873 resultados para Android,Multihoming,LISP,LISPmob,Performance,Test,Development,Analysis


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Esta pesquisa avaliou a situação da tuberculose no Brasil, no período de 2001 a 2003, segundo indicadores do processo de operacionalização do Programa Nacional de Controle de Tuberculose (PNCT), e estimou os efeitos de fatores determinantes da taxa de incidência da doença. Para a avaliação utilizou-se a análise de cluster não-hierárquica, visando agrupar os municípios brasileiros de acordo com a morbidade por tuberculose (TB) e AIDS, e pelo desempenho do PNCT. Estes clusters foram mapeados, comparando-se a distribuição nos municípios, em regiões metropolitanas, municípios prioritários, e segundo o tamanho da população. O qui-quadrado de Pearson foi utilizado para testar associação nas categorias. A modelagem longitudinal multinível foi usada para identificar e estimar os efeitos dos determinantes da doença. Os agregados foram: anos, municípios e regiões metropolitanas. O modelo foi de intercepto e inclinação aleatória. Foram retidas as variáveis capazes de diminuir a variância dos níveis, pois, desta forma, explicam a variabilidade hierárquica da doença. Incluiu-se renda, densidade populacional, proporção de cura, taxa de incidência de AIDS e as grandes regiões brasileiras. A avaliação mostrou que a situação epidemiológica preocupante ocorreu nos municípios com Baixa TB e Alta AIDS, e Alta TB e AIDS. O cluster de Muito baixa TB e AIDS concentrou 50% dos municípios, o que pode configurar problemas de notificação. São 6 clusters de desempenho do programa. Bom e Bom com baixo DOTS predominando nos municípios pequenos, não prioritários e fora das regiões metropolitanas. No desempenho Moderado houve maior proporção de municípios prioritários. Clusters Regular e Fraco concentraram 10% dos municípios, com abandono de tratamento elevado e cura muito baixa. O cluster Muito Fraco caracterizou-se pela falta de dados nos indicadores de desempenho. O modelo multinível identificou a AIDS como fator impactante na tuberculose, anteriormente não encontrado em outros estudos; a interação entre renda e AIDS, e importante contribuição das regiões metropolitanas na distribuição da tuberculose, que se manifesta heterogeneamente nas grandes regiões do país. A análise discriminou municípios, e mostrou não haver associação entre maior morbidade e melhor desempenho do PNCT, retratando inadequação da vigilância à realidade epidemiológica do Brasil. O programa necessita ser reforçado, no sentido de considerar a AIDS ao estabelecer suas estratégias de controle. Ademais, os aspectos de baixa renda da população e densidade populacional, já analisados em diversas pesquisas, também se manifestaram de forma importante nestes resultados.


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Este trabalho é um estudo de caso cujo objeto consiste em um grupo de capoeira angola que passava por um momento de transição. A partir do rompimento entre os dois principais líderes do grupo sem mestre, investigou-se as tensões existentes reveladoras de diferentes pontos de vista sobre a capoeira e a atuação do mesmo em suas redes de relacionamento. Estas diferenças são significativas uma vez que estão relacionadas com as transformações em torno das concepções sobre esta atividade e também se inserem no contexto de transformações em curso na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Concebendo-se a capoeira angola como um estilo de vida, as diversas maneiras de pensá-la também geram diferentes maneiras de atuar na sociedade. A metodologia consiste na pesquisa qualitativa com observação participante. Escolheu-se a abordagem pela performance por se acreditar que os valores são comunicados também por meio das diferenças de movimentação. Ao final da pesquisa, concluiu-se que o grupo investigado passava por um momento de transição, que considero como uma passagem apoiada nas considerações de Victor Turner, já em vias de transição para a fase seguinte a partir da indicação do treinel que ficou responsável de se juntar a um grupo já estabelecido.


