432 resultados para ASTM E681
In this investigation Raman spectroscopy was shown to be a method that could be used to monitor the polymerisation of PMMA bone cement. Presently there is no objective method that orthopaedic surgeons can use to quantify the curing process of cement during surgery. Raman spectroscopy is a non-invasive, non-destructive technique that could offer such an option. Two commercially available bone cements (Palacos® R and SmartSet® HV) and different storage conditions (4 and 22°C) were used to validate the technique. Raman spectroscopy was found to be repeatable across all conditions with the completion of the polymerisation process particularly easy to establish. All tests were benchmarked against current temperature monitoring methods outlined in ISO and ASTM standards. There was found to be close agreement with the standard methods and the Raman spectroscopy used in this study.
Unsaturated soils constitute a large proportion of the foundation materials supporting infrastructure throughout the world and they are subject to various loading conditions. This paper describes the development of a simple system for testing unsaturated soils under repeated loading. The equipment was comprised of a modified triaxial cell with hydraulic loading system, hall-effect transducers for on-sample strain measurements, and thermocouple psychrometer for suction measurements. A number of undrained monotonic and repeated loading triaxial tests were performed on compacted samples of kaolin clay in order to attest the newly developed system. The results yielded some useful information on the resilient modulus and permanent deformation of a soil when subjected to repeated loading. There is some difference between the failure deviator stress of samples subjected to repeated and monotonic loading, though repeated loading continued to result in a significant permanent deformation. This paper is aimed at demonstrating the key features of the equipment using preliminary data generated as part of the on-going research.
The strength development of mortars containing ground granulated blast-furnace slag (ggbs) and portland cement was investigated. Variables were the level of ggbs in the binder, water-binder ratio and curing temperature. All mortars gain strength more rapidly at higher temperatures and have a lower calculated ultimate strength. The early age strength is much more sensitive to temperature for higher levels of ground granulated blast-furnace slag. The calculated ultimate strength is affected to a similar degree for all ggbs levels and water-binder ratios, with only the curing temperature having a significant effect. Apparent activation energies were determined according to ASTM C1074 and were found to vary approximately linearly with ggbs level from 34 kJ/mol for portland cement mortars to around 60 kJ/mol for mortars containing 70% ggbs. The water-binder ratio appears to have little or no effect oil the apparent activation energy. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper presents a novel approach for introducing aligned carbon nanotubes (CNTs) at the crack interface of pre-impregnated (prepreg) carbon fibre composite plies, creating a hierarchical (three-phase) composite structure. The aim of this approach is to improve the interlaminar fracture toughness. The developed method for transplanting the aligned CNTs from the silicon wafer onto the pre-preg material is described. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to analyse the effects of the transplantation method. Double Cantilever Beam (DCB) specimens were prepared, according to ASTM standard D5528- 01R07E03 [1] and aligned multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) were introduced at the crack-tip. Mode I fracture tests for pristine (control) specimens and CNT-enhanced specimens were conducted and an average increase in the critical strain energy release rate (GIc) of approximately 50 % was achieved.
The tensile strength obtained from existing testing methods such as ASTM D3039, based on flat coupons, usually has a large scatter for fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) composites. This means that the measured strength may not represent the actual strength of the material, leading to under or over design. This paper develops a new interpretation method which requires fewer tests, saving money and time. Moreover the results are more consistent and more closely represent the actual strength which can lead to a safer and more economical design.
This paper reports the realisation of precision surface finish (Ra 30 nm) on AISI 4340 steel using a conventional turret lathe by adapting and incorporating a surface defect machining (SDM) method [Wear, 302, 2013 (1124-1135)]. Conventional ways of machining materials are limited by the use of a critical feed rate, experimentally determined as 0.02 mm/rev, beyond which no appreciable improvement in the machined quality of the surface is obtained. However, in this research, the novel application of an SDM method was used to overcome this minimum feed rate limitation ultimately reducing it to 0.005 mm/rev and attaining an average machined surface roughness of 30 nm. From an application point of view, such a smooth finish is well within the values recommended in the ASTM standards for total knee joint prosthesis. Further analysis was done using SEM imaging, white light interferometry and numerical simulations to verify that adapting SDM method provides improved surface integrity by reducing the extent of side flow, microchips and weldments during the hard turning process.
