914 resultados para post-industrial society
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários - FCLAR
No trabalho discutimos conhecimento e cooperação no meio rural ou sociedades rurais, pensando estes dentro das transformações produtivas, e, tendo os agentes desta produção como atores de tal transformação. Destacamos o conhecimento e a capacidade empreendedora de mobilizar e interagir com este conhecimento como a principal força produtiva na construção de “novos mercados”. Para tanto discutimos com autores clássicos da teoria social, particularmente com Marx e Weber, quando tocam nestes pontos. A idéia central é entender como se pode conceber o desenvolvimento rural a partir de um saber-fazer, ou força produtiva, típico deste chamado “mundo rural”, que interage com as conquistas técnico-científicas identificadas com a precisão e a codificação atribuídas à sociedade industrial.
Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The present study explores the important points to be considered in understanding the characteristics of the network society appointed by Castells and their relations with the state and power. Compares industrial society forged in the eighteenth and nineteenth century with the information society resulting from new information technologies, global connectivity by internet and generating wealth from capital to capital. Its main objective is to highlight the transitory moment of our human relationships and the need to look to the future free from the shackles of the past.
Local worlds, global economies. For an ethnography of microcredit in Italy. The research main purpose is to provide an anthropological analysis of a microcredit project targeting migrant women in Venice, Italy. Microcredit is a globally widespread financial strategy. Muhammad Yunus’ Grameen Bank success in Bangladesh was pivotal in promoting microfinance as one of the most important poverty alleviation strategies in the Development Countries. Post Industrial Countries adopted microcredit to foster “non bankable” categories – notably immigrants, women and young people - financial inclusion. The history of the Venice project is reconstructed starting from the perspectives of its main characters (promoters, social workers, beneficiaries and local stakeholders). Their positioned representations are analyzed in order to understand how different actors reproduced or renegotiated some of the main rhetorics underpinning the hegemonic “microcredit discourse”. Specifically, keywords such as “sustainability”, “empowerment” and “trust” are critically deconstructed to see how they are meant and translated into practice by different actors. Fieldwork data allows some considerations on the Italian way to microfinance.
This paper considers how and why an Asian enclave of small businesses has appeared in a poor neighborhood characterized by Puerto Rican and other Latino immigration in the post-industrial city of Worcester, Massachusetts. We begin by examining the role of the US in the world system, and argue that the US hegemonic role and specific political economic aspects of global capitalism (ie. deindustrialization) account for some of the migration stream. Next, using socioeconomic and historical data, interviews, and observations, we outline the history of Worcester’s economy and immigration patterns. We demonstrate that the increasing economic inequality leaves few promising employment options for newcomers to Worcester. Drawing on existing literature on immigrant entrepreneurs and ethnic enclaves, we argue that some aspects of the literature appear to shed light on the Vietnamese enterprises which have so visibly appeared (e.g., ethnic niches), while others, (e.g., middle-man minority theory) are not now reflected in local conflict. We conclude by considering the prospects for immigrants to this neighborhood in light of its political economic context.
Post-conflict societies which have achieved a cessation of violence and embarked on a political conflict transformation process cannot in the long-term avoid a process of dealing with the past. Case studies of South Africa and Northern Ireland confirm this normative claim, showing that within the post-war society as a whole a social consensus on how to “understand” and “recognize” the use of violence that occurred during the conflict is necessary: understanding the other’s “understanding” of violence. A mutual understanding must be reached that both sides fought a campaign that was just and legitimate from their own perspective. The morality of the “other’s violence” has to be recognized.
A partir de la escala de los entes, Romero plantea el proceso que se desarrolla desde la inmanencia hacia la trascendencia, hasta llegar a su máxima expresión en el espíritu. En el hombre, se manifiesta en el paso del individuo a la persona, la cual trasciende hacia la realización del valor, a través del “deber ser". En la actualidad, Lipovetsky presenta otra manera de concebir al hombre, la cual se expresa en un individualismo creciente, que está determinado por sus intereses particulares, sin proyección alguna hacia los otros y sin reconocer otro valor que no sea la realización de “su sí mismo". Frente a ello, urge promover el desarrollo de un “individualismo responsable", que recupere los valores éticos del hombre y su relación con los otros, sin perder de vista su propia realización. Este concepto, en otras palabras, reactualiza los planteos personalistas de Romero, en esta sociedad posmoderna.
El campesinado en la Grecia antigua sufrió transformaciones en su estatus impositivo, desde una ausencia total de tributos en su perjuicio hasta el padecimiento de onerosas cargas fiscales. En ambos extremos de un mismo y único proceso se verifica un idéntico fenómeno, esto es, la incorporación del campesinado antiguo a la comunidad política, como miembro pleno con todos los derechos. El modelo de organización y participación política del campesinado rehúye las categorías sociológicas de sociedad primitiva, sociedad campesina o sociedad industrial. El objetivo del presente trabajo consiste en proponer una mirada de este sujeto que contemple su especificidad política, social y económica, desde una perspectiva cultural