1000 resultados para 11150004 M6


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The excited states in 22Mg have been investigated by the resonant elastic scattering of 21Na + p.A 4.0 MeV/nucleon 21Na beam was separated by the Center for Nuclear Study (CNS) radioactive ion beam separator (CRIB) and then used to bombard a thick (CH2)n target. The energy spectra of recoiled protons were measured at scattering angles of θc.m. ≈ 172◦, 146◦, and 134◦, respectively. A wide energy-range of excitation function in 22Mg (up to Ex ∼ 8.9 MeV) was obtained simultaneously with a thick-target method, and a state at 7.06 MeV was newly observed. The resonant parameters were deduced from an R-matrix analysis of the center-of-mass (c.m.) differential cross-section data with a SAMMY-M6-BETA code. The astrophysical resonant reaction rate for the 18Ne(α,p)21Na reactionwas recalculated based on the present parameters.Generally speaking,the present rates are much smaller than the previous ones.


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The excited states in 22Mg have been investigated by the resonant elastic scattering of 21Na + p. A 4.0 MeV/nucleon 21Na beam was separated by the Center for Nuclear Study (CNS) radioactive ion beam separator (CRIB) and then used to bombard a thick (CH2)n target. The energy spectra of recoiled protons were measured at scattering angles of θc.m. ≈ 172◦ , 146◦, and 134◦, respectively. A wide energy-range of excitation function in 22Mg (up to Ex ∼ 8.9 MeV) was obtained simultaneously with a thick-target method, and a state at 7.06 MeV was newly observed. The resonant parameters were deduced from an R-matrix analysis of the center-of-mass (c.m.) differential cross-section data with a SAMMY-M6-BETA code. The astrophysical resonant reaction rate for the 18Ne(α,p)21Na reactionwas recalculated based on the present parameters. Generally speaking, the present rates are much smaller than the previous ones.


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对黄土丘陵区刺槐林-草地景观界面上雨后土壤表层(0~10 cm)和亚表层(10~20 cm)水分的空间变异规律进行了研究.经典统计学分析表明,草地两层的土壤含水量分别高于林地;林草界面两层的土壤含水量均为弱变异程度,并具有明显的生态梯度.移动窗口法分析表明,林草界面对土壤表层和亚表层的水分影响范围为边界两侧4 m、3 m,影响域分别为8 m6、m.地统计学分析表明,草地两层土壤含水量空间分布均表现为纯块金效应,林地两层均可拟合成线性模型,而林草界面两层均可拟合成球状模型;林草界面土壤表层、亚表层水分空间依赖性和空间自相关较强,其空间结构异质性明显高于林地和草地.克立格制图描述的林草界面土壤水分的空间分布格局为从边界处向两侧的一定距离范围内,土壤含水量呈条带状分布,而在较远的距离,水分的空间分布呈现出几个明显的斑块状.


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对岷江上游农林边界的影响域进行研究 ,以提高该区管理农田和林地的水平 .共调查 3种类型农林边界 10条样带 ,采用移动窗口法对植物多样性的数据进行分析 ,结果表明 ,当窗口宽度达到 6~ 10时 ,SED曲线的变化趋向稳定 ,并且在曲线上有一或两个峰值出现 .不同类型边界的影响域是不同的 ,但均在距边界 5 0m内 .各类型边界的影响域多在 12~ 30m之间 .6条林地样带只有M 2和M6样带林地的影响域被确定 ,而 4条农田样带的影响域均被确定 .影响域的大小取决于边界两侧斑块类型和地形以及小气候等因子 ,但坡向对其影响不大 ;移动窗口法能有效地刻画边界动态 ,是一种分析边界简单而有力的工具 .这些结果有利于进一步理解干旱河谷区农林间的相互作用 .


