870 resultados para ALAS SUPERLATTICES


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By using the recently developed exact effective-mass envelope-function theory, the electronic structures of InAs/GaAs strained superlattices grown on GaAs (100) oriented substrates are studied. The electron and hole subband structures, distribution of electrons and holes along the growth direction, optical transition matrix elements, exciton states, and absorption spectra are calculated. In our calculations, the effects due to the different effective masses of electrons and holes in different materials and the strain are included. Our theoretical results are in agreement with the available experimental data.


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With a low strained InxGa1-xAs/GaAs(x similar to 0.01) superlattice (SL) buffer layer, the crystal quality of 50 period relaxed In0.3Ga0.7As/GaAs strained SLs has been greatly improved and over 13 satellite peaks are observed from X-ray double-crystal diffraction, compared with three peaks in the sample without the buffer layer. Cross-section transmission electron microscopy reveals that the dislocations due to superlattice strain relaxation are blocked by the SLs itself and are buried into the buffer layer. The role of the SL buffer layer lies in that the number of the dislocations is reduced in two ways: (1) the island formation is avoided and (2) the initial nucleation of the threading dislocations is retarded by the high-quality growth of the SL buffer layer. When the dislocation pinning becomes weak as a result of the reduced dislocation density, the SLs can effectively move the threading dislocations to the edge of the wafer.


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Polaron cyclotron resonance (CR) has been studied in three modulation-doped GaAs/Al0.3Ga0.7As multiple quantum well structures in magnetic field up to 30 T. Large avoided-level-crossing splittings of the CR near the GaAs reststrahlen region, and smaller splittings in the region of the AlAs-like optical phonons of th AlGaAs barriers, are observed. Based on a comparison with a detailed theoretical calculation, the high frequency splitting, the magnitude of which increases with decreasing well width, is assigned to resonant polaron interactions with AlAs-like interface phonons.


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In this work we investigate the lateral periodicity of symmetrically strained (GaIn)As/GaAs/Ga(PAs)/GaAs superlattices by means of X-ray scattering techniques. The multilayers were grown by metalorganic Vapour phase epitaxy on (001)GaAs substrates, which were intentionally off-oriented towards the [011]-direction. The substrate off-orientation and the strain distribution was found to affect the structural properties of the superlattices inducing the generation of laterally ordered macrosteps. Several high-resolution triple-crystal reciprocal space maps, which were recorded for different azimuth angles in the vicinity of the (004) Bragg diffraction and contour maps of the specular reflected beam collected in the vicinity of the (000) reciprocal lattice point, are reported and discussed. The reciprocal space maps clearly show a two-dimensional periodicity of the X-ray peak intensity distribution which can be ascribed to the superlattice periodicity in the direction of the surface normal and to a lateral periodicity in a crystallographic direction coinciding with the miscut orientation. The distribution and correlation of the vertical as well as of the lateral interface roughness was investigated by specular reflectivity and diffuse scattering measurements. Our results show that the morphology of the roughness is influenced by the off-orientation angle and can be described by a 2-dimensional waviness.


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The one-dimensional energy bands and corresponding conductivities of a T-shaped quantum-dot superlattice are studied in various cases: different periods, with potential barriers between dots, and in transverse electric fields. It is found that the conductivity of the superlattices has a similar energy relation to the conductance of a single quantum dot, but vanishes in the energy gap region. The energy band of a superlattice with periodically modulated conducting width in the perpendicular magnetic field is calculated for comparison with magneto-transport experiments. It is found that due to the edge state effect the electron has strong quantum transport features. The energy gaps change with the width of the channel, corresponding to the deep peaks in the conductance curve. This method of calculating the energy bands of quantum-dot superlattices is applicable to complex geometric structures without substantial difficulty. (C) 1997 American Institute of Physics.


