The fact that the resistance of propagating electrons in solids depends on their spin orientation has led to a new field called spintronics. With the parallel advances in nanoscience, it is now possible to talk about nanospintronics. Many works have focused on the study of charge transport along nanosystems, such as carbon nanotubes, graphene nanoribbons, or metallic nanowires, and spin dependent transport properties at this scale may lead to new behaviors due to the manipulation of a small number of spins. Metal nanowires have been studied as electric contacts where atomic and molecular insertions can be constructed. Here we describe what might be considered the ultimate spin device, namely, a Au thin nanowire with one Co atom bridging its two sides. We show that this system has strong spin dependent transport properties and that its local symmetry can dramatically change them, leading to a significant spin polarized conductance.
Ultracold gases in ring geometries hold promise for significant improvements of gyroscopic sensitivity. Recent experiments have realized atomic and molecular storage rings with radii in the centimeter range, sizes whose practical use in inertial sensors requires velocities significantly in excess of typical recoil velocities. We use a combination of analytical and numerical techniques to study the coherent acceleration of matter waves in circular waveguides, with particular emphasis on its impact on single-mode propagation. In the simplest case we find that single-mode propagation is best maintained by the application of time-dependent acceleration force with the temporal profile of a Blackmann pulse. We also assess the impact of classical noise on the acceleration process.
The Federal Constitution of 1988, when taking care of the economical order, denotes special concern in the abuses of the economical power and the disloyal competition. The mark to mediate of all this is, in fact, the defense and the consumer's protection, once this is final addressee of whatever if it puts at the consumption market. The coming of the Law 8.078/90, Code of Protection and Defense of the Consumer, inaugurates a time of effective concern with the homogeneous individual interests originating from of the consumption relationships. In this point, the focus of main to face of the present work lives, in other words, the protection of the right to the individual property, especially manifests in the exercise of the trade freedom that keeps direct relationship with the respective social function the one that is destined. The code of the consumer's defense doesn't just take care of this, but also of the other star of the relationships of the consumption. When affirming in the interruption VI of the art. 4th that the national politics of those relationships, finds ballast in the prohibition and repression efficient of all of the abuses committed in the consumption relationships, keeping inherent relationship-causality in the economical order, sculpted for the article 170 in the Constitution of 1988. In the generic plan, the mark of the present work is to question concerning the limits of the trade freedom and previsible collisions with protection norms and the consumer's defense, as well as factual convergences of those small systems, especially in what he/she refers to the innate interests to the suppliers. In the specific plan, we aspirated to identify the protection device-commands to the actors of the trade relationship, capable to guarantee the free competition in a global economy of market, seeking especially the Well-being, for soon afterwards, in an analytical perspective, to discover the possible applications that it holds the Federal Constitution, in headquarters of economical freedoms. It was observed that the consumer today doesn't need only of laws that their needs, fruit of the vulnerability that it is him/her meditate innate. He/she lacks, yes, of effective mechanisms that prevent lesions that can be them impinged by the suppliers at the time in that you/they are useful to repair the damages when happened, punishing the author of the damage
The demands brought by a society doomed to the constant production of global risks, which whose effects are not immediately noticed effects are not perceived immediately, claim from the Law a new Theory about the Risk, that would offer a broad environmental protection, at the same time it would still be compatible with the idea of economic efficiency, required by the Modern Industry. The expansion of the methods and technologies regarding the exploitation and production of oil causes the constant expansion of the exploitable boundaries, especially in ultra-deep waters with the Pre-salt layer, in Brazil, or the still incipient research about the polymetallic nodules and other mineral sources in international waters, like the Atlântico Sudoeste, by the Programme on Ocean Science in Relation do Non Living Resources (OSNLR), a global study performed in partnership with the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, from UNESCO (IOC UNESCO) and also with the Division of Ocean Affairs and Law of the Sea (UNDOALOS). Thus, we aim to analyze the correlation, and possible collisions between the right to a balanced environment and the free exercise of economic activity and the occurrence of environmental damages from the perspective of the exploitation activities of oil and other natural resources in international waters, specifically in the Area, from the constitutional principle of sustainable development and its legitimacy by the environmental international protection. Therefore, this study also aims to evaluate the legal framework for exploration and production of oil in international waters, particularly in the Area, and appraise how the constitutional instruments and mechanisms for environmental protection can impact on the international environmental protection system in order to ensure the present and future generations an ecologically balanced environment, laid down in Article 225 of the Brazilian Constitution, even with so many risks posed by the activities of exploitation and production of oil in international waters. In the meantime, we intend to also intend to investigate the possibility of future liability for environmental damage in order to ensure that constitutional principle and, consequently, and try to define the concept of environmental damage and its implications on the constitutional principle of environmental protection. Given all that was in summary, this work aims to contribute to the evolution of the new Theory of Environmental Risk, turning the law into something more than a punitive or corrective element in this society, but into a legal risk management, that may be triggered even before the consolidation of the damage
