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Nano-crystals of LiNbxTa1 (-) O-x(3) were evolved by subjecting melt-quenched 1.5Li(2)O-2B(2)O(3)-xNb(2)O(5)-(1 - x)Ta2O5 glasses (where x = 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1.00) to a controlled 3-h isothermal heat treatment between 530 and 560 degrees C. Detailed X-ray diffraction and Raman spectral studies confirmed the formation of nano-crystalline LiNbxTa1 (-) O-x(3) along with a minor phase of ferroelectric and non-linear optic Li2B4O7. The sizes of the nanocrystals evolved in the glass were in the range of 19-37 nm for x = 0-0.75 and 23-45 nm for x = 1.00. Electron microscopic studies confirmed a transformation of the morphology of the nano-crystallites from dendritic star-shaped spherulites for x = 0 to rod-shaped structures for x = 1.00 brought about by a coalescence of crystallites. Broad Maker-fringe patterns (recorded at 532 nm) were obtained by subjecting the heat-treated glass plates to 1064 nm fundamental radiation. However, an effective second order non-linear optic coefficient, d(eff), of 0.45 pm/V, which is nearly 1.2 times the d(36) of KDP single crystal, was obtained for a 560 degrees C/3 h heat-treated glass of the representative composition x = 0.50 comprising 37 nm sized crystallites. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Low resistance motion of liquids on a well-defined path is beneficial for several MEMS based applications including energy harvesting and switching. By eliminating the contact line we demonstrate low resistance motion of a liquid bulge on pre-wetted strips. The bulge appears on wetted strips due to a morphological instability. The wetted strip confines the mercury bulge and defines its path of motion. Resistance to initiate motion of the bulge was studied experimentally and compared to other cases. An electret based energy harvesting device using bulge motion has been fabricated and tested.
Con el objetivo de determinar la prevalencia de cerdos afectados por Stephanurus dentatus del total de cerdos faenados en el matadero PROCERSA, ubicado en el km 23 carretera panamericana norte, así como identificar los órganos de mayor afectación y las implicaciones económicas que ocasiona su decomiso, el presente estudio, los datos recopilados se obtuvieron de los registros de matanza de Enero a Junio del año 2010, El estudio fue observacional de tipo transversal, por estar determinado en un momento de la actividad del matadero. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva con distribuciones de frecuencia a partir de los datos recolectados de la inspección realizada en el matadero, se estructuró la base de datos en hoja electrónica (Excel), para la interpretación de los resultados obtenidos se realizó un análisis usando el programa estadístico SAS y SPSS, el cual utiliza la pruebaX2, en tablas de contingencia a una P < 0.05, La prevalencia total de animales afectados se determinó del total de animales faenados. Al iniciarse el estudio, Las variables evaluadas fueron, prevalencia total de animales faenados, por tamaño del lote, total de los órganos afectados, prevalencia por órgano afectado, y pérdidas económicas. La prevalencia total se encontró que fue de 3.3% , la prevalencia por lote promedio es 4% con una desviación estándar de 2%, los órganos mayor afectados por lote promedio son para riñones 7.35% e Hígado con 3.10%. La prevalencia por órganos afectados es para riñón 4% e Hígado es 3%. La prevalencia por órganos del total de órganos afectados se distribuyeron en rangos de órganos afectados por población, el 75% de la población presentan una prevalencia mayor para riñones con un 88% e Hígado con un 54%.El lugar de procedencia de los animales más afectados fue Nueva guinea (30%), Chontales(25%),Las pérdidas económicas por decomiso de riñones $251.00 y para Hígado de $530.00.
<正> 圆柱绕流问题最早是Stokes于1901年开始研究的。最近15年来,以圆柱非定常分离流为代表的非流线型物体绕流及伴随的旋涡运动受到很大重视。这主要是因为它与近代海洋工程、航空工程及工业空气动力学中不少急待解决的流体力学问题有关。例如,海洋平台桩柱、导管等所受的波浪力分析中,当结构物特征尺寸与波浪的波长相比较小(且K-C数在5—30范围内)时,柱后的旋涡脱落及它所诱导的力(引起构件的振动)是主要应考虑的问题,要给出正确的预计。导弹无侧滑大攻角飞行时背风面分离涡面的不对称运动产生不希望有的偏航力,分析其产生的机理,预计其大小并设法抑制这种力十分重要。此外还有气动噪声及高耸建筑物的风振问题等等。这些复杂问题的解决常常要以低速高雷诺数圆柱非定常分离流研究为基础。
本文推导了三维问题及平面应力、平面应变、轴对称问题在任意曲线坐标系中的弹塑性矩阵。由此最一般的表达式可以方便地得到任何特定坐标系中的弹塑性矩阵,供各类不同特点问题的有限元计算时使用。 文中推导得到的任意曲线坐标系中的本构方程,也同时为曲线差分法求解弹塑性问题提供了刚度系数显式。
Using the approach of local expansion, we analyze the magnetostatic relations in the case of conventional turbulence. The turbulent relations are obtained consisten tly for themomentum equation and induction equation of both the average and fluctuation relations.In comparison with the magnetostatic relations as discussed usually, turbulent fluctuationfields produce forces, one of which 1/(4π)(α1×B0)×B0 may have parallel and perpendicular components in the direction of magnetic field, the other of which 1/(4π)K×B0 is introduced by the boundary value of turbulence and is perpendicular to the magnetic field. In the case of 2-dimensional configuration of magnetic field, the basic equation will be reduced into a second-order elliptic equation, which includes some linear and nonlinear terms introduced by turbulent fluctuation fields. Turbulent fields may change the configuration of magnetic field and even shear it non-uniformly. The study on the influence of turbulent fields is significant since they are observed in many astrophysical environments.
