967 resultados para photochemical reaction mechanisms
The molecular complex of sensory rhodopsin I (SRI) and its transducer HtrI mediate color-sensitive phototaxis in the archaeon Halobacterium salinarum. Orange light causes an attractant response by a one-photon reaction and white light causes a repellent response by a two-photon reaction. Three aspects of this molecular complex were explored: (i) We determined the stoichiometry of SRI and HtrI to be 2:2 by gene fusion analysis. A SRI-HtrI fusion protein was expressed in H. salinarum and shown to mediate 1-photon and 2-photon phototaxis responses comparable to wild-type complex. Disulfide crosslinking demonstrated that the fusion protein is a homodimer in the membrane. Measurement of photochemical reaction kinetics and pH titration of absorption spectra established that both SRI domains are complexed to HtrI in the fusion protein, and therefore the stoichiometry is 2:2. (ii) Cytoplasmic channel closure of SRI by HtrI, an important aspect of their interaction, was investigated by incremental HtrI truncation. We found that binding of the membrane-embedded portion of HtrI is insufficient for channel closure, whereas cytoplasmic extension of the second HtrI transmembrane helix by 13 residues blocks proton conduction through the channel as well as full-length HtrI. The closure activity is localized to 5 specific residues, each of which incrementally contributes to reduction of proton conductivity. Moreover, these same residues in the dark incrementally and proportionally increase the pKa of the Asp76 counterion to the protonated Schiff base chromophore. We conclude that this critical region of HtrI alters the dark conformation of SRI as well as light-induced channel opening. (iii) We developed a procedure for reconstituting HtrI-free SRI and the SRI/HtrI complex into liposomes, which exhibit photocycles with opened and closed cytoplasmic channels, respectively, as in the membrane. This opens the way for study of the light-induced conformational change and the interaction in vitro by fluorescence and spin-labeling. Single-cysteine mutations were introduced into helix F of SRI, labeled with a nitroxide spin probe and a fluorescence probe, reconstituted into proteoliposomes, and light-induced conformational changes detected in the complex. The probe signals can now be used as the readout of signaling to analyze mutants and the kinetics of signal relay. ^
Light absorption is an important process for energy production and sensory perception in many organisms. In the filamentous fungus, Neurospora crassa, blue-light is an important regulator of both asexual and sexual development, but the identity of the blue-light receptor is unknown. The work presented in this dissertation initiated the characterization of the putative N. crassa opsin photoreceptor, NOP-1. Opsins were thought to exist only in the archaea and mammals until the discovery of nop-1. All opsins have the same conserved structure of seven transmembrane helical domains with a lysine residue in the seventh helix specific for forming a Schiff-base linkage with retinal. The predicted NOP-1 protein sequence is equally similar to archaeal rhodopsins and a newly identified fungal opsin-related protein group (ORPs). ORPs maintain the seven transmembrane helical structure of opsins, but lack the conserved lysine residue for binding retinal. An ORP gene, orp-1 was identified in N. crassa and this work includes the cloning and sequence analysis of this gene. Characterization of NOP-1 function in N. crassa development began with the construction of a Δnop-1 deletion mutant. Extensive phenotypic analysis of Δnop-1 mutants revealed only subtle defects during development primarily under environmental conditions that induce a stress response. NOP-1 was overexpressed in the heterologous system Pichia pastoris, and it was demonstrated that NOP-1 protein bound all-trans retinal to form a green-light absorbing pigment (λmax = 534 nm) with a photochemical reaction cycle similar to archaeal sensory rhodopsins. nop-1 gene expression was monitored during N. crassa development. nop-1 transcript is highly expressed during asexual sporulation (conidiation) and transcript levels are abundant in the later stages of conidial development. nop-1 expression is not regulated by blue-light or elevated temperatures. Potential functions for NOP-1 were discovered through the transcriptional analysis of conidiation-associated genes in Δnop-1 mutants. NOP-1 exhibits antagonistic transcriptional regulation of conidiation-associated genes late in conidial development, by enhancing the carotenogenic gene, al-2 and repressing the conidiation-specific genes, con-10 and con-13. ^