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The engineering geological properties of Neogene hard clays and related engineering problems are frontiers in the fields of Engineering Geology, Soil Mechanics and Rock Mechanics. Recently, it has been recognized that Neogene hard clay is the intermediate type of material between the soil and the rock. Many aspects of them, such as sampling, testing, calculating and engineering process, are special, which could not be researched by means of theories and methods of traditional Soil Mechanics of Rock Mechanics. In order to get real knowledge and instruct the engineering practice, intersect studying of multiple disciplines, including Engineering Geology, Soil Mechanics and Rock Mechanics, etc., is necessary. Neogene hard clay is one of the important study objects of regional problem rocks & soils in our country, which extensively distributed in China, especially in Eastern China. Taking the related areas along the middle line of the Project of Transferring Water from the South to the North (e.g. Nanyang basin, Fangcheng-Baofeng area and Handan-Yongnian area), South-west of Shandong, Xu-Huai area and Beijing area, etc. as main study areas, the paper divided Neogene hard clays into reduction environment dominated origin and oxidation environment dominated origin, which distributed on areas western and eastern to Mount Taihangshan respectively. Intermediate types are also existed in some areas, which mainly distribute near the edges of depositional basins; they are usually of transitions between diluvial and lacustrine deposits. As to Neogene hard clays from Eastern China, the clay particle content is high, and montmorillonite or illite/montmorillonite turbostratic mineral is the dominating clay mineral. The content of effective montmorillonite is very high in each area, which is the basis for the undesirable engineering properties of Neogene hard clays. For hard clays from the same area, the content of effective montmorillonite in gray-greenish hard clay is much higher than that in purple-brownish or brown-yellowish hard clay, which is the reason why the gray-greenish hard clay usually has outstanding expansive property. On the other hand, purple-brownish or brown-yellowish hard clay has relatively less montmorillonite, so its property is better. All of these prove that the composition (clay mineral) of Neogene hard clay is the control factor for the engineering properties. Neogene hard clays have obvious properties such as fissured, overconsolidated and expansive, which are the main reasons that many engineering problems and geological harzards usually occur in Neogene hard clays. The paper systematically elaborates the engineering properties of Neogene hard clays from Eastern China, analyses the relationships between engineering properties and basic indexes. The author introduces the ANN method into the prediction of engineering property indexes of hard clays, which provides a new way for quantitatively assessment and prediction of engineering property indexes. During investigation in the field, the author found that there exists obvious seam-sheared zone between different hard clays in Miocene Xiacaowan formation in Xu-Huai area. Similar phenomenon also exists near the borderline between Neogene hard clays and underlying coal measures in the Southwest of Shandong province, which could be observed in the cores. The discovery of seam-sheard zone has important theoretical and practical significance for engineering stability analysis and revealing the origin of fissures in Neogene hard clays. The macrostructure, medium structure and microstructure together control the engineering properties of hard clays. The author analyses and summarizes the structural effects on hard clays in detail. The complex of the strength property of hard clays is mostly related to the characteristics of fissures, which is one of the main factors that affect the choice of shear strength parameters. So structure-control theory must be inseparably combined with composition-control theory during the engineering geological and rock/soil mechanics research of hard clays. The engineering properties, such as fissured, overconsolidated and expansive, control the instability of engineering behaviors of Neogene hard clays under the condition of excavation, i.e. very sensitive to the change of existence environment. Based on test data analysis, the author elaborates the effects of engineering environment change on the engineering properties. Taking Nanyang basin as example, the author utilizes FEM to study the effects of various factors on stability of cutting canal slopes, than sets forth the characteristics, development laws and formation mechanism of the deformation and failure of hard clay canal slopes, summarizes the protection and reinforcement principles, as well as the protection and remedy steps. On the basis of comparison of engineering properties of domestic and foreign Neogene muddy deposits, in the view of whole globe and associated with the geological characteristics of China, the paper demonstrates that the intermediate type of the material between the soil and the rock, named "hard clay/soft rock", which can not be separated abruptly, really exists in China. The author has given a preliminary classification based on its geological origin and distribution law, which is very significant for promoting the mixture of Engineering Geology, Soil Mechanics and Rock Mechanics. In the course of large scales engineering construction in China, many engineering experiences and testing data are gained, summarizing these testing results and automatically managing them with computer technology are very necessary. The author develops a software named "Hard Clay-Soft Rock Engineering Geological Information Management and Analysis System (HRGIMS)", realizes the automatic and visual management of geo-engineering information, on the basis of information management, the functions of test data analysis and engineering property prediction are strengthened. This system has well merits for practice and popularization.


