991 resultados para seven year


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This paper describes the reproductive phenorhythms of tree species in a tropical seasonal lowland forest in Southeastern Brazil. Every two weeks, five individuals of 41 species were observed for the occurrence of flowering and fruiting, from May 1982 to December 1992. All phenophases showed high seasonality, when considering the whole set of species, but the amplitude of the cycles was much more variable between years; only 13 species had regular flowering. Infra-annual flowering and fruiting were found in 11 and four species, respectively, while only one species flowered and fruited continually. Supra-annual cycles were observed in four (flowering) and seven (fruiting) species. An increase was observed in number of species and individuals flowering and fruiting from 1990 to 1992, following mainly an elevation in the absolute minimum air temperature. These data suggest a relationship between reproductive phenology and major climatic phenomena like El Niño events and solar activity cycles. © International Society for Tropical Ecology.


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The genetic variation in the growth of seven 19-year-old Liquidambar styraciflua provenances was studied in Paraguaçu Paulista, São Paulo State, Brazil. The trial was established in a complete randomized block design with seven provenances, four replications and twelve-tree square plots. Significant differences among provenances were detected for diameter at breast height, height and volume, indicating the possibility of increasing timber yield through selection of the most productive provenances. Genetic correlations between growth traits were high and statistically significant. The provenance from Finca las Victorias, Guatemala had the best and the provenance from Franklin, Virginia, United States the poorest performance for all traits. A growth comparison of Pinus caribaea var. bahamensis with the best provenance at the same site indicated that the potential of L. styraciflua for silviculture in the region of Paraguaçu Paulista is high.


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The aim of this prospective, blind, and randomized clinical trial was to assess the effectiveness of repair of localized clinical defects in amalgam restorations that were initially scheduled for replacement. A cohort of 20 patients with 40 (Class I and Class II) amalgam restorations that presented one or more clinical features that deviated from the ideal (Bravo or Charlie) according to US Public Health Service criteria, were randomly assigned to either the repair or the replacement group—A: repair, n = 19; and B: replacement, n = 21. Two examiners who had calibration expertise evaluated the restorations at baseline and 10 years after according to seven parameters: marginal occlusal adaptation, anatomic form, surface roughness, marginal staining, contact, secondary caries, and luster. After 10 years, 30 restorations (75%) were evaluated (Group A: n = 17; Group B: n = 13). Repaired and replaced amalgam restorations showed similar survival outcomes regarding marginal defects and secondary caries in patients with low and medium caries risk, and most of the restorations were considered clinically acceptable after 10 years. Repair treatment increased the potential for tooth longevity, using a minimally interventional procedure. All restorations trend to downgrade over time.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Background Low dose combined oral contraceptives (COC) can interfere in bone mass acquisition during adolescence. To evaluate bone mineral density (BMD) and bone mineral content (BMC) in female adolescents taking a standard low-dose (EE 20 µg/Desogestrel 150 µg) combination oral contraceptive (COC) over a one-year period and compare with healthy adolescents from the same age group not taking COCs.Methods A non-randomised parallel control study with one-year follow-up. Sixty-seven adolescents from 12 to 20 years of age, divided into COC users (n = 41) taking 20 µg EE/150 µg Desogestrel and non-user controls (n = 26), were evaluated through bone densitometry examinations at baseline and 12 months later. Comparisons between groups at study start was done through the Mann-Whitney test with significance level fixed at 5% or corresponding p value; comparisons between groups at study start and 12 months later used variations in median percentages for bone mass variables.Results COC users presented low bone mass acquisition in the lumbar spine and BMD and BMC median variations between baseline and at 12 months of 2.07% and +1.57% respectively whereas the control group presented variations of +12.16% and +16.84% for BMD and BMC, respectively, over the same period. The total body BMD and BMC presented similar evolution during the study in both groups. Statistical significance (pConclusion The use of a low COC dose (EE 20 µg/Desogestrel 150 µg) was associated to lower bone mass acquisition in adolescents during the study period.Trial registration: (Register Number):RBR-5 h9b3c


