995 resultados para 734


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The chemical species of iodine in seven marine algae Codium fragile, Ulva pertusa, Monostroma nitidum, Gracilaria confervoides, Sargassum Kjellmanianum, Dictyopteris divaricata and Laminaria japonica were studied using neutron activation analysis combined with chemical separation. The contents of total iodine, water-soluble iodine, soluble organic iodine, I- and IO3- were determined. The results indicate that the chemical species and contents of iodine in various algae are remarkably different. The highest iodine content of 734 mg/kg (wet basis) was found in Laminaria japonica, with 99.2% of the total iodine being water soluble. The iodine contents of the other six algae are lower and soluble iodine makes up 16-41% of the total. In the aqueous leachate, iodine is mainly I-, which amounts to 61-93% of total water-soluble iodine; the percentages of organic iodine making up 5.5-37.4%, while the contents of IO3- are the lowest, 1.4-4.5%. This result suggests that the mechanism of iodine enrichment is different for various algae and that its bioavailability varies as well. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.


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目的 观察藏成药安神丸饱和脂及不饱和脂提取物对大鼠脂质代谢及抗氧化功能的影响。方法 测定连续ig给药4周、8周及给药8周又停药4周后大鼠血清中丙二醛(MDA)、还原型谷胱甘肽(GSH)及高密谋脂蛋白(HDL)的含量。结果 安神丸的脂溶性提取物可明显增加较大龄鼠血清中的GSH和HDL含量。结论 安神丸脂溶性提取物可改善较大龄鼠脂质代谢功能,提高其抗氧化能力。


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M.Hieber, I.Wood: The Dirichlet problem in convex bounded domains for operators with L^\infty-coefficients, Diff. Int. Eq., 20, 7 (2007),721-734.


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Olusanya, Olaoluwa, Rethinking cognition as the sole basis for determining Criminal Liability under the Manifest Illegality Principle, In: 'Rethinking International Criminal Law: The Substantive Part', Europa Law Publishing, pp.67-87, 2007. RAE2008


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Wood, Ian; Hieber, M., (2007) 'The Dirichlet problem in convex bounded domains for operators with L8-coefficients', Differential and Integral Equations 20 pp.721-734 RAE2008


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Medicina Dentária


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Imprisonment is the most severe penalty utilised by the criminal courts in Ireland. In recent decades the prison population has grown significantly despite expressions both official and public to reduce the use of the sanction. Two other sanctions are available to the Irish sentencer which may be used as a direct and comparable sentence in lieu of a term of imprisonment namely, the community service order and the suspended sentence. The community service order remains under-utilised as an alternative to the custodial sentence. The suspended sentence is used quite liberally but its function may be more closely related to the aim of deterrence rather than avoiding the use of the custodial sentence. Thus the aim of decarceration may not be optimal in practice when either sanction is utilised. The decarcerative effect of either sanction is largely dependent upon the specific purpose which judges invest in the sanction. Judges may also be inhibited in the use of either sanction if they lack confidence that the sentence will be appropriately monitored and executed. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the role of the community service order and the suspended sentence in Irish sentencing practice. Although community service and the suspended sentence present primarily as alternatives to the custodial sentence, the manner in which the judges utilise or fail to utilise the sanctions may differ significantly from this primary manifestation. Therefore the study proceeds to examine the judges' cognitions and expectations of both sanctions to explore their underlying purposes and to reveal the manner in which the judges use the sanctions in practice. To access this previously undisclosed information a number of methodologies were deployed. An extensive literature review was conducted to delineate the purpose and functionality of both sanctions. Quantitative data was gathered by way of sampling for the suspended sentence and the part-suspended sentence where deficiencies were apparent to show the actual frequency in use of that sanction. Qualitative methodologies were used by way of focus groups and semi-structured interviews of judges at all jurisdictional levels to elucidate the purposes of both sanctions. These methods allowed a deeper investigation of the factors which may promote or inhibit such usage. The relative under-utilisation of the community service order as an alternative to the custodial sentence may in part be explained by a reluctance by some judges to equate it with a real custodial sentence. For most judges who use the sanction, particularly at summary level, community service serves a decarcerative function. The suspended sentence continues to be used extensively. It operates partly as a decarcerative penalty but the purpose of deterrence may in practice overtake its theoretical purpose namely the avoidance of custody. Despite ongoing criticism of executive agencies such as the Probation Service and the Prosecution in the supervision of such penalties both sanctions continue to be used. Engagement between the Criminal Justice actors may facilitate better outcomes in the use of either sanction. The purposes for which both sanctions are deployed find their meaning essentially in the practices of the judges themselves as opposed to any statutory or theoretical claims upon their use or purpose.


