473 resultados para switches


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BACKGROUND: Adverse effects of combination antiretroviral therapy (CART) commonly result in treatment modification and poor adherence. METHODS: We investigated predictors of toxicity-related treatment modification during the first year of CART in 1318 antiretroviral-naive human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected individuals from the Swiss HIV Cohort Study who began treatment between January 1, 2005, and June 30, 2008. RESULTS: The total rate of treatment modification was 41.5 (95% confidence interval [CI], 37.6-45.8) per 100 person-years. Of these, switches or discontinuations because of drug toxicity occurred at a rate of 22.4 (95% CI, 19.5-25.6) per 100 person-years. The most frequent toxic effects were gastrointestinal tract intolerance (28.9%), hypersensitivity (18.3%), central nervous system adverse events (17.3%), and hepatic events (11.5%). In the multivariate analysis, combined zidovudine and lamivudine (hazard ratio [HR], 2.71 [95% CI, 1.95-3.83]; P < .001), nevirapine (1.95 [1.01-3.81]; P = .050), comedication for an opportunistic infection (2.24 [1.19-4.21]; P = .01), advanced age (1.21 [1.03-1.40] per 10-year increase; P = .02), female sex (1.68 [1.14-2.48]; P = .009), nonwhite ethnicity (1.71 [1.18-2.47]; P = .005), higher baseline CD4 cell count (1.19 [1.10-1.28] per 100/microL increase; P < .001), and HIV-RNA of more than 5.0 log(10) copies/mL (1.47 [1.10-1.97]; P = .009) were associated with higher rates of treatment modification. Almost 90% of individuals with treatment-limiting toxic effects were switched to a new regimen, and 85% achieved virologic suppression to less than 50 copies/mL at 12 months compared with 87% of those continuing CART (P = .56). CONCLUSIONS: Drug toxicity remains a frequent reason for treatment modification; however, it does not affect treatment success. Close monitoring and management of adverse effects and drug-drug interactions are crucial for the durability of CART.


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Lähiverkkojen tehtävänä on toimia alustana useille eri tekniikoille ja palveluille. Verkossa liikkuu dataliikenteen lisäksi myös puhetta ja kuvaa. Lähiverkko mahdollistaa oheislaitteiden, kuten tiedostopalvelimien ja tulostimien, jakamisen ja käyttämisen koko lähiverkon alueelta. Organisaation lähiverkkoja voidaan yhdistää teleoperaattoreiden toimesta joten on vaikeaa enää määritellä lähiverkkoa tarkasti. Työssä on käyty läpi Ethernet-tekniikan peruselementit ja verkkotopologiat. Selvitystyö kattaa koko Ethernetin kehityshistorian jaetun media väylästä nykyaikaiseen täysin kytkentäiseen Ethernettiin asti sekä sen eri kaapelointimahdollisuudet. Verkoissa liikennöintiin ja valvontaan tarvittavien protokollien ja palveluiden toiminta on esitelty, samoin kuin tyypillisempien verkon aktiivilaitteiden toiminta. Verkon nykytilan kartoituksen kautta lopputuloksena esitetään uuden verkon fyysinen rakenne sekä verkon toiminnan kannalta keskeisimmät palvelut. Verkon fyysinen rakenne perustuu yleiskaapelointistandardiin EN 50173-1. Verkossa tapahtuvan ja verkkoon kohdistuvan opetuksen erityispiirteistä ja ongelmista esitetään ratkaisut niin teknisistä kuin tietoturvallisuuden näkökohdista . Kustannusarviossa keskitytään verkon komponenttien hintoihin ja tehdään vertailu kahden eri kytkimen hinnoista ja ominaisuuksista. Johtopäätöksissä pohditaan verkonsuunnittelun uusia suuntia SAN-verkkojen näkökulmasta.


