811 resultados para toe
Purpose. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of gender on the adaptive locomotion in the clearance of obstacles. Specifically, it was evaluated if there are differences in the space-temporal parameters between male and female in the clearance of and dynamic obstacles moving at both slow and fast speeds. Basic procedures. Five young male adults and five young female adults took part in this study. The task was performed in three conditions: static obstacle and dynamic obstacle - clearance perpendicular to the participant's trajectory at slow speed (1.07 m/s) and at fast speed (1.71 m/s). The trials were recorded by two digital cameras and spatial-temporal information was obtained. Main findings. The dynamic obstacle conditions required more visual inspection. The results showed different adaptive locomotion between the sexes. The distinct gait patterns were evidenced for the spatial and temporal variables and cadence in the three conditions. Conclusions. The women presented a more conservative behavior, which was evidenced by the increase of the length in the penultimate step and in the toe clearance.
BACKGROUND: Age-related loss in lower limb strength is related with impaired mobility. However, the association between decreased lower limb strength and gait biomechanical abnormalities is unclear. %In line with this, With respect to these statements, our study aimed to compare the maximum isokinetic voluntary strength (MIVS) of hip, knee and ankle of older women with and without history of falls. Also, we correlate the strength of each group with gait biomechanics. METHODS: The MIVS were assessed during concentric/concentric movements performed for hip, knee and ankle joints. Gait biomechanics (kinematic and electromyography) were assessed during 1-minute recorded during the volunteers walking on the treadmill at self-selected speed. Electromyographic signal was analyzed by the linear envelop after heel strike and before toe-off. The kinematic data were analyzed using the variables: step time, length and step width and ankle angle at heel strike, and hip angle at toe-off. RESULTS: In faller group, we found that a decreased hip abduction and adduction MIVS is associated with a higher tibialis anterior activation at initial stance (p =0.04 and r =-0.53 and p=0.04 and r=-0.52). CONCLUSION: Therefore, an impaired strength of hip could causes compensation in ankle stabilizer muscles activation at initial stance in older female fallers. © 2013 - IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The best description of water resources for Grand Turk was offered by Pérez Monteagudo (2000) who suggested that rain water was insufficient to ensure a regular water supply although water catchment was being practised and water catchment possibilities had been analysed. Limestone islands, mostly flat and low lying, have few possibilities for large scale surface storage, and groundwater lenses exist in very delicate equilibrium with saline seawater, and are highly likely to collapse due to sea level rise, improper extraction, drought, tidal waves or other extreme event. A study on the impact of climate change on water resources in the Turks and Caicos Islands is a challenging task, due to the fact that the territory of the Islands covers different environmental resources and conditions, and accurate data are lacking. The present report is based on collected data wherever possible, including grey data from several sources such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and Cuban meteorological service data sets. Other data were also used, including the author’s own estimates and modelling results. Although challenging, this was perhaps the best approach towards analysing the situation. Furthermore, IPCC A2 and B2 scenarios were used in the present study in an effort to reduce uncertainty. The main conclusion from the scenario approach is that the trend observed in precipitation during the period 1961 - 1990 is decreasing. Similar behaviour was observed in the Caribbean region. This trend is associated with meteorological causes, particularly with the influence of the North Atlantic Anticyclone. The annual decrease in precipitation is estimated to be between 30-40% with uncertain impacts on marine resources. After an assessment of fresh water resources in Turks and Caicos Islands, the next step was to estimate residential water demand based on a high fertility rate scenario for the Islands (one selected from four scenarios and compared to countries having similar characteristics). The selected scenario presents higher projections on consumption growth, enabling better preparation for growing water demand. Water demand by tourists (stopover and excursionists, mainly cruise passengers) was also obtained, based on international daily consumption estimates. Tourism demand forecasts for Turks and Caicos Islands encompass the forty years between 2011 and 2050 and were obtained by means of an Artificial Neural Networks approach. for the A2 and B2 scenarios, resulting in the relation BAU>B2>A2 in terms of tourist arrivals and water demand levels from tourism. Adaptation options and policies were analysed. Resolving the issue of the best technology to be used for Turks and Caicos Islands is not directly related to climate change. Total estimated water storage capacity is about 1, 270, 800 m3/ year with 80% capacity load for three plants. However, almost 11 desalination plants have been detected on Turks and Caicos Islands. Without more data, it is not possible to estimate long term investment to match possible water demand and more complex adaptation options. One climate change adaptation option would be the construction of elevated (30 metres or higher) storm resistant water reservoirs. The unit cost of the storage capacity is the sum of capital costs and operational and maintenance costs. Electricity costs to pump water are optional as water should, and could, be stored for several months. The costs arising for water storage are in the range of US$ 0.22 cents/m3 without electricity costs. Pérez Monteagudo (2000) estimated water prices at around US$ 2.64/m3 in stand points, US$ 7.92 /m3 for government offices, and US$ 13.2 /m3for cistern truck vehicles. These data need to be updated. As Turks and Caicos Islands continues to depend on tourism and Reverse Osmosis (RO) for obtaining fresh water, an unavoidable condition to maintaining and increasing gross domestic product(GDP) and population welfare, dependence on fossil fuels and vulnerability to increasingly volatile prices will constitute an important restriction. In this sense, mitigation supposes a synergy with adaptation. Energy demand and emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) were also estimated using an emissions factor of 2. 6 tCO2/ tonne of oil equivalent (toe). Assuming a population of 33,000 inhabitants, primary energy demand was estimated for Turks and Caicos Islands at 110,000 toe with electricity demand of around 110 GWh. The business as usual (BAU), as well as the mitigation scenarios were estimated. The BAU scenario suggests that energy use should be supported by imported fossil fuels with important improvements in energy efficiency. The mitigation scenario explores the use of photovoltaic and concentrating solar power, and wind energy. As this is a preliminary study, the local potential and locations need to be identified to provide more relevant estimates. Macroeconomic assumptions are the same for both scenarios. By 2050, Turks and Caicos Islands could demand 60 m toe less than for the BAU scenario.
Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Três espécies de sabiás se substituem ecologicamente nas florestas primárias e secundárias na Amazônia Oriental: Turdus albicollis, T. fumigatus e T. leucomelas . Estas três espécies são monocromáticas, isto é, machos e fêmeas possuem plumagem semelhante. O que não se conhecia é se estas espécies são também monomórficas, isto é, se machos e fêmeas possuem tamanho igual. Estudos nas florestas mexicanas indicam que algumas aves monocromáticas Neotropicais são de fato cripticamente dimórficas, ou seja, machos e fêmeas diferem estatisticamente em tamanho quando técnicas estatísticas apropriadas são usadas. Este trabalho teve três objetivos principais: (a) avaliar o padrão de dimorfismo sexual quanto ao tamanho em T. albicollis phaeopygus, T. fumigatus fumigatus e T. leucomelas albiventer; (b) contribuir para o estudo do dimorfismo sexual quanto ao tamanho em aves monocromáticas Neotropicais e (c) fornecer subsídios para o estudo ecológico-evolutivo do gênero Turdus , em particular, e da família Turdidae, em geral. A hipótese de trabalho era que as três espécies de Turdus analisadas seriam cripticamente dimórficas, tais como os outros passeriformes florestais estudados nas florestas mexicanas. Concluiu-se que das três espécies estudadas, duas são monomórficas ( T. f. fumigatus e T. a. phaeopygus ) e uma é cripticamente dimórfica ( T. l. albiventer ). Na única espécie cripticamente dimórfica, machos diferem significativamente das fêmeas quanto ao comprimento da asa, cauda, tarso e unha do quarto dedo. Mesmo assim, a função linear discriminante gerada, não permite uma sexagem segura dos espécimes. A razão de as três espécies de Turdus mostrarem-se monomórficas ou cripticamente dimórficas talvez esteja associada ao seu comportamento pré-reprodutivo. Durante o período de acasalamento, a vocalização seria um instrumento mais importante de atração de fêmeas e determinação do território do que a plumagem ou o tamanho. Assim, existiria forte pressão seletiva sobre a vocalização dos machos é fraca ou inexistente pressão seletiva sobre o tamanho do corpo. Sugere-se a realização de mais estudos de dimorfismo sexual em outras espécies de Turdus e de análise filogenética deste gênero, para se esclarecer a evolução dos padrões de dimorfismo sexual em sabiás.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This paper presents a study case in which a geosynthetic-reinforced soil (GRS) structure was used to rebuild a 12 m high slope after its failure. The failed slope is located between the parking lot of a private company and a public school. Due to surrounding structures restrictions, this project required a solution with rapidity in execution. In addition, as a requirement established by its owner, this structure should recover the original geometry of the slope. Besides the importance regarding surrounding constructions, an interesting aspect of this study case relies on the versatility of geosynthetic materials. A woven geotextile was used as reinforcement. Five other geosynthetic materials were used in this study case. Facing comprised a geocell filled with local soil cover and grass mats, resulting in a green facing. A geonet was used to hold the grass mats in place before grass roots development. Regarding the drainage system, geocomposite drains and geopipes were installed to drain subsurface water. A nonwoven geotextile was used as filter in drainage trenches, which were placed near the structure toe. Additionally to the GRS structure, the lower portion of the slope was reinforced with soil nailing technique. The face of the nailed soil portion was covered with sandbags and shotcrete. It emphasizes the flexibility of GRS structures regarding their application with other technical options in Geotechnical Engineering. The economic aspect of this study case also deserves attention. It did not require soil transportation and other design and construction steps, e.g. concrete structures design and construction.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)