988 resultados para red shift


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Red shift and quenching effects of the fluorecence spectra of polyquinoline (PQH) solutions in different solvents are observed upon the addition of metal ions, which demonstrates the extraordinary solvent effects on metal-ion recognition and sensing ability (including sensitivity and selectivity) of PQH.


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Silica xerogels prepared by sol-gel method show blue emission under UV excitation with a smaller Stokes shift. The luminescent properties have been investigated under various preparation conditions and compositions. The silica xerogels show similar luminescent properties when using C2H5OH and N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) as solvents, which are very different from those when using dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) as solvent, i.e., a red shift of excitation and emission has been observed in the latter case. The emission intensity of the silica xerogels also depends on the water content and pH of the starting reaction solution. The introduction of organic group (-CH3) in the silica xerogel modifies the network structure and further changes their luminescence properties. Heat treatment results in the decomposition of the organic (-SiCH3) groups, which eliminates the old luminescent centers and produces new luminescent centers in longer wavelength simultaneously. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Laser crystals of (Y1-xErx)(3)Al5O12, (YAG:Er) have been grown by the Czochralski method and the spectral properties have been studied for different Er3+ concentrations. The effects of various Er3+ concentrations on the structural distortions, luminescence quenching Of F-4(9/2), H-2(11/2), S-4(3/2) and red shift in laser wavelength have been discussed for the YAG:Er laser crystals. By using absorption spectra and Judd-Ofelt theory the experimental oscillator strengths, Omega(lambda), parameters and the excited state integrated absorption cross sections of Er3+ ion are reported and some variation regularities of these parameters have been observed. (C) 2000 Published by Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.


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Circular dichroism (CD), fourier transform infrared (FTIR), and fluorescence spectroscopy were used to explore the effect of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) on the structure and function of hemoglobin (Hb). The native tertiary structure was disrupted completely when the concentration of DMSO reached 50% (v/v), which was determined by loss of the characteristic Soret CD spectrum. Loss of the native tertiary structure could be mainly caused by breaking the hydrogen bonds, between the heme propionate groups and nearby surface amino acid residues, and by disorganizing the hydrophobic interior of this protein. Upon exposure of Hb to 52% DMSO for ca. 12 h in a D2O medium no significant change in 1652 cm(-1) band of the FTIR spectrum was produced, which demonstrated that alpha-helical structure predominated. When the concentration of DMSO increased to 57%: (1) the band at 1652 cm(-1) disappeared with the appearance of two new bands located at 1661 and 1648 cm(-1); (2) another new band at 1623 cm(-1) was attributed to the formation of intermolecular beta-sheet or aggregation, which was the direct consequence of breaking of the polypeptide chain by the competition of S=O groups in DMSO with C=O groups in amide bonds. Further increasing the DMSO concentration to 80%, the intensity at 1623 cm(-1) increased, and the bands at 1684, 1661 and 1648 cm(-1) shifted to 1688, 1664 and 1644 cm(-1), respectively. These changes showed that the native secondary structure of Hb was last and led to further aggregation and increase of the content of 'free' amide C=O groups. In pure DMSO solvent, the major band at 1664 cm(-1) indicated that almost all of both the intermolecular beta-sheet and any residual secondary structure were completely disrupted. The red shift of the fluorescence emission maxima showed that the tryptophan residues were exposed to a greater hydrophilic environment as the DMSO content increased. GO-binding experiment suggested that the biological function of Hb was disrupted seriously even if the content of DMSO was 20%. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The aggregation slate of polyimide in solution and in the solid state were studied using the NMR and fluorescence techniques. The experiment results show that the decay of spin-spin relaxation of polyimides with concentration can be described as a single exponential, biexponential, triexponential, biexponential profile. Meanwhile, the intensities of fluorencence spectra increase rapidly with the concentration, and some peaks have a red-shift. Based upon these experiment results, it can be concluded that polyimide in solution is very flexible, and there are several critical concentrations at which polyimide has distinctly different aggregation states. The existence of intermolecular charge transfer interaction between polyimide chains has been proved, and the interaction has a profound effect on the glass transition temperature, T-g, and the dynamic mechanical modulus of polyimide. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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The binding behavior of two cationic dyes, brilliant cresyl blue (BCB) and methylene green (MG) to calf thymus DNA was studied by spectrophotometric and voltammetric methods. A red shift of the adsorption spectra and hypochromism accompany the binding of BCB and MG to calf thymus DNA. In 5 x 10(-2) mol dm(-3) NaCl, 5 x 10(-3) mol dm(-3) tris-HCl pH 6.87 buffer solution, the apparent binding constants are: K-BCB+ 3.0 x 10(4)M(-1) (N = 4.13) and K-MG+ = 8.8 x 10(4)M(-1) (n = 4.44). Electrochemical studies show that the formal potentials shift negatively upon addition of DNA, indicating that the oxidized forms of the dyes have stronger affinity to DNA than the reduced ones. K-BCB+/K-BCBH and K-MG+/K-MGH are evaluated to be 10.39 and 7.04. respectively. Our investigation suggests that the two cationic dyes interact with DNA predominantly via electrostatic interaction.