Durante la última década, se han llevado acabo numeroso estudios sobre la síntesis de materiales fotoluminiscentes sub-micrónicos, en gran medida, al amplio número de aplicaciones que demandan este tipo de materiales. En concreto dentro de los materiales fosforescentes o también denominados materiales con una prolongada persistencia de la luminiscencia, los estudios se han enfocado en la matriz de SrAl2O4 dopada con Europio (Eu2+) y Disprosio (Dy3+) dado que tiene mayor estabilidad y persistencia de la fosforescencia con respecto a otras matrices. Estos materiales se emplean mayoritariamente en pinturas luminiscentes, tintas, señalización de seguridad pública, cerámicas, relojes, textiles y juguetes fosforescentes. Dado al amplio campo de aplicación de los SrAl2O4:Eu, Dy, se han investigado múltiples rutas de síntesis como la ruta sol-gel, la síntesis hidrotermal, la síntesis por combustión, la síntesis láser y la síntesis en estado sólido con el fin de desarrollar un método eficiente y que sea fácilmente escalable. Sin embargo, en la actualidad el método que se emplea para el procesamiento a nivel industrial de los materiales basados en aluminato de estroncio es la síntesis por estado sólido, que requiere de temperaturas de entre 1300 a 1900oC y largos tiempos de procesamiento. Además el material obtenido tiene un tamaño de partícula de 20 a 100 μm; siendo este tamaño restrictivo para el empleo de este tipo de material en determinadas aplicaciones. Por tanto, el objetivo de este trabajo es el desarrollo de nuevas estrategias que solventen las actuales limitaciones. Dentro de este marco se plantean una serie de objetivos específicos: Estudio de los parámetros que gobiernan los procesos de reducción del tamaño de partícula mediante molienda y su relación en la respuesta fotoluminiscente. Estudio de la síntesis por combustión de SrAl2O4:Eu, Dy, evaluando el efecto de la temperatura y la cantidad de combustible (urea) en el proceso para la obtención de partículas cristalinas minimizando la presencia de fases secundarias. Desarrollo de nuevas rutas de síntesis de SrAl2O4:Eu, Dy empleando el método de sales fundidas. Determinación de los mecanismos de reacción en presencia de la sal fundida en función de los parámetros de proceso que comprende la relación de sales y reactivos, la naturaleza de la alúmina y su tamaño, la temperatura y atmósfera de tratamiento. Mejora de la eficiencia de los procesos de síntesis para obtener productos con propiedades finales óptimas en procesos factibles industrialmente para su transferencia tecnológica. Es este trabajo han sido evaluados los efectos de diferentes procesos de molienda para la reducción del tamaño de partícula del material de SrAl2O4:Eu, Dy comercial. En el proceso de molienda en medio húmedo por atrición se observa la alteración de la estructura cristalina del material debido a la reacción de hidrólisis generada incluso empleando como medio líquido etanol absoluto. Con el fin de solventar las desventajas de la molienda en medio húmedo se llevo a cabo un estudio de la molturación en seco del material. La molturación en seco de alta energía reduce significativamente el tamaño medio de partícula. Sin embargo, procesos de molienda superiores a una duración de 10 minutos ocasionan un aumento del estado de aglomeración de las partículas y disminuyen drásticamente la respuesta fotoluminiscente del material. Por tanto, se lleva a cabo un proceso de molienda en seco de baja energía. Mediante este método se consigue reducir el tamaño medio de partícula, d50=2.8 μm, y se mejora la homogeneidad de la distribución del tamaño de partícula evitando la amorfización del material. A partir de los resultados obtenidos mediante difracción de rayos X y microscopia electrónica de barrido se infiere que la disminución de la intensidad de la fotoluminiscencia después de la molienda en seco de alta energía con respecto al material inicial se debe principalmente a la reducción del tamaño de cristalito. Se observan menores variaciones en la intensidad de la fotoluminiscencia cuando se emplea un método de molienda de baja de energía ya que en estos procesos se preserva el dominio cristalino y se reduce la