966 resultados para protein glutamine gamma glutamyltransferase 2


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O presente estudo tem como tema central o ganho de peso e o consumo alimentar no período reprodutivo. A tese está dividida em três partes: i) revisão da literatura científica sobre os fatores de risco para o ganho de peso excessivo na gestação e para a sua retenção no pós-parto; ii) análise quantitativa e qualitativa do consumo alimentar (energia, nutrientes e alimentos) do período gestacional para o pós-parto; e iii) avaliação prospectiva da associação entre a dieta hiperproteica (≥ 1.2 g/kg) e a variação de peso pós-gestacional. A revisão da literatura apontou como principais determinantes da variação de peso no pós-parto os seguintes fatores: ganho de peso gestacional, peso pré-gestacional, dieta, atividade física, lactação, idade, escolaridade, renda, paridade e raça. As partes ii e iii correspondem a dois artigos, sendo que a população do estudo empregada nas duas análises foi baseada em uma coorte de mulheres no pós-parto atendidas no Centro Municipal de Saúde (CMS) Marcolino Candau, localizado no Município do Rio de Janeiro. Dentre as 709 mulheres convidadas para participar da pesquisa, 479 ingressaram na coorte. As mulheres foram recrutadas através dos serviços de pré-natal e na rotina pediátrica de imunização do BCG, oferecidos pelo CMS, e imediatamente após o parto, na maternidade central de referência. A coleta de dados ocorreu entre maio de 1999 e abril de 2001, sendo 15 meses de recrutamento e 9 meses de seguimento. As mulheres foram entrevistadas aos 15 dias, 2, 6 e 9 meses do pós-parto. Foram consideradas elegíveis para as duas analises as mulheres com idade entre 18 e 45 anos de idade, entrevistadas até 30 dias do pós-parto, sem doenças crônicas pré-existentes, com gravidez de 35 ou mais semanas gestacionais e sem gestação gemelar. O estudo sobre a composição da dieta do período gestacional para o pós-parto contou com 276 mulheres que responderam aos dois questionários de freqüência de consumo alimentar (QFCA) aplicados aos 15 dias e aos 6 meses do seguimento. Os resultados mostraram que as mulheres consumiram dietas mais energéticas na gravidez e aquelas que mais restringiram o consumo de energia no pós-parto, apresentaram um incremento na densidade de proteínas da dieta. As análises das medidas repetidos do peso foram realizadas para avaliar o efeito da dieta hiperproteica (≥ 1.2 g/kg) sobre a variação de peso no pós-parto, para as quais haviam dados de uma amostra de 430 mulheres. Os resultados mostraram que as mulheres com dieta hiperproteica perderam mais peso do que as mulheres com dieta normo ou hipoproteica (< 1.2 g/kg) (226 g/mês versus 123 g/mês). As duas analises indicam que um pequeno incremento no consumo de proteínas promove maior perda de peso. Estudos longitudinais futuros devem incluir avaliação relativa a segurança das dietas hiperproteicas no pós-parto.