Os biocombustíveis têm estado na linha da frente das políticas energéticas mundiais visto que as suas vantagens conseguem colmatar as incertezas e resolver alguns dos problemas associados aos combustíveis fósseis. O biodiesel tem provado ser um combustível muito fiável, alternativo ao petrodiesel. É uma mistura de ésteres alquílicos produzidos a partir de óleos vegetais e gorduras animais através de uma reacção de transesterificação. Como combustível, o biodiesel é economicamente viável, socialmente responsável, tecnicamente compatível e ambientalmente amigável. O principal desafio associado ao seu desenvolvimento tem a ver com a escolha de matéria-prima para a sua produção. Nos países do terceiro mundo, óleos alimentares são mais importantes para alimentar pessoas do que fazer funcionar carros. Esta tese tem como objectivos produzir/processar biodiesel a partir de recursos endógenos de Timor-Leste e medir/prever as propriedades termodinâmicas do biodiesel, a partir das dos esteres alquílicos. A síntese do biodiesel a partir dos óleos de Aleurites moluccana, Jatropha curcas e borras de café foram aqui estudados. As propriedades termodinâmicas como densidade, viscosidade, tensão superficial, volatilidade e velocidade do som também foram medidas e estimadas usando modelos preditivos disponíveis na literatura, incluindo as equações de estado CPA e soft-SAFT. Timor-Leste é um país muito rico em recursos naturais, mas a maioria da população ainda vive na pobreza e na privação de acesso a serviços básicos e condições de vida decentes. A exploração de petróleo e gás no mar de Timor tem sido controlado pelo Fundo Petrolífero. O país ainda carece de electricidade e combustíveis que são cruciais para materializar as políticas de redução da pobreza. Como solução, o governo timorense criou recentemente o Plano Estratégico de Desenvolvimento a 20 anos cujas prioridades incluem trazer o desenvolvimento do petróleo do mar para a costa sul de Timor-Leste e desenvolver as energias renováveis. É neste último contexto que o biodiesel se insere. O seu desenvolvimento no país poderá ser uma solução para o fornecimento de electricidade, a criação de empregos e sobretudo o combate contra a pobreza e a privação. Para ser usado como combustível, no entanto, o biodiesel deve possuir propriedades termodinâmicas coerentes com as especificadas nas normas da ASTM D6751 (nos Estados Unidos) ou EN 14214 (na Europa) para garantir uma adequada ignição, atomização e combustão do biodiesel no motor.
Phenol is a toxic compound present in a wide variety of foundry resins. Its quantification is important for the characterization of the resins as well as for the evaluation of free contaminants present in foundry wastes. Two chromatographic methods, liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection (LC-UV) and gas chromatography with flame ionization detection (GC-FID), for the analysis of free phenol in several foundry resins, after a simple extraction procedure (30 min), were developed. Both chromatographic methods were suitable for the determination of phenol in the studied furanic and phenolic resins, showing good selectivity, accuracy (recovery 99–100%; relative deviations <5%), and precision (coefficients of variation <6%). The used ASTM reference method was only found to be useful in the analysis of phenolic resins, while the LC and GC methods were applicable for all the studied resins. The developed methods reduce the time of analysis from 3.5 hours to about 30 min and can readily be used in routine quality control laboratories.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Biológica
Interest in polyethylene and polypropylene bonding has increased in the last years. However, adhesive joints with adherends which are of low surface energy and which are chemically inert present several difficulties. Generally, their high degree of chemical resistance to solvents and dissimilar solubility parameters limit the usefulness of solvent bonding as a viable assembly technique. One successful approach to adhesive bonding of these materials involves proper selection of surface pre-treatment prior to bonding. With the correct pre-treatment it is possible to glue these materials with one or more of several adhesives required by the applications involved. A second approach is the use of adhesives without surface pre-treatment, such as hot melts, high tack pressure-sensitive adhesives, solvent-based specialty adhesives and, more recently, structural acrylic adhesives as such 3M DP-8005® and Loctite 3030®. In this paper, the shear strengths of two acrylic adhesives were evaluated using the lap shear test method ASTM D3163 and the block shear test method ASTM D4501. Two different industrial polyolefins (polyethylene and polypropylene) were used for adherends. However, the focus of this study was to measure the shear strength of polyethylene joints with acrylic adhesives. The effect of abrasion was also studied. Some test specimens were manually abraded using 180 and 320 grade abrasive paper. An additional goal of this work was to examine the effect of temperature and moisture on mechanical strength of adhesive joints.
