784 resultados para 899
Objective: To determine the effects of sildenafil citrate, a cyclic monophosphate-specific type 5 phosphodiesterase inhibitor known to affect sperm function, on fertilization and early embryo cleavage.
Amphibian skin secretions are, for the most part, complex peptidomes. While many peptide components have been biologically- and structurally-characterised into discrete "families", some of which are analogues of endogenous vertebrate regulatory peptides, a substantial number are of unique structure and unknown function. Among the components of these secretory peptidomes is an array of protease inhibitors. Inhibitors of trypsin are of widespread occurrence in different taxa and are representative of many established structural classes, including Kunitz, Kazal and Bowman-Birk. However, few protease inhibitors with activity against other specific proteases have been described from this source. Here we report for the first time, the isolation and structural characterisation of an inhibitor of chymotrypsin of Kunitz-type from the skin secretion of the African hyperoliid frog, Kassina senegalensis. To this end, we employed a functional peptidomic approach. This scheme involves fractionation of the peptidome, functional end-point screening, structural characterisation of resultant actives followed by molecular cloning of biosynthetic precursor-encoding cDNA(s). The novel mature and active polypeptide identified consisted of 62 amino acid residues (average molecular mass 6776.24 Da), of which 6 were positionally-conserved cysteines. The P(1) position within the active site was occupied by a phenylalanyl residue. Bioinformatic analysis of the sequence using BLAST, revealed a structural similarity to Kunitz-type chymotrypsin inhibitors from other organisms, ranging from silkworms to snakes.
omega Ori (HD37490, HR1934) is a Be star known to have presented variations. In order to investigate the nature and origin of its short-term and mid-term variability, a study is performed of several spectral lines (Halpha, Hdelta, HeI 4471, 4713, 4921, 5876, 6678, CII 4267, 6578, 6583, Mg II 4481, Si III 4553 and Si II 6347), based on 249 high signal-to-noise high-resolution spectra taken with 8 telescopes over 22 consecutive nights during the MuSiCoS (Multi SIte COntinuous Spectroscopy) campaign in November-December 1998. The stellar parameters are revisited and the projected rotational velocity (v sin i = 179 km s(-1)) is redetermined using several methods. With the MuSiCoS 98 dataset, a time series analysis of line-profile variations (LPVs) is performed using the Restricted Local Cleanest (RLC) algorithm and a least squares method. The behaviour of the velocity of the centroid of the lines, the equivalent widths and the apparent vsini for several lines, as well as Violet and Red components of photospheric lines affected by emission (red He i lines, Si II 6347, CII 6578, 6583) are analyzed. The non-radial pulsation (NRP) model is examined using phase diagrams and the Fourier-Doppler Imaging (FDI) method. The LPVs are consistent with a NRP mode with l = 2 or 3, \m\ = 2 with frequency 1.03 cd(-1). It is shown that an emission line outburst occurred in the middle of the campaign. Two scenarios are proposed to explain the behaviour of a dense cloud, temporarily orbiting around the star with a frequency 0.46 c d(-1), in relation to the outburst.
The effect of photon frequency redistribution by line branching on mass-loss rates for hot luminous stars is investigated. Monte Carlo simulations are carried out for a range of OB star models which show that previous mass-loss calculations which neglect non-resonance line scattering overestimate mass-loss rates for luminous O stars by ~20 per cent. For luminous B stars the effect is somewhat larger, typically ~50 per cent. A Wolf-Rayet star model is used to investigate line branching in the strong wind limit. In this case the effect of line branching is much greater, giving mass-loss rates that are smaller by a factor ~3 from computations which neglect branching.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: To compare the use of subconjunctival and peribulbar anesthesia for trabeculectomy. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Sixty patients undergoing trabeculectomy were prospectively randomized to receive either peribulbar or subconjunctival anesthesia. Peribulbar anesthesia consisted of a 3-ml inferior and a 1-ml superior injection of a 1:1 mixture of 2% mepivacaine, 0.75% bupivacaine, and hyaluronidase. Subconjunctival anesthesia consisted of a 1- to 2-ml injection of the same mixture without hyaluronidase in the superotemporal quadrant. Intraoperative pain, presence of eye movements, and complications during surgery were evaluated. RESULTS: The frequency and intensity of pain was statistically similar between the two groups. All episodes of pain (20% in the subconjunctival group and 6.6% in the peribulbar group) were rated as mild. Eye movement was more common in the subconjunctival group than in the peribulbar group, but it was controlled by verbal command and did not interfere with the procedure. No clinically significant complications occurred during surgery. CONCLUSION: Subconjunctival anesthesia is an effective alternative to peribulbar anesthesia for trabeculectomy.
