944 resultados para Alternatives to incarceration


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We examined the correlation between results obtained from the in vivo Draize test for ocular irritation and in vitro results obtained from the sheep red blood cell (RBC) haemolytic assay, which assesses haemolysis and protein denaturation in erythrocytes, induced by cosmetic products. We sought to validate the haemolytic assay as a preliminary test for identifying highly-irritative products, and also to evaluate the in vitro test as alternative assay for replacement of the in vivo test. In vitro and in vivo analyses were carried out on 19 cosmetic products, in order to correlate the lesions in the ocular structures with three in vitro parameters: (i) the extent of haemolysis (H50); (ii) the protein denaturation index (131); and (iii) the H50/DI ratio, which reflects the irritation potential (IP). There was significant correlation between maximum average scores (MAS) and the parameters determined in vitro (r = 0.752-0.764). These results indicate that the RBC assay is a useful and rapid test for use as a screening method to assess the IP of cosmetic products, and for predicting the IP value with a high level of concordance (94.7%). The assay showed high sensitivity and specificity rates of 91.6% and 100%, respectively.


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Background: Low-fluoride dentifrices have been suggested as alternatives to reduce dental fluorosis risk, but there is no consensus regarding their clinical effectiveness, which has been suggested to be increased when their pH is acidic. Aims: This single-blind randomized clinical trial evaluated the caries increment during the use of a low-fluoride acidic liquid dentifrice. Methods: Four-year-old schoolchildren (n = 1,402) living in a fluoridated area (0.6-0.8 ppm F) were randomly allocated to 4 groups differing according to the type of dentifrice used over a 20-month period. Group 1 (n = 345): liquid dentifrice, 1,100 ppm F, pH 4.5. Group 2 (n = 343): liquid dentifrice, 1,100 ppm F, pH 7.0. Group 3 (n = 354): liquid dentifrice, 550 ppm F, pH 4.5. Group 4 (n = 360): toothpaste, 1,100 ppm F, pH 7.0. At baseline and after 20 months, clinical examinations were conducted (dmfs index) and caries increment was calculated. Data were analysed by GLM procedure using classrooms (cluster) as unit of analysis (p < 0.05). Results: The mean +/- SD (95% CI) net increments found were as follows. Group 1: 2.06 +/- 2.38 (1.8-2.3); group 2: 2.08 +/- 2.87 (1.7-2.4); group 3: 2.05 +/- 2.79 (1.7-2.4), and group 4: 2.08 +/- 2.34 (1.8-2.4). No significant differences were detected among the groups. Conclusion: In a population with high caries risk living in a fluoridated area, as the selected sample, and according to the present protocol, the low-fluoride acidic liquid dentifrice seems to lead to similar caries progression rates as conventional 1,100 ppm F toothpaste. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel


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The enormous progress that has been made in liver transplantation over the past two decades has culminated in survival approaching 90% at 12 months. The success of the procedure combined with the widening spectrum of disease processes deemed amenable to liver transplantation has meant that there are too few donors for those awaiting transplantation. This has extrapolated to many patients having such advanced disease by the time a suitable donor liver is available, that they are almost non-transplantable. The immediate options facing the transplant community are to decrease the number of patients listed or to increase the number of living donor transplants. Alternatives to liver transplantation such as hepatocyte transplantation, gene therapy, xenotransplantation and the bioartificial liver are being sought but, at best, are some way from clinical application. It is anticipated that a number of liver diseases that are indications for liver transplantation at this time will have progression arrested or will be cured by medical therapy in the future.