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采用LC/ESI-MSn的方法对家兔肠道内的乌头碱代谢产物进行研究,经与空白组比较发现,给药后家兔小肠内容物中新增加6个化合物峰(M1~M6),盲肠内容物中新增加5个化合物峰(M2~M6),粪便中新增加2个化合物峰(M3、M4). 分别测定各化合物的准分子离子及各级串联碎片离子,并与标准品的质谱断裂规律进行比较,同时参考文献,推断肠道内化合物M1为16-O-去甲基-8-O-去乙酰基乌头碱,M2为8-O-去乙酰基乌头碱,M3为16-O-去甲基乌头碱,M4为乌头碱(AC),M5为去氧乌头碱,为印乌头碱。


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The thesis deals with certain quantum field systems exhibiting spontaneous symmetry breaking and their response to temperature. These models find application in diverse branches such as particle physics, solid state physics and non~linear optics. The nature of phase transition that these systems may undergo is also investigated. The thesis contains seven chapters. The first chapter is introductory and gives a brief account of the various phenomena associated with spontaneous symmetry breaking. The chapter closes with anote on the effect of temperature on quantum field systems. In chapter 2, the spontaneous symmetry breaking phenomena are reviewed in more detail. Chapter 3, deals with the formulation of ordinary and generalised sine-Gordon field theories on a lattice and the study of the nature of phase transition occurring in these systems. In chapter 4, the effect of temperature on these models is studied, using the effective potential method. Chapter 5 is a continuation of this study for another model, viz, the m6 model. The nature of phase transition is also studied. Chapters 5 and 6 constitute a report of the investigations on the behaviour of coupling constants under thermal excitation D1 $4 theory, scalar electrodynamics, abelian and non-abelian gauge theories


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La presente investigación tiene como objetivo analizar la incidencia de los mecanismo de cooperación humanitaria utilizados por UNICEF y CICR en la protección de la niñez durante el conflicto en Uganda en el periodo 2008-2012. Se analiza y describen los proyectos implementados para proteger a la niñez en situación de conflicto, teniendo en cuenta las relaciones establecidas entre los actores del Sistema Internacional para generar la cooperación humanitaria. Se parte del hecho que la cooperación humanitaria genera efectos positivos en la población sin embargo se da un choque cultural cuando la cooperación internacional efectúa sus acciones en comunidades con tradiciones y costumbres diferentes.


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Monográfico con el título: 'La Evaluación en entornos virtuales de aprendizaje'.Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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Monográfico con el título: 'La Evaluación en entornos virtuales de aprendizaje'.Resumen tomado de la publicación


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Monográfico con el título: 'La Evaluación en entornos virtuales de aprendizaje'. Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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Monográfico con el título: 'La Evaluación en entornos virtuales de aprendizaje'.Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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The acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a disease in which malignant myeloblasts expand, build up and suppress normal hematopoietic activity would represent a major diagnostic challenge. With the advent of immunophenotyping by flow cytometry, the diagnosis of these tumors have become more faithful, facilitating the treatment and monitoring of patients. The objectives of this study: diagnosis and classification of AML based on immunophenotyping by flow cytometry with a panel of AcMo specific for acute leukemias, set the frequency of AML in samples from patients with acute leukemias sent to the Department of Hematology Blood Center of Rio Grande do Norte - HEMONORTE, establish standards of antigen expression for different subtypes of acute leukemia and its correlation with the newly diagnosed cases refractory to treatment and recurrence of the disease, standardization of methods for detection and labeling of surface antigens by flow cytometry and intracytoplasmic flow, and observe the frequency of acute leukemia with aberrant phenotypes rare. During the study, 351 were diagnosed acute leukemia, and 179 (51%) classified as AML and 172 (49%) and ALL, which were excluded from the present work. Of the 179 AML, 92 (51.4%) were female and 87 (48.6%) were male, with ages ranging from 3 to 95 years of ag, with higher incidence in individuals in the age group of 41 to 65. Splenomegaly was the clinical finding more present, a total of 147 cases (82.1%), followed by hepatomegaly present in 132 cases (73.7%). The hemorrhagic events were observed in 55 cases (30.7%). Lymphadenopathy in turn was detected in 20 of 179 cases (11.2%). In order to classify subtypes of AML, we used a large panel of monoclonal antibodies, obtaining the following results: AML M0, 02 (1.1%) AML M1, 40 (22.3) AML M2, 60 (33.5) AML M3, 22 (12.3%) AML M4, 10 (5.6) AML M5, 13 (7.3%) AML M6 06 (3.4%) and AML M7 01 (0.6%). We observed some cases with aberrant expression of some antigens such as CD7, CD4, CD19, CD3, CD5 and TdT, CD 7 was present in 30 (16.8%), CD4 in 5 (2.8%), the CD 3 in 5 (2.8%), the CD19 in 3 (1.7%), the CD5 in 3 (1.7%) and TDT was in 7 (3.9%) cases of AML .the CD8 and CD79a was present in only a 1 case.