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A toxoplasmose é uma zoonose amplamente distribuída que afeta mais de um terço da população mundial e de grande importância na saúde pública. A maioria das infecções em humanos por Toxoplasma gondii é assintomática. A toxoplasmose é amplamente investigada visto que se apresenta como uma doença grave em pessoas imunodeprimidas (portadores da síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida (SIDA), não tratados, indivíduos transplantados, paciente em tratamento quimioterápico ou em uso de drogas supressoras e gestantes). A toxoplasmose congênita frequentemente pode levar ao aborto espontâneo ou até mesmo resultar na formação de crianças com algum grau de atraso no desenvolvimento mental e/ou físicos, deste modo, a transmissão congênita pode ser muito mais importante do que se pensava, pois os parasitos encontrados na circulação sanguinea são capazes de infectar as células endoteliais dos vasos e os tecidos circunjacentes, podendo resultar no encistamento do T. gondii. Atualmente a toxoplasmose vem sendo investigada devido a sua associação a inúmeras outras doenças, assim, estudos sobre a evolução da infecção por T. gondii em diferentes tipos de células hospedeiras se fazem necessários para uma abordagem terapêutica adequada. Ao invadir a célula hospedeira o parasito possui a capacidade de recrutar as mitocôndrias promovendo mudanças na organização mitocondrial ao longo da progressão da infecção, garantindo um ambiente favorável a sua multiplicação. Diante disso, investigamos se o parasito possui a capacidade de interferir no metabolismo mitocondrial e na resposta apoptótica da célula endotelial. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo analisar o metabolismo mitocondrial através da respirometria de alta-resolução e da resposta apoptótica através do western blotting das células endoteliais da veia umbilical humana (HUVEC) infectadas por 2, 6 e 20 horas por taquizoítos de T. gondii. A respirometria de alta-resolução revelou que o parasito interfere no metabolismo energético da célula hospedeira. A análise do conteúdo de proteínas da família Bcl-2 por western blotting revelou maior estímulo apoptótico no tempo inicial de infecção, quando comparado aos demais tempos. Os resultados dos conteúdos de caspase 3, proteína efetora da apoptose, não demonstrou diferença nos tempos iniciais de infecção Entretanto, em tempos mais tardios, o conteúdo de caspase 3 mostrou-se significativamente aumentado quando comparado às HUVEC não infectadas. A dinâmica de replicação do parasito foi observada através do monitoramento pelo sistema Time-Lapse Nikon BioStation IMQ em tempo real das células infectadas por T.gondii. Portanto, nossos resultados sugerem que o protozoário ao recrutar as mitocôndrias da célula hospedeira interfere no metabolismo mitocondrial e na modulação da apoptose para garantir um ambiente favorável a sua multiplicação.


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Living specimens of Barilius bendelisis, Crossocheilus latius latius, Torputitora, Glyptothorax pectinopterus and Pseudecheneis sulcatus were collected from the streams and rivers of Garhwal Himalaya. Histochemical localization of carbohydrates (1:2 glycol groups, glycogen, B-metachromasia and acid mucopolysaccharides), proteins and protein bound NH sub(2) group, bound lipids and the enzymes (acid and alkaline phosphatases) in the olfactory epithelium were studied. The receptor, supporting basal and mucous cells show varying degrees of distinction and distribution of these substances. The enzymes are present on the surface of the epithelium, sensory hairs and the boundaries of mucous cells only.


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植物与昆虫的互作关系是个长期进化的过程,虫害给农业生产带来巨大损失。本研究以甘蓝型油菜(Brassica napus)为例,研究了不同环境条件和遗传背景下外源基因的表达与效用,同时利用蛋白质组技术,研究了虫害损伤模拟条件下植物可能存在的内源抗性机制。甘蓝型油菜中转入了人工合成的Bt(Bacillus thuringiensis)杀虫基因,能使植物产生抗虫蛋白抵御虫害。我们在湖北湖南两个实验点进行了大田实验,按植株生长发育的4个不同时期从转基因植株的叶片上采样,研究抗虫蛋白在植物体内的表达动态。植株顶部第三片展开叶的Bt毒蛋白浓度在结荚期前随植物生长而不断增加,而在结荚期出现或增或减的现象。采样叶片的可溶性总蛋白浓度含量一直呈增加的趋势,直到结荚以后出现含量的明显降低。同时,收集了转基因油菜与湘油15号在田间自然杂交形成的杂交后代种子用于栽培,用GFP仪检测杂交后代的绿色荧光蛋白(green fluorescent protein),并用聚合酶链式反应(polymerase chain reaction, PCR)检测并确认带有转基因的杂交植株。为了检测带有转基因的杂交后代油菜中Bt毒蛋白的杀虫效率,用对Bt毒蛋白敏感的试虫品系——初孵棉铃虫幼虫(Helicoverpa armigera)进行杀虫活性检测实验。结果表明,携带Bt基因的杂交湘油及其转基因亲本对试虫的体重增长量均产生了负面影响,可以推断在调查取样的植株生长发育阶段,转基因杂交后代与其转基因亲本植株的杀虫效率没有显著差异。转基因植物及其杂交后代中抗虫蛋白的持续表达及田间带有转基因的自播植物的出现会使害虫产生耐受抗性的潜在可能性增加。 相对于人为增加的抗虫基因,植物在长期对抗昆虫的过程中也进化形成了自我防御机制,能够产生特异的抗性蛋白来应对昆虫的取食。本研究用机械损伤模拟害虫取食,对比了油菜受到物理损伤前后可溶性总蛋白的含量变化并试图通过蛋白质组学技术来检测可能发生变化的蛋白质。Bradford定量测定发现,同一植株同一叶片损伤前后可溶性总蛋白含量差异显著,损伤后蛋白表达量显著增高。蛋白质组双向凝胶电泳及其差异分析显示,损伤前后有8个蛋白质点发生明显的上调或下调。选择其中2个差异蛋白点经过MALDI-TOF质谱鉴定,它们分别是Rubisco小亚基前体以及果糖-1,6-二磷酸醛缩酶和粪卟啉-3-氧化酶的混合物,这些蛋白质在其他植物的抗逆研究中也有报道,它们可能在油菜叶片应答机械损伤过程中对维持植物的生理功能也有重要作用。