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Introduction The primary end points of randomized clinical trials evaluating the outcome of therapeutic strategies for coronary artery disease (CAD) have included nonfatal acute myocardial infarction, the need for further revascularization, and overall mortality. Noncardiac causes of death may distort the interpretation of the long-term effects of coronary revascularization. Materials and methods This post-hoc analysis of the second Medicine, Angioplasty, or Surgery Study evaluates the cause of mortality of patients with multivessel CAD undergoing medical treatment, percutaneous coronary intervention, or surgical myocardial revascularization [coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG)] after a 6-year follow-up. Mortality was classified as cardiac and noncardiac death, and the causes of noncardiac death were reported. Results Patients were randomized into CABG and non-CABG groups (percutaneous coronary intervention plus medical treatment). No statistical differences were observed in overall mortality (P = 0.824). A significant difference in the distribution of causes of mortality was observed among the CABG and non-CABG groups (P = 0.003). In the CABG group, of the 203 randomized patients, the overall number of deaths was 34. Sixteen patients (47.1%) died of cardiac causes and 18 patients (52.9%) died of noncardiac causes. Of these, seven deaths (20.6%) were due to neoplasia. In the non-CABG group, comprising 408 patients, the overall number of deaths was 69. Fifty-three patients (77%) died of cardiac causes and 16 patients (23%) died of noncardiac causes. Only five deaths (7.2%) were due to neoplasia. Conclusion Different treatment options for multivessel coronary artery disease have similar overall mortality: CABG patients had the lowest incidence of cardiac death, but the highest incidence of noncardiac causes of death, and specifically a higher tendency toward cancer-related deaths. Coron Artery Dis 23:79-84 (C) 2012 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


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Aims: The current study reports clinical outcomes at three year follow-up of the LEADERS clinical trial which was the first all-comers trial comparing a new generation biodegradable polymer biolimus drug-eluting stent (BES) with the first generation permanent polymer sirolimus-eluting stent (SES). Methods and results: One thousand seven hundred and seven patients were randomised to unrestricted use of BES (n=857) or SES (n=850) in an all-comers population. Three year follow-up was available in 95% of the patients, 812 treated with BES and 809 treated with SES. At three years, BES remains non-inferior to SES for the primary endpoint of major adverse cardiac events (composite of cardiac death, myocardial infarction (MI), or clinically-indicated target vessel revascularisation (CI-TVR) (BES 15.7% versus SES 19%; HR 0.82 CI 0.65-1.03; p=0.09). The MACE Kaplan Meier event curves increasingly diverge with the difference in events increasing from 1.4% to 2.4% and 3.3% at 1, 2 and 3 years, respectively in favour of BES. The rate of cardiac death was non-significantly lower 4.2% versus 5.2% (HR=0.81 CI 0.52-1.26; p=0.34) and the rate of myocardial infarction was equivalent 7.2% versus 7.1% (HR 1.01 CI 0.70-1.44; p=0.97) for BES versus SES, respectively. Thus BES was non-inferior to SES in all the safety endpoints. Clinically-indicated TVR occurred in 9.4% of BES treated patients versus 11.1% of SES treated patients (HR 0.84 CI 0.62-1.13; p=0.25). Rates of definite stent thrombosis were 2.2% for BES and 2.9% for SES (HR 0.78 CI 0.43-1.43; p=0.43), with the event rate increase of 0.2% from one to three years for BES and 0.9% for SES. For patients presenting with ST-elevation myocardial infarction BES was superior to SES in reducing MACE. Conclusions: The findings of the three year follow-up support the claim that the biodegradable polymer biolimus-eluting stent has equivalent safety and efficacy to permanent polymer sirolimus-eluting stent in an all-comers patient population. Its performance is superior in some subpopulations such as in ST-elevation MI patients and event rates for BES are overall lower than for SES with a trend toward increasing divergence of outcomes over three years. - See more at: http://www.pcronline.com/eurointervention/42nd_issue/125/#sthash.E5HhMQ4a.dpuf