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How to create a new method to solve the problem or reduce the influence of that the result of the seismic waves scattering nonlinear inversion is not uniqueness is a main purpose of this research work in the paper. On the background of research into the seismic inversion, new progress of the nonlinear inversion is introduced at the first chapter in this paper. Especially, the development, basic theories and assumptions on some major theories of seismic inversion are analyzed, discussed and summarized in mathematics and physics. Also, the problems faced by the mathematical basis of investigations of the seismic inversion are discussed, and inverse questions of strongly seismic scattering due to strong heterogeneous media in the Earth interior are analyzed and viewed. What the kernel of paper is that gathers all our attention making a new nonlinear inversion method of seismic scattering. The paper provides a theory and method of how to introduce the fixed-point theory into the nonlinear seismic scattering inversion and how to obtain the solution, and gives the actually method to create a serials of contractive mappings of velocity parameter's in the mapping space of wave. Therefore, the results testify the existence of fixed point of velocity parameter and give the method the find it. Further, the paper proves the conclusion that the value obtained by taking the fixed point of velocity parameter into wave equation is the fixed point of the wave of the contractive mapping. Thence, the fixed point is the global minima since the stabilities quality of the fixed point. Based on the new theory, in the chapter three, many inverse results are obtained in the numerical value test. By analysis the results one could find a basic facts that all the results, which are inversed by the different initial model, are tended to the true value in theoretical true model. In other words, the new method mostly eliminates the non-uniqueness that which is existed in seismic waves scattering nonlinear inversion in degree. But, since the test results are quite finite now, more test is need here to positive our theory. As a new theoretical method, it must be existed many weaken in it. The chapter four points out all the questions which is bother us. We hope more people to join us to solve the problem together.


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Population data which collected and saved according to administrative region is a kind of statistical data. As a traditional method of spatial data expression, average distribution in every administrative region brings population data on a low spatial and temporal precision. Now, an accurate population data with high spatial resolution is becoming more and more important in regional planning, environment protection, policy making and rural-urban development. Spatial distribution of population data is becoming more important in GIS study area. In this article, the author reviewed the progress of research on spatial distribution of population. Under the support of GIS, correlative geographical theories and Grid data model, Remote Sensing data, terrain data, traffic data, river data, resident data, and social economic statistic were applied to calculate the spatial distribution of population in Fujian province, which includes following parts: (1) Simulating of boundary at township level. Based on access cost index, land use data, traffic data, river data, DEM, and correlative social economic statistic data, the access cost surface in study area was constructed. Supported by the lowest cost path query and weighted Voronoi diagram, DVT model (Demarcation of Villages and Towns) was established to simulate the boundary at township level in Fujian province. (2) Modeling of population spatial distribution. Based on the knowledge in geography, seven impact factors, such as land use, altitude, slope, residential area, railway, road, and river were chosen as the parameters in this study. Under the support of GIS, the relations of population distribution to these impact factors were analyzed quantificationally, and the coefficients of population density on pixel scale were calculated. Last, the model of population spatial distribution at township level was established through multiplicative fusion of population density coefficients and simulated boundary of towns. (3) Error test and analysis of population spatial distribution base on modeling. The author not only analyzed the numerical character of modeling error, but also its spatial distribution. The reasons of error were discussed.


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Drawings of 'a person' and of 'a person playing music' were collected from children aged seven to eight years and 10-11 years to discover whether children's musical representations would reflect gender differences evident in musical learning and performance, and the increased gender rigidity with age found in instrument preferences. As in previous drawing studies, same sex figures were overwhelmingly portrayed, although older girls drew more opposite sex figures than the other children. All except the older girls overwhelmingly drew same sex musicians irrespective of the gender stereotype of the instrument portrayed. The older girls drew similar numbers of male and female figures playing masculine instruments. Fewer feminine instruments were drawn by older than by younger boys. The increased gender rigidity with age accords with the results of the preference studies, but gender stereotyping was much weaker. This is discussed in relation to what the different methodologies measure.


