’abord, les familles constituent la plus importante source de financement de l’éducation au pays à cause de l’hégémonie de l’école privée et de l’insuffisance du soutien étatique au fonctionnement des écoles publiques. Également, les parents d’élèves et leurs enfants, même ceux qui sont en difficulté scolaire, placent une très grande confiance en l’école et un grand espoir d’amélioration de leur sort grâce à la réussite scolaire. Cependant, des contraintes objectives de toutes sortes empêchent la majorité des parents de faire un suivi scolaire à la hauteur des besoins des élèves et des attentes de l’école. En congruence avec la recherche dans d’autres contextes nationaux, la collaboration école-famille se révèle plus compliquée dans le cas des parents éloignés de la culture scolaire, et les parcours scolaires les plus problématiques sont ceux d’élèves dont l’encadrement parental se révèle plus faible. Dans le contexte d’Haïti, un fait demeure hautement préoccupant : l’incapacité de l’école de compenser la précarité des conditions de vie des élèves et des parents, par une mobilisation efficiente de son capital (engagement du personnel dans la réussite des élèves; disponibilité des infrastructures matérielles, pédagogiques, didactiques; formation continue des enseignants; etc.). Nous notons aussi un décalage dans les attentes réciproquement formulées par les différents acteurs.


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In this paper. the authors examine a wide range of recent research into the preparation and support for teachers working in rural and remote schools. The paper reviews many preservice and inservice initiatives which highlight issues affecting:teaching and learning in schools outside the major metropolitan centres. The work is reviewed from an Australian perspective but evaluates research from throughout the world. The paper concludes that despite a large body of research (Gibson, 1994), that has identified the need for specialised pre-service preparation which accommodates the social and professional differences associated with work in rural and remote areas, the implementation of such programs by teacher training institutions has been sparse, lacking in cohesion and in many cases non-existent. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Focusing on the use of Interactive Whiteboards (IWBs) in primary schools in Oeiras municipality, this article presents primary teachers’ views, from their experience, on the implementation of this innovation as a resource for the teaching and learning processes. IWBs have been recently launched in the framework of a major program aiming the technological modernization of Portuguese schools, in order to promote the use of ICT in teaching and learning, as well as in school management. Findings show that teachers are enthusiastic about Interactive White Boards because they really believe their pupils learn better and in a more joyful way. However, they draw attention to the need of training in order to fully exploit the potential of this resourc


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INTRODUCTION: The aim of this work was to survey HPV information from a random population of young women from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. METHODS: This cross-sectional study included cervical samples from 241 female students. To determine human papillomavirus status, polymerase chain reaction amplification was performed. HPV typing was determined by restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. Demographic data, life style, sexual and gynecological history were obtained through use of a structured questionnaire. RESULTS: The average age of the women was 19.6 years-old (SD=3.4 years). HPV prevalence was 27.4%. Nineteen different HPV genotypes were detected, including 13 high risk types. HPV 16 was the most prevalent type (6.2%), followed by 31 (4.1 %) and 66 (3.7%). Most of the oncogenic types belonged to the A9 species (28/48). The frequency of women infected by at least one oncogenic type was significantly higher than those only infected by low risk types (18.7% versus 7.5%). Cervical changes were detected in 12.5% of the sample and were significantly linked to infection with HPV types of the A9 species. Demographic variables, sexual initiation, or number of sexual partners were not associated with HPV prevalence, variety of HPV genotypes or oncogenic types. CONCLUSIONS: The relative frequency of HPV genotypes other than vaccine types in young females should be taken into account when evaluating vaccination strategies. Due to the high prevalence of HPV infection among the population studied, implementation of sex education in schools, promotion of condom use and an organized screening program to prevent cervical cancer must be encouraged for this age group.


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Climate change is a crisis that is going to affect all of our lives in the future. Ireland is expected to have increased storms and rain throughout the country. This will affect our lives greatly unless we do something to change it. In an attempt to try and reduce the impacts of climate change, countries across the world met to address the problem. The meeting became known as the Kyoto Protocol. The Kyoto protocol set out objectives for each developed country to achieve with regards to carbon emissions to the same levels as 1990 levels. Due to the economy in Ireland being at a low point in 1990, Ireland was given a target of 13% carbon emissions above 1990 levels. In order to meet targets Ireland produced two energy papers, the green paper and the white paper. The green paper identified drivers for energy management and control; they were security of energy supply, economic competitiveness and environmental protection. The white paper produced targets in which we should aim to achieve to try and address the green papers drivers. Within the targets was the plan to reduce energy consumption in the public sector by 33% by 2020 through energy conservation measures. Schools are part of the public sector that has targets to reduce its energy consumption. To help to achieve targets in schools initiatives have been developed by the government for schools. Energy audits should be performed in order to identify areas where the schools can improve their current trends and show where they can invest in the future to save money and reduce the schools overall environmental footprint. Grants are available for the schools for insulation through the energy efficiency scheme and for renewable energy technologies through the ReHeat scheme. The promotion of energy efficient programs in schools can have a positive effect for students to have an understanding. The Display Energy Certificate is a legal document that can be used to understand how each school is performing from an energy perspective. It can help schools to understand why they need to change their current energy management structure. By improving the energy management of the schools they then improve the performance on the Display Energy Certificate. Schools should use these tools wisely and take advantage of the grants available which can in the short to long term help them to save money and reduce their carbon footprint.


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Nutrition is central to health and children's diets can be an important influence now and in the future. Stop, Look and Cook is a new recipe book for use by catering staff in all grant-aided nursery, primary and post-primary schools in Northern Ireland.�Recipes have been collected from school caterers across the region. These recipes have been checked to ensure that they are compliant with nutritional standards for school lunches and have been tested in schools for taste and suitability. In addition all the recipes have been analysed by the PHA using a nutritional software package, with a particular focus on fat, salt and sugar.�This recipe book provides approximately 280 recipes, giving schools more choice for menus. It also contains useful advice for dealing with food allergies and supplying alternative meals for pupils from other cultures.For more information on Stop, Look and Cook please contact the school meals catering manager at your local Education and Library Board.�


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This paper explores the existence of negative peer-group pressures derived from the concentration of foreigners in French lower secondary schools. Using different dependent variables (number of years spent in lower secondary education, grades in 4th ‘and 3rd year and track election in upper secondary schooling) the analyses indicate that the much disputed existence of significant and negative effects of the concentration of foreign students in schools depends on the method used for the estimation. If we assume that the concentration of foreigners is a random and exogenous process, then the multivariate analyses confirm negative interactions. If, on the contrary, we question the assumption that this contextual information is not end the result of prior sorting mechanisms of individuals across social spaces, the concentration of foreigners has no statistical impact on attainment.