1000 resultados para Almanacs, Catalan.
The purpose of this study was to determine the seroprevalence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1/2), human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV-I/II), hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), Treponema pallidum and Trypanosoma cruzi among 63 male prisoners in Manhuaçu, Minas Gerais, Brazil and to compare this with data from eligible blood donors. The positive results were as follows: 11/63 (17.5%) for HBV, 5/63 (7.4%) for syphilis, 4/63 (6.3%) for HCV, 3/63 (4.8%) for Chagas' disease, 2/63 (3.2%) for HIV-1/2 and 1/63 (1.6%) for HTLV-I/II. The seroprevalence in prisoners was higher than among blood donors, mainly for antibodies to HIV-1/2, HCV and HBV. This is probably due to low social economic level, illiteracy, higher proportion with a prior history of intravenous drug use and/or unsafe sexual behavior. Therefore, these prisoners constitute a high risk group and routine screening and counseling are recommended.
A infecção pelos vírus HTLV-I/II encontra-se presente em todas as regiões brasileiras, mas as prevalências variam de um estado para outro, sendo mais elevadas na Bahia, Pernambuco e Pará. As estimativas indicam que o Brasil possui o maior número absoluto de indivíduos infectados no mundo. Testes de triagem de doadores e estudos conduzidos em grupos especiais (populações indígenas, usuários de drogas intravenosas e gestantes) constituem as principais fontes de informação sobre essas viroses em nosso país. O HTLV-I causa a leucemia/linfoma de células T do adulto (LLTA), a paraparesia espástica tropical/mielopatia associada ao HTLV (TSP/HAM), uveíte associada ao HTLV (HAU) e anormalidades dermatológicas e imunológicas. O HTLV-II não se mostrou associado a nenhuma doença até o momento. O diagnóstico é feito com testes de triagem (ELISA, aglutinação) e confirmatórios (Western Blot, PCR). Estes vírus são transmitidos pelo sangue e agulhas contaminadas, através de relações sexuais e de mãe para filho, especialmente através do aleitamento materno. Medidas de prevenção devem focalizar a orientação de doadores soropositivos, mães infectadas e usuários de drogas intravenosas.
Neste estudo, foi avaliado o desempenho isolado e combinado de parâmetros laboratoriais, percentual de linfócitos B (%LB), a razão entre células T/B e o %CD8+HLA-DR+/CD8+, na identificação de indivíduos assintomáticos-AS ou portadores de HAM/TSP-HT numa população de casos soropositivos para HTLV-1. Índices expressos em porcentagem demonstram que cada parâmetro, isoladamente, apresenta desempenho moderado, com co-negatividade=83% e 91% para %LB e razão entre células T/B, respectivamente e co-positividade=78% para %CD8+HLA-DR+/CD8+. A análise combinada (%CD8+HLA-DR+/CD8+ e razão T/B) não revelou ganho significativo no desempenho (co-positividade=75%, co-negatividade=74%). A análise das razões de verossimilhança em diferentes faixas de valores, para os parâmetros isolados, revelou que um indivíduo soropositivo para HTLV-1 com %LB<7%, razão entre células T/B>11 e %CD8+HLA-DR+/CD8+>70% possui, respectivamente, 11, 19 e quase 10 vezes mais chances de pertencer ao grupo HT. Portanto, recomenda-se o uso desses indicadores fenótipos na propedêutica laboratorial complementar de monitoração da progressão clínica da infecção crônica pelo HTLV-1.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Psicologia
Permutationsstatistiken, Verteilung von Permutationsstatistiken, bi-ansteigende (321-freie) Permutationen, Auf- und Abstiege von Permutationen, Parallelogrammpolyominos, Gitterpfade, insbesondere 2-Motzkin-Pfade, Catalan-Zahlen, Motzkin-Zahlen
As paintings are assets, we propose to model a painting's price dynamics as a diffusion process, i.e., as the financial literature models share prices, but correcting by size. We show that the influence of size on the artwork price diminishes as the paintings gets older because 1) prices incorporate progressively more noise and 2) for high quality artists, the relative importance of size on price decreases as the artist consolidates and authorship gains importance as explanatory variable. Our theoretical results are consistent with data from a sample of 19th- and 20th-century Catalan painters of similar quality. These findings suggest that an artist's quality and antiquity should be taken into account in order to obtain more efficient estimates of parameters in hedonic art market models.