Ratings awarded by standardised patients (SPs) in UK objective structured clinical examinations (OSCEs) are typically based on humanistic (non-technical) skills and are complementary to clinician-examiner ratings. In psychometric terms, SP ratings appear to differ from examiner ratings and improve reliability. For the first time, we used qualitative methods from a constructivist perspective to explore SP experiences of rating, and consider how these impact our understanding of assessment.
Background and purpose
The dominant psychometric discourse of OSCEs may lead to unexpected problems, such as a checklist-based student performance1 which under emphasises the clinical relationship with student and standardised patient (SP). Such encounters can be dehumanising for SPs2 and have implications for what students learn about relational skills through the assessment process. In this study we explore medical students’ experiences of undertaking OSCEs using a phenomenological frame.
Interpretative phenomenological analysis is a form of qualitative methodology which has strong resonance with existentialism and focuses on the lived experience without significant reference to external political or discursive
Six 4th year undergraduate medical students from Queen’s University Belfast were recruited in December 2013. Maximum variation sampling was used. Students were interviewed by a researcher in the week prior to the
OSCE and then again in the week following the OSCE in Jan 2014. Interviews were minimally structured in order to be open to respondents, rather than adhering to a fixed topic guide, but focussed on participants’ experiences, thoughts and feelings about taking part in OSCEs. Interviews were audio-recorded and
transcribed. Students were also asked to complete a short diary entry in the days prior to the OSCEs and another immediately following. Diary entries were written, emailed or audio-recorded at student’s preference.
Transcripts are currently being analysed by interpretative phenomenological analysis. Preliminary analysis has demonstrated the significance of students’ relationships within the OSCE triad (student, SP and examiner); the effect of the immediate examination environment; realism versus roleplay; students’ perceptions of the purpose of assessment; and coping mechanisms.
Full results will be available by the time of the conference.
Conclusion and Discussion
Understanding the student experience in OSCEs is a crucial step in understanding the complex construction of relationships within the OSCE triad. The focus in OSCEs is typically on standardisation and reliability, but in exploring social interactions we may refocus attention on their inherent potential for learning and effects on both students and patients.
1. Hodges B. Medical education and the maintenance of incompetence. Med Teach 2006;28(8):690-6
2. Johnston JL, Lundy G, McCullough M, Gormley GJ. The view from over there: reframing the OSCE through the experience of standardised patient
raters. Med Educ 2013;47(9):899-909
Cette recherche pose la question du sens de la création chez la personne qui se prépare à enseigner les arts visuels au primaire et au secondaire. Bien que plusieurs chercheurs en éducation artistique s'entendent sur le fait qu'au coeur de la formation à l'enseignement des arts réside la formation à la création, étonnamment, il semble que la formation à la création est peu probante à cet égard. En effet, plusieurs étudiantes ou étudiants, lorsqu'ils sont en stage, ont tendance à utiliser une approche peu significative et particulièrement centrée sur la technicité des procédés artistiques, et ce, bien que la finalité de l'enseignement des arts repose sur la transmission des conduites créatrices. Avant de se demander comment il se fait qu'il en soit ainsi, nous avons souhaité remonter en amont de cette interrogation pour comprendre quel est justement le sens qu'ils attribuent à la création, et ce, non seulement depuis le début de leur formation universitaire mais bien au cours de leur existence.Cette recherche a été réalisée auprès de huit étudiantes et étudiant de la première cohorte du nouveau programme de baccalauréat en enseignement des arts d'une université issue d'un milieu urbain. La méthodologie retenue relève de la combinaison de l'approche du récit de vie associée à celle de la phénoménologie. L'entretien biographique est le principal instrument de cueillette des données. L'analyse des données s'est effectuée au moyen de l'examen phénoménologique et de la théorisation ancrée. L'examen phénoménologique a fait état de ce qu'il y a de particulier à chacune des personnes participant à la recherche en traduisant leur vécu artistique et en précisant également les motivations intrinsèques qui orientent leur choix de carrière. La théorisation ancrée a permis d'articuler les récits autour de trois logiques. Elles relèvent des logiques ontologique, épistémologique et sociale (Fabre, 2000). Les résultats de la recherche ciblent trois mouvements dominants:"l'être vers la création","l'être vers l'autre" et"la création vers l'enseignement des arts". Chacun de ces mouvements comporte différentes caractéristiques et s'inscrit dans une structure dynamique qui montre comment le sens de la création fonde l'enseignement des arts.