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Purpose: This retrospective study assessed the 10-year outcomes of titanium implants with a sandblasted and acid-etched (SLA) surface in a large cohort of partially edentulous patients. Materials and Methods: Records of patients treated with SLA implants between May 1997 and January 2001 were screened. Eligible patients were contacted and invited to undergo a clinical and radiologic examination. Each implant was classified according to strict success criteria. Results: Three hundred three patients with 511 SLA implants were available for the examination. The mean age of the patients at implant surgery was 48 years. Over the 10-year period, no implant fracture was noted, whereas six implants (1.2%) were lost. Two implants (0.4%) showed signs of suppuration at the 10-year examination, whereas seven implants had a history of peri-implantitis (1.4%) during the 10-year period, but presented with healthy peri-implant soft tissues at examination. The remaining 496 implants fulfilled the success criteria. The mean Plaque Index was 0.65 (±0.64), the mean Sulcus Bleeding Index 1.32 (±0.57), the mean Probing Depth 3.27 mm (±1.06), and the mean distance from the implant shoulder to the mucosal margin value -0.42 mm (±1.27). The radiologic mean distance from the implant shoulder to the first bone-to-implant contact was 3.32 mm (±0.73). Conclusion: The present retrospective analysis resulted in a 10-year implant survival rate of 98.8% and a success rate of 97.0%. In addition, the prevalence of peri-implantitis in this large cohort of orally healthy patients was low with 1.8% during the 10-year period.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the memory of various subdimensions of the birth experience in the second year postpartum, and to identify women in the first weeks postpartum at risk of developing a long-term negative memory. DESIGN, METHOD, OUTCOME MEASURES: New mothers' birth experience (BE) was assessed 48-96 hours postpartum (T1) by means of the SIL-Ger and the BBCI (perception of intranatal relationships); early postnatal adjustment (week 3 pp: T1(bis)) was also assessed. Then, four subgroups of women were defined by means of a cluster-analysis, integrating the T1/T1(bis) variables. To evaluate the memory of the BE, the SIL-Ger was again applied in the second year after childbirth (T2). First, the ratings of the SIL-Ger dimensions of T1 were compared to those at T2 in the whole sample. Then, the four subgroups were compared with respect to their ratings of the birth experience at T2 (correlations, ANOVAs and t-tests). RESULTS: In general, fulfillment, emotional adaptation, physical discomfort, and anxiety improve spontaneously over the first year postpartum, whereas in negative emotional experience, control, and time-going-slowly no shift over time is observed. However, women with a negative overall birth experience and a low level of perceived intranatal relationship at T1 run a high risk of retaining a negative memory in all of the seven subdimensions of the birth experience. CONCLUSIONS: Women at risk of developing a negative long-term memory of the BE can be identified at the time of early postpartum, when the overall birth experience and the perceived intranatal relationship are taken into account.


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The present clinical study investigated the outcome of intentional replantation using resection of the ankylosed sites of the root, extraoral endodontic treatment using titanium posts and Emdogain for periodontal healing following trauma-related ankylosis. During an evaluation period of 6 years, 16 ankylosed teeth affected by replacement resorption were treated as described. Evaluation parameters before treatment and during the follow-up period included Periotest scores, percussion sound and periapical radiographs. All findings were compared to those of the adjacent teeth. In a second accident, one tooth was lost after 7 months and was excluded as a dropout. Ankylosis did not recur in seven replanted teeth, which were observed for an average of 52.3 months (range: 24-68 months). Ankylosis recurred in eight teeth after an average period of 12 months (range: 4-26 months). An infraocclusion, normal or only slightly reduced Periotest scores and normal percussion sound were preoperatively found in six of seven successfully replanted teeth, which corresponded to a relatively small area of ankylosis. The majority of the teeth showing recurrent ankylosis preoperatively presented with normal position, negative Periotest scores and a high percussion sound which corresponded to an extended area of ankylosis. Statistically significant relationship between preoperative findings and the treatment outcome (P = 0.031) have become apparent. The results indicate that the treatment of minor areas of ankylosis by intentional replantation, resection of the ankylosed sites and Emdogain appeared to prevent or delay the recurrence of ankylosis in 7 of 15 teeth.