This paper assesses empirically the importance of size discrimination and disaggregate data for deciding where to locate a start-up concern. We compare three econometric specifications using Catalan data: a multinomial logit with 4 and 41 alternatives (provinces and comarques, respectively) in which firm size is the main covariate; a conditional logit with 4 and 41 alternatives including attributes of the sites as well as size-site interactions; and a Poisson model on the comarques and the full spatial choice set (942 municipalities) with site-specific variables. Our results suggest that if these two issues are ignored, conclusions may be misleading. We provide evidence that large and small firms behave differently and conclude that Catalan firms tend to choose between comarques rather than between municipalities. Moreover, labour-intensive firms seem more likely to be located in the city of Barcelona. Keywords: Catalonia, industrial location, multinomial response model. JEL: C250, E30, R00, R12
Seguint la tendència mundial de crear dipòsits institucionals d'accés lliure per recopilar i preservar els documents d'investigació generats en les institucions acadèmiques, el CESCA i el CBUC han posat en funcionament RECERCAT. RECERCAT és un dipòsit cooperatiu de documents digitals que inclou la literatura de recerca de les universitats i dels centres d'investigació de Catalunya, com ara articles encara no publicats (preprints), comunicacions a congressos, informes de recerca, working papers, projectes de final de carrera, memòries tècniques, etc. La comunicació pretén explicar els processos que s'han seguit per posar en marxa aquest projecte: des de la selecció i adaptació del programari amb el que funciona (DSpace), fins als treballs duts a terme per establir les polítiques d'accés, d’introducció de dades, de metadades Dublin Core necessàries per descriure els documents, el tipus de llicència de les Creative Commons sota la qual es troben subjectes els documents, etc.
Aquest treball forma part de una recerca –finançada pel Consell de l’Audiovisual de Catalunya- dedicada a l’anàlisi de les conseqüències dels processos de digitalització en els mitjans de comunicació de Catalunya (Espanya). El document presenta les transformacions que han afectat al periodista, especialment les noves tasques i funcions. Després d’una introducció dedicada al marc teòric i a la metodologia de la recerca, el document explica les tendències principals observades en les ràdios, emissores de televisió, agències de noticies i mitjans en línia de Catalunya. El document també presenta una sèrie de reflexions sobre la polivalència, la re-qualificació i altres processos que afecten als professionals de la informació. Finalment, es proposa una classificació de les formes que assumeix la polivalència en els mitjans.
Estudi elaborat a partir d’una estada al Finnish Cancer Registry a Helsinki, Finlandia entre setembre i novembre del 2006. Davant l’increment dels tumors hepàtics en països industrialitzats, s’avaluen les tendències temporals de la malaltia hepàtica a Catalunya durant el període 1983-2002 i s’estima la tendència futura a partir de l’any 2005. L’estudi s’ha basat en dades del Registre de Mortalitat de Catalunya i de l’Institut d’Estadística de Catalunya. La malaltia hepàtica inclou diverses tipologies de tumors hepàtics i la cirrosi hepàtica. Els models edad-període-cohort s’han emprat per estimar els efectes període de mortalitat i cohort de naixement. Els resultats han mostrat que les taxes de mortalitat per cirrosi han disminuït en ambdós sexes, exceptuant els homes d’entre els 35-50 anys, pels quals la mortalitat es mantingué estable. S’han observat increments en la mortalitat per carcinoma hepatocel•lular i en els tumors de vies biliars intrahepàtiques, mentre que les projeccions mostren estabilitat en la tendència d’aquestes malalties durant el període 2005-2009. Les tendències de la mortalitat per malaltia hepàtica constatades poden ser degudes a la implementació de teràpies noves, nous mètodes de diagnòstic, infecció pel virus de l’hepatitis C d’altres factors desconeguts.
