984 resultados para 110202 Algebra de Boole


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The aim of this thesis is to look for signs of students’ understanding of algebra by studying how they make the transition from arithmetic to algebra. Students in an Upper Secondary class on the Natural Science program and Science and Technology program were given a questionnaire with a number of algebraic problems of different levels of difficulty. Especially important for the study was that students leave comments and explanations of how they solved the problems. According to earlier research, transitions are the most critical steps in problem solving. The Algebraic Cycle is a theoretical tool that can be used to make different phases in problem solving visible. To formulate and communicate how the solution was made may lead to students becoming more aware of their thought processes. This may contribute to students gaining more understanding of the different phases involved in mathematical problem solving, and to students becoming more successful in mathematics in general.The study showed that the students could solve mathematical problems correctly, but that they in just over 50% of the cases, did not give any explanations to their solutions.


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Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka elevers uppfattningar om algebra och problemlösning samt granska hur dessa uppfattningar påverkas beroende på elevernas val av gymnasieprogram, kön och slutbetyg i grundskolan. Syftet är vidare att ta reda på vilka eventuella hinder och svårigheter eleverna själva uppfattar då de använder algebra för att lösa matematiska problem. Som metod för att söka svar på syfte och frågeställningar har valts att genomföra en enkätundersökning med elever som går första året på gymnasiet och som läser antingen naturvetenskapsprogrammet eller bygg- och anläggningsprogrammet. Enkätundersökningen består av två delar, en del som undersöker elevers uppfattningar om matematik i allmänhet och algebra och problemlösning i synnerhet, samt en del som försöker reda ut vilka svårigheter eleverna uppfattar då de ska lösa matematiska problem med algebra. Svaren sammanställs genom en analys av vilka eventuella skillnader och likheter som finns beroende på elevernas val av gymnasieprogram, kön och betyg i grundskolan. Resultatet visar på att elever på naturvetenskapsprogrammet som hade MVG i betyg i grundskolan har en mer positiv inställning till algebra och problemlösning i jämförelse med elever från bygg- och anläggningsprogrammet som fått G i betyg. Vad gäller elevernas kön finns det inte några indikationer på att denna faktor har någon större påverkan på deras uppfattningar. Resultatet kan vara en indikation på att elevernas uppfattningar främst påverkas av deras förståelse för det algebraiska tankesättet. Det eleverna upplever som svårast när de ska lösa problem med hjälp av algebra är att översätta den skrivna texten till en algebraisk framställning. När eleverna löser matematiska problem indikerar även resultatet att de till stor del styrs av sina förväntningar och förutfattade föreställningar om uppgiften. Resultatet ger en indikation om att eleverna behöver arbeta mer med problemlösning i olika former för att genom det kunna träna upp sin resonemangsförmåga och sin förmåga att behärska alla de tre faserna, översättning, omskrivning och tolkning, i den algebraiska cykeln.


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The study seeks to determine which of five computer algebra packages is best at finding the Lie point symmetries of systems of partial differential equations with minimal user intervention. The chosen packages are LIEPDE and DIMSYM for REDUCE, LIE and BIGLIE for MUMATH, DESOLV for MAPLE, and MATHLIE for MATHEMATICA. A series of systems of partial differential equations are used in the study. The paper concludes that while all of the computer packages are useful, DESOLV appears to be the most successful system at determining the complete set of Lie point symmetries of systems of partial differential equations.


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Explores on some research about teaching and learning algebra and related classroom issues. Diagnostic instruments that may be used by senior secondary teachers in teaching algebra to senior classes; Strategies for remediating algebraic difficulties and misconceptions; Impact of technology on the algebra curriculum; Usefulness of copying algebraic expressions while using Computer Algebra Systems or mathematics processing software in a calculus class.


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Presents questions adapted from the 'Group Review of Algebra Topics' (ACER 1991) that form a draft survey test of 24 items ranging across aspects of algebra and secondary algebra instruction.


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Os autores objetivam, com este trabalho preliminar, bem como com aqueles que lhe darão continuidade, na sequência de composição de um livro de matemática para economistas, registrar as suas experiências ao longo dos últimos anos ministrando cadeiras de matemática nos cursos de pós-graduação em economia da Fundação Getúlio Vargas, da UFF (Universidade Federal Fluminense) e da PUC-RJ. Reveste-se de constante repetição em tais cursos a discussão sobre que pontos abordar, bem como com qual grau de profundidade, e em que ordem. É neste sentido que os autores esperam, com a sequência didática que aqui se inicia, trazer alguma contribuição para o assunto.


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The aim of the present study is to reevaluate the logical thought of the English mathematician George Boole (1815 - 1864). Thus, our research centers on the mathematical analysis of logic in the context of the history of mathematics. In order to do so, we present various biographical considerations about Boole in the light of events that happened in the 19th century and their consequences for mathematical production. We briefly describe Boole's innovations in the areas of differential equations and invariant theory and undertake an analysis of Boole's logic, especially as formulated in the book The Mathematical Analysis of Logic, comparing it not only with the traditional Aristotelian logic, but also with modern symbolic logic. We conclude that Boole, as he intended, expanded logic both in terms of its content and also in terms of its methods and formal elaboration. We further conclude that his purpose was the mathematical modeling of deductive reasoning, which led him to present an innovative formalism for logic and, because the different ways it can be interpreted, a new conception of mathematics


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We consider a procedure for obtaining a compact fourth order method to the steady 2D Navier-Stokes equations in the streamfunction formulation using the computer algebra system Maple. The resulting code is short and from it we obtain the Fortran program for the method. To test the procedure we have solved many cavity-type problems which include one with an analytical solution and the results are compared with results obtained by second order central differences to moderate Reynolds numbers. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We generalize a procedure proposed by Mancera and Hunt [P.F.A. Mancera, R. Hunt, Some experiments with high order compact methods using a computer algebra software-Part 1, Appl. Math. Comput., in press, doi: 10.1016/j.amc.2005.05.015] for obtaining a compact fourth-order method to the steady 2D Navier-Stokes equations in the streamfunction formulation-vorticity using the computer algebra system Maple, which includes conformal mappings and non-uniform grids. To analyse the procedure we have solved a constricted stepped channel problem, where a fine grid is placed near the re-entrant corner by transformation of the independent variables. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper is concerned with a link between central extensions of N = 2 superconformal algebra and a supersymmetric two-component generalization of the Camassa-Holm equation. Deformations of superconformal algebra give rise to two compatible bracket structures. One of the bracket structures is derived from the central extension and admits a momentum operator which agrees with the Sobolev norm of a co-adjoint orbit element. The momentum operator induces, via Lenard relations, a chain of conserved Hamiltonians of the resulting supersymmetric Camassa-Holm hierarchy.