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AIMS: Diabetes mellitus (DM) plays an important role in the development of coronary artery disease. Although previous studies have associated drug-eluting stent (DES) implantation in diabetic patients with favourable clinical and angiographic outcomes, the very long-term efficacy of these devices in diabetic patients undergoing PCI for significant unprotected left main coronary artery (ULMCA) disease has not been established yet. METHODS AND RESULTS: Consecutive diabetic patients (n=100), who underwent elective PCI with DES for de novo lesions in an ULMCA between April 2002 and April 2004 in seven tertiary health care centres, were identified retrospectively and analysed. Consecutive non-diabetic patients (n=193), who underwent elective DES implantation for unprotected ULMCA disease, were selected as a control group. All patients were followed for at least 36 months. At 3-years follow-up, freedom from cardiac death ; myocardial infarction (CDMI), target lesion revascularisation (TLR) and target vessel revascularisation (TVR) did not differ significantly between groups. The adjusted freedom from major adverse cardiac events (MACE, defined as the occurrence of CD, MI or TVR) was 63.4% in the DM group and 77.6% in the controls (p<0.001). When divided into IDDM and NIDDM sub-groups, insulin-dependent DM (IDDM) but not non IDDM (NIDDM) patients had significantly lower freedom from CDMI, TLR, TVR and MACE compared to controls. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that major improvements in DES technology and pharmacotherapy are still required to improve clinical outcome and that the decision to perform percutaneous revascularisation in this subset of patients should be taken cautiously and on a case by case basis.


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INTRODUCTION: We report the results of a titanium acetabular reinforcement ring with a hook (ARRH) in primary total hip arthroplasty (THA), which was introduced in 1987 and continues to be used routinely in our center. The favorable results of this device in arthroplasty for developmental dysplasia and difficult revisions motivated its use in primary THA. With this implant only minimal acetabular reaming is necessary, anatomic positioning is achieved by placing the hook around the teardrop and a homogenous base for cementing the polyethylene cup is provided. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between April 1987 and December 1991, 241 THAs with insertion of an ARRH were performed in 178 unselected, consecutive patients (average age 58 years; range 30-84 years) with a secondary osteoarthrosis in 41% of the cases. RESULTS: At the time of the latest follow-up, 33 patients (39 hips) had died and 17 cases had been lost to follow-up. The median follow-up was 122 months with a minimum of 10 years. Eight hips had been revised, leaving 177 hips in 120 living patients without revision. Six cups were revised because of aseptic loosening. Two hips were revised for sepsis. The mean Merle d'Aubigné score for the remaining hips was 16 (range 7-18) at the latest follow-up. For aseptic loosening, the probability of survival of the cup was 0.97 (95% confidence interval, 0.94-0.99). However, analysis of radiographs implied loosening in seven other cups without clinical symptoms. CONCLUSIONS: The results of primary THA using an acetabular reinforcement ring parallel the excellent results of these implants often observed in difficult primary and revision arthroplasty at a minimum of 10 years. Survivorship is comparable to modern cementless implants. Medial migration that occurs with loosening of the acetabular component seems to be prevented with this implant. Radiographic loosening signs can exist without clinical symptoms.


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OBJECT: The goal of this study was to investigate the efficacy of long-term deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the posteroventral lateral globus pallidus internus (GPi) accomplished using a single-contact monopolar electrode in patients with advanced Parkinson disease (PD). METHODS: Sixteen patients suffering from severe PD and levodopa-induced side effects such as dyskinesias and on-off fluctuations were enrolled in a prospective study protocol. There were six women and 10 men and their mean age at surgery was 65 years. All patients underwent implantation of a monopolar electrode in the posteroventral lateral GPi. Initially, nine patients received unilateral stimulation. Three of these patients underwent contralateral surgery at a later time. Ten patients received bilateral stimulation (contemporaneous bilateral surgery was performed in seven patients and staged bilateral surgery in the three patients who had received unilateral stimulation initially). Formal assessments were performed during both off-medication and on-medication (levodopa) periods preoperatively, and at 3 and 12 months postoperatively. There were no serious complications related to surgery or to DBS. Two transient adverse events occurred: in one patient a small pallidal hematoma developed, resulting in a prolonged micropallidotomy effect, and in another patient a subcutaneous hemorrhage occurred at the site of the pacemaker. In patients who received unilateral DBS, the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale activities of daily living (ADL) score during the off-levodopa period decreased from 30.8 at baseline to 20.4 at 3 months (34% improvement) and 20.6 at 12 months (33% improvement) postoperatively. The motor score during the off period improved from 57.2 at baseline to 35.2 at 3 months (38% improvement) and 35.3 at 12 months (38% improvement) postoperatively. Bilateral DBS resulted in a reduction in the ADL score during the off period from 34.9 at baseline to 22.3 at 3 months (36% improvement) and 22.9 at 12 months (34% improvement). The motor score for the off period changed from 63.4 at baseline to 40.3 at 3 months (36% improvement) and 37.5 at 12 months (41% improvement). In addition, there were significant improvements in patients' symptoms during the on period and in on-off motor fluctuations. CONCLUSIONS: Pallidal DBS accomplished using a monopolar electrode is a safe and effective procedure for treatment of advanced PD. Compared with pallidotomy, the advantages of pallidal DBS lie in its reversibility and the option to perform bilateral surgery in one session. Comparative studies in which DBS is applied to other targets are needed.


