564 resultados para 1483


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The understanding of fish immune system structure and function is essential for the development of new technologies and products to improve productivity. This is the first review on immune system of fish with Brazilian studies. Aquaculture in Brazil has shown massive growth in recent years due to methods of culture intensification. However, these procedures led to disease outbreaks, as well as the chemotherapy and the misuse of antibiotics. A viable alternative to avoid the use of chemicals and prevent economic losses is the administration of immunostimulants and prebiotcs, which act by increasing the innate immune system. In Brazil there is a lack of studies on fish immune system, except by some groups that have studied the effects of the immunostimulants administration in various species.


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Baby boomers are doing it again... breaking all the molds and playing havoc with trends. This time it is with migration. Baby boomers, those born between 1946 and 1964, are entering a stage of life when it is predicted that a significant number of them will be moving to rural areas; especially those areas with scenic amenities and low housing costs.


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The present study was carried out with the objective of evaluating the effects of feeding dairy cows with organic or inorganic sources of zinc (Zn), copper (Cu) and selenium (Se) on blood concentrations of these minerals, blood metabolic profiles, nutrient intake and milk yield and composition. Nineteen Holstein cows were selected and randomly assigned to two groups for receiving organic (n = 9) or inorganic (n = 10) sources of Zn, Cu and Se from 60 days before the expected date of calving to 80 days of lactation. Samples of feed, orts and milk were collected for analysis. Body condition score (BCS) was determined and blood samples were collected for analysis of Zn, Cu and Se concentrations, as well as for metabolic profile. Supplying organic or inorganic sources of Zn, Cu, and Se did not affect dry matter and nutrient intake, blood metabolic profile, milk yield and composition, plasma concentration of these minerals, and BCS or change the BCS in cows from 60 days before the expected date of calving to 80 days of lactation. An effect of time was observed on all feed intake variables, plasma concentrations of Zn and Se, milk yield, milk protein content, BCS and change in BCS.


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UVA light (320–400 nm) represents approximately 95% of the total solar UV radiation that reaches the Earth’s surface. UVA light induces oxidative stress and the formation of DNA photoproducts in skin cells. These photoproducts such as pyrimidine dimers (cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers, CPDs, and pyrimidine (6-4) pyrimidone photoproducts, 6-4PPs) are removed by nucleotide excision repair (NER). In this repair pathway, the XPA protein is recruited to the damage removal site; therefore, cells deficient in this protein are unable to repair the photoproducts. The aim of this study was to investigate the involvement of oxidative stress and the formation of DNA photoproducts in UVA-induced cell death. In fact, similar levels of oxidative stress and oxidised bases were detected in XP-A and NER-proficient cells exposed to UVA light. Interestingly, CPDs were detected in both cell lines; however, 6-4PPs were detected only in DNA repairdeficient cells. XP-A cells were also observed to be significantly more sensitive to UVA light compared to NER-proficient cells, with an increased induction of apoptosis, while necrosis was similarly observed in both cell lines. The induction of apoptosis and necrosis in XP-A cells using adenovirus-mediated transduction of specific photolyases was investigated and we confirm that both types of photoproducts are the primary lesions responsible for inducing cell death in XP-A cells and may trigger the skin-damaging effects of UVA light, particularly skin ageing and carcinogenesis.


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This doctoral dissertation faces the debated topic of the traditions of Republicanism in the Modern Age assuming, as a point of view, the problem of the "mixed" government. The research therefore dwells upon the use of this model in Sixteenth-Century Italy, also in connection with the historical events of two standard Republics such as Florence and Venice. The work focuses on Donato Giannotti (1492-1573), Gasparo Contarini (1483-1542) and Paolo Paruta (1540-1598), as the main figures in order to reconstruct the debate on "mixed" constitution: in them, decisive in the attention paid to the peculiar structure of the Venetian Republic, the only of a certain dimension and power to survive after 1530. The research takes into account also the writings of Traiano Boccalini (1556-1613): he himself, though being involved in the same topics of debate, sets for some aspects his considerations in the framework of a new theme, that of Reason of State.


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The effector function of natural killer (NK) cells is regulated by activating and inhibitory receptors, termed killer immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIRs). In haploidentical T-cell depleted transplantation the donor/recipient KIR mismatch significantly impacts on NK-mediated tumor cell killing, particularly in acute myeloid leukaemia (AML). Thirty-four high risk AML patients entered a phase I-II study of adoptive NK-cell based immunotherapy and were screened for the availability of one haploidentical KIR ligand mismatched donor. Thirteen of them resulted as having one suitable donor. NK cells were enriched from steady-state leukaphereses by using a double-step immunomagnetic separation system, consisting in depletion of CD3+ T cells followed by positive selection of CD56+ NK cells. CD56+ cells were enriched from 7,70% (1,26-11,70) to 93,50% (66,41-99,20) (median recovery 53,05% (30,97-72,85), median T-depletion 3,03 log (2,15-4,52) viability >92%) and their citotoxic activity was inalterate. All patients (4 progressions, 1 partial remission and 8 complete remissions) received NK cell infusion which was preceeded by immunosuppressive chemotherapy (fludarabine and cyclophosphamide) and followed by interleukin 2 injections. The median number of reinfused NK cells was 2,74x10(e)6/kg(1,11-5,00) and contamining CD3+ T cells were always less than 1x10(e)5/kg. The procedure was well-tolerated and no significant toxicity, including GvHD, related to NK cell infusion was observed. The donor NK cells were demonstrated in 5/10 patients. Among the 8 patients in complete remission 5 patients are stable after 18, 15, 4, 2 months of follow-up. Three other patients relapsed after 2 and 7 months. The patient in partial remission obtained a complete remission, which lasted for 6 months. The 4 patients with active/progressive disease showed the persistence of disease. This clinical observation may be correlated with in vitro studies, indicating that AML cells are capable to induce NK cell apoptosis in a dose-depend manner. In summery, a two-step enrichment of CD56+ NK cells allows the collection of a suitable number of target cells to be used as adoptive immunotherapy in AML patients. Infusion of NK cells is feasible and safe and adoptively transferred NK cells can be detected after infusion.