amorfización significativamente. Estos resultados corroboran que la intensidad de la fotoluminiscencia y la persistencia de la luminiscencia de los materiales de SrAl2O4:Eu2+, Dy3+ dependen extrínsecamente de la morfología de las partículas, del tamaño de partícula, el tamaño de grano, los defectos superficiales e intrínsecamente del tamaño de cristalito. Siendo las características intrínsecas las que dominan con respecto a las extrínsecas y por tanto tienen mayor relevancia en la respuesta fotoluminiscente. Mediante síntesis por combustión se obtuvieron láminas nanoestructuradas de SrAl2O4:Eu, Dy de ≤1 μm de espesor. La cantidad de combustible, urea, en la reacción influye significativamente en la formación de determinadas fases cristalinas. Para la síntesis del material de SrAl2O4:Eu, Dy es necesario incluir un contenido de urea mayor que el estequiométrico (siendo m=1 la relación estequiométrica). La incorporación de un exceso de urea (m>1) requiere de la presencia de un agente oxidante interno, HNO3, para que la reacción tenga lugar. El empleo de un mayor contenido de urea como combustible permite una quelación efectiva de los cationes en el sistema y la creación de las condiciones reductoras para obtener un material de mayor cristalinidad y con mejores propiedades fotoluminiscentes. El material de SrAl2O4:Eu, Dy sintetizado a una temperatura de ignición de 600oC tiene un tamaño medio 5-25 μm con un espesor de ≤1 μm. Mediante procesos de molturación en seco de baja energía es posible disminuir el tamaño medio de partícula ≈2 μm y homogenizar la distribución del tamaño de partícula pero hay un deterioro asociado de la respuesta luminiscente. Sin embargo, se puede mejorar la respuesta fotoluminiscente empleando un tratamiento térmico posterior a 900oC N2-H2 durante 1 hora que no supone un aumento del tamaño de partícula pero si permite aumentar el tamaño de cristalito y la reducción del Eu3+ a Eu2+. Con respecto a la respuesta fotoluminiscente, se obtiene valores de la intensidad de la fotoluminiscencia entre un 35%-21% con respecto a la intensidad de un material comercial de referencia. Además la intensidad inicial del decaimiento de la fosforescencia es un 20% de la intensidad del material de referencia. Por tanto, teniendo en cuenta estos resultados, es necesario explorar otros métodos de síntesis para la obtención de los materiales bajo estudio. Por esta razón, en este trabajo se desarrollo una ruta de síntesis novedosa para sintetizar SrAl2O4:Eu, Dy mediante el método de sales fundidas para la obtención de materiales de gran cristalinidad con tamaños de cristalito del orden nanométrico. Se empleo como sal fundente la mezcla eutéctica de NaCl y KCl, denominada (NaCl-KCl)e. La principal ventaja de la incorporación de la mezcla es el incremento la reactividad del sistema, reduciendo la temperatura de formación del SrAl2O4 y la duración del tratamiento térmico en comparación con la síntesis en estado sólido. La formación del SrAl2O4 es favorecida ya que se aumenta la difusión de los cationes de Sr2+ en el medio líquido. Se emplearon diferentes tipos de Al2O3 para evaluar el papel del tamaño de partícula y su naturaleza en la reacción asistida por sales fundidas y por tanto en la morfología y propiedades del producto final. Se obtuvieron partículas de morfología pseudo-esférica de tamaño ≤0.5 μm al emplear como alúmina precursora partículas sub-micrónicas ( 0.5 μm Al2O3, 0.1 μm Al2 O3 y γ-Al2O3). El mecanismo de reacción que tiene lugar se asocia a procesos de disolución-precipitación que dominan al emplear partículas de alúmina pequeñas y reactivas. Mientras al emplear una alúmina de 6 μm Al2O3 prevalecen los procesos de crecimiento cristalino siguiendo un patrón o plantilla debido a la menor reactividad del sistema. La nucleación y crecimiento de nanocristales de SrAl2O4:Eu, Dy se genera sobre la superficie de la alúmina que actúa como soporte. De esta forma se desarrolla una estructura del tipo coraza-núcleo («core-shell» en inglés) donde la superficie externa está formada por los cristales fosforescentes de SrAl2O4 y el núcleo está formado por alúmina. Las partículas obtenidas tienen una respuesta fotoluminiscente diferente en función de la morfología final obtenida. La optimización de la relación Al2O3/SrO del material de SrAl2O4:Eu, Dy sintetizado a partir de la alúmina de 6 μm permite reducir las fases secundarias y la concentración de dopantes manteniendo la respuesta