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Taajuusmuuttajassa tehokytkinten, tässä tapauksessa IGBT, kytkentäviiveet vääristävät lähtöjännitettä varsinkin pienillä lähtöjännitteen arvoilla. Kun viiveiden pituudet tunnetaan voidaan niiden vaikutus kompensoida taajuusmuuttajan ohjauksella. Perinteisissä toteutuksissa viiveiden pituudet on arvioitu ennalta määritetyn taulukon mukaisesti, jossa parametrina on ollut muun muassa moottorivirta. Viiveet kuitenkin vaihtelevat yksilökohtaisesti, eikä kaikkia viiveisiin vaikuttavia tekijöitä voida ottaa huomioon, joten taulukko antaa vain suuntaa. Ratkaisuna tähän on viiveiden mittaus. Työssä tutustutaan jännitevälipiirillisen PWM-taajuusmuuttajan toimintaan yleisellä tasolla. IGBT:n toimintaan syvennytään tarkemmin sekä teoreettisella tasolla että käytännön mittauksilla. Työssä tarkastellaan kytkimien kytkentäviiveiden syntytapaa ja niiden vaikutuksia lähtöjännitteeseen. Viiveiden aiheuttamiin lähtöjännitteen virheiden korjaukseen esitetään erilaisia menetelmiä. Työssä rakennetaan mittalaite jolla tarkkaillaan taajuusmuuttajan lähtöjännitettä ja mitataan sen avulla kytkentäviiveiden suuruutta. Kytkennässä huomioidaan erityisesti häiriöisen ympäristön EMI-vaikutusten minimointi laitteen toiminnassa. Käytännön mittauksilla ja testauksilla kytkentä todetaan toimivaksi ja soveltuvaksi kytkentäviiveiden vaihevirheettömään mittaukseen.


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Identity metamorphoses in a context of mobility This study has its roots in the current upsurge in student mobility and in the scientific debates about the concepts of identity and intercultural communication. Based on a corpus of interviews with French Erasmus students in Finland, the study blends in theories of postmodern identity, intercultural hermeneutics and discourse analysis to examine how the students construct themselves and diverse ‘othernesses’ (included theirs) when they talk about their experiences. The use of the French pronoun on, pronoun switches, and virtual voices (ex: I said to myself...) allowed to pinpoint the students’ unstable identity metamorphoses in their discourses: integration of liquid and solid selves, infidelity in identification with the French but also with Erasmus ‘tribes’, and games of identity. Though the exchange experience appears as interesting for the students, the results show that many and varied misconceptions about identity, culture, intercultural communication, language use, and strangeness lead the students to evaluate their experiences negatively. The implication of the study is that students should be prepared for their time abroad, not so much in terms of ‘grammars of culture’ (e.g. ‘Finns behave in such and such ways’, ‘the French are...’), but through the development of competences to analyse the identity metamorphoses that take place in intercultural encounters and prevent people from meeting each other as diverse individuals. This could make study abroad one of the best training periods for postmodernity and globalization.


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Laboratory and field experiments have demonstrated in many cases that malaria vectors do not feed randomly, but show important preferences either for infected or non-infected hosts. These preferences are likely in part shaped by the costs imposed by the parasites on both their vertebrate and dipteran hosts. However, the effect of changes in vector behaviour on actual parasite transmission remains a debated issue. We used the natural associations between a malaria-like parasite Polychromophilus murinus, the bat fly Nycteribia kolenatii and a vertebrate host the Daubenton's bat Myotis daubentonii to test the vector's feeding preference based on the host's infection status using two different approaches: 1) controlled behavioural assays in the laboratory where bat flies could choose between a pair of hosts; 2) natural bat fly abundance data from wild-caught bats, serving as an approximation of realised feeding preference of the bat flies. Hosts with the fewest infectious stages of the parasite were most attractive to the bat flies that did switch in the behavioural assay. In line with the hypothesis of costs imposed by parasites on their vectors, bat flies carrying parasites had higher mortality. However, in wild populations, bat flies were found feeding more based on the bat's body condition, rather than its infection level. Though the absolute frequency of host switches performed by the bat flies during the assays was low, in the context of potential parasite transmission they were extremely high. The decreased survival of infected bat flies suggests that the preference for less infected hosts is an adaptive trait. Nonetheless, other ecological processes ultimately determine the vector's biting rate and thus transmission. Inherent vector preferences therefore play only a marginal role in parasite transmission in the field. The ecological processes rather than preferences per se need to be identified for successful epidemiological predictions.