Um incêndio é algo difícil de prever, assim como a sua consequência nos elementos de construção. Dessa forma, ao longo das últimas décadas, os elementos de construção têm sido alvo de diversos estudos a fim de avaliar os seus comportamentos quando solicitados em situação de incêndio. O International Building Code (IBC) descreve um método de cálculo analítico para a determinação da resistência ao fogo dos elementos da construção de acordo com os procedimentos de teste estabelecidos na ASTM E119 (Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials). Nesta dissertação foi feita uma análise desse método, que se mostrou inadequado para estimar a resistência ao fogo das alvenarias, sem função estrutural, de blocos cerâmicos e blocos de betão, uma vez que despreza qualquer efeito do ar no interior das mesmas. No seguimento desta análise, é apresentado um desenvolvimento do método descrito tendo em conta o efeito do ar. Depois de uma análise aos vários tipos de blocos cerâmicos e de betão com diferentes dimensões e geometrias foi possível obter uma relação entre a espessura equivalente de ar existente num bloco e a sua respectiva resistência ao fogo, de modo a serem obtidos os valores descritos na normalização existente. O efeito do ar mostrou ter uma maior influência na resistência ao fogo nas alvenarias constituídas por blocos cerâmicos de furação vertical, já que a sua geometria caracterizada por um elevado número de pequenos alvéolos contribui para o aumento do isolamento térmico, e consequentemente da sua resistência ao fogo. Nas alvenarias rebocadas os valores da resistência ao fogo aumentam cerca de 50%, quando revestidos com argamassa de cimento, e 70% quando revestidos com gesso, logo, o emprego de revestimentos representam uma boa alternativa para aumentar a resistência ao fogo.
O presente trabalho, desenvolvido nas instalações da FISIPE, teve como objectivo a caracterização de fibra oxidada (FOX),actualmente em desenvolvimento, com vista ao controlo de processo e de qualidade, e centrou-se em quatro parâmetros: i. Densidade; ii. Índice de Aromaticidade; iii. Índice de Oxigénio Limitante; iv. Grupos funcionais. No estudo da densidade realizou-se: a. Consolidação do método actualmente usado na empresa, observando-se uma redução da incerteza para metade (±0,005 gcm-3). b. Análise de diferentes amostras de FOX que apresentaram valores entre 1,348-1,387 gcm-3, que atendendo à incerteza do método, se encontram dentro dos valores de referência (1,35-1,39 gcm-3). c. Previsão de densidades ao longo da etapa de estabilização oxidativa. Confirmou-se ser apenas possível pela expressão apresentada numa das fontes consultada. Para o Índice de Aromaticidade (AI) efectuou-se: a. Estudo de quatro métodos de integração de curvas de DSC para determinação do calor de combustão que permite determinar o AI. Verificou-se que o mais indicado seria o uso da temperatura de on-set como limite inferior à linha de base de integração. b. Análise de diferentes amostras de FOX, observando-se valores de AI entre os 66% e 81%. Na determinação do Índice de Oxigénio Limitante, parâmetro exclusivo de qualidade, analisaram-se amostras de cabo pela adaptação da norma ASTM D 2863-06a. Obtiveram-se valores acima dos 40%O2 para a fibra oxidada. Para a verificação dos grupos funcionais realizou-se: a. Análise de FTIR, confirmando-se o desaparecimento de grupos nitrilo em função do tempo de oxidação, e a formação de bandas conjugadas e sobrepostas, indicando a presença de estruturas ciclizadas e aromatizadas. b. Proposta de um mecanismo reaccional para a reacção de oxidação de uma determinada fibra precursora. Com o intuito de minimizar o tempo de caracterização das FOX, procurou-se ainda encontrar uma correlação entre a densidade e o Índice de Aromaticidade, tanto ao longo da etapa de oxidação, como da fibra oxidada final. Conclui-se que não é possível estabelecer uma relação matemática para as amostras analisadas.
The level of information provided by ink evidence to the criminal and civil justice system is limited. The limitations arise from the weakness of the interpretative framework currently used, as proposed in the ASTM 1422-05 and 1789-04 on ink analysis. It is proposed to use the likelihood ratio from the Bayes theorem to interpret ink evidence. Unfortunately, when considering the analytical practices, as defined in the ASTM standards on ink analysis, it appears that current ink analytical practices do not allow for the level of reproducibility and accuracy required by a probabilistic framework. Such framework relies on the evaluation of the statistics of the ink characteristics using an ink reference database and the objective measurement of similarities between ink samples. A complete research programme was designed to (a) develop a standard methodology for analysing ink samples in a more reproducible way, (b) comparing automatically and objectively ink samples and (c) evaluate the proposed methodology in a forensic context. This report focuses on the first of the three stages. A calibration process, based on a standard dye ladder, is proposed to improve the reproducibility of ink analysis by HPTLC, when these inks are analysed at different times and/or by different examiners. The impact of this process on the variability between the repetitive analyses of ink samples in various conditions is studied. The results show significant improvements in the reproducibility of ink analysis compared to traditional calibration methods.