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Objective: To examine the knowledge and beliefs of doctors and nurses in inpatient psychiatric units about pro re nata (PRN) (as needed) medications for psychotic disorders. Methods: Medical (n = 44) and nursing (n = 80) staff in two metropolitan public hospital units completed a structured questionnaire about their use of PRN psychotropic medications on one occasion during the four months from March-June 1999. Results: Nurses selected more indications for PRN antipsychotics than doctors (3.49 vs 2.72, p < 0.05), whereas doctors selected more indications for PRN benzodiazepines (3.77 vs 3.19, p < 0.05). The groups did not differ in the number of selected indications for using anticholinergics. For agitation, the majority of nurses viewed both benzodiazepines (56%) and antipsychotics (86%) as effective, with 60% preferring an antipsychotic. For the acute control of psychotic symptoms, 99% of nurses believed antipsychotics were effective and 58% benzodiazepines, with 87% preferring an antipsychotic. A large majority of doctors viewed both PRN benzodiazepines, 94% ,and antipsychotics, 81%, as effective for agitation, and 55% preferred to use a benzodiazepine. For psychotic symptoms, 80% believed PRN antipsychotics were effective, but only 32% viewed benzodiazepines as effective, and 64% preferred to use an antipsychotic. Nursing staff identified more non-pharmacological techniques for managing both agitation and psychotic symptoms and reported using these more often than doctors. Junior staff, both nursing and medical, had less knowledge of non-pharmacological alternatives to PRN medication than senior staff. Conclusions: Disparities existed between doctors and nurses views on the indications for PRN medication in the acute management of psychoses, thus it is important for doctors to specify indications when writing PRN prescriptions. Despite evidence for the safety and effectiveness of benzodiazepines, there was widespread reluctance to use them as PRN medication in acute psychoses. Beliefs of some staff about PRN medications were at odds with the known properties of these medicines. Educational interventions for both nurses and doctors are required to achieve best practice in PRN medication.


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TROST. S. G., R. R. PATE, J. F. SALLIS, P. S. FREEDSON, W. C. TAYLOR, M. DOWDA, and J. SIRARD. Age and gender differences in objectively measured physical activity in youth. Med. Sci. Sports Ererc., Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 350-355, 2002. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate age and gender differences in objectively measured physical activity (PA) in a population-based sample of students in grades 1-12. Methods: Participants (185 male, 190 female) wore a CSA 7164 accelerometer for 7 consecutive days. To examine age-related trends. students were grouped as follows: grades 1-3 (N = 90), grades 4-6 (N = 91), grades 7-9 (N = 96). and grades 10-12 (N = 92). Bouts of PA and minutes spent in moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA) and vigorous PA (VPA) were examined. Results: Daily MVPA and VPA exhibited a significant inverse relationship with grade level, with the largest differences occurring between grades 1d-3 and 4-6. Boys were more active than girls; however, for overall PA, the magnitudes of the gender differences were modest. Participation in continuous 20-min bouts of PA was low to nonexistent. Conclusion: Our results support the notion that PA declines rapidly during childhood and adolescence and that accelerometers are feasible alternatives to self-report methods in moderately sized population-level surveillance studies.


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Therapeutic drug monitoring of cyclosporin (CsA) has been established as part of the routine clinical treatment of patients following organ transplantation for more than 20 years, and based on contemporary knowledge, many consensus guidelines have been published to assist clinics and laboratories attain optimal strategies for patient care. This article addresses the newer directions in CsA monitoring, with particular reference to the Australasian situation that has evolved since the 1993 Australasian guideline (1). These changes have included the introduction of alternative assay methodologies, changed CsA formulation from Sandimmun to Neoral throughout Australasia, and alternatives to trough concentration (C0) monitoring, especially 2-hour concentration (C2) monitoring and associated validated dilution protocols to accurately quantitate the higher whole blood CsA concentrations. The revision was prepared following a recent survey of all Australasian CsA-monitoring laboratories (2) where discordant practices were evident.


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A pesquisa “A Educação Ambiental nos encontros do Congo com os cotidianos escolares de uma Escola Municipal da Barra do Jucu, Vila Velha, ES” se apoia na produção narrativa em Educação Ambiental com os cotidianos, com a intenção de problematizar os saberes e fazeres socioambientais produzidos nos encontros entre a produção cultural do congo com as práticas escolares cotidianas. Com as conversas e narrativas dos sujeitos da pesquisa, alunos(as), professores(as), congueiros(as), pais de alunos e outros representantes da comunidade escolar, problematizamos e mapeamos esses saberesfazeres socioambientais, bem como compreendemos suas diferentes traduções. Os cotidianos escolares são considerados espaços de burla às hierarquizações culturais, ambientais, sociais e curriculares, por serem espaços privilegiados de práticas curriculares que vão além das propostas instituídas, e enfatizamos como o entorno da escola com suas especificidades locais se constituem potências para a produção de saberes e a criação de currículos cotidianamente. As oficinas de congo que acontecem na Escola Municipal da Barra do Jucu foram acompanhadas e mostraram-se potentes para o desenvolvimento da Educação Ambiental numa perspectiva pós-colonial, que acredita na possibilidade de um pensamento que vá além da relação dicotômica cultura/natureza e da não homogeneização cultural. As produções culturais desenvolvidas nas oficinas possibilitaram “outras” alternativas para a produção de subjetividades e para trocas de saberes socioambientais e culturais, baseados na solidariedade que potencializa práticas sociais sustentáveis.