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BACKGROUND Long-term studies of ≥10 years are important milestones to get a better understanding of potential factors causing implant failures or complications. PURPOSE The present study investigated the long-term outcomes of titanium dental implants with a rough, microporous surface (titanium plasma sprayed [TPS]) and the associated biologic and technical complications in partially edentulous patients with fixed dental prostheses over a 20-year follow-up period. MATERIALS AND METHODS Sixty-seven patients, who received 95 implants in the 1980s, were examined with well-established clinical and radiographic parameters. Based on these findings, each implant was classified as either successful, surviving, or failed. RESULTS Ten implants in nine patients were lost during the observation period, resulting in an implant survival rate of 89.5%. Radiographically, 92% of the implants exhibited crestal bone loss below 1 mm between the 1- and 20-year follow-up examinations. Only 8% yielded peri-implant bone loss of >1 mm and none exhibited severe bone loss of more than 1.8 mm. During the observation period, 19 implants (20%) experienced a biologic complication with suppuration. Of these 19 implants, 13 implants (13.7%) had been treated and were successfully maintained over the 20-year follow-up period. Therefore, the 20-year implant success rate was 75.8 or 89.5% depending on the different success criteria. Technical complications were observed in 32%. CONCLUSION The present study is the first to report satisfactory success rates after 20 years of function of dental implants with a TPS surface in partially edentulous patients.


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BACKGROUND The purpose of the present study is to evaluate the 10-year results following treatment of intrabony defects treated with an enamel matrix protein derivative (EMD) combined with either a natural bone mineral (NBM) or β-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP). METHODS Twenty-two patients with advanced chronic periodontitis and displaying one deep intrabony defect were randomly treated with a combination of either EMD + NBM or EMD + β-TCP. Clinical evaluations were performed at baseline and at 1 and 10 years. The following parameters were evaluated: plaque index, bleeding on probing, probing depth, gingival recession, and clinical attachment level (CAL). The primary outcome variable was CAL. RESULTS The defects treated with EMD + NBM demonstrated a mean CAL change from 8.9 ± 1.5 mm to 5.3 ± 0.9 mm (P <0.001) and to 5.8 ± 1.1 mm (P <0.001) at 1 and 10 years, respectively. The sites treated with EMD + β-TCP showed a mean CAL change from 9.1 ± 1.6 mm to 5.4 ± 1.1 mm (P <0.001) at 1 year and 6.1 ± 1.4 mm (P <0.001) at 10 years. At 10 years two defects in the EMD + NBM group had lost 2 mm, whereas two other defects had lost 1 mm of the CAL gained at 1 year. In the EMD + β-TCP group three defects had lost 2 mm, whereas two other defects had lost 1 mm of the CAL gained at 1 year. Compared with baseline, at 10 years, a CAL gain of ≥3 mm was measured in 64% (i.e., seven of 11) of the defects in the EMD + NBM group and in 82% (i.e., nine of 11) of the defects in the EMD + β-TCP group. No statistically significant differences were found between the 1- and 10-year values in either of the two groups. Between the treatment groups, no statistically significant differences in any of the investigated parameters were observed at 1 and 10 years. CONCLUSION Within their limitations, the present findings indicate that the clinical improvements obtained with regenerative surgery using EMD + NBM or EMD + β-TCP can be maintained over a period of 10 years.