750 resultados para violence - marriage - immigrants


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Tackling Violence at Home - The Government's Proposals on Domestic Violence in Northern Ireland


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Els nadius de l’Àsia del Sud presenten una de les taxes més altes de malalties cardiovasculars i s’ha constatat que els factors de risc cardiovascular tradicionals expliquen en ells la major part del risc d’infart de miocardi. En els immigrants indopaquistanís que s’atenen al CAP Drassanes de Barcelona, s’utilitza el sistema Regicor per tal d’estimar el risc cardiovascular. A la literatura han aparegut dues taules avaluades en pacients originaris de l’Àsia del Sud: l’escala de Framingham modificada i el QRISK2. Proposem un estudi descriptiu transversal per tal de comparar la classificació en les diferents categories de risc segons l’escala utilitzada.


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Men and Domestic Violence: What research tells us In late 2000, the Department of Health and Children, in conjunction with the North Eastern Health Board, commissioned Kieran McKeown Limited, Social and Economic Consultants to prepare a literature review of research carried out in other jurisdictions Click here to download PDF 578kb Background Note PDF 10kb Peer Review 1 PDF 21kb Peer Review 2 PDF 17kb


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In this article a particular patient/physician relationship is described and analyzed: The described interaction between patient and physician during a consultative investigation by several specialists differs markedly from the common trustful relation between a patient and his family doctor. In this context the term and phenomenon pain is discussed and the necessity for an understandable, patient-oriented presentation of diagnosis and hypotheses considering the patient's individual bio-psycho-social dimension is stressed. Consequences for student education are mentioned.


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Violence Against Women and Health The problem of Violence Against Women (VAW) continues to plague our society causing appalling damage to the lives of thousands of women and children. The immense negative repercussions of being exposed to physical, sexual, or psychological abuse have been well documented worldwide, and are well accepted by both professionals working in this field and society at large. Significant government funding has been directed to this area in order to provide support to women who experience abuse. However, rates of violence remain unacceptably high and services are still inadequate given the magnitude and the complexity of the problem. Click here to download PDF 478kb


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Translating Pain into Action: A Study of Gender-based Violence and Minority Ethnic Women in Ireland Click here to download PDF 1.4mb Summary of the Report PDF 502kb This is a publication of the Womens Health Council


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Gender-based Violence: a resource document for services and organisations working with and for minority ethnic women Click here to download PDF 492kb This is a publication of the Womens Health Council


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14 principles of best practice for Service Delivery: An Interculturally Competent Approach to Meeting the Needs of Victims/Survivors of Gender-based Violence Click here to download PDF 390kb This is a publication of the Womens Health Council


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Les preguntes de recerca que es podran respondre a partir de la realització del treball es basen en les següents: Com funcionen les aules d'acollida o el TAE a l'escola estudiada pels alumnes immigrants de secundària? Quines diferències hi ha depenent de si el centre és públic o concertat? Afecta el nombre d'immigrants de l'escola en l'estratègia seguida per a la integració d'aquests alumnes? Afecta el país de procedència a la integració dels immigrants en l?escola (llengua i cultura incloses)? Quins recursos pedagògics s'utilitzen? Com evoluciona l'aprenentatge de la llengua en aquests alumnes? Quines estratègies d'integració s'apliquen des dels centres escolars? Com s'han solucionat els reptes plantejats en cursos anteriors? què esperen aquests alumnes i les seves famílies de l?escola? Es poden millorar aquestes estratègies d'aprenentatge i acollida de l'alumne?


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This thesis is concerned with alcohol problems and marital relationships. It is particularly interested in these dynamics from a treatment perspective. The study addresses theory, research and clinical practice in the field of alcohol problems. It specifically considers these areas as they relate to enhancing understanding of the dynamics between alcohol problems and marriage. The study examines three theoretical paradigms, the disease concept of addiction, behavioural/cognitive behavioural and systems based approaches to understanding alcohol addiction. This provides a multiple theory base from which research in the field and the clinical data collected in the current research is analysed and interpreted. The study reviews research findings that have contributed to the recognition of marital treatment interventions as significant in the alcohol field. It highlights the discrepancies between such research findings and developments in actual clinical practice. In doing so, the study illustrates the gap between theory, research and clinical practice. The need for a more effective framework of information exchange across these areas of activity is identified and a model for better exchange is presented and discussed. This model highlights the importance of including clients' experiences to influence policy, practice, theory and research. In the research, specific attention is focused on the experiences of couples in alcohol treatment. Clinical data is collected from a series of alcohol treatment couples group therapy sessions. The research analysis of the clinical data identifies and extracts concerns as expressed by couples in treatment. Interpretation of these identified concerns or themes is conducted by employing the theoretical constructs of the three selected theoretical paradigms in conjunction with group work theory. On the basis of the findings in this thesis a model for a maritally sensitive assessment framework is developed. The model identifies a number of factors that should be considered in order to enhance appreciation of the interaction between alcohol problems and marital dynamics. This has particular significance for treatment interventions.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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The Office of the Minister for Integration (OMI), in conjunction with the Department of Education and Science (DES), commissioned an independent review to assist in the development of a national English Language policy and framework for legally-resident adult immigrants. Horwath Consulting Ireland, in association with Rambll Management and Matrix Knowledge Group, were awarded the contract to undertake this assignment. The terms of reference for the assignment state that: “proposed future developments will be governed by a clear strategy which reflects the importance of English language tuition in overall integration objectives and which addresses key coordination, technical, funding and service-delivery issues."