991 resultados para 658.3124
Bream (Abramis brava orientalis) is one of Cyprindae the Caspian Sea and its basin which has a special ecological, biological and economical role. Stock of this fish in the Caspian Sea has reduced during several years for different reason the over fishing, different industrial, agriculture, urban pollution and destroy of the spawning habitat. So that fishery company decided to recover the stock of this fish by the way of artificial reproduction of a Bream couple hunted from south coast of the Caspian Sea (Iran) and setting the fingerling to the rivers and inflow wetlands of the Caspian Sea.This activity has due to 20 tons Bream annual fishing in the Iranian South coast of the Caspian Sea (Gilan province coast and Anzali wetland), The artificial reproduction has decreased Bream population diversity of Caspian sea and Anzali wetland.So it has been declined to improve Braem population diversity by the entrance of Azerbijan republic Bream and encounter to the Caspian sea Bream. Meanwhile there is Bream in the Aras Dam Lake which had been forgotten by the Fishery Company of Iran .For this reason specifications morphometric, meristic and inter species Molecular Genetic have been surveyed in Anzali wetland,Southern coast of Caspian Sea ,Aras Darn Lake and Azerbijan republic during 2003-2005. According to the research on specifications of Morphometric and Meristic of Anzali wetland(120 species),Southern coast of Caspian Sea(90 species), Aras Dam Lake(110 species) and Azerbijan Republic(125 species)has Morphometric and Meristic differences. So that average weight and total length of Anzali wetland Bream respectively was 167 g and 23/76 cm, 102 g and 27/62 cm in Caspian Sea , 461 g and 3 5/38 cm in Aras Darn Lake and 3 4189 g and 15/21 cm in Azerbijan republic (We forced to use 1 year Bream of artificial reproduction in Iran). Also variation coefficient average Morphometric, Morphometric specification Ration and meristic in Anzali wetland Bream was 17/45, 21/56 and 4/63, in Caspian Sea bream 22/58, 15/27 and 3124, in Aras Dam lake Lake 17145. 1.5/27 and 3/57 and Azerbaijan republic Bream 22/29, 19/66 and 4/22. Also Bream of these four regions in general status had Morphometric significant differences based on One Way ANOVA Analysis. Meanwhile Anzali wetland Bream with Caspian Sea Bream from 41 Morphometric surveyed factors in 33 factors, with Aras Darn Lake Bream in 41 factors, with Azerbkjan republic Bream in 41 factors,Caspian Sea Bream with Aras Darn Lake Bream in 36 factors,with Azerbijan republic B ream in 40 factors and A ras Dam L ake Bream with Azerbijan republic Bream in 38 factors had significant statistical differences. These four regions Bream had differences according to the Morphomertric specification ration based on One Way ANOVA Analysis. Also Anzali wetland Bream was surveyed with Caspian Sea Bream from 37 factors i n 27 factors, Anzali wetland Bream with Aras Dam 1ake in 37 factors Anzali wetland Bream with Azerbijan republic Bream in 32 factors,Caspian sea bream with Arsa Dam Lake Bream in 26 factors, Caspian Sea Bream with Azerbijan republic Bream in 29 factors and Aras Dam Lake Bream with Azerbijan republic Bream in 34 factor had significant statistical differences. Based on Meristic factor of four regions bream in 16 surveyed factors in 10 factors had meaningful differences according to the One Way ANOVA Analysis. While Anzali wetland Bream was surveyed with Caspian Sea Bream from in 3 factors,Anzali wetland Bream with Aras Dam lake in 8 factors,Anzali wetland Bream with Azerbijan republic B ream in 6 factors,Caspian Sea bream with Arsa Dam Lake Bream in 6 factors,Caspian sea Bream with Azerbijan republic Bream in 3 factors and Aras Dam Lake Bream with Azerijan republic Bream in 8 factor had significant statistical differences.Meanwihle based on Factor Analysis and Discriminant Breams had differences. Also according to the resrarchs Anzali wetland Bream in 0+ age group till 5+ (6 age groups),Caspian Sea bream in 1+ - 5+(5 age groups),Aras Darn Lake Bream in 1+ - 7+ (7 age groups) and Azerbijan republic Bream for Morphometric and Meristic studies in 1+age group and for molecular Genetic reaserch were in 8+and 9+ age groups. According to the research 4 ecosystems Bream in status of same age, Aras lake Bream were bigger according to weight and length.Also in this research genetic diversity between four population was researched by PCR-RFLP technic on a piece of mitochondrion genome with the length of 3500bp contain of tRNA-leu,tRNA-glu,ND5/6,Cytb. Between 17 used enzyme. 4 enzyme, Dral, Bc11, Haefll and Banff showed diversity in totally 6 composite haplotype was detected. Maximum nucleotide diversity by the value% 0/58 in Azerbijan republic Bream by all haplotype. Aras darn Lake Bream had 2 haplotype and nucleotide diversity of %0/35.Anzali wetland and Caspian Sea Bream had no diversity. Statistical analysis by the usage of Monte Carlo with 1000 repeat showed significant differences between Azerbaijan Bream and other Bream(P<0/0001) but there was no significant difference between 3 regions Bream(P>0/5).