Dimensão: 6,5x10 cm (fita) / 7x11 cm (caixa)
RESUMO - As lesões musculoesqueléticas ligadas ao trabalho (LMELT) são frequentes em contexto hospitalar e particularmente entre os enfermeiros (Estryn-Béhar, 1991; NIOSH, 1997). Em meio ocupacional o diagnóstico destas patologias é, com frequência, realizado com recurso a questionários de sintomas. A aplicação de questionários de auto-referência de sintomas de LMELT tem permitido recolher informação sobre a prevalência europeia destas lesões, registando-se valores que oscilam entre os 17 e os 44% (Buckle, 1999) e entre nós, designadamente numa indústria de componentes automóveis, os valores apresentam dimensão semelhante ou superior (Serranheira et al., 2003). O presente estudo pretendeu identificar a sintomatologia musculoesquelética auto-referida pelos enfermeiros em meio hospitalar, procurando relações com a actividade de enfermagem. Utilizou-se um instrumento de recolha de informação construído a partir de uma adaptação do questionário nórdico musculoesquelético (QNM) (Kuorinka et al., 1987) que se aplicou a 899 enfermeiros de diferentes serviços em cinco hospitais da região do grande Porto, no ano de 2004 (responderam 507 enfermeiros). Os resultados evidenciam uma prevalência elevada de sintomas musculoesqueléticos em diferentes zonas anatómicas nos últimos 12 meses (84%), particularmente atingindo a região lombar (65%), cervical (55%), dorsal (37%), ombros (34%) e punhos/mãos (30%). Não se encontram associações significativas entre algumas actividades que os enfermeiros realizam e a presença de níveis de desconforto, incómodo ou dor com origem no sistema musculoesquelético, eventualmente devido ao elevado número de subactividades desempenhadas pelos enfermeiros. Apesar disso, existem algumas relações: (1) com a tipologia de actividades realizadas (por exemplo levantamento e transporte de cargas) nos diferentes serviços (destaca-se a Medicina e a Neonatologia), (2) com o aumento do número de horas de trabalho semanais. Desse modo, observa-se que a prevalência de sintomas de LMELT neste grupo profissional é elevada o que pode condicionar a actividade dos enfermeiros e, por consequência, o bem-estar dos utentes. Sugere-se que a actividade de enfermagem e a organização do trabalho deste grupo profissional sejam objecto de uma análise mais detalhada no sentido da identificação dos elementos determinantes da sintomatologia musculoesquelética e sua consequente prevenção.
Kin selection is the key to understanding the evolution of cooperation in insect societies. However, kin selection also predicts potential kin conflict, and understanding how these conflicts are resolved is a major goal of current research on social insects
Da a conocer la real recuperación del recurso merluza tanto en niveles extractivos como en tallas, por tanto, establece que no existe indicios de explotación intensa y que, por el contrario, la pesca de la merluza ha sido sostenida en el período de 1994 - 1995. El estudio recomienda intensificar el seguimiento de la pesquería del recurso en el área de Chimbote, mediante un sistema de observación periódica.