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The purpose of this paper is to examine website adoption and its resultant effects on credit union performance in Ireland over the period 2002 to 2010. While there has been a steady increase in web adoption over the period a sizeable proportion (53%) of credit unions did not have a web-based facility in 2010. To gauge web functionality the researchers accessed all websites in 2010/2011 and it transpired that most sites were classified as informational with limited transactional options. Panel data techniques are then used to capture the dynamic nature of website diffusion and to investigate the effect of website adoption on cost and performance. The empirical analysis reveals that credit unions that have web-based functionality have a reduced spread between the loan and pay-out rate with this primarily caused by reduced loan rates. This reduced spread, although small, is found to both persist and increase over time.


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A reliable and valid instrument is needed to screen for depression in palliative patients. The interRAI Depression Rating Scale (DRS) is based on seven items in the interRAI Palliative Care instrument. This study is the first to explore the dimensionality, reliability and validity of the DRS in a palliative population. Palliative home care patients (n = 5,175) residing in Ontario (Canada) were assessed with the interRAI Palliative Care instrument. Exploratory factor analysis and Mokken scale analysis were used to identify candidate conceptual models and evaluate scale homogeneity/performance. Confirmatory factor analysis compared models using standard goodness-of-fit indices. Convergent and divergent validity were investigated by examining polychoric correlations between the DRS and other items. The “known groups” test determined if the DRS meaningfully distinguished among client subgroups. The non-hierarchical two factor model showed acceptable fit with the data, and ordinal alpha coefficients of 0.83 and 0.82 were observed for the two DRS subscales. Omega hierarchical (ωh) was 0.78 for the bifactor model, with the general factor explaining three quarters of the common variance. Despite the multidimensionality evident in the factor analyses, bifactor modelling and the Mokken homogeneity coefficient (0.34) suggest that the DRS is a coherent scale that captures important information on sub-constructs of depression (e.g., somatic symptoms). Higher correlations were seen between the DRS and mood and psychosocial well-being items, and lower correlations with functional status and demographic variables. The DRS distinguished in the expected manner for known risk factors (e.g., social support, pain). The results suggest that the DRS is primarily unidimensional and reliable for use in screening for depression in palliative care patients.


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Despite the popularity of the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) a lack of research assessing the efficacy of the model in understanding the health behaviour of children exists, with those studies that have been conducted reporting problems with questionnaire formulation and low to moderate internal consistencies for TPB constructs. The aim of this study was to develop and test a TPB-based measure suitable for use with primary school children aged 9 to 10 years. A mixed method sequential design was employed. In Stage 1, 7 semi-structured focus group discussions (N=56) were conducted to elicit the underlying beliefs specific to tooth brushing. Using content thematic analysis the beliefs were identified and a TPB measure was developed. A repeated measures design was employed in Stage 2 using test re-test reliability analysis in order to assess its psychometric properties. In all, 184 children completed the questionnaire. Test-retest reliabilities support the validity and reliability of the TPB measure for assessing the tooth brushing beliefs of children. Pearson’s product moment correlations were calculated for all of the TPB beliefs, achieving substantial to almost perfect agreement levels. Specifically, a significant relationship between all 10 of the direct and indirect TPB constructs at the 0.01 level was achieved. This paper will discuss the design and development of the measure so could serve as a guide to fellow researchers and health psychologists interested in using theoretical models to investigate the health and well-being of children.


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The use of biological tissues in the in vitro assessments of dissolving (?) microneedle (MN) array mechanical strength and subsequent drug release profiles presents some fundamental difficulties, in part due to inherent variability of the biological tissues employed. As a result, these biological materials are not appropriate for routine used in industrial formulation development or quality control (QC) tests. In the present work a facile system using Parafilm M® (PF) to test drug permeation performance using dissolving MN arrays is proposed. Dissolving MN arrays containing 196 needles (600 μm needle height) were inserted into a single layer of PF and a hermetic “pouch” was created including the array inside. The resulting system was placed in a dissolution bath and the release of model molecules was evaluated. Different MN formulations were tested using this novel setup, releasing between 40 and 180 µg of their cargos after 6 hours. The proposed system is a more realistic approach for MN testing than the typical performance test described in the literature for conventional transdermal patches. Additionally, the use of PF membrane was tested either in the hermetic “pouch” and using Franz Cell methodology yielding comparable release curves. Microscopy was used in order to ascertain the insertion of the different MN arrays in the PF layer. The proposed system appears to be a good alternative to the use of Franz cells in order to compare different MN formulations. Given the increasing industrial interest in MN technology, the proposed system has potential as a standardised drug/active agent release test for quality control purposes.


