896 resultados para regional innovation policy


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The electronic interactions between the [Cu(opba)]2- anions (where opba is orthophenylenebis (oxamato)) and single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) were investigated by resonance Raman spectroscopy. The opba can form molecular magnets, and the interactions of opba with SWCNTs can produce materials with very different magnetic/electronic properties. It is observed that the electronic interaction shows a dependence on the SWCNT diameter independent of whether they are metallic or semiconducting, although the interaction is stronger for metallic tubes. The interaction also is dependent on the amount of complex that is probably adsorbed on the carbon surface of the SWCNTs. Some charge transfer can be also occurring between the metallic complex and the SWCNTs. Copyright (c) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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This paper describes the role of small and medium-sized urban centers in Switzerland. Switzerland is a highly urbanized country where small and medium-sized urban centers play an important role in ensuring a balanced national urban system. Besides the four largest metropolitan regions (Zurich, Geneva, Basel and Bern), small and medium-sized towns function as central places for a wider, often extensive hinterland. They provide opportunities for living and working and they connect rural and mountain regions to national and international networks. Using secondary statistics and a case study, the paper shows that small and medium-sized urban centers are home to significant concentrations of export-oriented industries. Firms in these value-adding secondary sectors are rooted in these places and benefit from strong local embeddedness while also being oriented towards global markets. Small and medium-sized urban centers also profit from their strong local identities. While these places face various challenges, they function as important pillars in creating a balanced regional development pattern. Swiss regional development policy follows the goal of polycentric spatial development and it employs various instruments that aim to ensure a balanced urban system.


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Capital cities that are not the economic centers of their nations – so-called secondary capital cities (SSCs) – tend to be overlooked in the field of political science. Consequentially, there is a lack of research and resulting theory describing their local economy and their public policies. This paper analyzes how SCCs try to develop and position themselves through the formulation of locational policies. By linking three different theoretical strands – the Regional Innovation System (RIS) approach, the concept of locational policies, and the regime perspective – this paper aims for constructing a framework to study the economic and political dynamics in SCCs.


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Cet article traite de l’influence d’un secteur ou d’une industrie dans l’économie nationale et de la manière dont il/elle peut influencer des secteurs et des technologies connexes. L’exemple choisi est constitué par l’industrie pharmaceutique suisse. L’article suggère que cette industrie a façonné le développement et la distribution spatiale des secteurs qui lui étaient liés, tels que les biotechnologies (biotech) et les technologies médicales (medtech). Il est supposé que cette influence diffère significativement selon l’extension géographique. Elle est manifeste à l’échelon national, dans la mesure où les biotech et les medtech ont bénéficié d’institutions nationales façonnées par l’industrie pharmaceutique. Les effets de cette industrie devraient également se faire sentir au niveau régional, notamment à Bâle où l’industrie pharmaceutique est concentrée, par le biais des créations d’entreprises et des liens d’affaires avec l’industrie pharmaceutique. Ces aspects sont abordés dans le cadre théorique des systèmes d’innovation nationaux et régionaux, en termes d’évolution, de dépendance au sentier et d’interactions.


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El conocimiento y su aplicación en la economía, ha sido siempre un factor importante del desarrollo socio-económico. El conocimiento toma relevancia en la economía contemporánea al invertirse la jerarquización de los factores del desarrollo, cobrando mayor importancia los factores intangibles, como el conocimiento, el cual se convierte en el recurso fundamental para los procesos productivos. En este contexto, surgieron los estudios relacionados con la Economía Regional del Conocimiento (ERC) así como los estudios relativos al Desarrollo basado en el Conocimiento (DBC). Ambas perspectivas teóricas han establecido indicadores para explicar el fenómeno de la economía del conocimiento desde su base territorial, sea a nivel regional (ERC) o desde la ciudad (DBC). A manera exploratoria consideramos que los indicadores de los sistemas regionales de innovación pueden complementarse con los indicadores del desarrollo basado en el conocimiento, sobre todo por la dimensión meta-cultural a la que hacen referencia estos estudios.


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It is expected that an Asian triangle of growth will be formed in the coming few decades. China, India and ASEAN surround the Asian triangle, which is home to many industrial clusters. Multinational corporations will link these clusters together. Regional integration will help them in this task by lowering the barriers of national borders. This paper explains the necessity of regional integration for cluster-to-cluster linkages in the Asian triangle of growth.


