999 resultados para 291.178


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Calcareous nannofossils, pollen, and spores were examined on samples from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 178 Site 1095 on the continental rise and Sites 1097, 1100, and 1103 on the outer continental shelf of the western Antarctic Peninsula. Stratigraphically useful specimens of calcareous nannofossils occur in Site 1095 sediments assigned to Zones CN15, CN13b, and CN11. Calcareous nannofossils are rare but occur throughout the sedimentary sequences from seismic Units S1 to S3 on the continental shelf. Most of the calcareous nannofossils in Units S1 and S2 are composed of Cretaceous specimens that have been recycled by glacial processes. The occurrence of Dictyococcites in samples within Unit S3 upper Miocene sediments without any reworked specimens suggests those sediments are deposited in an open-ocean environment. These results are consistent with those from foraminifer and radiolarian studies. Pollen and spores including Nothofagidites, the genus for fossil pollen referred to as Nothofagus, are also observed in Unit S3 sediments. The sparse occurrence of pollen and spores, however, makes it difficult to assess the nature of the Antarctic terrestrial vegetation.


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Metal-rich sediments were found in the West Philippine Basin at DSDP sites 291 (located about 500 km SW of the Philippine Ridge or Central Basin Fault) and 294/295 (located about 580 km NE of the Philippine Ridge). In both cases the metalliferous deposits constitute a layer, probably Eocene in age, resting directly above the basaltic basement at the bottom of the sediment column. The chemistry of the major (including Fe and Mn) and trace elements (including trace metals, rare earth elements, U and Th) suggest a strong similarity of these deposits to metalliferous deposits produced by hydrothermal activity at oceanic spreading centers. Well-crystallized hematite is a major component of the metal-rich deposits at site 294/295. We infer that the Philippine Sea deposits were formed at some spreading center by hydrothermal processes of metallogenesis, similar to processes occurring at oceanic spreading centers. A locus for their formation might have been the Philippine Ridge (Central Basin Fault), probably an extinct spreading center. We conclude that metallogenesis of the type occurring at oceanic spreading centers can take place also in marginal basins. This has implications for the origin of metal deposits found in some ophiolite complexes, such as those in Luzon (Philippines), which may represent fragments of former marginal basins rather than of oceanic lithosphere.


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We have determined the azimuth of bottom-current flow in drift deposit sediments recovered at ODP Sites 1095 and 1101, Antarctic Peninsula, using paleomagnetic reorientation of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) ellipsoids. A total of 38 cores from the two ODP sites have been measured, providing spatial and directional information on the physical record of the ACC (Antarctic Circumpolar Current) in the Plio-Pleistocene. Declination and inclination of the paleomagnetic vector of each core segment were used to reorient the AMS principal axes to the geographic coordinates. The cores were reoriented using the measured direction of the characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM) with respect to a common reference line for the core, from which we are able to determine the orientation of the paleocurrent flow for Sites 1095 (Drift 7) and 1101 (Drift 4) relative to the geographic coordinates. Both sites have paleocurrent directions trending ~NW-SE, which in the former locality are parallel to a sediment wave field. Our study shows that a combination of magnetic fabric analysis and paleomagnetism allows deep-sea sedimentary fabric to be used as a long-term proxy of bottom-current flow history.