fotoluminiscente. Comparativamente con un material comercial de SrAl2O4:Eu, Dy de referencia, se han alcanzado valores de la intensidad de la emisión de hasta el 90% y de la intensidad inicial de las curvas de decaimiento de la luminiscencia de un 60% para el material sintetizado por sales fundidas que tiene un tamaño medio ≤ 10μm. Por otra parte, es necesario tener en cuenta que el SrAl2O4 tiene dos polimorfos, la fase monoclínica que es estable a temperaturas inferiores a 650oC y la fase hexagonal, fase de alta temperatura, estable a temperaturas superiores de 650oC. Se ha determinado que fase monoclínica presenta propiedades luminiscentes, sin embargo existen discordancias a cerca de las propiedades luminiscentes de la fase hexagonal. Mediante la síntesis por sales fundidas es posible estabilizar la fase hexagonal empleando como alúmina precursora γ-Al2O3 y un exceso de Al2O3 (Al2O3/SrO:2). La estabilización de la fase hexagonal a temperatura ambiente se produce cuando el tamaño de los cristales de SrAl2O4 es ≤20 nm. Además se observó que la fase hexagonal presenta respuesta fotoluminiscente. El diseño de materiales de SrAl2O4:Eu,Dy nanoestructurados permite modular la morfología del material y por tanto la intensidad de la de la fotoluminiscencia y la persistencia de la luminiscencia. La disminución de los materiales precursores, la temperatura y el tiempo de tratamiento significa la reducción de los costes económicos del material. De ahí la viabilidad de los materiales de SrAl2O4:Eu,Dy obtenidos mediante los procesos de síntesis propuestos en esta memoria de tesis para su posterior escalado industrial. ABSTRACT The synthesis of sub-micron photoluminescent particles has been widely studied during the past decade because of the promising industrial applications of these materials. A large number of matrices has been developed, being SrAl2O4 host doped with europium (Eu2+) and dysprosium (Dy3+) the most extensively studied, because of its better stability and long-lasting luminescence. These functional inorganic materials have a wide field of application in persistent luminous paints, inks and ceramics. Large attention has been paid to the development of an efficient method of preparation of SrAl2O4 powders, including solgel method, hydrothermal synthesis, laser synthesis, combustion synthesis and solid state reaction. Many of these techniques are not compatible with large-scale production and with the principles of sustainability. Moreover, industrial processing of highly crystalline powders usually requires high synthesis temperatures, typically between 1300 a 1900oC, with long processing times, especially for solid state reaction. As a result, the average particle size is typically within the 20-100 μm range. This large particle size is limiting for current applications that demand sub-micron particles. Therefore, the objective of this work is to develop new approaches to overcome these limitations. Within this frame, it is necessary to undertake the following purposes: To study the parameters that govern the particle size reduction by milling and their relation with the photoluminescence properties. To obtain SrAl2O4:Eu, Dy by combustion synthesis, assessing the effect of the temperature and the amount of fuel (urea) to synthesize highly crystalline particles minimizing the presence of secondary phases. To develop new synthesis methods to obtain SrAl2O4:Eu, Dy powders. The molten salt synthesis has been proposed. As the method is a novel route, the reaction mechanism should be determine as a function of the salt mixture, the ratio of the salt, the kind of Al2O3 and their particle size and the temperature and the atmosphere of the thermal treatment. To improve the efficiency of the synthesis process to obtain SrAl2O4:Eu, Dy powders with optimal final properties and easily scalable. On the basis of decreasing the particle size by using commercial product SrAl2O4:Eu2+, Dy3+ as raw material, the effects of different milling methods have been evaluated. Wet milling can significantly alter the structure of the material through hydrolysis reaction even in ethanol media. For overcoming the drawbacks of wet milling, a dry milling-based processes are studied. High energy dry milling process allows a great reduction of the particle size, however milling times above 10 min produce agglomeration and accelerates the decrease of the photoluminescence feature. To solve these issues the low energy dry