977 resultados para 364.153 U36-l


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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L’objectiu d’aquest article és fer una aproximació al procés històric de creació dels anomenats “paisatges de l’aigua” a la plana de l’Alt Empordà. En primer lloc, es presenten els principals elements que configuren els paisatges de l’aigua a la plana (els rius, les rieres, els aiguamolls, els estanys, les sèquies, canals de regadiu, etc.). A continuació, s’analitza el procés històric de creació dels paisatges de l’aigua a la plana de l’Alt Empordà a través d’un discurs que s’ha simplificat en dues grans etapes: una llarga etapa caracteritzada per la lluita mantinguda per la societat altempordanesa contra l’aigua i, una segona etapa, molt més recent, on els esforços d’aquesta societat es concentren en l’obtenció d’aquesta aigua. Per últim, s’analitza en detall aquest procés a partir del cas concret del paisatge configurat per les closes


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Comentari del llibre de Fernando Collantes Gutiérrez, 'El declive demográfico de la montaña española (1850-2000) : ¿Un drama rural?', publicat l'any 2004 pel Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación


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Crònica de la Jornada titulada 'L'home i la muntanya' organitzada el 30 de novembre de 1992 pel Museu Etnològic del Montseny per parlar de la interrelació entre home i natura, tot prenent com a marc referencial la muntanya del Montseny


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European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies Karst.) are two of the most ecologically and economically important forest tree species in Europe. These two species co-occur in many locations in Europe, leading to direct competition for canopy space. Foliage characteristics of two naturally regenerated pure stands of beech and spruce with fully closed canopies were contrasted to assess the dynamic relationship between foliage adaptability to shading, stand LAI and tree growth. We found that individual leaf size is far more conservative in spruce than in beech. Individual leaf and needle area was larger at the top than at the bottom of the canopy in both species. Inverse relationship was found for specific leaf area (SLA), highest SLA values were found at lowest light availability under the canopy. There was no difference in leaf area index (LAI) between the two stands, however LAI increased from 10.8 to 14.6 m2m-2 between 2009 and 2011. Dominant trees of both species were more efficient in converting foliage mass or area to produce stem biomass, although this relationship changed with age and was species-specific. Overall, we found larger foliage plasticity in beech than in spruce in relation to light conditions, indicating larger capacity to exploit niche openings.


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Crithidia deanei, a monoxenic trypanosomatid, presents an endosymbiotic bacterium in its cytoplasm. Both the protozoan and the bacterium maintain intensive metabolic exchange, resulting in an interesting model to study the coevolution of metabolisms. The relevance of L-proline for the growth of C. deanei and its transport into these cells was studied. Both the endosymbiont-containing (wild) and the endosymbiont-free protozoa (aposymbiont or cured) strains, when grown in medium supplemented with L-proline, reached higher cell densities than those grown in unsupplemented media. We biochemically characterized the uptake of L-proline in both the wild (K(m)=0.153 +/- 0.022 mM, V(max)=0.239 +/- 0.011 nmol min(-1) per 4 x 10(7) cells) and the aposymbiont strains (K(m)=0.177 +/- 0.049 mM, V(max)=0.132 +/- 0.012 nmol min(-1) per 4 x 10(7) cells). These data suggest a single type of proline transporter whose activity is upregulated by the presence of the symbiotic bacterium. Proline transport was further characterized and was found to be insensitive to the extracellular concentration of Na(+), but sensitive to K(+) and pH. The abolition of proline uptake by respiratory chain inhibitors and valinomycin indicates that the proline transport in C. deanei is dependent on the plasma membrane K(+) gradient.


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O fungo Sclerotium rolfsii causa grandes perdas em algumas culturas econômicas. Por produzir estruturas de resistência (escleródios), este fungo é de difícil controle. Há escassez de novos ingredientes ativos eficientes para o controle deste patógeno. Assim, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi verificar se existe atividade fungitóxica na planta Momordica charantia (melão-de-sãocaetano), com potencial futuro para ser estudado no controle de S. rolfsii. Para isso, dois ensaios foram realizados, um in vitro (laboratório) e outro in vivo (câmara de crescimento). em in vitro, escleródios do patógeno ficaram em contato com extratos hidroetanólico e aquoso de folhas e ramos de M. charantia e sem extrato por 7, 14, 21 e 28 dias. A sobrevivência dos escleródios foi avaliada em meio de cultura específico, após cada tempo. em in vivo, testou-se a ação dos mesmos extratos de maneira preventiva e curativa (aplicação aos 6 e 3 dias antes do plantio; no dia do plantio; e aos 3 e 6 dias após o plantio) e no tratamento de semente, no patossistema feijoeiro cv. Carioquinha versus S. rolfsii. A eficiência da ação dos extratos foi avaliada por meio da severidade da doença. Os extratos hidroetanólico e aquoso, in vitro, de forma semelhante, controlaram 100% os escleródios, num período de 0 a 7 dias. No ensaio in vivo, o extrato hidroetanólico, aplicado tanto em 6 ou 3 dias, antes do plantio, de forma preventiva, diminuiu a severidade da doença em 74%. Há atividade fungitóxica na parte aérea da planta de melão-de-são-caetano, com potencial futuro de estudo para controlar S. rolfsii, preferencialmente, de maneira preventiva.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Os propósitos deste trabalho foram: avaliar o desenvolvimento do fruto do mamoeiro (Carica papaya L.), determinar as variações das concentrações dos nutrientes durante seu crescimento e calcular as quantidades de nutrientes exportados pela colheita dos frutos. Dentre os resultados obtidos constatou-se que, as quantidades de nutrientes exportadas através da colheita, por tonelada de frutos foram: N-1.770g- P - 220 g; K-2.120 g; Ca-350 g; Mg - 180 g; S-200g: B-989 mg; Cu-130 mg; Fe-3.364 mg; Mn -1.847 mg; Mo-8 mg e Zn-1.385 mg.


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We consider the real Szego polynomials and obtain some relations to certain self inversive orthogonal L-polynomials defined on the unit circle and corresponding symmetric orthogonal polynomials on real intervals. We also consider the polynomials obtained when the coefficients in the recurrence relations satisfied by the self inversive orthogonal L-polynomials are rotated. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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In insects the antennal lobes (AL) constitute the brain deutocerebrum. In bees they consist of two neuropil regions, each associated with one antenna, delimited by a layer of glial cells and somata of neurons. The neuropil is organized in distinct globular structures of dense synaptic axons coming from the olfactory organs of the antennae, known as glomeruli. In Apis mellifera, as in other eusocial species of bees, queens, workers, and drones perform different functions in the colony and consequently the organs associated with these functions undergo a differential development. In this paper we analyzed the structure and size of the differentiating AL of queens, workers, and drones during metamorphosis using light microscopy. During metamorphosis the neuropil enlarge and differentiates into concentric structures known as glomeruli. The results showed size, structural and temporal differences in the glomeruli development among the classes of individuals of the colony. The neuropil differentiation starts early and is faster in drones and newly emerged worker is the colony individual class with greater neuropil area in AL. These results are discussed taking in account the functions of the individuals in the colony. (C) Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, 2011.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Entomologia Agrícola) - FCAV


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)