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The appearence of the new fluorescence peak at about 570 nm demonstrates exciplex formation between the singlet states of 9-vinyl anthracene and p-N, N-dimethylamino stytene. With increasing the polarity of solvents t the red-shift of the emission wavelength occurs and the fluorescence quantum yield of the exciplex decreases. For example t the fluorescence peak is at 550 nm in totuene and at 595 nm in butanone. The fluorescence quatum yields in totuene and in butanone are 0.053 and O respectively. Both the relative yield of the photocycloaddition dimer and the ratio of the relative yields of the trans and cis dimers decrease with increasing the polarity of solvents. For example, the relative yields of the dimer are 1.0 in totuene and 0.04 in butanone respectively. The ratio of the relative yields of traits and cis dimers are 0.54 and 0 in totuene and butanones t respectively. In addition, the exciplex intermediate mechanism was suggested for the photocycloaddition between 9-vinyl anthracene and 9-N, N-dimethylamino styrene.


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The diffuse reflectance spectra of nanocrystalline Nd2O3 were measured in the ultraviolet-visible region, It is found that the part of f-->f transition bands were widened and red-shift occurred. The absorption tail-band in the region from 300 to 550 nm was assigned to the O-2p-->Nd-4f transition. The behavior of light-induced charge transfer and photovoltaic properties of nanocrystalline Nd2O3 were studied by the surface photovoltage spectroscopy (SPS) and electric field modulating SPS techniques. The SPS response shows two peaks at 330 nm(P-1) and 380 nm(P-2) in the UV-Vis range, The spectral features observed can be explained in terms of charge transfer and interband transition.


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The electrochemical reduction of bilirubin (BR) in dimethyl formamide (DMF) is discussed in detail. The kinetic study of the electroreduction process of BR results in values of 7.94 x 10(-6) cm2/s for the diffusion coefficient and about 10(-3) cm/s for the standard heterogeneous electrode reaction rate constant. Thin-layer spectroelectrochemical investigations of BR exhibit a blue shift and a red shift at E(pc) = -0.6 V and E(pc) = -0.85 V respectively. They also give values of E0' = -1.55 V and n = 1 for the reduction process, and E0' = -1.35 V and n = 1 for the oxidation process. It was found experimentally that as the potential changes from negative to positive, the sequential color changes are similar to those of some of the color components in visible light. A mechanism for BR electroreduction in DMF has been proposed.


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The conformation of phenyl rings in the side groups of the helical chain polymer poly(tripenyl-methyl methacrylate) (1) in solution was studied by spectroscopic methods. According to the Raman spectrum the phenyl rings of 1 and triphenylmethyl methacrylate in solution have the same depolarization ratio at 1002 cm-1. The electronic spectra (ultraviolet and fluorescence) of 1 are similar to those of model substances, except for the "red shift" of the spectra of about 5 nm. It was concluded that the phenyl rings can rotate around the phenyl-C bond.


