351 resultados para synergies
Tutkielmassa selvitettiin UPM-Kymmene Oyj:n liiketoimintaportfolion muodostamia synergioita julkisiin lähteisiin pohjautuen. Synergioiden määrittämistä varten muodostettiin malli, jonka avulla määritettiin synergiat montaa eri liiketoimintaa harjoittavalle yhtiölle. Synergianäkemystä hyödynnettiin portfolion optimoinnissa uudella lähestymistavalla. Synergian mittausmallissa arvotettavan yhtiön liiketoiminta-alueille valittiin vertailuyhtiöt, joiden taloudellista suoriutumista arvioimalla pystyttiin määrittämään arvio synergian määristä. Tutkielman aihe synergioiden muodostumisesta ja mittaamisesta on tärkeä, sillä montaa liiketoimintaa harjoittavat yhtiöt oikeuttavat olemassa olonsa vetoamalla liiketoimintojen välillä syntyviin hyötyihin ja synergioihin. Synergiat ja portfolion optimointi ovat johdolle tärkeä aihe, sillä portfolion hallinta on yrityksen liiketoiminnan jatkuvuuden, taloudellisen suoriutumisen ja olemassa olon kannalta erittäin keskeistä Tutkielman tulosten perusteella UPM:n liiketoimintaportfoliossa muodostuvien synergioiden voidaan arvioida olevan vuosittain 44 miljoonasta eurosta 117 miljoonaan euroon. Portfolion optimoinnin tuloksena ainoastaan paperin ja vaneriliiketoimintojen suhteellista painoarvoa tulee laskea, mikä johtuu lähinnä näiden liiketoimintojen jatkuvasta huonosta taloudellisesta suoriutumisesta.
Acquisitions are a way for a company to grow, enter new geographical areas, buy out competition or diversify. Acquisitions have recently grown in both size and value. Despite of this, only approximately 25 percent of acquisitions reach their targets and goals. Companies making serial acquisitions seem to be exceptionally successful and succeed in the majority of their acquisitions. The main research question this study aims to answer is: “What issues impact the selection of acquired companies from the point of view of a serial acquirer? The main research question is answered through three sub questions: “What is a buying process for a serial acquirer like?”, “What are the motives for a serial acquirer to buy companies?” and “What is the connection between company strategy and serial acquisitions?”. The case company KONE is a globally operating company which mainly produces and maintains elevators and escalators. Its headquarter is located in Helsinki, Finland. The company has a long history of making acquisitions and does 20- 30 acquisitions a year. By a key person interview, the acquisition process of the case company is compared with the literature about successful serial acquirers. The acquisition motives in this case are reflected upon three of the acquisition motive theories by Trautwein: efficiency theory, monopoly theory and valuation theory. The linkage between serial acquisitions and company strategy is studied through the key person interview. The main research findings are that the acquisition process of KONE is compatible with a successful acquisition process recognized in literature (RAID). This study confirms the efficiency theory as an acquisition motive and more closely the operational synergies. The monopoly theory can only vaguely be supported by this study, but cannot be totally rejected because of the structure of the industry. The valuation theory does not get any support in this study and can therefore be rejected. The linkage between company strategy and serial acquisitions is obvious and making acquisitions can be seen as growth strategy and a part of other company strategies.
Third party logistics, and third party logistics providers and the services they offer have grown substantially in the last twenty years. Even though there has been extensive research on third party logistics providers, and regular industry reviews within the logistics industry, a closer research in the area of partner selection and network models in the third party logistics industry is missing. The perspective taken in this study was of expanding the network research into logistics service providers as the focal firm in the network. The purpose of the study is to analyze partnerships and networks in the third party logistics industry in order to define how networks are utilized in third party logistics markets, what have been the reasons for the partnerships, and whether there are benefits for the third party logistics provider that can be achieved through building networks and partnerships. The theoretical framework of this study was formed based on common theories in studying networks and partnerships in accordance with models of horizontal and vertical partnerships. The theories applied to the framework and context of this study included the strategic network view and the resource-based view. Applying these two network theories to the position and networks of third party logistics providers in an industrial supply chain, a theoretical model for analyzing the horizontal and vertical partnerships where the TPL provider is in focus was structured. The empirical analysis of TPL partnerships consisted of a qualitative document analysis of 33 partnership examples involving companies present in the Finnish TPL markets. For the research, existing documents providing secondary data on types of partnerships, reasons for the partnerships, and outcomes of the partnerships were searched from available online sources. Findings of the study revealed that third party logistics providers are evident in horizontal and vertical interactions varying in geographical coverage and the depth and nature of the relationship. Partnership decisions were found to be made on resource based reasons, as well as from strategic aspects. The discovered results of the partnerships in this study included cost reduction and effectiveness in the partnerships for improving existing services. In addition in partnerships created for innovative service extension, differentiation, and creation of additional value were discovered to have emerged as results of the cooperation. It can be concluded that benefits and competitive advantage can be created through building partnerships in order to expand service offering and seeking synergies.