Regular stair climbing has well-documented health dividends, such as increased fitness and strength, weight loss and reduced body fat, improved lipid profiles and reduced risk of osteoporosis. The general absence of barriers to participation makes stair climbing an ideal physical activity (PA) for health promotion. Studies in the US and the UK have consistently shown that interventions to increase the accumulation of lifestyle PA by climbing stairs rather than using the escalators are effective. However, there are no previous in Catalonia. This project tested one message for their ability to prompt travelers on the Montjuïc site to choose the stairs rather than the escalator when climbing up the Monjuïc hill. One standard message, " Take the stairs! 7 minutes of stair climbing a day protects your heart" provided a comparison with previous research done in the UK. Translated into Catalan and Spanish, it was presented on a poster positioned at the point of choice between the stairs and the escalator. The study used a quasi-experimental, interrupted time series design. Travelers, during several and specific hours on two days of the week, were coded for stair or escalator use, gender, age, ethnic status, presence of accompanying children or bags by one observer. Overall, the intervention resulted in a 81% increase in stair climbing. In the follow-up period without messages, stair climbing dropped out to baseline levels. This preliminary study showed a significant effect on stair use. However, caution is needed since results are based on a small sample and, only a low percentage of the sample took the stairs at baseline or the intervention phase . Future research on stair use in Catalonia should focus on using bigger samples, different sites (metro stations, airports, shopping centers, etc) , different messages and techniques to promote stair climbing.
Social Accounting Matrices (SAM) are normally used to analyse the income generation process. They are also useful, however, for analysing the cost transmission and price formation mechanisms. For price contributions, Roland-Holst and Sancho (1995) used the SAM structure to analyse the price and cost linkages through a representation of the interdependence between activities, households and factors. This paper is a further analysis of the cost transmission mechanisms, in which I add the capital account to the endogenous components of the Roland-Holst and Sancho approach. By doing this I reflect the responses of prices to the exogenous shocks in savings and investment. I also present an additive decomposition of the global price effects into categories of interdependence that isolates the impact on price levels of shocks in the capital account. I use a 1994 Social Accounting Matrix to make an empirical application of the Catalan economy. Keywords: social accounting matrix, cost linkages, price transmission, capital account. JEL Classification: C63, C69, D59.
The aim of this article is to assess the effects of several territorial characteristics, specifically agglomeration economies, on industrial location processes in the Spanish region of Catalonia. Theoretically, the level of agglomeration causes economies which favour the location of new establishments, but an excessive level of agglomeration might cause diseconomies, since congestion effects arise. The empirical evidence on this matter is inconclusive, probably because the models used so far are not suitable enough. We use a more flexible semiparametric specification, which allows us to study the nonlinear relationship between the different types of agglomeration levels and location processes. Our main statistical source is the REIC (Catalan Manufacturing Establishments Register), which has plant-level microdata on location of new industrial establishments. Keywords: agglomeration economies, industrial location, Generalized Additive Models, nonparametric estimation, count data models.
Documento publicado por el CEO-UAB en 1998 como parte de la colección Working Papers que corresponde a un trabajo de investigación presentado en la asignatura "Olimpismo, deporte y sociedad". El texto analiza la cobertura de los Juegos Olímpicos de Atlanta'96 en los periódicos catalanes y sudamericanos incluyendo aspectos como la organización, "americanización" de los Juegos y minorías.
L’objecte d’aquest projecte és determinar si el ritme restaurador de les activitats extractives és el mateix que el de l’extracció del mineral. Per avaluar-ho s’ha analitzat la dinàmica de les explotacions mineres que exploten els quatre tipus principals de recursos a Catalunya, en el període de 10 anys (1993-2003), amb l’ajuda de Sistemes d’Informació Geogràfica (SIG). Per dur a terme aquest estudi s’ha emprat bases cartogràfiques diferents: els Mapes de cobertes del Sòl de Catalunya (MCSC) i el de les activitats extractives (EXTCATA). A partir de l’anàlisi dels resultats, es determina que si bé, en general, el procés de restauració dels espais afectats per les activitats extractives està sent molt important des de l’entrada en vigor de la Llei 12/1981, no es pot afirmar que aquests treballs es realitzin de forma compaginada amb els d’explotació.