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Allophycocyanin (APC), a cyanobacterial photosynthetic phycobiliprotein, functions in energy transfer as a light-harvesting protein. One of the prominent spectroscopic characteristics of APC is a strong red-shift in the absorption and emission maxima when monomers are assembled into a trimer. Previously, holo-APC alpha and beta subunits (holo-ApcA and ApcB) were successfully synthesized in Escherichia coli. In this study, both holo-subunits from Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 were co-expressed in E. coli, and found to self-assemble into trimers. The recombinant APC trimer was purified by metal affinity and size-exclusion chromatography, and had a native structure identical to native APC, as determined by characteristic spectroscopic measurements, fluorescence quantum yield, tryptic digestion analysis, and molecular weight measurements. Combined with results from a study in which only the monomer was formed, our results indicate that bilin synthesis and the subsequent attachment to apo-subunits are important for the successful assembly of APC trimers. This is the first study to report on the assembly of recombinant ApcA and ApcB into a trimer with native structure. Our study provides a promising method for producing better fluorescent tags, as well as a method to facilitate the genetic analysis of APC trimer assembly and biological function.


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Filtration and cross-flow ultrafiltration techniques were used to separate culture media of Prorocentrum donghaiense at the exponential growth, stationary and decline stages into < 0.45 mu m filtrate, 100 kDa-0.45 mu m, 10-100 kDa and 1-10 kDa retentate and < 1 kDa ultrafiltrate fractions. The fluorescence. properties of different molecular weights of dissolved organic matter (DOM) were measured by excitation-emission matrix spectra. Protein-like and humic-like fluorophores were observed in the DOM produced by P. donghaiense. The central positions of protein-like fluorophores showed a red shift with prolonged growth duration, shifting from tyrosine-like properties at the exponential growth stage to tryptophan-like properties at the stationary and decline stages. The excitation wavelengths of protein-like fluorophores exhibited some change in the exponential growth and stationary stages with increased molecular size, but showed little change in the decline stage. However, the emission wavelengths in the decline stage exhibited a blue shift. Very distinct C type and A type peaks in humic-like fluorophores were observed. With a prolonged culture time, the intensities of both of the peaks became strong and the excitation wavelengths of peak A showed a red shift, while the A:C ratios fell. More than 94% of fluorescent DOM was in the lower than 1 kDa molecular weight fraction.


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The enantioselective hydrogenation of ethyl pyruvate on the cinchonidine modified Pt/Al2O3 catalyst was investigated using a high-pressure reaction system with a fixed-bed reactor for the purpose to produce the,chiral product without separating the catalyst from the reaction system. The reaction was also investigated in a batch reactor for comparison. About 60% e. e. and 90% e. e. were obtained with the fixed-bed reactor and the batch reactor respectively, demonstrating the possibility for the heterogeneous asymmetric hydrogenation in the fixed-bed reactor. Some adsorbed chiral modifier, cinchonidine, can be slowly removed from the surface of Pt/Al2O3 under the continuous flow reaction, as a result, the e, e, values drops with the reaction time in the fixed-bed reactor. The enantio-selectivity is higher in the fixed-bed reactor, but lower in the batch reactor when ethanol was used as solvent than that when acetic acid as solvent. CO was used as molecular probe to characterize the adsorption of cinchonidine an the catalyst surface by IR spectroscopy, A red shift observed in IR spectra of coadsorbed CO with cinchonidine suggests that the cinchonidine adsorption is mainly through the pi -interaction with platinum surface and donating electron to the platinum surface.


