978 resultados para 1960-1962


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Revolution at home! Visual Changes in Everyday Life in Finland in the Late 1960s and Early 1970s The purpose of my research was to investigate the visual changes in private homes in Finland during the 1960s and 1970s. The 1960s is often described as a turning point in Finnish life, a time when the society's previous agricultural orientation began to give way first to an industrial orientation and then, by the end of the 1970s, to a service orientation. My title refers to three elements in the transition period: the question of daily life; the timeframe; and the visual changes observable in private homes, which in retrospect signalled a kind of revolution in the social orientation. Those changes appeared not only in colours and designs but also in the forms and materials of household objects. My premise is that analysing interiors from a historical perspective can reveal valuable information about Finnish society and social attitudes, information that might easily escape attention otherwise. I have used the time-honoured method of collecting narratives. As far back as Aristotle, formulating narratives has been a means of gaining knowledge. By collecting and classifying narratives about the 1960s and 1970s, it is possible to gain new insight into these important decades. The archetypal 1960s narrative, involving student demonstrations and young people's efforts to improve society, is well known. Less well known is the narrative that relates the changes going on in daily life. Substantially the study focuses mainly on fabrics, porcelain ware and the use of plastics. Marimekko's style is especially important when following innovations in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s. Porcelain production at the Arabia factory was another element that had a great influence on the look of Finnish homes and kitchens; and a further widespread phenomenon of the late 1960s and early 1970s was the use of plastics in many different forms. Further evidence was sought in Anttila department store mail catalogues, which displayed products that were marketed on a large scale, as well as in magazines such as Avotakka. The terminal point of the visual evolution is the real homes, as seen in the questionnaire "Homemade". I have used the 800 pages of the oral history text that respondents of the Finnish Literature Society have written about their first home in the 1960s. I also used archival material on actual homes in Helsinki from the archives of the Helsinki City Museum. The basic story is the elite narrative, which was produced by students in the 1960s. My main narrative from the same time is visual change in everyday life in the late 1960s and early 1970s. I have classified the main narrative of visual change into four subcategories: the narrative of national ideas, the narrative of a better standard of living, the narrative of objects in the culture of everyday life and the narrative of changing colour and form.


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The aim of this study was to estimate the development of fertility in North-Central Namibia, former Ovamboland, from 1960 to 2001. Special attention was given to the onset of fertility decline and to the impact of the HIV epidemic on fertility. An additional aim was to introduce parish registers as a source of data for fertility research in Africa. Data used consisted of parish registers from Evangelical Lutheran congregations, the 1991 and 2001 Population and Housing Censuses, the 1992 and 2000 Namibia Demographic and Health Surveys, and the HIV sentinel surveillances of 1992-2004. Both period and cohort fertility were analysed. The P/F ratio method was used when analysing census data. The impact of HIV infection on fertility was estimated indirectly by comparing the fertility histories of women who died at an age of less than 50 years with the fertility of other women. The impact of the HIV epidemic on fertility was assessed both among infected women and in the general population. Fertility in the study population began to decline in 1980. The decline was rapid during the 1980s, levelled off in the early 1990s at the end of war of independence and then continued to decline until the end of the study period. According to parish registers, total fertility was 6.4 in the 1960s and 6.5 in the 1970s, and declined to 5.1 in the 1980s and 4.2 in the 1990s. Adjustment of these total fertility rates to correspond to levels of fertility based on data from the 1991 and 2001 censuses resulted in total fertility declining from 7.6 in 1960-79 to 6.0 in 1980-89, and to 4.9 in 1990-99. The decline was associated with increased age at first marriage, declining marital fertility and increasing premarital fertility. Fertility among adolescents increased, whereas the fertility of women in all other age groups declined. During the 1980s, the war of independence contributed to declining fertility through spousal separation and delayed marriages. Contraception has been employed in the study region since the 1980s, but in the early 1990s, use of contraceptives was still so limited that fertility was higher in North-Central Namibia than in other regions of the country. In the 1990s, fertility decline was largely a result of the increased prevalence of contraception. HIV prevalence among pregnant women increased from 4% in 1992 to 25% in 2001. In 2001, total fertility among HIV-infected women (3.7) was lower than that among other women (4.8), resulting in total fertility of 4.4 among the general population in 2001. The HIV epidemic explained more than a quarter of the decline in total fertility at population level during most of the 1990s. The HIV epidemic also reduced the number of children born by reducing the number of potential mothers. In the future, HIV will have an extensive influence on both the size and age structure of the Namibian population. Although HIV influences demographic development through both fertility and mortality, the effect through changes in fertility will be smaller than the effect through mortality. In the study region, as in some other regions of southern Africa, a new type of demographic transition is under way, one in which population growth stagnates or even reverses because of the combined effects of declining fertility and increasing mortality, both of which are consequences of the HIV pandemic.