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Slow-release and organic fertilizers are promising alternatives to conventional fertilizers, as both reduce losses by leaching, volatilization and problems of toxicity and/or salinity to plants. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of different rates of the organic fertilizer Humato-Macota® compared with the slow-release fertilizer Osmocote® on the growth and nitrogen content in the dry matter of Rangpur lime. A field experiment was conducted in a factorial completely randomized design with an additional treatment (4 x 4 +1). The first factor consisted of four Humato­Macota® rates (0, 1, 2, and 3%) applied to the substrate; the second factor consisted of the same Humato-Macota® concentrations, but applied as fortnightly foliar sprays; the additional treatment consisted of application of 5 kgm-3 Osmocote® 18-05-09. Means of all growth characteristics (plant height, total dry matter, root/shoot ratio and leaf area) and the potential quantum yield of photosystem II (Fv/Fm) were higher when plants were fertilized with the slow-release fertilizer. The organic fertilizer applied alone did not meet the N requirement of Rangpur lime.


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“Procuradoria aconselha levar swaps a tribunal”. Referindo-se com maior especificidade: “A Procuradoria-Geral da República manteve contactos informais com o Ministério das Finanças para avaliar a possibilidade de o Estado levar a tribunal os contratos de alto risco assinados por empresas públicas de transporte. E deu indicações ao Governo de que há condições para conseguir a anulação dos swaps, se o Estado optar pela via litigiosa – o que ainda não aconteceu. Para isso, o Executivo tem de dar essa indicação ao Ministério Público”. Abstract: "Attorney advises swaps take the court." Referring with greater specificity: "The Attorney General's Office had informal contacts with the Ministry of Finance to evaluate the possibility of the state to prosecute high-risk contracts signed by public transport companies. And has directed the Government that there are conditions to achieve the cancellation of swaps if the state chooses the remedy litigation - which has not happened yet. For this, the Executive must provide that information to the prosecutor. "


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The purpose of this article is to present a defense of the use of single case studies in management research. The defense is necessary because this type of research has been relegated to a secondary role, or even rejected, by many researchers, who consider it unscientific. Evidence of this low status is the fact that most reputable academic journals in management publish few articles based on single-case studies. In this paper, we examine in detail the objections to the use of such cases in management research. We show the efforts made by some researchers to answer these objections and we show quality criteria for research that are alternatives to the criteria used in the so-called "scientific method." Our analysis suggests that a better understanding - by researchers with different methodological preferences - of the arguments for each particular use of the single-case study as a research method would allow a better dialogue between researchers and benefit management research as a whole.


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Actualmente, no campo específico da educação, a avaliação do desempenho tem vindo a assumir uma importância crescente e uma maior atenção dos investigadores pelos contextos escolares e pela relação directa entre a qualidade das abordagens de ensino e os níveis de desempenho dos alunos. No contexto do sistema educativo português, a preocupação com a eficácia passa a considerar a avaliação dos professores como uma prioridade, trazendo à discussão a profissionalidade docente e a sua avaliação. Assim, este estudo tem como objectivo a análise dos elementos potenciadores e condicionadores do actual modelo proposto pelo Decreto Regulamentar 2/2008 de 10 de Janeiro, bem como a sistematização de elementos complementares e /ou alternativos ao modelo vigente, a partir do que perspectivam os professores de uma escola secundária. Para a sua realização utilizou-se uma abordagem qualitativa suportada na grounded theory - estudo de caso. As técnicas de colheita de dados foram as entrevistas a nove docentes participantes e a análise de documentos relacionados com a política educativa da escola. O estudo permitiu concluir que o modelo apresenta dimensões controversas e que estas condicionam os objectivos intrínsecos do mesmo, sendo que a prevalência de questões burocráticas dificulta a sua implementação. Em consequência foram apresentadas algumas recomendações.