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In this thesis, the evanescent field sensing techniques of tapered optical nanofibres and microspherical resonators are investigated. This includes evanescent field spectroscopy of a silica nanofibre in a rubidium vapour; thermo-optical tuning of Er:Yb co-doped phosphate glass microspheres; optomechanical properties of microspherical pendulums; and the fabrication and characterisation of borosilicate microbubble resonators. Doppler-broadened and sub-Doppler absorption spectroscopic techniques are performed around the D2 transition (780.24 nm) of rubidium using the evanescent field produced at the waist of a tapered nanofibre with input probe powers as low as 55 nW. Doppler-broadened Zeeman shifts and a preliminary dichroic atomic vapour laser lock (DAVLL) line shape are also observed via the nanofibre waist with an applied magnetic field of 60 G. This device has the potential for laser frequency stabilisation while also studying the effects of atom-surface interactions. A non-invasive thermo-optical tuning technique of Er:Yb co-doped microspheres to specific arbitrary wavelengths is demonstrated particularly to 1294 nm and the 5S1/2F=3 to 5P3/2Fʹ=4 laser cooling transition of 85Rb. Reversible tuning ranges of up to 474 GHz and on resonance cavity timescales on the order of 100 s are reported. This procedure has prospective applications for sensing a variety of atomic or molecular species in a cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED) experiments. The mechanical characteristics of a silica microsphere pendulum with a relatively low spring constant of 10-4 Nm-1 are explored. A novel method of frequency sweeping the motion of the pendulum to determine its natural resonance frequencies while overriding its sensitivity to environmental noise is proposed. An estimated force of 0.25 N is required to actuate the pendulum by a displacement of (1-2) μm. It is suggested that this is of sufficient magnitude to be experienced between two evanescently coupled microspheres (photonic molecule) and enable spatial trapping of the micropendulum. Finally, single-input borosilicate microbubble resonators with diameters <100 μm are fabricated using a CO2 laser. Optical whispering gallery mode spectra are observed via evanescent coupling with a tapered fibre. A red-shift of (4-22) GHz of the resonance modes is detected when the hollow cavity was filled with nano-filtered water. A polarisation conversion effect, with an efficiency of 10%, is observed when the diameter of the coupling tapered fibre waist is varied. This effect is also achieved by simply varying the polarisation of the input light in the tapered fibre where the efficiency is optimised to 92%. Thus, the microbubble device acts as a reversible band-pass to band-stop optical filter for cavity-QED, integrated solid-state and semiconductor circuit applications.


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BACKGROUND: The wide range of complex photic systems observed in birds exemplifies one of their key evolutionary adaptions, a well-developed visual system. However, genomic approaches have yet to be used to disentangle the evolutionary mechanisms that govern evolution of avian visual systems. RESULTS: We performed comparative genomic analyses across 48 avian genomes that span extant bird phylogenetic diversity to assess evolutionary changes in the 17 representatives of the opsin gene family and five plumage coloration genes. Our analyses suggest modern birds have maintained a repertoire of up to 15 opsins. Synteny analyses indicate that PARA and PARIE pineal opsins were lost, probably in conjunction with the degeneration of the parietal organ. Eleven of the 15 avian opsins evolved in a non-neutral pattern, confirming the adaptive importance of vision in birds. Visual conopsins sw1, sw2 and lw evolved under negative selection, while the dim-light RH1 photopigment diversified. The evolutionary patterns of sw1 and of violet/ultraviolet sensitivity in birds suggest that avian ancestors had violet-sensitive vision. Additionally, we demonstrate an adaptive association between the RH2 opsin and the MC1R plumage color gene, suggesting that plumage coloration has been photic mediated. At the intra-avian level we observed some unique adaptive patterns. For example, barn owl showed early signs of pseudogenization in RH2, perhaps in response to nocturnal behavior, and penguins had amino acid deletions in RH2 sites responsible for the red shift and retinal binding. These patterns in the barn owl and penguins were convergent with adaptive strategies in nocturnal and aquatic mammals, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that birds have evolved diverse opsin adaptations through gene loss, adaptive selection and coevolution with plumage coloration, and that differentiated selective patterns at the species level suggest novel photic pressures to influence evolutionary patterns of more-recent lineages.