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Avaliou-se o efeito da dexmedetomidina sobre o ritmo cardíaco em 20 cães, sem raça definida, de ambos os sexos e considerados sadios, anestesiados pelo sevofluorano e submetidos a doses crescentes de adrenalina. Os animais foram, aleatoriamente, distribuídos em dois grupos (placebo e dexmedetomidina). No grupo placebo, os animais receberam, por via intravenosa, solução de NaCl a 0,9%, na dose de 0,3ml/kg. Foram considerados dois momentos, M0 e M1, imediatamente antes e após a aplicação, respectivamente. Após 10 minutos, realizou-se a indução anestésica com sevofluorano, por meio de máscara facial vedada, até a perda do reflexo laringotraqueal. em seguida, procedeu-se à intubação orotraqueal e a manutenção da anestesia foi realizada com a administração de sevofluorano na concentração de 1,5CAM, em circuito anestésico com reinalação parcial de gases. Decorridos 20 minutos da indução anestésica, iniciou-se a administração intravenosa contínua de solução de adrenalina a 2% em doses crescentes de 1, 2, 3, 4 e 5mg/kg/min, por meio de bomba de infusão, com aumento da dose em intervalos de 10 minutos. Imediatamente antes desse acréscimo eram feitas as mensurações (M2 a M6). No grupo dexmedetomidina empregou-se a mesma metodologia substituindo-se a solução de NaCl a 0,9% por hidrocloridrato de dexmedetomidina, na dose de 1µg/kg. Foram registradas as pressões arteriais, em M0 e em M2 a M6, e o traçado eletrocardiográfico, na derivação DII (M2 a M6), considerando-se para efeito estatístico o número total de bloqueios atrioventriculares (BAV) de primeiro e segundo graus e de complexos ventriculares prematuros (ESV), coincidentes com cada dose de adrenalina. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância seguida pelo teste de Tukey (P<0,05). Verificou-se que a dexmedetomidina interfere significativamente na condução atrioventricular levando a maior ocorrência de BAV e reduz o número de ESV nas doses infundidas de 2 e 3mg/kg/min de adrenalina. Logo após a aplicação de dexmedetomidina, observaram-se redução da freqüência cardíaca e da pressão arterial, cuja diminuição persistiu por até uma hora.


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Avaliou-se o uso da acepromazina como pré-tratamento à associação de tiletamina/zolazepam. Para tanto, utilizaram-se 20 animais da espécie canina, machos e fêmeas, adultos, hígidos, divididos em 2 grupos de igual número. O grupo 1 (controle) foi pré-tratado com 0,1 ml/kg de solução salina a 0,9 % e o grupo 2 com 0,2 mg/kg de acepromazina, ambos por via intravenosa. Decorridos 20 minutos, todos os animais receberam, pela mesma via, 10 mg/kg da associação tiletamina/zolazepam. Imediatamente antes da medicação pré-anestésica (M1), antes da aplicação da associação (M2) e aos 15, 30, 45 e 60 minutos após a administração da tiletamina/zolazepam, realizou-se mensuração de: freqüência cardíaca (FC); pressão arterial sistólica (PAS), diastólica (PAD) e média (PAM); débito (DC) e índice cardíaco (IC); volume sistólico (VS); eletrocardiograma (ECG); freqüência respiratória (FR); CO2 ao final da expiração (ETCO2); saturação da oxiemoglobina (SpO2); e temperatura retal (T0). Observou-se estabilidade cardiovascular, miorrelaxamento e aumento do período hábil anestésico com o uso da acepromazina na medicação pré-anestésica. O tratamento estatístco dos valores numéricos pela análise de perfil mostrou que a acepromazina diminuiu a FR; entretanto, a SpO2 e ETCO2 não sofreram alterações estatisticamente significativas, permitindo concluir que o emprego da fenotiazina apresenta vantagens sobre o uso isolado da associação tiletamina/zolazepam, em cães.