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通过人工模拟实验,研究了不同种植密度(50、100和150株/m2)的黑藻(Hydrilla verticillata)对富营养湖泊水体和沉积物理化性质的改善和营养元素的去除作用。结果表明:种植黑藻能显著提高水体溶解氧(DO)和沉积物的氧化还原电位(Eh),DO由3.95mg/L提高到10.42mg/L;沉积物Eh提高了58.6—109.4mV。黑藻的生长有效地降低了水体和沉积物中的氮、磷含量,水体中TP降低了38.9%—57.1%;NH4+-N的含量降低了90.2%;沉积物中TN的含量比试验前中期降低了
Graphene is at the center of an ever growing research effort due to its unique properties, interesting for both fundamental science and applications. A key requirement for applications is the development of industrial-scale, reliable, inexpensive production processes. Here we review the state of the art of graphene preparation, production, placement and handling. Graphene is just the first of a new class of two dimensional materials, derived from layered bulk crystals. Most of the approaches used for graphene can be extended to these crystals, accelerating their journey towards applications. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.
Riblets are small surface protrusions aligned with the flow direction, which confer an anisotropic roughness to the surface [6]. We have recently reported that the transitional-roughness effect in riblets, which limits their performance, is due to a Kelvin–Helmholtz-like instability of the overlying mean flow [7]. According to our DNSs, the instability sets on as the Reynolds number based on the roughness size of the riblets increases, and coherent, elongated spanwise vortices begin to develop immediately above the riblet tips, causing the degradation of the drag-reduction effect. This is a very novel concept, since prior studies had proposed that the degradation was due to the interaction of riblets with the flow as independent units, either to the lodging of quasi-streamwise vortices in the surface grooves [2] or to the shedding of secondary streamwise vorticity at the riblet peaks [9]. We have proposed an approximate inviscid analysis for the instability, in which the presence of riblets is modelled through an average boundary condition for an overlying, spanwise-independent mean flow. This simplification lacks the accuracy of an exact analysis [4], but in turn applies to riblet surfaces in general. Our analysis succeeds in predicting the riblet size for the onset of the instability, while qualitatively reproducing the wavelengths and shapes of the spanwise structures observed in the DNSs. The analysis also connects the observations with the Kelvin–Helmholtz instability of mixing layers. The fundamental riblet length scale for the onset of the instability is a ‘penetration length,’ which reflects how easily the perturbation flow moves through the riblet grooves. This result is in excellent agreement with the available experimental evidence, and has enabled the identification of the key geometric parameters to delay the breakdown. Although the appearance of elongated spanwise vortices was unexpected in the case of riblets, similar phenomena had already been observed over other rough [3], porous [1] and permeable [11] surfaces, as well as over plant [5,14] and urban [12] canopies, both in the transitional and in the fully-rough regimes. However, the theoretical analyses that support the connection of these observations with the Kelvin–Helmholtz instability are somewhat scarce [7, 11, 13]. It has been recently proposed that Kelvin–Helmholtz-like instabilities are a dominant feature common to “obstructed” shear flows [8]. It is interesting that the instability does not require an inflection point to develop, as is often claimed in the literature. The Kelvin-Helmholtz rollers are rather triggered by the apparent wall-normal-transpiration ability of the flow at the plane immediately above the obstructing elements [7,11]. Although both conditions are generally complementary, if wall-normal transpiration is not present the spanwise vortices may not develop, even if an inflection point exists within the roughness [10]. REFERENCES [1] Breugem, W. P., Boersma, B. J. & Uittenbogaard, R. E. 2006 J. Fluid Mech. 562, 35–72. [2] Choi, H., Moin, P. & Kim, J. 1993 J. Fluid Mech. 255, 503–539. [3] Coceal, O., Dobre, A., Thomas, T. G. & Belcher, S. E. 2007 J. Fluid Mech. 589, 375–409. [4] Ehrenstein, U. 2009 Phys. Fluids 8, 3194–3196. [5] Finnigan, J. 2000 Ann. Rev. Fluid Mech. 32, 519–571. [6] Garcia-Mayoral, R. & Jimenez, J. 2011 Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 369, 1412–1427. [7] Garcia-Mayoral, R. & Jimenez, J. 2011 J. Fluid Mech. doi: 10.1017/jfm.2011.114. [8] Ghisalberti, M. 2009 J. Fluid Mech. 641, 51–61. [9] Goldstein, D. B. & Tuan, T. C. 1998 J. Fluid Mech. 363, 115–151. [10] Hahn, S., Je, J. & Choi, H. 2002 J. Fluid Mech. 450, 259–285. [11] Jimenez, J., Uhlman, M., Pinelli, A. & G., K. 2001 J. Fluid Mech. 442, 89–117. [12] Letzel, M. O., Krane, M. & Raasch, S. 2008 Atmos. Environ. 42, 8770–8784. [13] Py, C., de Langre, E. & Moulia, B. 2006 J. Fluid Mech. 568, 425–449. [14] Raupach, M. R., Finnigan, J. & Brunet, Y. 1996 Boundary-Layer Meteorol. 78, 351–382.
Four 1-week trials were conducted to determine the effects of feeding rates on growth performance and body proximate composition of white sturgeon larvae during each of the first 4 weeks after initiation of feeding. Feeding rates (% body weight day(-1)) were 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 for trial I; 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 for trial II; and 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10.5, 12.5, and 15.0 for trials III and TV Four tanks with 200 larvae each were randomly assigned to each of the six feeding rates. Average initial body weights of the larvae were 49, 94, 180, and 366 mg, respectively, for trials I-IV. The larvae were kept at 19-20 degreesC in circular tanks and fed continuously one of two commercial salmonid soft-moist feeds using automatic feeders. Proximate composition (%) of the feeds for trials I-III and IV were 13.9 and 14.9 moisture, 52.5 and 50.0 crude protein, 10.3 and 12.9 crude fat, and 8.1 and 8.7 ash, respectively. Except mortality in trial I, gain per food fed in trial III, and body ash in all trials, growth performance and body composition were significantly (P<0.05) affected by all feeding rates. Broken line analysis on specific growth rates indicated the optimum feeding rates of white sturgeon larvae to be 26%, 13%, 11%, and 6% body weight day-respectively, for weeks 1, 2, 3, and 4 after initiation of feeding. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Automatic molecular classification of cancer based on DNA microarray has many advantages over conventional classification based on morphological appearance of the tumor. Using artificial neural networks is a general approach for automatic classification. In this paper, Direction-Basis-Function neuron and Priority-Ordered algorithm are applied to neural networks. And the leukemia gene expression dataset is used as an example to testify the classifier. The result of our method is compared to that of SVM. It shows that our method makes a better performance than SVM.
设计了一种用于驱动电路和模数转换器的片上电流源,该结构利用带隙基准的方法产生了一个与温度无关的参考电平,同时为了满足高电源抑制的要求,电流源中采用了运算放大器的负反馈环路来抑制电源到输出的增益,从而使输出电平与电源电压无关,然后通过电阻把电压转化为电流.该电路在0.35,μm、3.3 V的工艺下实现,芯片面积为0.03 mm~2.仿真和测试结果表明,该电流源的温度系数为8.7×10~(-6)/℃,在2.6~4 V的电源电压下均能正常工作,达到了系统要求.