1000 resultados para 1997


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Se presenta un índice nomenclatural  de los artículos publicados en la Sección de Nomenclatura Fitosociológica desde 1989 hasta 1997. Se adjunta una relación completa de los sintaxones citados en la misma, con la referencia de la página de la revista en que se han tratado; la relación incluye autoría de los nombres, situación nomenclatural, artículos del CPN aplicados e indicación de las referencias bibliográficas de la diagnosis original o de las informaciones sobre tipoficación aportadas.


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This article is based upon a secondary analysis of the Youth Cohort Study of England and Wales 1998 and examines the effects of social class and ethnicity on gender differences in GCSE attainment for those who left school in 1997 (n = 14,662). The article shows that both social class and ethnicity exert a far greater influence on the GCSE performance of boys and girls than gender. Moreover, the article also shows that an interaction effect is present between social class and gender and also between ethnicity and gender in relation to their impact upon GCSE attainment. More specifically, the findings suggest that a strong correlation exists such that the lower the overall levels of educational attainment for any group (whether that group is defined in terms of social class or ethnicity), the higher the gender differences that exist between those within that group.


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We describe trends in the prevalence of cerebral palsy (CP) by birth weight group, and in the severity of motor impairments and presence of associated intellectual impairment, in Northern Ireland from 1981 to 1997 (n=909; 510 males, 399 females; total population 415 936 live births) using data from a population-based register of CP. Children with suspected CP or who died before 1 year of age and those with CP of postneonatal origin were excluded. Prevalence of CP was 2.2 per 1000 live births without significant change over time. Among very-low-birthweight (<1500g) live births, prevalence was 44.5 per 1000 (95% confidence interval 32.3–59.8) from 1994 to 1997, with evidence of a statistically significant decline in prevalence since the mid- to late 1980s accompanied by a decrease in the severity of motor impairment and likelihood of intellectual impairment. Among moderately-low-birthweight (1500–2499g) children there was weaker evidence of a peak prevalence in the late 1980s. Prevalence among normal-birthweight infants did not change significantly, but outcome in terms of severity of motor impairment and intellectual impairment improved in the 1990s. Occurrence of bilateral spasticity from 1994 to 1997 was associated with greater severity and likelihood of intellectual impairment for normal-birthweight individuals than for low- or very-low-birth weight individuals.


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La vida y obra de Angelina Muñiz-Huberman (1939) han sido fuertemente influenciadas por el exilio sufrido por sus padres. Por azares del destino, la escritora nació en Hyères, Francia y enseguida la familia se instaló en París en espera del término de la guerra de España. Después de la trágica muerte del hermano mayor y una vez Franco en el poder, se embarcan rumbo a Cuba, donde pasan tres años paradisíacos alejados de España, de la guerra y del resto del mundo. Finalmente en 1942, se trasladan a México donde se establecen de forma definitiva. El libro Las confidentes (1997) contiene quince historias que van desarrollando algunos de estos puntos decisivos en la personalidad de la “hispanomexicana”. En ocasiones los elementos autobiográficos sobrepasan la personalidad de los protagonistas y en otras el exilio es el motor de la narración.


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“Megan’s Law” in the United States and Part 1 of the Sex Offenders Act 1997 in the United Kingdom, make provision for the creation of a register which will record the names and addresses of all persons convicted or cautioned for a sexual offence. Arguments expounded in favour of the legislation include the supposedly high recidivism among sex offenders, the inadequacy of supervision provisions, and the resulting need to ‘track’ the dangerous offender for public protection. In practice, however, there are a plethora of obstacles, such as cost and inadequate policing resources, which may impede its effectiveness in aiding law enforcement and reduce it to symbolic significance only. In addition, there are an array of ethical objections to the legislation, such as it breaches civil liberties and constitutes ‘double jeopardy’, which may prevent meaningful imposition.