This study examines the kinetics of carbonation by CO2 at temperatures of ca. 750 °C of a synthetic sorbent composed of 15 wt% mayenite (Ca12Al14O33) and CaO, designated HA-85-850, and draws comparisons with the carbonation of a calcined limestone. In-situ XRD has verified the inertness of mayenite, which neither interacts with the active CaO nor does it significantly alter the CaO carbonation–calcination equilibrium. An overlapping grain model was developed to predict the rate and extent of carbonation of HA-85-850 and limestone. In the model, the initial microstructure of the sorbent was defined by a discretised grain size distribution, assuming spherical grains. The initial input to the model – the size distribution of grains – was a fitted parameter, which was in good agreement with measurements made with mercury porosimetry and by the analysis of SEM images of sectioned particles. It was found that the randomly overlapping spherical grain assumption offered great simplicity to the model, despite its approximation to the actual porous structure within a particle. The model was able to predict the performance of the materials well and, particularly, was able to account for changes in rate and extent of reaction as the structure evolved after various numbers of cycles of calcination and carbonation.
This study examines the kinetics of carbonation by CO 2 at temperatures of ca. 750°C of a synthetic sorbent composed of 15wt% mayenite (Ca 12Al 14O 33) and CaO, designated HA-85-850, and draws comparisons with the carbonation of a calcined limestone. In-situ XRD has verified the inertness of mayenite, which neither interacts with the active CaO nor does it significantly alter the CaO carbonation-calcination equilibrium. An overlapping grain model was developed to predict the rate and extent of carbonation of HA-85-850 and limestone. In the model, the initial microstructure of the sorbent was defined by a discretised grain size distribution, assuming spherical grains. The initial input to the model - the size distribution of grains - was a fitted parameter, which was in good agreement with measurements made with mercury porosimetry and by the analysis of SEM images of sectioned particles. It was found that the randomly overlapping spherical grain assumption offered great simplicity to the model, despite its approximation to the actual porous structure within a particle. The model was able to predict the performance of the materials well and, particularly, was able to account for changes in rate and extent of reaction as the structure evolved after various numbers of cycles of calcination and carbonation. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.
于2005年10月对香溪河干流5个小水电站对河流底栖动物的影响进行调查研究,按影响情况,各电站设5个采样点。应用底栖动物物种组成、现存量、优势类群、功能摄食类群等参数,衡量小水电站对河流底栖动物群落结构的影响。在研究区域共采集到底栖动物4656条,平均密度为658 ind./m2,蜉蝣目的四节蜉属(Baetisspp.)是该区域的优势类群。研究结果表明:电站的修建对河流水化学指标没有显著影响,但河流生境的物理因子(如流速和水深)都发生了较大的改变;对河流底栖动物的各方面均有一定的影响,特别是密度在5个样点
根据噶氏斑纹和雄性个体的副性征,对我国的鳅属鱼类进行了分类整理。一直被作为中华鳅Cobitissinensis Sauvageet Dabry,1874同物异名的长吻鳅C.dolichor hynchus Nichols,1918和稀有鳅C.rarusChen,1981不仅在噶氏斑纹上存在差异,而且它们雄性个体的副性征也明显有别,为有效种;而1925年Nichols命名的花斑鳅C.melanoleuca Nichols,1925与北方鳅C.granoeiRendahl,1935或中华鳅不同,也为有效种。因
国家自然科学基金 3 9670 1 0 1、4 983 2 0 1 0资助
国家杰出青年科学基金(3992 50 0 7); 欧盟国际合作项目(ERBIC 1 8CT 960 0 59)
This paper analyzes reaction and thermal front development in porous reservoirs with reacting flows, such as those encountered in shale oil extraction. A set of dimensionless parameters and a 3D code are developed in order to investigate the important physical and chemical variables of such reservoirs when heated by in situ methods. This contribution builds on a 1D model developed for the precursor study to this work. Theory necessary for this study is presented, namely shale decomposition chemical mechanisms, governing equations for multiphase flow in porous media and necessary closure models. Plotting the ratio of the thermal wave speed to the fluid speed allows one to infer that the reaction wave front ends where this ratio is at a minimum. The reaction front follows the thermal front closely, thus allowing assumptions to be made about the extent of decomposition solely by looking at thermal wave progression. Furthermore, this sensitivity analysis showed that a certain minimum permeability is required in order to ensure the formation of a traveling thermal wave. It was found that by studying the non-dimensional governing parameters of the system one can ascribe characteristic values for these parameters for given initial and boundary conditions. This allows one to roughly predict the performance of a particular method on a particular reservoir given approximate values for initial and boundary conditions. Channelling and flow blockage due to carbon residue buildup impeded each method's performance. Blockage was found to be a result of imbalanced heating. Copyright 2012, Society of Petroleum Engineers.