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A sample of 210 published data sets were assembled that (a) plotted amount remembered versus time, (b) had 5 or more points, and (c) were smooth enough to fit at least 1 of the functions tested with a correlation coefficient of .90 or greater. Each was fit to 105 different 2-parameter functions. The best fits were to the logarithmic function, the power function, the exponential in the square root of time, and the hyperbola in the square root of time. It is difficult to distinguish among these 4 functions with the available data, but the same set of 4 functions fit most data sets, with autobiographical memory being the exception. Theoretical motivations for the best fitting functions are offered. The methodological problems of evaluating functions and the advantages of searching existing data for regularities before formulating theories are considered.


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O estudo tem como objetivo descrever e analisar as estratégias de memória na aprendizagem de Estatística de 175 alunos do Ensino Médio de escolas públicas da Grande São Paulo. Os dados foram coletados em 2011. A abordagem histórico-cultural considera a autorregulação da memória na aprendizagem como um processo consciente que requer do indivíduo estabelecimento de metas, com base em suas expectativas, e o uso de estratégias para alcançá-las. Os resultados mostraram que os alunos praticam a repetição de exercícios para memorizar e não buscam intencionalmente prestar a atenção na aula para aprender e memorizar. Os alunos demonstraram pouco envolvimento com estratégias de memória para a aprendizagem. Apesar de afirmarem que a disciplina é importante e apesar do incentivo de docentes para uso de estratégias de aprendizagem, a prática de estudo de Estatística vincula-se a processos mecanicistas.


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El rol del aprendizaje significativo mediante la utilización de nuevas estrategias de enseñanza. Este aprendizaje involucra un proceso en el que lo que aprendemos es el producto de la información nueva, interpretada a la luz de lo que ya sabemos. Para que haya aprendizaje significativo, es necesario que el alumno pueda relacionar el material de aprendizaje con la estructura de conocimientos de que ya dispone. De esta forma, junto con la motivación favorable para la comprensión, y, los esfuerzos que requiere, una condición esencial del aprendizaje de conceptos será que estos se relacionen con los conocimientos previos de los alumnos. El nuevo conocimiento, que queremos que el alumno aprenda en esta oportunidad, surgirá de un adecuado desarrollo del razonamiento deductivo y manejo de los conocimientos previos. Entendiendo por razonamiento deductivo al proceso de razonamiento en que, para obtener una conclusión lógicamente necesaria a partir de ciertas premisas, los pasos están encadenados siguiendo ciertas reglas lógicas y son justificados rigurosamente. Las justificaciones están basadas en los axiomas y definiciones de la teoría respectiva, en teoremas demostrados con anterioridad y en las premisas o hipótesis del problema o teorema. El docente debe ayudar al estudiante a desarrollar y usar el poder del razonamiento deductivo comprometiéndolo permanentemente a pensar, analizar y deducir conjeturas en clase, además debe crear y seleccionar tareas apropiadas que puedan involucrar la generalización, la organización de datos para validar o refutar una conjetura. Un grupo de bachillerato del último año desarrolló la demostración de un teorema de convergencia de series, con los resultados de un 46% que la realizó exitosamente, versus un 36% que no lo logró. Los alumnos que lograron hacer la demostración, no eran los más estudiosos pero tenían una buena capacidad de razonamiento. En cambio los que generalmente preparan las evaluaciones y que se apoyan mucho en la memoria, no lograron un buen desempeño.


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Direct chill (DC) casting is a core primary process in the production of aluminum ingots. However, its operational optimization is still under investigation with regard to a number of features, one of which is the issue of curvature at the base of the ingot. Analysis of these features requires a computational model of the process that accounts for the fluid flow, heat transfer, solidification phase change, and thermomechanical analysis. This article describes an integrated approach to the modeling of all the preceding phenomena and their interactions.


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The objective of this work is to present a new scheme for temperature-solute coupling in a solidification model, where the temperature and concentration fields simultaneously satisfy the macro-scale transport equations and, in the mushy region, meet the constraints imposed by the thermodynamics and the local scale processes. A step-by-step explanation of the macrosegregation algorithm, implemented in the finite volume unstructured mesh multi-physics modelling code PHYSICA, is initially presented and then the proposed scheme is validated against experimental results obtained by Krane for binary and a ternary alloys.