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In this study we report on surface crystallization phenomena and propose a solution for the fabrication of long and robust tellurite glass fibers. The bulk tellurite glasses of interest were prepared by melting and quenching techniques. Tellurite glass preforms and fibers were fabricated by suction casting and rod-in-tube drawing methods, respectively. The surfaces of the tellurite bulk glass samples and of the drawn fibers prepared under different controlled atmospheres were examined by X-ray diffraction. When the tellurite glass fibers were drawn in ambient air containing water vapor, four primary kinds of small crystals were found to appear on the fiber surface, alpha-TeO(2), gamma-TeO(2), Zn(2)Te(3)O(8) and Na(2)Zn(3)(CO(3))(4)center dot 3H(2)O. A mechanism for this surface crystallization is proposed and a solution described, using an ultra-dry oxygen gas atmosphere to effectively prevent surface crystallization during fiber drawing. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Within the framework of the improved isospin dependent quantum molecular dynamics (ImIQMD) model, the emission of pion in heavy-ion collisions in the region 1 A GeV as a probe of nuclear symmetry energy at supra-saturation densities is investigated systematically, in which the pion is considered to be mainly produced by the decay of resonances Delta(1232) and N*(1440). The total pion multiplicities and the pi(-)/pi(+) yields are calculated for selected Skyrme parameters SkP, SLy6. Ska and SIB, and also for the cases of different stiffness of symmetry energy with the parameter SLy6. Preliminary results compared with the measured data by the FOPI Collaboration favor a hard symmetry energy of the potential term proportional to (rho/rho(0))(gamma s) with gamma(s) = 2. Crown Copyright (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Within the framework of the improved isospin dependent quantum molecular dynamics (ImIQMD) model, the emission of pion in heavy-ion collisions in the region 1 A GeV as a probe of nuclear symmetry energy at supra-saturation densities is investigated systematically, in which the pion is considered to be mainly produced by the decay of resonances Delta(1232) and N*(1440). The pi(-)/pi(+) yields are calculated for selected Skyrme parameters SkP, SLy6, Ska and SIII, and also for the cases of different stiffness of symmetry energy with the parameter SLy6. Preliminary results compared with the measured data by the FOPI collaboration favor a hard symmetry energy of the potential term proportional to (rho/rho(0))(gamma s) with gamma(s) = 2.


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The adsorption of CO on both nitrided and reduced passivated Mo(2)N catalysts in either alumina supported or unsupported forms was studied by adsorption microcalorimetry and infrared (IR) spectroscopy. The CO is adsorbed on nitrided Mo(2)N catalysts on three different surface sites: 4-fold vacancies, Mo(delta+) ( 0 < delta < 2) and N sites, with differential heats of CO adsorption decreasing in the same order. The presence of the alumina-support affects the energetic distribution of the adsorption sites on the nitrided Mo(2)N, i.e. weakens the CO adsorption strength on the different sites and changes the fraction of sites adsorbing CO in a specific form, revealing that the alumina supported Mo(2)N phase shows lower electron density than pure Mo(2)N. On reduced passivated Mo(2)N catalysts the CO was found to adsorb mainly on Mo(4+) sites, although some slightly different surface Mo(delta+) d (0 < delta < 2) sites are also detected. The nature, density and distribution of surface sites of reduced passivated Mo(2)N/gAl(2)O(3) were similar to those on reduced MoO(3)/gamma-Al(2)O(3).