The concentrations of major anions and cations, nitrogen and phosphorus, dissolved and particulate trace elements, and organic pollutants were determined for the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River (Changjiang) from below the Three Gorges Dam (TGD) to the mouth at Shanghai in November 2006. The concentration of dissolved inorganic phosphate (DIP) was constant at a low level of 6-8 mu gP/L, but the concentration of nitrate (NO3-) approximately doubled downstream and was closely correlated with K+. This translated to a daily load of well over 1000 It of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) at Datong. The average concentrations of dissolved Pb (0.078 +/- 0.023 mu g/L), Cd (0.024 +/- 0.009 mu g/L), Cr(0.57 +/- 0.09 mu g/L), Cu (1.9 +/- 0.7 mu g/L), and Ni (0.50 +/- 0.49 mu g/L) were comparable with those in other major world rivers, while As (3.3 +/- 1.3 mu g/L) and Zn (1.5 +/- 0.6 mu g/L) were higher by factors of 5.5 and 2.5, respectively. The trace element contents of suspended particles of As (31 +/- 28 mu g/g), Pb (83 +/- 34 mu g/g), and Ni (52 +/- 16 mu g/g) were close to maximum concentrations recommended for rivers by the European Community (EC). The average concentrations of Cd (2.6 +/- 1.6 mu g/g), Cr (185 +/- 102 mu g/g), Cu (115 +/- 106 mu g/g), and Zn (500 +/- 300 mu g/g) exceeded the EC standards by a factor of two, and Hg (4.4 +/- 4.7 mu g/g) by a factor of 4 to 5. Locally occurring peak concentrations exceed these values up to fourfold, among them the notorious elements As, Hg, and Tl. All dissolved and particulate trace element concentrations were higher than estimates made twenty years ago [Zhang, J., Geochemistry of trace metals from Chinese river/estuary systems: an overview. Estuar Coast Shelf Sci 1995; 41: 631-658.]. The enormous loads of anthropogenic pollutants disposed to the river were diluted by the large water discharge of the Yangtze even during the lowest flow resulting in the relatively low concentration levels of trace elements and organic pollutants observed. We estimated loads of e.g. As, Pb and Ni to the East China Sea to be about 4600 kg As d(-1), 3000 kg Pb d(-1), and 2000 kg Ni d(-1). About 6000 t d(-1) of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was delivered into the sea at the time of our cruise. We tested for 236 organic pollutants, and only the most infamous were found to be barely above detection limits. We estimated that the load of chlorinated compounds, aromatic hydrocarbons, phenols, and PAHs were between 500 and 3500 kg d(-1). We also detected eight herbicides entering the estuary with loads of 5-350 kg d(-1). The pollutant load, even when at low concentrations, are considerable and pose an increasing threat to the health of the East China Sea ecosystem. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A (GT)(n) enriched partial genomic library of bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis) was constructed by employing the (fast isolation by AFLP of sequences containing repeats) FIASCO protocol. Sixteen loci exhibited polymorphism with two to seven alleles/locus (mean 3.263) in a test population and the observed heterozygosity ranging from 0.100 to 0.690 (mean 0.392). Eleven of the 16 bighead carp microsatellites were found to be also polymorphic in silver carp. These polymorphic loci should provide sufficient level of genetic diversity to evaluate population structure of bighead carp.
A high-power AlGaInP laser diode with current-injection-free region near the facet is successfully fabricated by metaorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) using the (100) direction n-GaAs substrates with a misorientation of 15 deg toward the (011) direction. The maximum continuous wave output power is about 90 mW for the traditional structure. In comparison, the maximum output power is enhanced by about 67%, and achieves 150 mW for LDs with current-infection-free regions. The fundamental transverse-mode operation is obtained up to 70 mW. Output characteristics at high temperatures are also improved greatly for an LD with a current-injection-free region, and the highest operation temperature is 70 C at 50 mW without kink. The threshold current is about 33 mA, the operation current and the slope efficiency at 100 mW are 120 mA and 0.9 mW/mA, respectively. The lasing wavelength is 658.4 nm at room-temperature 50 mW. (c) 2006 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.