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden die r-Prozesskerne rund um den N=82-Schalenabschluß untersucht. Dabei gelang es die bisher unbekannten Halbwertszeiten und Pn-Werte der Antimonisotope 137-139-Sb und von 139-Te zu messen. Des Weiteren wurden die Ergebnisse von Shergur et. al. zu extrem neutronenreichen Zinnisotopen (137,138-Sn) mit neuen Messungen untermauert und verbessert. Alle erhaltenen Ergebnisse werden mit entsprechenden Modellrechnungen verglichen und ihr Einfluss auf moderne Netzwerkrechnungen zum r-Prozess diskutiert. Des Weiteren gelang erstmalig die Aufnahmen von gamma-spektroskopischen Daten für das r-Prozessnuklid 136-Sn in Singlespektren. Aufgrund der hinlänglich bekannten Probleme mit Isobarenkontaminationen für Ionenstrahlen von sehr exotischen Molekülen an ISOL-Einrichtungen werden unterschiedliche technische Entwicklungen zur Verbesserung der Strahlqualität aufgezeigt. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt liegt hier auf der neu eingeführten Technik der molekularen Seitenbänder an Massenseparatoren. Hier gelang es durch gezielte Zugabe von Schwefel in das Target ein starke SnS(+)-Seitenband zu etablieren und so bei guter Strahlintensität eine deutliche Reduktion des Isobarenuntergrunds zu erreichen. Ebenso werden die Möglichkeiten einer temperaturkontrollierten Quarztransferline zwischen Target und Ionenquelle zur Minimierung von Kontaminationen bespro-chen. Zur Verbesserung der Selektivität von Experimenten an sehr neutronenreichen Elementen wurde ein Detektorsystem zur n,gamma-Koinzidenzmessung entwickelt. Im Gegensatz zu früheren Versuchen dieser Art, gelang es durch eine entsprechende neue Elektronik striktere Koinzidenzbedingungen zu realisieren und so das Koinzidenzfenster deutlich zu verkleinern.


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Humans harbour nearly 100 trillion intestinal bacteria that are essential for health. Millions of years of co-evolution have moulded this human-microorganism interaction into a symbiotic relationship in which gut bacteria make essential contributions to human nutrient metabolism and in return occupy a nutrient-rich environment. Although intestinal microorganisms carry out essential functions for their hosts, they pose a constant threat of invasion owing to their sheer numbers and the large intestinal surface area. In this Review, we discuss the unique adaptations of the intestinal immune system that maintain homeostatic interactions with a diverse resident microbiota.


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Over the last decades, considerable efforts have been undertaken in the development of animal models mimicking the pathogenesis of allergic diseases occurring in humans. The mouse has rapidly emerged as the animal model of choice, due to considerations of handling and costs and, importantly, due to the availability of a large and increasing arsenal of genetically modified mouse strains and molecular tools facilitating the analysis of complex disease models. Here, we review latest developments in allergy research that have arisen from in vivo experimentation in the mouse, with a focus on models of food allergy and allergic asthma, which constitute major health problems with increasing incidence in industrialized countries. We highlight recent novel findings and controversies in the field, most of which were obtained through the use of gene-deficient or germ-free mice, and discuss new potential therapeutic approaches that have emerged from animal studies and that aim at attenuating allergic reactions in human patients.


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BACKGROUND: Equine sarcoids (ES) are common, difficult to treat, and have high recurrence rates. Viscum album extracts (VAE) are used in human cancer treatment. HYPOTHESIS: That therapy with VAE (Iscador P) is effective in the treatment of ES. ANIMALS: Fifty-three horses (444 ES); 42 were treated with VAE or placebo as monotherapy; 11 were treated with VAE or placebo after selective excision of ES. METHODS: Prospective, randomised, blinded, clinical trial. Horses were randomly assigned to treatment (VAE; n=32) or control group (Placebo; n=21). One milliliter of VAE (Iscador P) in increasing concentrations from 0.1 to 20 mg/mL or physiological NaCl solution was given SC 3 times a week over 105 days. Number, localization, and type of the ES were documented over 12 months. A subset of 163 clinically diagnosed equine sarcoid (CDES) lesions (95 VAE, 68 Placebo) was evaluated in detail, considering clinical findings and tumor volume. RESULTS: No undesired adverse effects were observed except for mild edema at the injection site in 5 of 32 horses (16%). Complete or partial regression was observed in 13 horses of the VAE group (41%) and in 3 of the control horses (14%; P<.05). After VAE treatment, 48 of 95 CDES (67%) showed an improvement compared with 17 of 68 CDES in the control group (40%; P<.01). Twenty-seven CDES had disappeared completely in the VAE group (38%) compared with 9 CDES in the control group (13% NS). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: VAE (Iscador P) represents a safe and effective treatment for CDES.