Metal ceramic restorations matches aesthetic and strength, and in your making occurs an interface oxide layer, wetting resulting and atomic and ionic interactions resulting between metal, oxide and porcelain. However, frequent clinical fails occurs in this restoration type, because lost homogeneous deposition oxide layer and lost interface bond. Thus, in this study, thought depositate homogeneous oxide films above Ni-Cr samples surfaces polite previously, at plasma oxide environment. Six samples was oxided at 300 and 400ºC at one hour, and two samples was oxided in a comum chamber at 900ºC, and then were characterized: optical microscopic, electronic microscopic, micro hardness, and X ray difratometry. Colors stripes were observed at six samples plasma oxided and a grey surface those comum oxided, thus like: hardness increase, and several oxides from basic metals (Ni-Cr)
The field of education is very rich and allows us to research in various aspects. The area of chemical education has been growing more and more, and an important aspect that has been researching this area is about the learning difficulties of students. The approach of the themes atomic structure and chemical bonds are developed in high school and have many problems that are often brought to higher education becoming an obstacle to the advancement of learning. It is necessary for these initial themes - the atomic structure and chemical bonds - are well understood by the student to the other contents of Chemistry will be understood more easily. This paper aims to describe, analyze errors and difficulties presented in the assessments of the discipline Atomic and Molecular Architecture, the students of the degree course in Chemistry - EAD, with respect to the contents of " Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding ", by of the assessments made by the students and the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), taking into account the activities , discussion forum and access to materials . AVA allows obtaining reports which were used to analyze regarding access / participation to assess their contribution to learning and its relation to the final result (pass / fail). It was observed that the most frequent errors in the assessments are related to the early part of the chemistry that is the understanding of atomic structure and evolution models. Students who accessed the extra material and participated in the activities and forums were students who achieved success in the course. Ie, the difficulties were emerging and the use of available teaching strategies, students could minimize such difficulties, making their performance in activities and assessments were better. Was also observed by attending the AVA, the discipline began with a large withdrawal from the page access as well as the frequency of face- evidence from observation in Listing presence of classroom assessments
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A set of 25 quinone compounds with anti-trypanocidal activity was studied by using the density functional theory (DFT) method in order to calculate atomic and molecular properties to be correlated with the biological activity. The chemometric methods principal component analysis (PCA), hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA), stepwise discriminant analysis (SDA), Kth nearest neighbor (KNN) and soft independent modeling of class analogy (SIMCA) were used to obtain possible relationships between the calculated descriptors and the biological activity studied and to predict the anti-trypanocidal activity of new quinone compounds from a prediction set. Four descriptors were responsible for the separation between the active and inactive compounds: T-5 (torsion angle), QTS1 (sum of absolute values of the atomic charges), VOLS2 (volume of the substituent at region B) and HOMO-1 (energy of the molecular orbital below HOMO). These descriptors give information on the kind of interaction that occurs between the compounds and the biological receptor. The prediction study was done with a set of three new compounds by using the PCA, HCA, SDA, KNN and SIMCA methods and two of them were predicted as active against the Trypanosoma cruzi. (c) 2005 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.
We briefly summarize the idea of cosmological models with compact, flat spatial sections. It has been suggested that, because of the COBE satellite's maps of the microwave background, such models cannot be small in the sense of Ellis, and hence are no longer interesting. Here we use the method of cosmic crystallography by Lehoucq et al. to show that these models are physically meaningful even if the size of the spatial sections is of the same order of magnitude as the radius of the observational horizon. © 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.
The Gel'fand-Levitan formalism is used to study how a selected set of bound states can be eliminated from the spectrum of the Coulomb potential and also how to construct a bound state in the Coulomb continuum. It is demonstrated that a sizeable quantum well can be produced by deleting a large number of levels from the s spectral series and the edge of the Coulomb potential alone can support the von Neumann-Wigner states in the continuum. © 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.
We present a modified version of the cosmic crystallography method, especially useful for testing closed models of negative spatial curvature. The images of clusters of galaxies in simulated catalogs are 'pulled back' to the fundamental domain before the set of distances is calculated. © 1999 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
We show that Local Realistic Theories, defined as obeying the Bells's locality condition, cannot satisfy the prefect anti-correlations without at the same time maximally violating rotational symmetry at the hidden variable level. We examine whether the rotational symmetry can be restored after the statistical average. We also comment on the question whether such theories are necessarily deterministic at the hidden variable leva. © 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
In this letter we discuss the (2 + 1)-dimensional generalization of the Camassa-Holm equation. We require that this generalization be, at the same time, integrable and physically derivable under the same asymptotic analysis as the original Camassa-Holm equation. First, we find the equation in a perturbative calculation in shallow-water theory. We then demonstrate its integrability and find several particular solutions describing (2 + 1) solitary-wave like solutions. © 1999 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
We discuss the relationship between exact solvability of the Schroedinger equation, due to a spatially dependent mass, and the ordering ambiguity. Some examples show that, even in this case, one can find exact solutions. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that operators with linear dependence on the momentum are nonambiguous. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V.
In this work we introduce a mapping between the so-called deformed hyperbolic potentials, which are presenting a continuous interest in the last few years, and the corresponding nondeformed ones. As a consequence, we conclude that these deformed potentials do not pertain to a new class of exactly solvable potentials, but to the same one of the corresponding nondeformed ones. Notwithstanding, we can reinterpret this type of deformation as a kind of symmetry of the nondeformed potentials. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.