This thesis is based on studying integration synergies in a merger or acquisition situation with the interest in distribution channel integration. M&As seem to be forever popular and nowadays companies often use them as a certain kind of strategy to develop their business. M&As have attracted research for decades and also distribution in M&As has been found interesting. Moreover, research often concentrates to the horizontal M&A´s potential synergies that emerge in the integration process and so is the case also in this study as the core issue is to study the integration of the distribution channels and its potential synergies. This study concentrates on a single case, an acquisition which took place in 2011. The case consists of two Finnish companies operating in the same business field. Both of the companies are very export orientated, which gives this study its export view. As the companies operate in the same field this acquisition falls into the categorization of horizontal acquisition. The objective of the thesis is to study how the export channels could be integrated after an acquisition? This research question is divided again to three sub-questions asking how the distribution channels of the acquirer and acquired company are organized, what is pursued by the post-acquisition distribution channel integration and what are the integration challenges especially from the logistics point-of-view. The framework was built from the basis of the literature used in this thesis. The framework combines M&A process and distribution channels to a one united model which presents the progress of this thesis. The study was carried out as a qualitative research and as a holistic single case study. The data used in the research includes two interviews, other material from the case companies and also material of the companies collected by the author independently from different sources. There were many motives for the acquisition as usual. From the research results one can find that the integration process is still very ongoing and the synergies have not yet been fully discovered but also they are there to be found. The concentration of the research was in the export distribution which proved to be meaningful since the exports markets of the case companies were found to be quite complementary. The research results brought up also other issues concerning the post-acquisition integration process rather than the distribution channels and export. M&As are always a risky business. The final result can never be predicted. No matter how good the merging companies look on paper the practice is not the same. The acquisition process of this case has not ended yet and there lies potential synergy benefits to be discovered if enough effort is used to go through the process right.
This master thesis examines the possibility of implementing a national industrial symbiosis programme in Finland. Industrial symbiosis is a close cooperation between companies in which the actors make use of each other's wastes and by-products as raw materials for pro-cesses. Symbiosis programme aims to promote industrial symbiosis by identifying possible synergies. In the United Kingdom (UK), a national level programme NISP (National Industri-al Symbiosis Programme) has been successfully implemented. This thesis studies whether it would be possible to implement a similar program in Finland. The implementation of the pro-gram in Finland is evaluated by analyzing and comparing Finnish and British business envi-ronments using PESTEL and diamond models. The goal is to identify factors that promote or hinder the implementation of the programme in Finland. Based on this study, it can be said that implementing the programme in Finland is possible. The programme can be carried out in almost the same principles as in the UK, but some char-acteristics of the Finnish business environment, such as the high level of technological know-how, should especially be taken as an advantage. On the other hand, there are features, such as low level domestic demand, which may prevent the implementation of the program unless they are given special attention.