milling process proposed effectively reduces the particle size to d50=2.8 μm, and improves the homogeneity avoiding the amorphization in comparison with previous methods. The X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscope characterization allow to infer that the large variations in PL (Photoluminescence) values by high energy milling process are a consequence mainly of the crystallite size reduction. The lesser variation in PL values by low energy milling proces is related to the coherent crystalline domain preservation and the unnoticeable amorphization. These results corroborate that the photoluminescence intensity and the persistent luminescence of the SrAl2O4:Eu2+, Dy3+ powders depend extrinsically on the morphology of the particles such as particle size, grain size, surface damage and intrinsically on the crystallinity (crystallite size); being the intrinsically effects the ones that have a significant influence on the photoluminescent response. By combustion method, nanostructured SrAl2O4:Eu2+, Dy3+ sheets with a thickness ≤1 μm have been obtained. The amount of fuel (urea) in the reaction has an important influence on the phase composition; urea contents larger than the stoichiometric one require the presence of an oxidant agent such as HNO3 to complete the reaction. A higher amount of urea (excess of urea: denoted m>1, being m=1 the stoichiometric composition) including an oxidizing agent produces SrAl2O4:Eu2+,Dy3+ particles with persistent luminescence due to the effective chelation of the cations and the creation of suitable atmospheric conditions to reduce the Eu3+ to Eu2+. Therefore, optimizing the synthesis parameters in combustion synthesis by using a higher amount of urea and an internal oxidizing agent allows to complete the reaction. The amount of secondary phases can be significantly reduced and the photoluminescence response can be enhanced. This situation is attributed to a higher energy that improves the crystallinity of the powders. The powders obtained have a particle size c.a. 5-25 μm with a thickness ≤1 μm and require relatively low ignition temperatures (600oC). It is possible to reduce the particle size by a low energy dry milling but this process implies the decrease of the photoluminescent response. However, a post-thermal treatment in a reducing atmosphere allows the improvement of the properties due to the increment of crystallinity and the reduction of Eu3+ to Eu2+. Compared with the powder resulted from solid state method (commercial reference: average particle size, 20 μm and heterogeneous particle size distribution) the emission intensity of the powder prepared by combustion method achieve the values between 35% to 21% of the reference powder intensity. Moreover, the initial intensity of the decay curve is 20% of the intensity of the reference powder. Taking in account these results, it is necessary to explore other methods to synthesize the powders For that reason, an original synthetic route has been developed in this study: the molten salt assisted process to obtain highly crystalline SrAl2O4 powders with nanometric sized crystallites. The molten salt was composed of a mixture of NaCl and KCl using a 0.5:0.5 molar ratio (eutectic mixture hereafter abbreviated as (NaCl-KCl)e). The main advantages of salt addition is the increase of the reaction rate, the significant reduction of the synthesis temperature and the duration of the thermal treatment in comparison with classic solid state method. The SrAl2O4 formation is promoted due to the high mobility of the Sr2+ cations in the liquid medium. Different kinds of Al2O3 have been employed to evaluate the role of the size and the nature of this precursor on the kinetics of reaction, on the morphology and the final properties of the product. The SrAl2O4:Eu2+, Dy3+ powders have pseudo-spherical morphology and particle size ≤0.5 μm when a sub-micron Al2O3 ( 0.5 μm Al2O3, 0.1 μm Al2O3 and γ-Al2O3) has been used. This can be attributed to a higher reactivity in the system and the dominance of dissolution-precipitation mechanism. However, the use of larger alumina (6 μm Al2O3) modifies the reaction pathway leading to a different reaction evolution. More specifically, the growth of SrAl2O4 sub-micron particles on the surface of hexagonal platelets of 6μm Al2O3 is promoted. The particles retain the shape of the original Al2O3 and this formation process can be attributed to a «core-shell» mechanism. The