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In this work we investigate the structural properties of symmetrically strained (GaIn)As/GaAs/Ga(PAs)/GaAs superlattices by means of x-ray diffraction, reciprocal-space mapping, and x-ray reflectivity. The multilayers were grown by metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy on (001) GaAs substrates intentionally off-oriented towards one of the nearest [110] directions. High-resolution triple-crystal reciprocal-space maps recorded for different azimuth angles in the vicinity of the (004) Bragg diffraction clearly show a double periodicity of the x-ray peak intensity that can be ascribed to a lateral and a vertical periodicity occurring parallel and perpendicular to the growth surface. Moreover, from the intensity modulation of the satellite peaks, a lateral-strain gradient within the epilayer unit cell is found, varying from a tensile to a compressive strain. Thus, the substrate off-orientation promotes a lateral modulation of the layer thickness (ordered interface roughness) and of the lattice strain, giving rise to laterally ordered macrosteps. In this respect, contour maps of the specular reflected beam in the vicinity of the (000) reciprocal lattice point were recorded in order to inspect the vertical and lateral interface roughness correlation, A semiquantitative analysis of our results shows that the interface morphology and roughness is greatly influenced by the off-orientation angle and the lateral strain distribution. Two mean spatial wavelengths can be determined, one corresponding exactly to the macrostep periodicity and the other indicating a further interface waviness along the macrosteps. The same spatial periodicities were found on the surface by atomic-force-microscopy images confirming the x-ray results and revealing a strong vertical correlation of the interfaces up to the outer surface.


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Radiative transition in delta-doped GaAs superlattices with and without Al0.1Ga0.9As barriers is investigated by using photoluminescence at low temperatures. The experimental results show that the transition mechanism of delta-doped superlattices is very different from that of ordinary superlattices. Emission intensity of the transition from the electron first excited state to hole states is obviously stronger than that from the electron ground state to hole states due to larger overlap integral between wavefunctions of electrons in the first excited state and hole states. Based on the effective mass theory we have calculated the self-consistent potentials, optical transition matrix elements and photoluminescence spectra for two different samples. By using this model we can explain the main optical characteristics measured. Moreover, after taking into account the bandgap renormalization energy, good agreement between experiment and theory is obtained.


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The electronic structures of the zinc-blende GaN/Ga0.85Al0.15N compressively strained superlattices and quantum wells are investigated using a 6 x 6 Hamiltonian model (including the heavy hole, light hole and spin-orbit splitting band). The energy bands, wavefunctions and optical transition matrix elements are calculated. It is found that the light hole couples with the spin-orbit splitting state even at the k=0 point, resulting in the hybrid states. The heavy hole remains a pure heavy hole state at k=0. The optical transitions from the hybrid valence states to the conduction states are determined by the transitions of the light hole and spin-orbit splitting states to the conduction states. The transitions from the heavy hole, light hole and spin-orbit splitting states to the conduction states obey the selection rule Delta n=0. The band structures obtained in this work will be valuable in designing GaN/GaAlN based optoelectronic devices. (C) 1996 Academic Press Limited


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A voltage-controlled tunable two-color infrared detector with photovoltaic (PV) and photoconductive (PC) dual-mode operation at 3-5 mu m and 8-14 mu m using GaAs/AlAs/AlGaAs double barrier quantum wells (DBQWs) and bound-to-continuum GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells is demonstrated. The photoresponse peak of the photovoltaic GaAs/AlAs/GaAlAs DBQWs is at 5.3 mu m, and that of the photoconductive GaAs/GaAlAs quantum wells is at 9.0 mu m. When the two-color detector is under a zero bias, the spectral response at 5.3 mu m is close to saturate and the peak detectivity at 80 K can reach 1.0X10(11) cmHz(1/2)/W, while the spectral photoresponsivity at 9.0 mu m is absolutely zero completely. When the external voltage of the two-color detector is changed to 2.0 V, the spectral photoresponsivity at 5.3 mu m becomes zero while the spectral photoresponsivity at 9.0 mu m increases comparable to that at 5.3 mu m under zero bias, and the peak detectivity (9.0 mu m) at 80 K can reach 1.5X10(10) cmHz(1/2)/W. Strictly speaking, this is a real bias-controlled tunable two-color infrared photodetector. We have proposed a model based on the PV and PC dual-mode operation of stacked two-color QWIPs and the effects of tunneling resonance with narrow energy width of photoexcited electrons in DBQWs, which can explain qualitatively the voltage-controlled tunable behavior of the photoresponse of the two-color infrared photodetector. (C) 1996 American Institute of Physics.