982 resultados para Art objects, Medieval
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L’estudi de l’evolució de la regulació de l’art de l’especieria o apotecaria a Barcelona permet copsar com les arts i els oficis no solament s’aprofitaren en benefici propi de la cessió del "ius statuendi" al govern municipal, sinó que, quan ho van considerar convenient, van acudir al rei per tal que consolidés per via de privilegi la seva posició de força en el seu camp professional
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Los ejecitos y las habilidades f??sicas exigidos al caballero medieval fueron semejantes a los que ped??an al militar espartano, ateniense y romano. Deb??an ser ??giles, fuertes r??pidos y diestros en el manejo de las armas a pi?? a caballo. Tan importante como la buena forma f??sica era conocer la Historia cantada por ayos y juglares en los momentos de ocio, h??roes nacionales y los paradigmas que distingu??a a un pueblo de otro. El abanico de h??roes alabados y ensalzados de generaci??n en generaci??n eran otros tantos modelos destinados a troquelar las personalidad colectiva de cada pueblo. San Isidoro de Sevilla, Ram??n Llull, el rey Alfonso X el Sabio y Don Juan Manuel son los principales escritores interesados en ensalzarla figura del caballero y su educaci??n. En los siglos XII, XIII, XIV, y XV, e incluso en pleno renacimiento, se practican juegos f??sicos de exhibici??n, en los que los caballeros buscan la fama y la fortuna: justas, torneos, juegos de tablados, juegos de ca??as y pasos de armas, llamados tambi??n pasos honrosos , se practicaban con gran aceptaci??n popular en la Europa Occidental, en la central, en el Imperio Bizantino y en el mundo Musulm??n.
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El contenido de esta publicaci??n se basa en el trabajo que obtuvo uno de los accesit en la VII edici??n de los Premios Nacionales 'Giner de los Rios' a la innovaci??n educativa
Men??ndez Pidal reflexiona sobre la relaci??n entre la ??pica y la historia en cuanto a g??nero literario, a trav??s de su an??lisis del Cantar del M??o Cid, y de las ideas vertidas por E, K??vi-Proven??al en su obra Le Cid de l'Histoire, de 1937, y el trabajo de W. Kienast, Zur Geschichte des Cid, de 1939. Se analiza la veracidad fundamental del poema, el valor informativo de la ??pica medieval, su popularizaci??n para el recuerdo hist??rico de los grandes acontecimientos y las diferencias entre los poemas conservados de la ??pica espa??ola y los de la francesa o alemana.
Monogr??fico con el t??tulo: 'Estado actual de los sistemas e-learning'. Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
Se describe una experiencia llevada a cabo en el CEIP Virgen de las Fuentes Claras (Valverde de la Vera, C??ceres) en la que una princesa invita a los ni??os a un banquete medieval en un castillo, para lo cual hay que preparar los disfraces, la m??sica, las recetas, decorar el castillo, etc.
Marshal McLuhan’s prophetic vision of the global village is about to be realized. If we are aware of the fact that mass communication reduces the dimensions of our world and makes it more unified and universal, we should take this into consideration when planning the Universal Museum and the language that should be used in it. As curators, educators and museum staff we should not ignore the fact that the spectator/viewer is drawn to the exhibits not only by their own merit, but also guided and assisted by verbal messages, i. e. Labels, brochures. Catalogues etc. Hence, the crucial question is what we, the museologists, use as a means of communication when preparing for a Universal Museum. Should we use pictorial semiotics? This may be a partial solution, which is mainly restricted to objects that can be manipulated and moved by the visitor, as is the case in most of the technological museums. But since the range of objects on display at museums is vast and varied - fine art, archaeological finds, ethnographic objects etc., it may not be the answer to the whole spectrum of exhibits. Dr. Ludwig Lazarus Zamenhof, being an optimist, hoped that by introducing Esperanto to the multi-lingual world population, humanity would be able to bridge and diminish the gap of linguistic differences, thus creating a better understanding between the international communities. Unfortunately this vision was not realized. Esperanto was and still is an utopian and esoteric phenomenon. The barriers between nations still exist although, as mentioned earlier, mass media do help, in some ways, to reduce them.
THIS PAPER EXAMINES patterns in the placement of apotropaic objects and materials in high- to late-medieval burials in Britain (11th to 15th centuries). It develops an interdisciplinary classification to identify: (1) healing charms and protective amulets; (2) objects perceived to have occult natural power; (3) 'antique' items that were treated as possessing occult power; and (4) rare practices that may have been associated with the demonic magic of divination or sorcery. Making comparisons with amulets deposited in conversion-period graves of the 7th to 9th centuries it is argued that the placement of amulets with the dead was strategic to Christian belief, intended to transform or protect the corpse. The conclusion is that material traces of magic in later medieval graves have a connection to folk magic, performed by women in the care of their families, and drawing on knowledge of earlier traditions. This popular magic was integrated with Christian concerns and tolerated by local clergy, and was perhaps meant to heal or reconstitute the corpse, to ensure its reanimation on judgement day, and to protect the vulnerable dead on their journey through purgatory.
In his 1967 essay, “Art and Objecthood”, Michael Fried bemoaned the theatricality of minimalist sculpture, which replaced the presentness of compositional sculpture with the staging of an experience for the viewer as performer. His argument has since been inverted by artists and art writers invested in the idea of sculptures as props forming part of an artistic experience economy. This discourse has accompanied the rise of relational aesthetics as a dominant paradigm for contemporary art. More recently, however, there has been a turn away from relationality to ‘object-oriented’ art, where objects are seen to stage their own theatrical experiences, performing themselves without requiring the activation of a viewer’s body. We trace parallels between the philosophy of Bruno Latour and the “Speculative Materialism” group and this emerging trend in sculpture. In ascribing agency to objects, Latour proposes a radical shift from philosophy’s traditional investigation of the relationship between the mind and the world. Drawn to the idea that matter can be creative, artists have embraced his thinking. However, we argue that this has lead to a generalized, universalizing humanism that disables political action. Moreover, it undermines the potential for anti-humanist critique latent in object-oriented philosophy.