Analisa o efetivo papel do Poder Legislativo no processo político de formulação e discussão de política pública de segurança, o caso do Programa Nacional de Segurança Pública com Cidadania - PRONASCI, instituído pela Medida Provisória 384, de 20 de agosto de 2007, transformada na Lei 11.530 de 24 de outubro de 2007. A análise se dá a partir do entendimento teórico de políticas públicas, do papel do legislativo e de outros atores no processo de formulação de políticas, bem como da tramitação da matéria na Câmara dos Deputados e no Senado Federal.
Fish collections under varying ecological conditions were made by trawling and seining, monthly and quarterly in depths of <1 m to depths of 3 m of the Florida Bay portion of Everglades National Park, Florida. From May 1973 through September 1976, a total of 182,530 fishes representing 128 species and 50 families were taken at 27 stations. An additional 21 species were identified from sportfish-creel surveys and supplemental observations. Most of the species collected were juveniles of species that occur as adults in the Florida Bay creel census survey, or were small species that were seasonal residents. Marked temporal and spatial abundance of the catches was observed. The greatest numbers and biomass of the fishes occurred in the wet season (summer/fall), whereas lowest numbers and biomass appeared during the dry season (winter/spring) The greatest abundance and diversity of fishes was found in western Florida Bay followed by eastern and central Bay regions respectively. Overall, five species comprised 75% of the numerical total while eleven species made up 75% of the total biomass. Collections were dominated numerically by anchovies (Engraulidae), especially Anchoa mitchilli, in western Florida Bay. Mojarras (Gerridae), mostly silver jenny Eucinostomus gula, and porgies (Sparidae), especially pinfish Lagodon rhomboides, dominated numerically in central and eastern portions of the Bay, respectively. Except for salinity, other measured physico-chemical parameters (water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, and turbidity) showed no variation beyond ranges considered normal for shallow, tropical marine environments. Salinity varied from 0 to 66 ppt near the mainland. Nearshore hypersaline conditions (>45 ppt) persisted for nearly 2 years during the 1974 - 1975 severe drought period. Significant reductions in fish abundance/diversity were observed in relation to hypersaline conditions. Bay-wide macrobenthic communities were mapped (presence/absence) and were primarily comprised of turtle grass (Thalassia), shoalgrass [(Diplanthera = (Halodule)], and/or green algae Penicillus. Seasonal dieoff of seagrasses was observed in north-central Florida Bay. (PDF contains 107 pages)
A dynamic 3D pore-scale network model is formulated for investigating the effect of interfacial tension and oil-water viscosity during chemical flooding. The model takes into account both viscous and capillary forces in analyzing the impact of chemical properties on flow behavior or displacement configuration, while the static model with conventional invasion percolation algorithm incorporates the capillary pressure only. From comparisons of simulation results from these models. it indicates that the static pore scale network model can be used successfully when the capillary number is low. With the capillary increases due to the enhancement of water viscosity or decrease of interfacial tension, only the quasi-static and dynamic model can give insight into the displacement mechanisms.
Portugal, nos tempos da colônia, exercia uma severa intervenção na economia do Brasil. Na Era Vargas surgiram ministérios e empresas estatais totalizando 530 instituições em 1985. Paulo Lustosa, presidente do Serviço Brasileiro de Apoio às Pequenas e Médias Empresas (SEBRAE), diz que, com a redução da intervenção, abre-se o direito de produzir e permite o aproveitamento das potencialidades econômicas. O Senador Albano Franco (PSDB-SE) acredita que a empresa privada traz agilidade e custos mais baixos na administração, ou seja, é mais eficaz, o que não ocorre nas estatais. Dércio Munhoz, professor de Economia da UnB, não concorda com a privatização das estatais. O Deputado César Maia (PDT-RJ) gostaria que no Brasil houvesse uma tendência privatizante, após todas as conquistas sociais. O Deputado Aloísio Vasconcelos (PMDB-MG) diz que a Constituição fixará os tipos de empresas a serem privatizadas. O Deputado Gil César (PMDB-MG) fala que, é importante o cidadão saber o destino dos impostos pagos e o retorno dado pelo governo. O Deputado Afif Domingos (PL-SP) afirma que o Estado tem que ser o estimulador da competição, beneficiando o consumidor final. Na atual conjuntura, acaba sendo protetor de oligopólios e de monopólios ineficientes - tem falhado ao deixar de exercer a condição de juiz para ser parte do processo.
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