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The Saemaul Undong of the Republic of Korea has been world-widely recognized as a successful model of rural community development. The Saemaul Undong was a pure Korean way of community development program which was initiated by the political will of the top national leadership in order to escape from poverty. There are several key factors to the success of the Saemaul Undong. First, the national government's guidance and support for the movement played a very important role in the whole period of the movement. Second, there was a wide range of people's participation in the implementation process. Third, the Saemaul Undong could make a big success by nurturing community leadership which was selected by rural residents themselves. Finally, as a movement for the spiritual reform, the Saemaul Undong imbued the people with the spirits of diligence, the self-reliance, and cooperation.


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中国の「西部大開発」戦略は、東部沿海地域(以下、東部)と西部内陸地域(以下、西部)の格差を是正し、内陸経済の自律的発展条件を整備することを目指した国家的プロジェクトである。同戦略に関しては、当初から肯定否定こもごもの評価がつきまとってきたが、曲がりなりにも第十次五カ年計画(2001~05年)に盛り込まれたこと、提起以来4年の間に様々な政策措置が実施され、大規模なインフラ建設が着手されたことなど、その客観的評価を試みる材料が揃ってきたと考えられる。 本稿では、まず同戦略が登場した背景と、現在までに打ち出された具体的施策を整理したうえで、西部大開発の直面する課題を検証し、今後の展望を試みる。結論部分では、日本の協力策についても考察してみたい。


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Since the inauguration of the Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS) Economic Cooperation Program in 1992, road infrastructure projects have played a very important role. Their economic significance, especially, has become a focal point after the introduction of the concept of the three economic corridors in 1998: the East-West Economic Corridor; the North-South Economic Corridor; and the Southern Economic Corridor (Figure 1). The completion of the Second International Mekong Bridge between Mukdahan, Thailand and Savannakhet, Laos was an epoch-making event in the development of the East-West Economic Corridor. The business community, however, has paid more attention to the Bangkok-Hanoi Road than the East-West Economic Corridor. This study examines the reasons why the former has received more focus than the latter, by using criteria such as population density and the economic scale at a provincial or state level. Thereafter, the effectiveness of other economic corridors is examined, by applying the same criteria.


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中国は建国(1949年)以来、様々な地域開発戦略を実施してきた。「西部大開発」戦略は、東部沿海地域(以下、東部)と西部内陸地域(以下、西部)の格差を是正し、内陸経済の自律的発展条件を整備することを目指した新たな内陸開発戦略である。本稿では、同戦略が提起されて3年を経過した段階で、その客観的評価を試みる。 まず、同戦略が登場した背景を政治、経済両面から分析し、従来の内陸開発政策の経緯を整理する。次に、執筆時点までに打ち出された具体的施策を整理した上で、西部大開発の直面する課題を検証し、今後の展望を試みる。結論部分では、日本の協力策についても考察を行う。


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The paper aims to develop a quasi-dynamic interregional input-output model for evaluating the macro-economic impacts of small city development. The features of the model are summarized as follows: (1) the consumption expenditure of households is regarded as an endogenous variable, (2) the technological change is determined by the change of industrial Location Quotient caused by firm's investment activities. (3) a strong feedback function between the city design and the economic analysis is provided. For checking the performance of the model, Saemangeum's Flux City Design Plan is used as the simulation target in our paper.


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This paper addresses the issue of institutional barriers to the Yangtze River Delta integration and the resulting slow development. It analyzes the problems including the coordination of local interests and regional interests, market segmentation during the regional integration, competition for the local government‘s investment on the public goods, labor movement within the delta. The paper argues that to reduce the negative impacts of these barriers and to promote the further integration of the Yangtze Delta region, the central government should strengthen the coordination between local governments, regulate their disorderly competition and reform the official evaluation system.


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This paper explores the causal links between the role of public finance and Bihar's growth and development in the last decade; and argues that these links are tenuous. Bihar's growth acceleration precedes the ‘policy reforms' in public finance based on the ‘good governance' agenda initiated since 2005-06. However, the constraints on sustaining efforts to close Bihar's development gap with the rest of India stems from the nature of the growth process in its regional, sectoral and social dimensions and the contradictory means and ends of the ‘policy reforms' in public finance. Together, this has not only prevented the economic growth to add to public coiffeurs of the state but also occluded the role of tax institutions.


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Foreign firms have clustered together in the Yangtze River Delta, and their impact on domestic firms is an important policy issue. This paper studies the spatial effect of FDI agglomeration on the regional productivity of domestic firms, using Chinese firm-level data. To identify local FDI spillovers, we estimate the causal impact of foreign firms on domestic firms in the same county and similar industries. We then estimate a spatial-autoregressive model to examine spatial spillovers from FDI clusters to other domestic firms in distant counties. Our results show that FDI agglomeration generates positive spillovers for domestic firms, which are stronger in nearby areas than in distant areas.