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We herein present a case of congenital erythrocytosis caused by haemoglobin (Hb) Bethesda in a Japanese family. A 55-year-old asymptomatic man was referred to our hospital for the investigation of erythrocytosis, which was present in other members of his family. The patient's serum erythropoietin level was normal, and the JAK2 V617F mutation was not detected. His P50 value was mildly decreased, thus we suspected the presence of an Hb variant with a high oxygen affinity. The high-performance liquid chromatography analysis showed an abnormal Hb, and by direct sequencing we identified the Hb Bethesda variant in this patient. For the differential diagnosis, we recommend the estimation of the P50 value as a practical and useful test.


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Este trabalho põe em evidência o valor formativo da prática profissional supervisionada e da escrita reflexiva com feedback co-construtivo sobre a praxis enquanto eixos estruturantes da construção de competências profissionais na formação inicial de professores do 1.º ciclo do ensino básico. Integrada no paradigma da complexidade e assumindo, do ponto de vista teórico-epistemológico, o diálogo entre o paradigma construtivista da complexidade (Lerbet 1986, 2004; Morin, 1994, s.d.; Le Moigne, 2002, 2003a), o paradigma da complexificação e da epistemologia da escuta/controvérsia (Correia, 2001), o experiencialismo crítico (Alarcão, 2001b) e o construtivismo/socioconstrutivismo (Piaget, 1975; Perret-Clermont, 1978; Morgado, 1988), a investigação que desenvolvemos teve como objectivo central saber como e em que condições, num contexto de formação reflexiva (Schön, 1983, 1992; Zeichner, 1993; Alarcão, 1996b, 2001c; Marcelo, 1999; Sá-Chaves, 2002; Alarcão e Tavares, 2003; Perrenoud, 2004) e, simultaneamente, de investigação (Moreira e Alarcão, 1997; Elliot, 1997; Alarcão, 2001a, 2001b; Moreira, 2001; Esteves, 2002; Estrela, 2003), se opera a construção da profissionalidade e da identidade social docente (Perrenoud, 1995, 2001b; Le Boterf, 1999; DeSeCo, 2002), ou seja, compreender a forma como se estabelecem e evoluem as dimensões que caracterizam o conhecimento profissional e os factores (activadores e inibidores) de desenvolvimento nele envolvidos. Para atingir este objectivo, propusemo-nos desenhar e realizar uma investigação centrada numa metodologia de formação – investigação-acção (Bataille, 1981; Pourtois, 1981; Morin, 1985; Moreira, 2001), de orientação reflexiva, focada no desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional dos alunos do 4.º ano do curso de formação de professores do 1.º CEB, da Escola Superior de Educação de Coimbra. Adoptou-se, por isso, uma dupla modelização para a investigação: o estudo de caso (para a investigação) e a investigação-acção (para a formação). O pólo técnico da investigação (Bruyne, Herman e Schoutheete, 1991) configurou, assim, como modo de investigação, o estudo de caso (multicaso) e as entrevistas, os interrogatórios clínicos (realizados no âmbito da pós-observação da componente de formação Estágio), a escrita regular de narrativas autobiográficas centrada nas trajectórias de formação (de processo e de síntese), a observação de aulas, entre outros, como instrumentos de recolha de dados que pareceram adequados à metodologia essencialmente qualitativa que elegemos. Os mesmos instrumentos, articulada e conjuntamente com outros adoptados no âmbito do desenvolvimento da unidade curricular Observação e Intervenção Educativa IV - Seminário de Análise e Reflexão Práticas, assumiram também funções formativas, ou seja, constituíram, pela análise dos dados que possibilitaram, ferramentas importantes de auto, hetero e co-formação e, concomitantemente, de investigação. A triangulação dos dados provenientes destas múltiplas fontes de informação assegurou o contraditório na gestão dos dados garantindo, deste modo, a validade das conclusões da investigação. Os dados da observação/supervisão das práticas pedagógicas e respectiva análise permitiu-nos: 1) identificar o estabelecimento e a evolução de configurações de relação entre a aprendizagem de competências básicas para o desempenho docente no 1.º CEB e certos aspectos explícitos do contexto de formação inicial tais como a iniciação à prática profissional supervisionada e a escrita reflexiva com feedback co-construtivo; 2) perspectivar, no contexto da iniciação à prática profissional supervisionada, a existência de um espaço de intervenção comum co-concebido, co-planificado, co-desenvolvido e coavaliado pelas instituições formadora e cooperantes em torno de um projecto de formação onde o diálogo prática-teoria-prática emerge como central na construção da complexa rede de competências profissionais que hoje se reclamam na formação inicial de professores; 3) conceber o professor como um profissional crítico-reflexivo e a reflexão e a investigação partilhada como dispositivos centrais de auto-avaliação e auto-regulação do desempenho profissional e do desenvolvimento ao longo da vida; 4) percepcionar a formação inicial do professor de 1.º CEB como o início do processo de vinculação/socialização à profissão. Estas conclusões podem, a nosso ver, contribuir, no quadro de uma colaboração interinstitucional co-formadora, que do ponto de vista das políticas de formação de professores se impõe redefinir, para o reconhecimento e valorização da importância dos contextos de prática supervisionada e da escrita autobiográfica com feedback co-construtivo no desenvolvimento profissional e identitário na formação inicial de educadores/professores e, simultaneamente, sustentar, ancorada numa nova ética de investigação, a teoria da formação na perspectiva da epistemologia do sujeito aprendente.