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The object of study in this thesis is Finnish skiing culture and Alpine skiing in particular from the point of view of ethnology. The objective is to clarify how, when, why and by what routes Alpine skiing found its way to Finland. What other phenomena did it bring forth? The objective is essentially linked to the diffusion of modern sports culture to Finland. The introduction of Alpine skiing to Finland took place at a time when skiing culture was changing: flat terrain skiing was abandoned in favour of cross-country skiing in the early decades of the 20th century, and new techniques and equipment made skiing a much more versatile sport. The time span of the study starts from the late 19th century and ends in the mid-20th century. The spatial focus is in Finland. People and communities formed through their actions are core elements in the study of sports and physical activity. Organizations tend to raise themselves into influential actors in the field of physical culture even if active individuals work in their background. Original archive documents and publications of sports organizations are central source material for this thesis, complemented by newspapers and sports magazines as well as photographs and films on early Alpine skiing in Finland. Ever since their beginning in the late 19th century skiing races in Finland had mostly taken place on flat terrain or sea ice. Skiing in broken cross-country terrain made its breakthrough in the 1920 s, at a time when modern skiing techniques were introduced in instruction manuals. In the late 1920 s the Finnish Women s Physical Education Association (SNLL) developed unconventional forms of pedagogical skiing instruction. They abandoned traditional Finnish flat terrain skiing and boldly looked for influences abroad, which caused friction between the leaders of the women s sports movement and the (male) leaders of the central skiing organization. SNLL was instrumental in launching winter tourism in Finnish Lapland in 1933. The Finnish Tourism Society, the State Railways and sports organizations worked in close co-operation to instigate a boom in tourism, which culminated in the inauguration of a tourist hotel at Pallastunturi hill in the winter of 1938. Following a Swedish model, fell-skiing was developed as a domestic counterpart to Alpine skiing as practiced in Central Europe. The first Finnish skiing resorts were built at sites of major cross-country skiing races. Inspired by the slope at Bad Grankulla health spa, the first slalom skiing races and fell-skiing, slalom enthusiasts began to look for purpose-built sites to practice turn technique. At first they would train in natural slopes but in the late 1930 s new slopes were cleared for slalom races and recreational skiing. The building of slopes and ski lifts and the emergence of organized slalom racing competitions gradually separated Alpine skiing from the old fell-skiing. After the Second World War fell-skiing was transformed into ski trekking on marked courses. At the same time Alpine skiing also parted ways with cross-country skiing to become a sport of its own. In the 1940 s and 1950 s Finnish Alpine skiing was almost exclusively a competitive sport. The specificity of Alpine skiing was enhanced by rapid development of equipment: the new skis, bindings and shoes could only be used going downhill.


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Engl. summary: Changes of water quality in water courses in the 1960's


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Engl. summary: Changes in water quality in Finnish lakes and rivers 1962-1973


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This study examines the Sámi people and the construction of the Sámi identity and the role of language in the cross-border Sámi movement within the context of the international indigenous movement and discourse between 1962 and 2008. The Sámi movement began as a reaction to state assimilation policies. This led to the birth of indigenous processes strengthening the Sámi cultures and languages. Activities across borders and the ethnopolitical processes in each of the Nordic countries in question also formed the basis of the internationalization of the Sámi people. The discourse on indigenous peoples has grown into a question of human rights, which is examined in different national and international contexts. The study is based on ethnographic data that has been collected via interviews, questionnaires and participant observation with the researched people in different meetings and events. Archive and newsprint material are also used. The approach of the study is auto-ethnographic. The post-colonial theories used in the study strive to destabilize power relations and the distinctions of otherness produced by colonialism, and to reclaim both one's own culture and language in the context of the indigenous movement. A standard model for this type of approach was created by Edward W. Said in his 1978 work Orientalism. The central concepts of the analysis are decolonization, otherness, ethnicity and identity. The dissertation consists of four published articles and an introduction. The subject matter is analyzed on three levels: global, European and Nordic. On the global level, the results demonstrate that the indigenous movement has constructed a new understanding of indigenousness with new rights. International treaties have facilitated the unification of new concepts and rights, such as the right to self-determination and language, also helping in transforming them into rights of the Sámi people on a national level. On the Nordic level, aligning the Sámi culture with indigenous discourse became significant for the process of developing the Sámi identity in the Sámi movement. In this process, the Sámi movement made use of Sámi languages in order to mobilize groups of people and to construct relatedness between different Sámi groups. The realization that one s own language is significant to one's culture has resulted in recreating the vitality, visibility and the legitimation of language in society more generally. The migration of the Sámi people from their traditional territories to increasingly multi-ethnic urban areas alters one's relationship to one's own community as the relationship to cultural traditions changes. Among the urban Sámi, who form a group of ‘new Sáminess’, linguistic discrimination and assimilation continue because of the lack of legislative and other effective language policy measures to promote the learning and use of the Sámi language.