A fast changing dynamic business environment is becoming a norm today in different areas, including retailing. The aims of this study are to explore existing store formats of branded sportswear retailing and their characteristics, and to identify the trends which might shape their future. The ultimate goal, however, is to create and analyze images of the future of branded sportswear retailing in Germany 2030 by applying the methods of futures studies. As theoretical background, the cyclical theories of retail evolution have been used. Empirical material is obtained by conducting a Disaggregative Policy Delphi method based study, the aim of which is to obtain well–argued qualitative and quantitative information from experts about store format development in order to create future images based on cluster analysis. Flagship stores, Concept stores, Factory Outlets, Pop-up stores, E-commerce and M-commerce represent the diversity of store formats existing in Germany today. They have different aims, roles, and advantages which retailers try to leverage. However such trends as multichannel integration, technological enhancements, growing popularity of online channels, switching customer behaviors, customization and personalization, and economic turbulence might shape the future of sportswear retailing. Four future images constructed: “Multichannel Integration”, “Smart and Personal”, “Consumer Diversification”, and “Always Online” – describe alternative futures of German branded sportswear store formats in 2030 based on different trends, assumptions, hopes and fears. They also point out uncertainties in retailing such as cannibalization of channels, the growing power and expectations of consumers, the complexity of multichannel synergies, and the switching customer behavior. Constructed future images, thus, provide readers with an opportunity to imagine and explore alternative states of the future of branded sportswear store formats in Germany 2030. They could serve well as a tool to communicate the results to decision–makers, compare them, and to analyze to inspire and direct actions for a better future tomorrow.
In the present study, we modeled a reaching task as a two-link mechanism. The upper arm and forearm motion trajectories during vertical arm movements were estimated from the measured angular accelerations with dual-axis accelerometers. A data set of reaching synergies from able-bodied individuals was used to train a radial basis function artificial neural network with upper arm/forearm tangential angular accelerations. The trained radial basis function artificial neural network for the specific movements predicted forearm motion from new upper arm trajectories with high correlation (mean, 0.9149-0.941). For all other movements, prediction was low (range, 0.0316-0.8302). Results suggest that the proposed algorithm is successful in generalization over similar motions and subjects. Such networks may be used as a high-level controller that could predict forearm kinematics from voluntary movements of the upper arm. This methodology is suitable for restoring the upper limb functions of individuals with motor disabilities of the forearm, but not of the upper arm. The developed control paradigm is applicable to upper-limb orthotic systems employing functional electrical stimulation. The proposed approach is of great significance particularly for humans with spinal cord injuries in a free-living environment. The implication of a measurement system with dual-axis accelerometers, developed for this study, is further seen in the evaluation of movement during the course of rehabilitation. For this purpose, training-related changes in synergies apparent from movement kinematics during rehabilitation would characterize the extent and the course of recovery. As such, a simple system using this methodology is of particular importance for stroke patients. The results underlie the important issue of upper-limb coordination.
Case company utilizes multi-branding strategy (or house of brands strategy) in its product portfolio. In practice the company has multiple brands – one main brand and four acquired brands – which all utilize one single product platform. The objective of this research is to analyze case company’s multi-branding strategy and its benefits and challenges. Moreover, the purpose is to clarify that how could a company in B2B markets utilize multi-branding strategy more efficiently and profitably. The theoretical part of this thesis consists of aspects of branding strategies; different brand name architectures, benefits and challenges of different strategies and different ways of utilize branding strategies in mergers and acquisitions. The empirical part, on the other hand, includes the description of the case company’s branding strategy and the employees’ perspective on the benefits and challenges of multi-branding strategy, and how to utilize it more efficiently and profitably. This study shows, that the major benefits of utilizing multi-branding are lower production costs, ability to reach wider market coverage, possibility to utilize common sales tools, synergies in R&D and shared resources. On the other hand, the major challenges are lack of product differentiation, internal competition, branding issues in production and deliveries, pricing issues and conflicts, and compromises in product compatibility and suitability. Based on the results, several ways to utilize multi-branding strategy more efficiently and profitably were found; by putting more effort on brand image and product differentiation, by having more co-operation among the brands and by focusing on more precise customer and market segmentation.
Automotive industry has faced intense consolidation pressure, which has lead to increasing number of M&As. However, empirical evidence has given controversial results suggesting that most of M&As are value destructive for acquiring companies and for acquiring companies’ shareholders. The objective of this master’s thesis is to examine how acquiring companies’ shareholders react to acquisition announcement and is the reaction in line with the long-term performance. This study uses empirical evidence from automotive industry, which has been characterized as an industry that holds large amount of vertical and horizontal synergies. Transaction data consists of 65 acquisitions made by publicly listed companies between 2008-2010. The short-term impact is tested by applying event study methodology while the long term operative performance is examined with accounting study methodology. The event study results indicate that during the three days after acquisition (t= 0-2), the acquiring firms’ stocks generate an abnormal return of 1.22% on average across all acquisitions. When long term performance is studied it is evident that acquiring companies perform better than the industry median pre- and post-transaction but there is no statistically significant evidence that the performance has increased. The only performance ratio indicating statistically significant decrease is Return on Equity (ROE). On long-term horizontal acquisitions seem to outperform conglomerate ones but otherwise deal characteristics do not have any statistically significant impact.