particles obtained exhibit different photoluminescent response as a function of the final morphology of the powder. Therefore, through this study, it has been elucidated the reaction mechanisms of SrAl2O4 formation assisted by (NaCl-KCl)e that are governed by the diffusion of SrCO3 and the reactivity of the alumina particles. Optimizing the Al2O3/SrO ratio of the SrAl2O4:Eu, Dy powders synthesized with 6 μm Al2O3 as a precursor, the secondary phases and the concentration of dopant needed can be reduced keeping the photoluminescent response of the synthesized powder. Compared with the commercial reference powder, up to 90% of the emission intensity of the reference powder has been achieved for the powder prepared by molten salt method using 6μm Al2O3 as alumina precursor. Concerning the initial intensity of the decay curve, 60% of the initial intensity of the reference powder has been obtained. Additionally, it is necessary to take into account that SrAl2O4 has two polymorphs: monoclinic symmetry that is stable at temperatures below 650oC and hexagonal symmetry that is stable above this temperature. Monoclinic phase shows luminescent properties. However, there is no clear agreement on the emission of the hexagonal structure. By molten salt, it is possible to stabilize the hexagonal phase of SrAl2O4 employing an excess of Al2O3 (Al2O3/SrO: 2) and γ-Al2O3 as a precursor. The existence of nanometric crystalline domains with lower size (≤20 nm) allows the stabilization of the hexagonal phase. Moreover, it has been evidenced that the hexagonal polymorph exhibits photoluminescent response. To sum up, the design of nanostructured SrAl2O4:Eu2+, Dy3+ materials allows to obtain different morphologies and as consequence different photoluminescent responses. The reduction of temperature, duration of the thermal treatment and the precursors materials needed imply the decrease of the economic cost of the material. Therefore, the viability, suitability and scalability of the synthesis strategy developed in this work to process SrAl2O4:Eu2+, Dy3+ are demonstrated.
Vegetable oils that contain fatty acids with conjugated double bonds, such as tung oil, are valuable drying agents in paints, varnishes, and inks. Although several reaction mechanisms have been proposed, little is known of the biosynthetic origin of conjugated double bonds in plant fatty acids. An expressed sequence tag (EST) approach was undertaken to characterize the enzymatic basis for the formation of the conjugated double bonds of α-eleostearic (18:3Δ9cis,11trans,13trans) and α-parinaric (18:4Δ9cis,11trans,13trans,15cis) acids. Approximately 3,000 ESTs were generated from cDNA libraries prepared from developing seeds of Momordica charantia and Impatiens balsamina, tissues that accumulate large amounts of α-eleostearic and α-parinaric acids, respectively. From ESTs of both species, a class of cDNAs encoding a diverged form of the Δ12-oleic acid desaturase was identified. Expression of full-length cDNAs for the Momordica (MomoFadX) and Impatiens (ImpFadX) enzymes in somatic soybean embryos resulted in the accumulation of α-eleostearic and α-parinaric acids, neither of which is present in untransformed soybean embryos. α-Eleostearic and α-parinaric acids together accounted for as much as 17% (wt/wt) of the total fatty acids of embryos expressing MomoFadX. These results demonstrate the ability to produce fatty acid components of high-value drying oils in transgenic plants. These findings also demonstrate a previously uncharacterized activity for Δ12-oleic acid desaturase-type enzymes that we have termed “conjugase.”
In this communication, we report our femtosecond real-time observation of the dynamics for the three didehydrobenzene molecules (p-, m-, and o-benzyne) generated from 1,4-, 1,3-, and 1,2-dibromobenzene, respectively, in a molecular beam, by using femtosecond time-resolved mass spectrometry. The time required for the first and the second C-Br bond breakage is less than 100 fs; the benzyne molecules are produced within 100 fs and then decay with a lifetime of 400 ps or more. Density functional theory and high-level ab initio calculations are also reported herein to elucidate the energetics along the reaction path. We discuss the dynamics and possible reaction mechanisms for the disappearance of benzyne intermediates. Our effort focuses on the isolated molecule dynamics of the three isomers on the femtosecond time scale.