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As the number of pensioners in Europe rises relative to the number of people in employment, the gap between the contributions and the benefit levels increases, and consequently ensuring adequate pensions on a sustainable basis has become a major challenge. This study aims to explore the potential of using the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) technique in order to access the efficiency of the income protection in old age, one of the most important branches of Social Security. To this effect, we collected data from the 27 European Union Member States regarding this branch. Our results show important differences among the Member States and stress the importance of identifying best practices to achieve more adequate, sustainable and modernised pension systems. Our results also highlight the importance of using DEA as a decision support tool for policy makers.


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La présente recherche porte sur la lecture littéraire dans un contexte d’enseignement primaire et concerne plus précisément les albums jeunesse qui favorisent le développement des habiletés interprétatives. Il s’agit d’une recherche-développement qui comporte trois objectifs. Le premier objectif consiste à développer un outil pour analyser les procédés narratifs des albums jeunesse et y cerner les éléments propices au travail interprétatif. Le second objectif vise à mettre à l’essai l’outil d’analyse afin d’en mesurer la validité et la fidélité, alors que le dernier objectif consiste à élaborer, à l’aide de l’outil développé, un répertoire d’albums jeunesse québécois susceptibles de favoriser le développement des habiletés interprétatives des élèves du primaire. La méthodologie mise en œuvre afin d’atteindre les trois objectifs a d’abord permis d’analyser les besoins, c’est-à-dire, les finalités et les utilisateurs de l’outil d’analyse, puis d’en concevoir et d’en élaborer une première version, de la mettre à l’essai afin d’en évaluer la validité auprès d’experts, avant d’en produire une deuxième version, d’en évaluer la fidélité à l’aide de codeurs et finalement, d’en produire une troisième puis une quatrième version afin d’élaborer un répertoire d’albums jeunesse québécois propices au travail interprétatif. Bien que la mise à l’essai ne permette pas de conclure de façon tout à fait satisfaisante à propos de l’objectivité des indicateurs de l’outil développé, l’analyse des commentaires des experts permet d’affirmer que les indicateurs de l’outil d’analyse présentent un très haut degré de pertinence, ce qui donne à penser que l’outil développé de même que le répertoire de quinze albums jeunesse québécois susceptibles de favoriser le développement des habiletés interprétatives des élèves du primaire élaboré, dans le cadre de cette recherche, peuvent s’avérer de premiers outils utiles et pertinents pour le milieu scolaire.


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The present investigation on " Hydrology, stratigraphy, and evolution of the palaeo-lagoon (Koleland basin)in the Central Kerala coast, India" is an integrated approach based on hydrogeological,geophysical,hydrochemical and stratigraphic aspects.A strong scientific data base of the study area is generated using interpretation of well observation and water quality analysis. The salient findings of the present study are given to provide a holistic picture on the hydrogeology (including groundwater resource and its quality),stratigraphy and evolution of the palaeo-lagoon