Global Sourcing has gained popularity among Multinational Corporations as a method to achieve competitive advantage in increasingly competitive international environment. However, the companies pursuing coordinated global sourcing strategies in many cases tend to overlook many potential synergies from global sourcing. The objective of this research is to identify development areas in which the case company can further improve its conduct regarding global sourcing. This thesis was done as a case study for a MNC with business units across the world. The data used to analyse the case company is based on personal observations of the researcher, company’s material regarding its global sourcing, and on themed interviews and discussions with the company’s purchasing personnel. The analyses of this research are qualitative in nature, relying on subjective observations of the researcher. The research revealed that the case company has room for improvement in many of the identified success factors of global sourcing. One main recommendation of the thesis is to introduce portfolio-tool to identify synergy areas from global sourcing in a more systematic manner. In addition, the thesis proposes that information-processing framework can help the case company design more effective integration mechanisms that are required to process complex information emerging when sourcing globally.
Depuis les années 90, les Projets Intégrés de Conservation et Développement ont été présentés comme des modèles fonctionnels de développement durable pour un site spécifique dans une perspective de réalisation. Le but est d’intégrer les objectifs biologiques de la conservation aux objectifs sociaux et économiques du développement. Ces projets, qui répondent à de multiples dénominations et stratégies, sont implantés dans des contextes naturellement hétérogènes et dynamiques, où l’aménagement du territoire ne doit pas être un outil de planification étatique, désigné et imposé dans une logique conservationniste. Les aires protégées représentent une certaine vision du rapport entre l’être humain et la nature, apparue dans le contexte nord-américain avec la création des premiers grands parcs nationaux en 1870. Aujourd'hui, la forte volonté d'impliquer la population se heurte avec la difficulté de concilier la gestion de ces espaces avec les pratiques, les nécessités et les intérêts locaux. Le parc naturel Obô, qui occupe 30% du territoire de São Tomé et Principe, doit affronter la difficile intégration entre les représentations de la nature et les usages locaux avec les objectifs globaux des politiques conservationnistes, ainsi qu’avec les intérêts touristiques et économiques des investisseurs locaux et étrangers. Les représentations sociales de la nature, établissant une forme de connaissance pratique, déterminent la vision du monde et la relation qu'un certain groupe social peut avoir avec le territoire. Ainsi, chaque communauté possède ses propres mécanismes d'adaptation au milieu basés sur ce système représentationnel. Dans le cas des communautés sãotoméennes, la nature présente un caractère spirituel (associé à des croyances, des rites et des pratiques médicales traditionnelles) et utilitaire (la nature, à travers l'agriculture, la récolte ou la chasse, répond au besoin de subsistance). L’objectif de ce projet de thèse est donc de mieux comprendre la synergie existante entre savoir endogène et gestion de la biodiversité pour adapter l’aménagement du territoire à la réalité des populations qui y vivent.
Il est peu de notions aussi vastes que celle du non-savoir, mais le flou du caractère nécessairement négatif de sa définition s’accompagne tout de même du sentiment que la source de ce qui ne peut qu’être déterminé négativement par la pensée (non, cela n’est pas le savoir) ne peut qu’être positive. Notion à l’applicabilité infinie, parce qu’en elle vient s’abîmer tout ce qui ne peut tenir dans l’espace de la maîtrise relative à ce dont on peut dire : je sais de quoi il s’agit. Est non-savoir tout ce qui se rapporte au bouillonnement pulsionnel de la vie et à l’échéance fatale de la mort. Ce qui pousse l’homme au meurtre, au génocide, à la guerre et à la violence révolutionnaire se confond avec un contenu affectif et identitaire qui ne peut être ramené au savoir sans laisser de reste. Mais tenter de comprendre ce qui échappe à l’entendement est cela même qui relance sans cesse la réflexion comprise comme cœur du savoir. Le savoir se montre ainsi sous une extrême dépendance face à son Autre. À la lumière de cette hypothèse devant beaucoup aux découvertes de la psychanalyse, le présent mémoire s’est donné pour objectif de jeter un regard frais sur quelques grandes tensions sociopolitiques de l’Histoire; mais il a d’abord fallu évaluer philosophiquement la possibilité d’un concept de non-savoir. Des champs identitaires majeurs — révolutions totalitaires ou démocratiques, bouleversements ou synergies culturelles — sont ainsi analysés sous l’angle d’une économie pulsionnelle qui s’inscrit dans une interaction perpétuelle avec ce qui s’ébauche ici comme une économie du rapport entre non-savoir et savoir. Est ainsi produite une esquisse des rapports possibles entre la vie pulsionnelle de l’homme, le savoir institutionnel et le monde sociopolitique.