The heart of oxygenic photosynthesis is photosystem II (PSII), a multisubunit protein complex that uses solar energy to drive the splitting of water and production of molecular oxygen. The effectiveness of the photochemical reaction center of PSII depends on the efficient transfer of excitation energy from the surrounding antenna chlorophylls. A kinetic model for PSII, based on the x-ray crystal structure coordinates of 37 antenna and reaction center pigment molecules, allows us to map the major energy transfer routes from the antenna chlorophylls to the reaction center chromophores. The model shows that energy transfer to the reaction center is slow compared with the rate of primary electron transport and depends on a few bridging chlorophyll molecules. This unexpected energetic isolation of the reaction center in PSII is similar to that found in the bacterial photosystem, conflicts with the established view of the photophysics of PSII, and may be a functional requirement for primary photochemistry in photosynthesis. In addition, the model predicts a value for the intrinsic photochemical rate constant that is 4 times that found in bacterial reaction centers.
Recent spectroscopic evidence implicating a binuclear iron site at the reaction center of fatty acyl desaturases suggested to us that certain fatty acyl hydroxylases may share significant amino acid sequence similarity with desaturases. To test this theory, we prepared a cDNA library from developing endosperm of the castor-oil plant (Ricinus communis L.) and obtained partial nucleotide sequences for 468 anonymous clones that were not expressed at high levels in leaves, a tissue deficient in 12-hydroxyoleic acid. This resulted in the identification of several cDNA clones encoding a polypeptide of 387 amino acids with a predicted molecular weight of 44,407 and with approximately 67% sequence homology to microsomal oleate desaturase from Arabidopsis. Expression of a full-length clone under control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter in transgenic tobacco resulted in the accumulation of low levels of 12-hydroxyoleic acid in seeds, indicating that the clone encodes the castor oleate hydroxylase. These results suggest that fatty acyl desaturases and hydroxylases share similar reaction mechanisms and provide an example of enzyme evolution.
Azomethine ylides, generated from imine-derived O-cinnamyl or O-crotonyl salicylaldeyde and α-amino acids, undergo intramolecular 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition, leading to chromene[4,3-b]pyrrolidines. Two reaction conditions are used: (a) microwave-assisted heating (200 W, 185 °C) of a neat mixture of reagents, and (b) conventional heating (170 °C) in PEG-400 as solvent. In both cases, a mixture of two epimers at the α-position of the nitrogen atom in the pyrrolidine nucleus was formed through the less energetic endo-approach (B/C ring fusion). In many cases, the formation of the stereoisomer bearing a trans-arrangement into the B/C ring fusion was observed in high proportions. Comprehensive computational and kinetic simulation studies are detailed. An analysis of the stability of transient 1,3-dipoles, followed by an assessment of the intramolecular pathways and kinetics are also reported.
The electrochemical reactions of dopamine, catechol and methylcatechol were investigated at tetrahedral amorphous carbon (ta-C) thin film electrodes. In order to better understand the reaction mechanisms of these molecules, cyclic voltammetry with varying scan rates was carried out at different pH values in H2SO4 and PBS solutions. The results were compared to the same redox reactions taking place at glassy carbon (GC) electrodes. All three catechols exhibited quasi-reversible behavior with sluggish electron transfer kinetics at the ta-C electrode. At neutral and alkaline pH, rapid coupled homogeneous reactions followed the oxidation of the catechols to the corresponding o-quinones and led to significant deterioration of the electrode response. At acidic pH, the extent of deterioration was considerably lower. All the redox reactions showed significantly faster electron transfer kinetics at the GC electrode and it was less susceptible toward surface passivation. An EC mechanism was observed for the oxidation of dopamine at both ta-C and GC electrodes and the formation of polydopamine was suspected to cause the passivation of the electrodes.