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This article reports evidence of new monetary channels for social inclusion involving basic income policies and the Caixa Econômica Federal, a Brazilian government savings bank. Since the Plano Real (Brazilian currency) and the liberalization of banking in the 1990s, the realization of competitive advantages by the Caixa as social policy agent and the importance of citizenship cards differ from existing theories of bank change, financial inclusion and monetary policy. Multi-method research reveals the importance of 1) political theories of basic income, 2) conceptions of citizenship and social justice, and 3) a back to the future modernization of government banking. This provides alternatives to contemporary market-based banking theory, neo-liberal policies, private and non-governmental microfinance strategies, and theories in political economy about fiscal constraints to social policies. New monetary channels of change also suggest that zero sum theories about politics, monetary authority and social inclusion are amiss.


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The volatiles from Coriandrum sativum L., Satureja montana L., Santolina chamaecyparissus L., and Thymus vulgaris L. were isolated by hydrodistillation (essential oil) and supercritical fluid extraction (volatile oil). Their effect on seed germination and root and shoot growth of the surviving seedlings of four crops (Zea mays L., Triticum durum L., Pisum sativum L., and Lactuca sativa L.) and two weeds (Portulaca oleracea L. and Vicia sativa L.) was investigated and compared with those of two synthetic herbicides, Agrocide and Prowl. The volatile oils of thyme and cotton lavender seemed to be promising alternatives to the synthetic herbicides because they were the least injurious to the crop species. The essential oil of winter savory, on the other hand, affected both crop and weeds and can be appropriate for uncultivated fields.


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As crises energéticas surgidas no decorrer do último século, incluindo a crise do petróleo, obrigaram o Homem a procurar cada vez mais fontes de energia alternativas e preferencialmente inesgotáveis. Desta situação, resultou uma forte aposta na exploração das fontes de energias renováveis, que são uma das principais alternativas para responder a um aumento de procura, e também, face às exigências de consumos actuais, beneficiando de ao se apostar numa energia limpa e renovável existir uma forte redução nos impactes ambientais que outras fontes de energia não apresentam. O aproveitamento dos recursos provenientes de fontes de energia renováveis para a produção de energia já existe há vários anos, e, em alguns casos, atingiram já um estado de maturidade considerável, como é caso da energia eólica. Em comparação, o mesmo já não acontece com a energia das ondas. Embora o oceano apresente um recurso com enorme potencial para ser explorado, incluindo as ondas e correntes oceânicas, os dispositivos tecnológicos necessários para a exploração deste recurso encontram-se maioritariamente ainda em fase experimental, havendo casos pontuais que atingiram a fase pré-comercial. Assim, não existe até à data um dispositivo padrão para a exploração da energia das ondas em grande escala, contrariamente ao que acontece com a energia eólica. Para esta situação, contribuiu o elevado número de dispositivos patenteados para a exploração da energia das ondas, nenhum deles com vantagens significativas relativamente a outros, e também, devido ao facto de a exploração deste tipo de energia não poder ser feito de igual modo na costa ou a muitos quilómetros dela. Na presente dissertação são apresentados alguns dos principais dispositivos existentes para a extracção de energia proveniente das ondas oceânicas, com especial atenção para os dispositivos de coluna de água oscilante.


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Nowadays, with the use of technology and the Internet, education is undergoing significant changes, contemplating new ways of teaching and learning. One of the widely methods of teaching used to promote knowledge, consists in the use of virtual environments available in various formats, taking as example the teaching-learning platforms, which are available online. The Internet access and use of Laptops have created the technological conditions for teachers and students can benefit from the diversity of online information, communication, collaboration and sharing with others. The integration of Internet services in the teaching practices can provide thematic, social and digital enrichment for the agents involved. In this paper we will talk about the advantages of LMS (Learning Management Systems) such as Moodle, to support the presential lectures in higher education. We also will analyse its implications for student support and online interaction, leading educational agents to a mixing of different learning environments, where they can combine face-to-face instruction with computer-mediated instruction, blended-learning, and increases the options for better quality and quantity of human interaction in a learning environment. We also will present some tools traditionally used in online assessment and that are part of the functionalities of Moodle. These tools can provide interesting alternatives to promote a more significant learning and contribute to the development of flexible and customized models of an evaluation which we want to be more efficient.