847 resultados para work in land
Se representa la concepción avanzada del sistema dodecafónico, desde la creación y análisis de dos obras originales: 'Caballo de flor en el país del sur' y 'Reloj abandonado de las horas', del propio autor de la investigación Imanol Bageneta Messeguer. Para ello se relacionan las estrucutras de la lógica de conjuntos con dos dimensiones musicales, la escala cromática y las operaciones de combinatoria ordinal realizadas entre los sonidos. A partir de aquí se repasan las distinas aplicaciones de la teoría de conjuntos en el ámbito del análisis, para asegurar un producto que exprese una propuesta sonora perfectamente comprensible. La organización del trabajo se divide en cuatro partes, tres apartados de carácter teórico y una reflexión personal sobre los usos de la creación, bajo la forma de un ensayo estético: 'Modelos matemáticos'; 'Propuesta psicoperceptiva'; 'Análisis aplicado a dos obras compuestas por el doctorando' y 'Ensayo: una estética de la tardo-modernidad'. En la primera parte de la investigación se consideran conceptos relativos a la idea de semántica musical, y se valoran las conexiones existentes entre las estrucutras gramaticales del lenguaje y los sistemas musicales. También se discute sobre los tópicos relevantes a la disciplina (tipos de espacio matemático musical y colecciones de sonidos ordenados y no-ordenados), así como las herramientas de la lógica de conjuntos. A continuación, se centra en la medición matemática de similitud entre conjuntos numéricos, incidiendo en la combinatoria hexacordal y las estrategias compartidas entre los indicadores de altura y de orden. Para terminar esta primera parte, se basa en un modelo de estrucutruas combinatorias caracterizado por el tratamiento de series que saturan todos los intervalos, los 'All Interval Sets'. En la segunda parte del trabajo, se revisan contenidos relacionados con la discriminación y memoria musical de secuencias interválicas y la revisión sucesiva de las obras presentadas, realizadas desde un mismo material (el complejo serial de Mallalieu). Dentro del legado de la tradición musical, la posibilidad de expresar nuevos recursos de energía estética e intelectual es un objetivo de difícil resolución. La programación de cualquier temporada de conciertos nos muestra el equilibrio histórico de los mensajes que se suceden, sesgados mayoritariamente hacia un repertorio consolidado. Intentando invertir esa tendencia, la nueva musicología, al igual que otros movimientos intelectuales, pretende una revitalización de su discurso. Su propósito no es capturar los rasgos de una antigua devoción, sino imaginar el rol de lo sonoro en la sociedad y cultura contemporáneas .
Des de fa dos cursos, professors de les universitats de Tarragona, Lleida i Girona desenvolupem un projecte d’innovació centrat en el pràcticum dels Estudis de Mestre el qual, a més de les tutories i seminaris, utilitza el portafoli electrònic com a eina d’intercanvi, acompanyament i presentació de les produccions dels i les estudiants. Des del curs 2009-10, i amb un ajut MQD de l’AGAUR, s’experimenta amb aquesta eina Web 2.0 –www.eduportfolio.org– dissenyada per la Université de Montréal, una plataforma que s’està utilitzant actualment als cinc continents. L’Eduportfolio agilitza la relació practicants-tutors i l’assessorament en l’elaboració progressiva de la memòria del Pràcticum i del projecte que els estudiants han de dur a terme a l’escola, i també obre noves possibilitats en aquest període dedicat a la pràctica docent reflexiva
The work on Social Memory, focused on the biographic method and the paths of immaterial Heritage, are the fabric that we have chosen to substantiate the idea of museum. The social dimensions of memory, its construction and representation, are the thickness of the exhibition fabric. The specificity of museological work in contemporary times resembles a fine lace, a meticulous weaving of threads that flow from time, admirable lace, painstaking and complex, created with many needles, made up of hollow spots and stitches (of memories and things forgotten). Repetitions and symmetries are the pace that perpetuates it, the rhythmic grammar that gives it body. A fluid body, a single piece, circumstantial. It is always possible to create new patterns, new compositions, with the same threads. Accurately made, properly made, this lace of memories and things forgotten is always an extraordinary creation, a web of wonder that expands fantasy, generates value and feeds the endless reserve of the community’s knowledge, values and beliefs.
Accumulation of surplus phosphorus (P) in the soil and the resulting increased transport of P in land runoff contribute to freshwater eutrophication. The effects of increasing soil P (19–194 mg Olsen-P (OP) kg−1) on the concentrations of particulate P (PP), and sorption properties (Qmax, k and EPCo) of suspended solids (SS) in overland flow from 15 unreplicated field plots established on a dispersive arable soil were measured over three monitoring periods under natural rainfall. Concentrations of PP in plot runoff increased linearly at a rate of 2.6 μg litre−1 per mg OP kg−1 of soil, but this rate was approximately 50% of the rate of increase in dissolved P (< 0.45 μm). Concentrations of SS in runoff were similar across all plots and contained a greater P sorption capacity (mean + 57%) than the soil because of enrichment with fine silt and clay (0.45–20 μm). As soil P increased, the P enrichment ratio of the SS declined exponentially, and the values of P saturation (Psat; 15–42%) and equilibrium P concentration (EPCo; 0.7–5.5 mg litre−1) in the SS fell within narrower ranges compared with the soils (6–74% and 0.1–10 mg litre−1, respectively). When OP was < 100 mg kg−1, Psat and EPCo values in the SS were smaller than those in the soil and vice-versa, suggesting that eroding particles from soils with both average and high P fertility would release P on entering the local (Rosemaund) stream. Increasing soil OP from average to high P fertility increased the P content of the SS by approximately 10%, but had no significant (P > 0.05) effect on the Psat, or EPCo, of the SS. Management options to reduce soil P status as a means of reducing P losses in land runoff and minimizing eutrophication risk may therefore have more limited effect than is currently assumed in catchment management.
This paper presents the findings from a study into the current exploitation of computer-supported collaborative working (CSCW) in design for the built environment in the UK. The research is based on responses to a web-based questionnaire. Members of various professions, including civil engineers, architects, building services engineers, and quantity surveyors, were invited to complete the questionnaire. The responses reveal important trends in the breadth and size of project teams at the same time as new pressures are emerging regarding team integration and efficiency. The findings suggest that while CSCW systems may improve project management (e.g., via project documentation) and the exchange of information between team members, it has yet to significantly support those activities that characterize integrated collaborative working between disparate specialists. The authors conclude by combining the findings with a wider discussion of the application of CSCW to design activity-appealing for CSCW to go beyond multidisciplinary working to achieve interdisciplinary working.
Virtual learning environments (VLEs) would appear to be particular effective in computer-supported collaborative work (CSCW) for active learning. Most research studies looking at computer-supported collaborative design have focused on either synchronous or asynchronous modes of communication, but near-synchronous working has received relatively little attention. Yet it could be argued that near-synchronous communication encourages creative, rhetorical and critical exchanges of ideas, building on each other’s contributions. Furthermore, although many researchers have carried out studies on collaborative design protocol, argumentation and constructive interaction, little is known about the interaction between drawing and dialogue in near-synchronous collaborative design. The paper reports the first stage of an investigation into the requirements for the design and development of interactive systems to support the learning of collaborative design activities. The aim of the study is to understand the collaborative design processes while sketching in a shared white board and audio conferencing media. Empirical data on design processes have been obtained from observation of seven sessions with groups of design students solving an interior space-planning problem of a lounge-diner in a virtual learning environment, Lyceum, an in-house software developed by the Open University to support its students in collaborative learning.