936 resultados para textual similarity
Treball de investigació centrat en la crítica textual on es descriuen atentament tots els testimonis que s’han conservat de l’obra tardana de Diego de Saavedra Fajardo “Locuras de Europa,” ambaixador i escriptor murcià. Es realitza una anàlisi exhaustiva dels quatre manuscrits i de les dues edicions impreses de l’obra per acabar filiant tots els testimonis en un stemma. El cos del treball es complementa amb el text crític final i amb un apartat crític
La presente publicación ofrece un buen material introductorio a las técnicas de estudio demandadas en la vida universitaria. En un lenguaje claro, directo, ameno y sin elaboraciones superfluas, el lector es guiado por los elementos fundamentales que deben tenerse en cuenta para un buen desarrollo de las habilidades de estudio. Se parte de consideraciones motivacionales importantes para esbozar los elementos necesarios para un diagnóstico personal de los hábitos de estudio y para exponer con claridad lo sustancial de las habilidades cognitivas demandadas, así como las estrategias de escritura y de lectura características del buen estudiante. La sección práctica del texto es variada y rica en sugerencias sobre ejercicios que requieren pensamiento crítico y elaboración de esquemas gráficos frente a textos complejos.
A statistical method for classification of sags their origin downstream or upstream from the recording point is proposed in this work. The goal is to obtain a statistical model using the sag waveforms useful to characterise one type of sags and to discriminate them from the other type. This model is built on the basis of multi-way principal component analysis an later used to project the available registers in a new space with lower dimension. Thus, a case base of diagnosed sags is built in the projection space. Finally classification is done by comparing new sags against the existing in the case base. Similarity is defined in the projection space using a combination of distances to recover the nearest neighbours to the new sag. Finally the method assigns the origin of the new sag according to the origin of their neighbours
Class exercise to analyse qualitative data mediated on use of a set of transcripts, augmented by videos from web site. Discussion is around not only how the data is codes, interview bias, dimensions of analysis. Designed as an introduction.
Resumen tomado parcialmente de la revista
Abstract 1: Social Networks such as Twitter are often used for disseminating and collecting information during natural disasters. The potential for its use in Disaster Management has been acknowledged. However, more nuanced understanding of the communications that take place on social networks are required to more effectively integrate this information into the processes within disaster management. The type and value of information shared should be assessed, determining the benefits and issues, with credibility and reliability as known concerns. Mapping the tweets in relation to the modelled stages of a disaster can be a useful evaluation for determining the benefits/drawbacks of using data from social networks, such as Twitter, in disaster management.A thematic analysis of tweets’ content, language and tone during the UK Storms and Floods 2013/14 was conducted. Manual scripting was used to determine the official sequence of events, and classify the stages of the disaster into the phases of the Disaster Management Lifecycle, to produce a timeline. Twenty- five topics discussed on Twitter emerged, and three key types of tweets, based on the language and tone, were identified. The timeline represents the events of the disaster, according to the Met Office reports, classed into B. Faulkner’s Disaster Management Lifecycle framework. Context is provided when observing the analysed tweets against the timeline. This illustrates a potential basis and benefit for mapping tweets into the Disaster Management Lifecycle phases. Comparing the number of tweets submitted in each month with the timeline, suggests users tweet more as an event heightens and persists. Furthermore, users generally express greater emotion and urgency in their tweets.This paper concludes that the thematic analysis of content on social networks, such as Twitter, can be useful in gaining additional perspectives for disaster management. It demonstrates that mapping tweets into the phases of a Disaster Management Lifecycle model can have benefits in the recovery phase, not just in the response phase, to potentially improve future policies and activities. Abstract2: The current execution of privacy policies, as a mode of communicating information to users, is unsatisfactory. Social networking sites (SNS) exemplify this issue, attracting growing concerns regarding their use of personal data and its effect on user privacy. This demonstrates the need for more informative policies. However, SNS lack the incentives required to improve policies, which is exacerbated by the difficulties of creating a policy that is both concise and compliant. Standardization addresses many of these issues, providing benefits for users and SNS, although it is only possible if policies share attributes which can be standardized. This investigation used thematic analysis and cross- document structure theory, to assess the similarity of attributes between the privacy policies (as available in August 2014), of the six most frequently visited SNS globally. Using the Jaccard similarity coefficient, two types of attribute were measured; the clauses used by SNS and the coverage of forty recommendations made by the UK Information Commissioner’s Office. Analysis showed that whilst similarity in the clauses used was low, similarity in the recommendations covered was high, indicating that SNS use different clauses, but to convey similar information. The analysis also showed that low similarity in the clauses was largely due to differences in semantics, elaboration and functionality between SNS. Therefore, this paper proposes that the policies of SNS already share attributes, indicating the feasibility of standardization and five recommendations are made to begin facilitating this, based on the findings of the investigation.
En esta publicaci??n se analizan una serie de t??cnicas narrativas agrupadas en 3 grandes cap??tulos dedicados, respectivamente a la descripci??n, el relato y el di??logo. En cada uno de ellos hay un apartado te??rico donde, con gran cantidad de ejemplos, se estudian los diferentes puntos de vista, elementos, estructuras, tipos, etc. que pueden configurar una descripci??n, un relato o un di??logo, as?? como un amplio abanico de propuestas did??cticas que tienen como finalidad hacer reflexionar al alumno sobre las caracter??sticas de los diferentes textos narrativos propuestos y, a la vez, darles orientaciones para ir enriqueciendo progresivamente su nivel de comprensi??n y expresi??n escritas.
Resumen basado en el de los autores en catal??n
Este texto pretende fomentar la lectura independiente y la autonomía lectora, con orientación hacia las herramientas, los instrumentos y las estrategias para la comprensión de los textos académicos propios de su disciplina. Un lector autónomo e independiente se forma en la medida en que se apropia de tales instrumentos, a partir de herramientas brindadas por el docente. En ese sentido, este libro invita al docente a tomar decisiones respecto a la secuencia de las estrategias sugeridas, así como a la elección de los textos para el desarrollo de la competencia propuesta. Por otro lado, le sugiere al estudiante desarrollar cada unidad y practicar los ejercicios propuestos en un contexto académico específico, con el fin de facilitar el empleo de las estrategias en su vida estudiantil.
Resumen tomado del autor. Resumen también en inglés y en francés. Monográfico dedicado a El Quijote (1605-2005)
Resumen tomado de la publicación
Resumen tomado de la publicación
Resumen basado en el de la publicación. Resumen en español
Resumen basado en el de la publicación. Resumen en inglés
Resumen basado en el de los autores. Trabajo al que se le concedió una ayuda para la creación de materiales curriculares interactivos en el año 2003