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Actualmente el cultivo de tejidos vegetales como una de las técnicas más modernas en la agricultura, permite obtener elevados volúmenes de material vegetal de buena calidad para la siembra en numerosos cultivos, impactando directamente en el incremento de la calidad y rendimiento de las cosechas. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar el comportamiento de las variedades de papa Desirée, DT0-28 y Baraka en tres medios de cultivo: Ml (Sales MS + 0.5 mg/l * AIA + 0.2 mg/l Kinetina + 0.2 mg/1 Tiamina-HCL); M2 (Sales MS + 0.2 mg/l Tiamina-HCL) y M3 (Sales MS + 0.25 mg/l **GA3 + 0.2 mg/l Tiamina-HCL) y tres subcultivos continuos. Se evaluaron las variables Altura de plántula, Longitud de entrenudos y Número de hojas. Las tres variedades manifestaron una dinámica de crecimiento muy variada en los medios de cultivo y en los subcultivos, Desirée registró disminución del número de hojas en la medida que incrementaron los subcultivos. Igual tendencia mostró DT0-28. Por el contrario Baraka superó ligeramente el número de hojas en el subcultivo dos al obtenido en el subcultivo uno, alcanzando los valores más altos en el subcultivo tres. Desirée y Baraka presentaron un comportamiento aceptable en el medio dos y DT0-28 en el medio tres. *AlA = Acido lndolAcético **G3 = Acido Giberélico


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En el presente estudio se necesitó establecer explantes de piña (Ananas comosus L.) del cultivar Cayena lisa, de los cuales se utilizaron yemas apicales y axilares seleccionadas por su buen estado fisiológico y morfológico. Estas se establecieron en condiciones in vitro utilizando el medio de cultivo básico Murashige & Skoog MS (1962), suplementado con 2 mg/1 de 6-Bencil aminopurina (6-BAP) y 0.02 mg/1 de ácido naftalen acético (ANA) en condiciones controladas de temperatura, humedad relativa e intensidad lumínica. Una vez que se logró micropropagar la cantidad de explantes necesarios para la conservación, se procedió a la aplicación de los inhibidores del crecimiento (manito!y sorbitol) en concentraciones de 10, 20 y 30 g/1 y de la dilución de las sales MS al 25, 50 y 75%, interactuando con temperaturas de 24 oc y 16 oc. A los 120 días de haber permanecido las yemas axilares en las diferentes variantes de medios de cultivo sujetas a estudio, se observó mayor deterioro fisiológico y morfológico de las plántulas en los tratamientos con 1O, 20 y 30 g/1 demanitol y sorbitol. En las variables altura, número de hojas y color de las hojas se experimentaron menores incrementos mensuales, sin embargo se registraron mayores daños, especialmente en las hojas, las cuales presentaron un mayor porcentaje con color verde clorótico a temperaturas de 24ºc de 16 °C. La sobrevivencia fue mayor a temperatura de 16ºc, por el contrario en las diluciones de las sales MS el deterioro fisiológico y morfológico de lasplántulas fue menor, observándose mayor sobrevivencia, presentando mayores porcentajes de coloración verde oscuro y un pequeño porcentaje de plántulas atípicas a temperaturas de 24 °C y 16 °C. También fue notoria la presencia deplántulas atípicas en el manito! y sorbitol a temperatura de 24 °C. Únicamente en el tratamiento a 30 g/1 de sorbitol se observó el fenómeno de vitrificación a temperatura de 24ºc en un 15%. Las diluciones de las sales indujeron mejores resultados en altura, número de hojas y color de las hojas en ambas temperaturas, sus características fenotípicas y genotípicas se mantuvieron iguales a pesar de la reducción del crecimiento