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In situ electrochemical scanning tunneling microscopy (ECSTM) and an electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance (EQCM) have been employed to follow the adsorption/desorption processes of phenanthraquinone (PQ sat. in 0.1 mol l(-1) HClO4, solution) accompanied with an electrochemical redox reaction on the Au electrode. The result shows that: (1) the reduced form PQH(2) adsorbed at the Au electrode and the desorption occurred when PQH(2) was oxidized to PQ; (2) the adsorption process initiates at steps or kinks which provide high active sites on the electrode surface for adsorption, and as the potential shifts to negative, a multilayer of PQH(2) may be formed at the Au electrode; (3) the reduced PQH(2) adsorbed preferentially in the area where the tip had been scanned continually; this result suggests that the tip induction may accelerate the adsorption of PQH(2) on the Au(111) electrode. Two kinds of possible reason have been discussed; (4) high resolution STM images show the strong substrate lattice information and the weak monolayer adsorbate lattice information simultaneously. The PQH(2) molecules pack into a not perfectly ordered condensed physisorbed layer at potentials of 0.1 and 0.2 V with an average lattice constant a = 11.5 +/- 0.4 Angstrom, b = 11.5 +/- 0.4 Angstrom, and gamma = 120 +/- 2 degrees; the molecular lattice is rotated with respect to the substrate lattice by about 23 +/- 2 degrees. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science S.A.


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Serine proteinase inhibitors (SPIs) play important roles in host physiological and immunological processes in all multicellular organisms. A novel Kazal-type SPI gene was cloned from the Zhikong scallop Chlamys farreri (designated as CfKZSPI) by expressed sequence tag (EST) and rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) approaches. The full-length cDNA of CfKZSPI was of 1788 nucleotides with a canonical polyadenylation signal sequence AATAAA and a polyA tail, and an open reading frame (ORF) encoding a polypeptide of 509 amino acids with a putative signal peptide of 22 amino acids. The deduced amino acid sequence of CfKZSPI contained 12 tandem Kazal domains with high similarity to other Kazal-type SPIs. The temporal expression of CfKZSPI in hemocytes after Vibrio anguillorum challenge was recorded by quantitative real-time RT-PCR. The relative mRNA expression level of CfKZSPI was up-regulated and reached 43.6-fold at 3 h post-challenge. After a decrease at 6 h, the expression Level increased again and reached 207.8-fold at 12 h post-challenge. The 12th Kazal domain of CfKZSPI was recombined into pET-32a(+) and expressed in Escherichia coli Rosetta-gami (DE3) to investigate its inhibitory activity. The purified recombinant protein (rCf KZSPI-1 2) showed significant inhibitory activity against trypsin but no activity against thrombin. When the molar ratio of inhibitor to trypsin reached 1:1, almost 90% of the enzyme activity could be inhibited, which suggested that one molecule of rCfKZSPI-12 was able to inhibit one molecule of trypsin. Kinetics analysis with Dixon plot showed that the inhibition constant (K-i) of rCfKZSPI-12 to trypsin was 173 nmol L-1. These results indicated that CfKZSPI was a novel Kazal-type SPI with significant inhibitory activity against trypsin, and was suspected to be involved in scallop immune response. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A series of unsupported dimolybdenum nitride (gamma-Mo(2)N) catalysts differing in surface area were prepared by temperature programmed reduction of MoO(3) with a mixture of NH(3):N(2) (90:10). Characterization of catalysts by BET, XRD, TPR and XPS techniques was carried out. The samples were used as catalysts in hydrotreating reactions (simultaneous hydrodesulfurization of thiophene and hydrogenation of cyclohexene). Low surface area gamma-Mo(2)N materials show much higher specific conversions than those with higher surface area. These results indicate that HDS and HYD reactions over gamma-Mo(2)N seem to be structure-sensitive. The relative exposure extent of crystalline planes (111) and (200) over the different catalysts can be associated with their hydrogen adsorption capacities and with their catalytic performances. The catalytic activities are significantly affected by the catalyst pretreatment conditions. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Heart failure is accompanied by severely impaired beta-adrenergic receptor (betaAR) function, which includes loss of betaAR density and functional uncoupling of remaining receptors. An important mechanism for the rapid desensitization of betaAR function is agonist-stimulated receptor phosphorylation by the betaAR kinase (betaARK1), an enzyme known to be elevated in failing human heart tissue. To investigate whether alterations in betaAR function contribute to the development of myocardial failure, transgenic mice with cardiac-restricted overexpression of either a peptide inhibitor of betaARK1 or the beta2AR were mated into a genetic model of murine heart failure (MLP-/-). In vivo cardiac function was assessed by echocardiography and cardiac catheterization. Both MLP-/- and MLP-/-/beta2AR mice had enlarged left ventricular (LV) chambers with significantly reduced fractional shortening and mean velocity of circumferential fiber shortening. In contrast, MLP-/-/betaARKct mice had normal LV chamber size and function. Basal LV contractility in the MLP-/-/betaARKct mice, as measured by LV dP/dtmax, was increased significantly compared with the MLP-/- mice but less than controls. Importantly, heightened betaAR desensitization in the MLP-/- mice, measured in vivo (responsiveness to isoproterenol) and in vitro (isoproterenol-stimulated membrane adenylyl cyclase activity), was completely reversed with overexpression of the betaARK1 inhibitor. We report here the striking finding that overexpression of this inhibitor prevents the development of cardiomyopathy in this murine model of heart failure. These findings implicate abnormal betaAR-G protein coupling in the pathogenesis of the failing heart and point the way toward development of agents to inhibit betaARK1 as a novel mode of therapy.