Dans l’hémiparésie consécutive à un AVC, une coactivation anormale des extenseurs du genou et de la cheville est souvent observée à la jambe atteinte lorsque la personne tente de bouger ou encore lors de la marche. Les mécanismes sous-jacents à cette coactivation sont mal compris. Bien que l’AVC entraîne une lésion supraspinale, des évidences démontrent le dysfonctionnement de certains circuits spinaux dans l’hémiparésie. Ce projet de doctorat visait à évaluer : 1) l’excitabilité des circuits spinaux intersegmentaires projetant des extenseurs du genou aux extenseurs de la cheville et 2) si un éventuel dysfonctionnement de ces circuits dans l’hémiparésie est associé à une coactivation anormale des extenseurs du genou et de la cheville lors de contractions statiques et au cours de la marche. La première étude compare la modulation de l’activité réflexe du soléaire suite à la stimulation du nerf fémoral entre des sujets hémiparétiques et sains. Une augmentation de la facilitation hétéronyme de courte latence et une diminution de l’inhibition ultérieure du réflexe H du soléaire ont été observées chez les sujets hémiparétiques. Ces résultats démontrent un dysfonctionnement des circuits intersegmentaires propriospinaux liant le quadriceps au soléaire suite à l’AVC. La deuxième étude démontre que ces changements dans la modulation hétéronyme des sujets hémiparétiques, évaluée au moyen de la méthode complexe basée sur l’activité réflexe du soléaire, sont similaires à ceux observés lorsque la modulation est évaluée en utilisant une méthode plus simple, soit celle de l’activité volontaire du soléaire. De plus, la modulation hétéronyme évaluée par les deux méthodes est corrélée avec l’atteinte motrice à la jambe parétique. La troisième étude a permis de quantifier une augmentation de la coactivation entre les extenseurs du genou et de la cheville lors de contractions volontaires statiques chez des personnes hémiparétiques par rapport à des personnes saines. De plus, le niveau accru de la coactivation involontaire des extenseurs de la cheville lors de l’activation volontaire des extenseurs du genou s’avère corrélé avec la modulation intersegmentaire du côté parétique. La quatrième étude a utilisé un indice temporel, soit l’intervalle entre les pics d’activation électromyographique (PAI), et un indice d’amplitude de coactivation (CAI) pour quantifier une augmentation de la coactivation entre les extenseurs du genou et de la cheville lors de la marche chez des personnes hémiparétiques par rapport à des personnes saines. Ces indices sont corrélés, pour certains groupes musculaires, avec la modulation intersegmentaire modifiée du côté parétique. Finalement, des résultats préliminaires montrent que la vibration mécanique du tendon rotulien (80 Hz) réduit la facilitation intersegmentaire accrue des sujets hémiparétiques. Ce projet doctoral a permis de mettre en lumière un dysfonctionnement de circuits spinaux liant le quadriceps et le soléaire dans l’hémiparésie consécutive à un AVC. Ce changement dans les mécanismes neurophysiologiques de la moelle épinière est corrélé avec des changements fonctionnels. Ainsi, ce dysfonctionnement pourrait contribuer à la coactivation involontaire entre les extenseurs du genou et de la cheville qui fait partie intégrante de la synergie pathologique en extension souvent rencontrée à la jambe parétique lors d’efforts en statique et pendant la marche. Finalement, une étude préliminaire suggère que la vibration mécanique serait une modalité sensorielle prometteuse pour réguler l’hyperexcitabilité des circuits spinaux qui contribuerait aux atteintes motrices chez les personnes hémiparétiques.
Travail d'intégration réalisé dans le cadre du cours PHT-6113.
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