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Contenido: Contemplación y acción / Octavio N. Derisi – El humanismo de Heidegger / José Ignacio Alcorta – Cultura o humanismo cristiano / Octavio N. Derisi – Notas y comentarios -- Bibliografía


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El presente trabajo monográfico tiene como objetivo recopilar y analizar todo el material existente en cuanto a investigación se refiere (informes, tesis, monografías, etc.) del cultivo del maíz, de las principales instituciones agropecuarias del país (UNA, CNIA, MAG-FOR, MARENA y otras entidades). Dicho trabajo se realizó a partir del mes de Noviembre del 2000 y para tal efecto se consultaron cada una de las investigaciones encontradas y se realizaron entrevistas con personas claves de algunas instituciones. Estas investigaciones fueron agrupadas en componentes: metodológicos (variables evaluadas, descriptores utilizados, diseños experimentales, lugares y tipos de suelo) y tecnológicos (manejo agronómico, fertilización, asocio, mejoramiento, plagas y enfermedades, elemento Tecnológico, erosión genética y análisis del área de siembra y producción). En cuanto a la utilización de las variedades criollas, mejoradas e híbridas, NB-6 fue la más empleada; además se observó que los materiales criollos presentan características agronómicas de interés en la mejora genética. Los descriptores de mayor estudio fueron los cuantitativos que forman parte del componente rendimiento, encontrándose además una cantidad considerable de descriptores cualitativos. En general se encontró un total de 244 trabajos de los cuales 44 fueron de manejo agronómico, 39 de fertilización, 19 de asocio, 47 de mejoramiento, 54 de plagas y enfermedades y 41 de elementos tecnológicos. En manejo agronómico, la práctica de rotación de cultivo es la que ha sido utilizada con mayor frecuencia; la labranza cero fue la que presentó mayores beneficios y mejores rendimientos en cuanto a los controles de malezas, el mejor rendimiento y rentabilidad lo obtuvo el control pre emergente + chapia. La mayor parte de las investigaciones utilizaron el diseño BCA, siendo el departamento de Managua donde se establecieron la mayor cantidad de experimentos. Con respecto a la evaluación nitrogenada, esta se aplicó en diferentes formulaciones de NPK, el nivel de aplicación de 100 kg N/ha presentó los mayores rendimientos. El asocio de mayor utilización fue el de maíz-frijol, localizados en su mayoría en la zona de Carazo. El componente mejoramiento estuvo conformado por las evaluaciones de diferentes materiales genéticos que han venido apareciendo en el transcurso de los años, recomendándolos a las diferentes zonas destinadas a la producción. Las investigaciones sobre el método de selección masal, y la resistencia a plagas y enfermedades fueron muy reducidas, sucediendo lo contrario con los estudios referentes a Spodoptera frugífera y Dalbulus maidis. Los elementos tecnológicos presentaron temas cuyo enfoque fue la validación de los diferentes materiales exóticos y/o mejorados en el país, otros aspectos muy importantes que mencionar en este componente el estudio del efecto de la hormona del marango (Moringa oleífera) en el comportamiento del cultivo del maíz. En menor porcentaje se recopilaron evaluaciones de insecticidas para determinar la presencia de fitotoxicidad en el cultivo. La erosión genética de los materiales criollos en este cultivo se ha incrementado en los últimos años debido a la introducción de materiales extranjeros, falta de apoyo a la pequeña producción, fenómenos naturales, entre otros. Al final se concluyó que es necesario proponer políticas que ayuden a incrementar los índices de producción por unidad de área para poder satisfacer la demanda de la población nicaragüense.


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Contenido: Para una vigencia actual del tomismo / Octavio N. Derisi – La virtud de la prudencia en la ética de Christian Wolff / Emilio Komar – Reflexiones en torno a la filosofía actual / Octavio N. Derisi – Notas y comentarios -- Bibliografía


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Contenido: Cultura latina / Octavio N. Derisi – Reflexión ontológica sobre el miedo y la angustia / Oswaldo Robles – Perfectibilidad y educabilidad / Francisco Ruiz Sánchez – Notas y comentarios -- Bibliografía