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Transgenic overexpression (40- to 100-fold) of the wild-type human beta2-adrenergic receptor in the hearts of mice leads to a marked increase in cardiac contractility, which is apparently due to the low level of spontaneous (i.e., agonist-independent) activity inherent in the receptor. Here we report that transgenic mice expressing a mutated constitutively active form of the receptor (CAM) show no such phenotype, owing to its modest expression (3-fold above endogenous cardiac beta-adrenergic receptor levels). Surprisingly, treatment of the animals with a variety of beta-adrenergic receptor ligands leads to a 50-fold increase in CAM beta2-adrenergic receptor expression, by stabilizing the CAM beta2-adrenergic receptor protein. Receptor up-regulation leads in turn to marked increases in adenylate cyclase activity, atrial tension determined in vitro, and indices of cardiac contractility determined in vivo. These results illustrate a novel mechanism for regulating physiological responses, i.e., ligand-induced stabilization of a constitutively active but inherently unstable protein.


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The cDNA for the Syrian hamster alpha 1-adrenergic receptor has been cloned with oligonucleotides corresponding to the partial amino acid sequence of the receptor protein purified from DDT1MF-2 smooth muscle cells. The deduced amino acid sequence encodes a 515-residue polypeptide that shows the most sequence identity with the other adrenergic receptors and the putative protein product of the related clone G-21. Similarities with the muscarinic cholinergic receptors are also evident. Expression studies in COS-7 cells confirm that we have cloned the alpha 1-adrenergic receptor that couples to inositol phospholipid metabolism.


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Immunohistochemical studies on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue utilizing polyclonal antibodies form the cornerstone of many reports claiming to demonstrate erythropoietin receptor (EPOR) expression in malignant tissue. Recently, Elliott et al. (Blood 2006;107:1892-1895) reported that the antibodies commonly used to detect EPOR expression also detect non-EPOR proteins, and that their binding to EPOR was severely abrogated by two synthetic peptides based on the sequence of heat shock protein (HSP) 70, HSP70-2, and HSP70-5. We have investigated the specificity of the C20 antibody for detecting EPOR expression in non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) utilizing tissue microarrays. A total of 34 cases were available for study. Antibody absorbed with peptide resulted in marked suppression of cytoplasmic staining compared with nonabsorbed antibody. Four tumors that initially showed a membranous pattern of staining retained this pattern with absorbed antibody. Positive membranous immunoreactivity was also observed in 6 of 30 tumors that originally showed a predominantly cytoplasmic pattern of staining. Using the C20 antibody for Western blots, we detected three main bands, at 100, 66, and 59 kDa. Preincubation with either peptide caused abolition of the 66-kDa band, which contains non-EPOR sequences including heat shock peptides. These results call into question the significance of previous immunohistochemical studies of EPOR expression in malignancy and emphasize the need for more specific anti-EPOR antibodies to define the true extent of EPOR expression in neoplastic tissue