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Diplomityössä perehdyttiin taajuusmuuttajien toimintaan ja ohjaukseen. Lisäksi työssä tarkasteltiin vaihtosuuntaajan nopeiden transienttitilojen aiheuttamaa moottorin ylijännitettä. Moottorikaapelin heijastuksia käsiteltiin vertaamalla moottorikaapelia siirtolinjaan ja todennettiin ylijännitteen syyt. Ylijännitteen vähentämiseksi on kehitetty useita suodatusmenetelmiä. Työssä vertailtiin näitä menetelmiä ja kartoitettiin kaupallisia vaihtoehtoja. Taajuusmuuttajan ohjaus on tähän päivään asti tehty yleensä käyttäen mikroprosessoria sekä logiikkapiiriä. Tulevaisuudessa ohjaukseen käytetään todennäköisesti uudelleenohjelmoitavia FPGA-piirejä (Field Programmable Gate Array). FPGA-piirin etuihin kuuluu uudelleenohjelmoitavuus sekä ohjauksen keskittäminen yhdelle piirille.


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Plant microRNAs (miRNAs) are important regulatory switches. Recent advances have revealed many regulatory layers between the two essential processes, miRNA biogenesis and function. However, how these multilayered regulatory processes ultimately control miRNA gene regulation and connects miRNAs and plant responses with the surrounding environment is still largely unknown. In this opinion article, we propose that the miRNA pathway is highly dynamic and plastic. The apparent flexibility of the miRNA pathway in plants appears to be controlled by a number recently identified proteins and poorly characterized signaling cascades. We further propose that altered miRNA accumulation can be a direct consequence of the rewiring of interactions between proteins that function in the miRNA pathway, an avenue that remains largely unexplored.


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Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) are neuronal, voltage-independent Na(+) channels that are transiently activated by extracellular acidification. They are involved in pain sensation, the expression of fear, and in neurodegeneration after ischemic stroke. Our study investigates the role of extracellular subunit interactions in ASIC1a function. We identified two regions involved in critical intersubunit interactions. First, formation of an engineered disulfide bond between the palm and thumb domains leads to partial channel closure. Second, linking Glu-235 of a finger loop to either one of two different residues of the knuckle of a neighboring subunit opens the channel at physiological pH or disrupts its activity. This suggests that one finger-knuckle disulfide bond (E235C/K393C) sets the channel in an open state, whereas the other (E235C/Y389C) switches the channel to a non-conducting state. Voltage-clamp fluorometry experiments indicate that both the finger loop and the knuckle move away from the β-ball residue Trp-233 during acidification and subsequent desensitization. Together, these observations reveal that ASIC1a opening is accompanied by a distance increase between adjacent thumb and palm domains as well as a movement of Glu-235 relative to the knuckle helix. Our study identifies subunit interactions in the extracellular loop and shows that dynamic changes of these interactions are critical for normal ASIC function.


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L’Escola Politècnica Superior de la Universitat de Vic disposa d’una cèl·lula de fabricació flexible del fabricant Festo, que simula un procés d’emmagatzematge automàtic, aquesta cèl·lula esta composta per quatre estacions de muntatge diferenciades i independents, l’estació palets, l’estació plaques, l’estació magatzem intermedi i l’estació transport. Cada una d’aquestes estacions està formada per sensors i actuadors elèctrics i pneumàtics del fabricant Festo que van connectats a un PLC SIEMENS S7-300.Els quatre PLC’s (un per cada estació) estan connectats entre ells mitjançant el bus de comunicacions industrials Profibus. L’objectiu d’aquest treball consisteix en l’adaptació de la programació dels PLC’s i la realització d’un SCADA per tal de controlar el funcionament del conjunt de la cèl·lula de fabricació a través del software Vijeo Citect, d’aquesta manera es coneixerà el funcionament de la cèl·lula i permetrà treure’n rendiment per la docència. Aquest projecte ha estat realitzat en quatre fases principals. 1. Estudi i coneixement de les estacions, en aquesta fase s’han estudiat els manuals de funcionament de les estacions i s’han interpretat els codis de programació dels seus PLCs, amb l’objectiu de conèixer bé el programa per tal de interaccionar-hi més endavant amb el sistema SCADA 2. Disseny i programació del sistema SCADA, en aquesta fase s’ha realitzat tot el disseny gràfic de les pantalles de la interfície SCADA així com la programació dels objectes, la connexió amb els PLCs i la base de dades. 3. Posada en marxa del sistema complert, quan es coneixia abastament el funcionament de les estacions i el sistema SCADA estava completat s’ha fet la posada en marxa del conjunt i s’ha comprovat el correcte funcionament i interacció dels sistemes. 4. Realització de la memòria del projecte, en aquesta ultima fase s’ha realitzat la memòria del projecte on s’expliquen les característiques i funcionament de totes les estacions i del sistema SCADA. La conclusió més rellevant obtinguda en aquest treball, és la clara visualització de la potència i simplicitat que han aportat els sistemes SCADA al món de l’automatització, anys enrere per la supervisió de l’estat d’un sistema automatitzat era necessari disposar d’un gran espai amb grans panells de control formats per una gran quantitat de pilots lluminosos, potenciòmetres, interruptors, polsadors, displays i sobretot un voluminós i complexa cablejat, gràcies als sistemes SCADA avui en dia tot això pot quedar reduït a un PC o terminal tàctil, amb pantalles gràfiques clares i una gran quantitat d’opcions de supervisió control i configuració del sistema automatitzat.


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We generalize a standard technology diffusion model by allowing for IPRs regimes to be endogenously defined by the development level of each country. Also we insert differences in the composition of human capital between North (leader) and South (followers) which shape the relative costs of innovation and imitation. Results show how an optimal growth trajectory is found for the follower country which initially imitates and that, once a "threshold development stage" is reached, optimally switches to innovation by fully enforcing IPRs achieving a higher proximity with the technology frontier in the long-run. Other scenarios, such as a premature increase in the enforcement of IPRs or a switch from imitation to innovation at early stages of development of the followers are found to be sub-optimal.


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Tässä diplomityössä tutkitaan erilaisia keskijänniteverkon kehittämismenetelmiä sekä suunnittelua haja-asutusalueelle. Suunnittelumetodiikan perustana on vertailla sähköverkon käyttövarmuuden tunnuslukujen sekä kokonaiskustannusten kehittymistä erilaisilla investointiratkaisuilla. Lähemmässä tarkastelussa ovat erilaiset kaapelointimenetelmät sekä automaatiolaitteet kuten maastoon sijoitettavat katkaisijat sekä kauko-ohjattavat erottimet. Kehittämisratkaisujen vertailemiseksi sähköverkosta muodostetaan laskentaa varten malli, jonka avulla on mahdollista tarkastella mm. käyttövarmuuden tunnuslukujen sekä verkon kustannusten kehittymistä. Verkon kustannuksissa otetaan huomioon investointikustannukset, käyttö- ja kunnossapitokustannukset, viankorjauskustannukset sekä keskeytyskustannukset. Keskeytysten laskentaa varten toteutetaan erilliset laskentalohkot, jotta keskeytyskustannukset saadaan mallinnettua tarkasti. Kaapelointistrategia-analyysissä vertaillaan kaapeloinnin erilaisia toteuttamisperiaatteita. Erilaisia tutkittavia kaapelointimenetelmiä ovat vyörytysmenetelmä, vikaherkimpien kohteiden uusinta, vanhimpien kohteiden uusinta, täydellinen kaapelointi sekä optimiverkostoratkaisu, jossa on hyödynnetty keskijännitejohtojen kaapeloinnin lisäksi mm. automaatioratkaisuja ja 1000 V tekniikkaa. Kaapelointimenetelmiä vertailtaessa on havaittu, että vikaherkimmistä kohteista aloitettava saneeraus tuottaa parhaimman tuloksen, jos optimiratkaisua ei oteta huomioon.


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This paper presents the design of a simple apparatus that periodically switches off both working and auxiliary electrodes short-circuiting them for a couple of seconds. Depolarization takes place and the initial current is re-established.


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Ecological network patterns are influenced by diverse processes that operate at different temporal rates. Here we analyzed whether the coupled effect of local abundance variation, seasonally phenotypic plastic responses, and species evolutionary adaptations might act in concert to shape network patterns. We studied the temporal variation in three interaction properties of bird species (number of interactions per species, interaction strength, and interaction asymmetry) in a temporal sequence of 28 plant frugivore interaction networks spanning two years in a Mediterranean shrubland community. Three main hypotheses dealing with the temporal variation of network properties were tested, examining the effects of abundance, switching behavior between alternative food resources, and morphological traits in determining consumer interaction patterns. Our results demonstrate that temporal variation in consumer interaction patterns is explained by short-term variation in resource and bird abundances and seasonal dietary switches between alternative resources (fleshy fruits and insects). Moreover, differences in beak morphology are associated with differences in switching behavior between resources, suggesting an important role of foraging adaptations in determining network patterns. We argue that beak shape adaptations might determine generalist and specialist feeding behaviors and thus the positions of consumer species within the network. Finally, we provide a preliminary framework to interpret phylogenetic signal in plant animal networks. Indeed, we show that the strength of the phylogenetic signal in networks depends on the relative importance of abundance, behavioral, and morphological variables. We show that these variables strongly differ in their phylogenetic signal. Consequently, we suggest that moderate and significant phylogenetic effects should be commonly observed in networks of species interactions. Read More: http://www.esajournals.org/doi/abs/10.1890/07-1939.1


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Several studies have suggested a bilingual advantage in executive functions, presumably due to bilinguals' massive practice with language switching that requires executive resources, but the results are still somewhat controversial. Previous studies are also plagued by the inherent limitations of a natural groups design where the participant groups are bound to differ in many ways in addition to the variable used to classify them. In an attempt to introduce a complementary analysis approach, we employed multiple regression to study whether the performance of 30- to 75-year-old FinnishSwedish bilinguals (N = 38) on tasks measuring different executive functions (inhibition, updating, and set shifting) could be predicted by the frequency of language switches in everyday life (as measured by a language switching questionnaire), L2 age of acquisition, or by the self-estimated degree of use of both languages in everyday life. Most consistent effects were found for the set shifting task where a higher rate of everyday language switches was related to a smaller mixing cost in errors. Mixing cost is thought to reflect top-down management of competing task sets, thus resembling the bilingual situation where decisions of which language to use has to be made in each conversation. These findings provide additional support to the idea that some executive functions in bilinguals are affected by a lifelong experience in language switching and, perhaps even more importantly, suggest a complementary approach to the study of this issue.


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Language switching is omnipresent in bilingual individuals. In fact, the ability to switch languages (code switching) is a very fast, efficient, and flexible process that seems to be a fundamental aspect of bilingual language processing. In this study, we aimed to characterize psychometrically self-perceived individual differences in language switching and to create a reliable measure of this behavioral pattern by introducing a bilingual switching questionnaire. As a working hypothesis based on the previous literature about code switching, we decomposed language switching into four constructs: (i) L1 switching tendencies (the tendency to switch to L1; L1-switch); (ii) L2 switching tendencies (L2-switch); (iii) contextual switch, which indexes the frequency of switches usually triggered by a particular situation, topic, or environment; and (iv) unintended switch, which measures the lack of intention and awareness of the language switches. A total of 582 SpanishCatalan bilingual university students were studied. Twelve items were selected (three for each construct). The correlation matrix was factor-analyzed using minimum rank factor analysis followed by oblique direct oblimin rotation. The overall proportion of common variance explained by the four extracted factors was 0.86. Finally, to assess the external validity of the individual differences scored with the new questionnaire, we evaluated the correlations between these measures and several psychometric (language proficiency) and behavioral measures related to cognitive and attentional control. The present study highlights the importance of evaluating individual differences in language switching using self-assessment instruments when studying the interface between cognitive control and bilingualism.