Naproxen-C14H14O3 is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug which has been found at detectable concentrations in wastewater, surface water, and groundwater. Naproxen is relatively hydrophilic and is in anionic form at pH between 6 and 8. In this study, column experiments were performed using an unconsolidated aquifer material from an area near Barcelona (Spain) to assess transport and reaction mechanisms of Naproxen in the aquifer matrix under different pore water fluxes. Results were evaluated using HYDRUS-1D, which was used to estimate transport parameters. Batch sorption isotherms for Naproxen conformed with the linear model with a sorption coefficient of 0.42 (cm3 g−1), suggesting a low sorption affinity. Naproxen breakthrough curves (BTCs) measured in soil columns under steady-state, saturated water flow conditions displayed similar behavior, with no apparent hysteresis in sorption or dependence of retardation (R, 3.85-4.24) on pore water velocities. Soil sorption did not show any significant decrease for increasing flow rates, as observed from Naproxen recovery in the effluent. Sorption parameters estimated by the model suggest that Naproxen has a low sorption affinity to aquifer matrix. Most sorption of Naproxen occurred on the instantaneous sorption sites, with the kinetic sorption sites representing only about 10 to 40% of total sorption.
A novel laponite RD clay-based Fe nanocomposite (Fe-Lap-RD) has been successfully synthesized through a reaction between a solution of iron salt and an aqueous dispersion of laponite RD clay. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) results reveal that the Fe-Lap-RD mainly consists of Fe2O3 (maghemite) and Fe2Si4O10(OH)2 (iron silicate hydroxide), which have tetragonal and monoclinic structures, respectively, and has a high specific surface area as well as a high pore volume. The photo-catalytic activity of the Fe-Lap-RD was examined in the photo-assisted degradation of an organic azo dye Orange II. It was found that the mineralization of Orange 11 undergoes a slower kinetics than discoloration, and 70% total organic carbon (TOC) of 0.2 mM Orange 11 can be removed in 90 min, implying that the Fe-Lap-RD exhibited a high photo-catalytic activity in the presence of H2O2 and UV light (254 nm) in the photo-assisted degradation of Orange II. In addition, our experiments also illustrate that the Fe-Lap-RD has a long-term stability but is of low cost. This study illustrates the possibility of photo-assisted degradation of organic compounds without the requirements to remove the Fe ions after reaction. Two possible catalytic reaction mechanisms are also proposed. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Despite the number of computer-assisted methods described for the derivation of steady-state equations of enzyme systems, most of them are focused on strict steady-state conditions or are not able to solve complex reaction mechanisms. Moreover, many of them are based on computer programs that are either not readily available or have limitations. We present here a computer program called WinStes, which derives equations for both strict steady-state systems and those with the assumption of rapid equilibrium, for branched or unbranched mechanisms, containing both reversible and irreversible conversion steps. It solves reaction mechanisms involving up to 255 enzyme species, connected by up to 255 conversion steps. The program provides all the advantages of the Windows programs, such as a user-friendly graphical interface, and has a short computation time. WinStes is available free of charge on request from the authors. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The objective of this research was to investigate the oxidation of organic compounds in molten alkali metal hydroxides containing manganates. It has been shown that controlled oxidation can be readily achieved with high specificity to give products in high yield with very short reaction times. The concurrent changes in the melt were monitored using a vibrating platinum indicator electrode with a quazi-reference electrode which was successfully developed for use in molten (Na-K)OH eutectic at 523K. Henry's Law constants for water in the molten eutectic system (Na-K)OH have been measured and used to calculate the water concentration in the melt. The electrochemistry of manganates in molten (Na-K)OH eutectic at 523K has been studied using the vibrating platinum electrode, and the existence of the species Mn(II), Mn(II!), Mn(IV), Mn(V) and Mn(VI) in such melts has been investigated at various water concentrations. The half-wave potentials of the voltammetric waves were measured versus the cathodic limit of the melt. The stability of Mn(V) or Mn(VI) in the melt was achieved by varying the water concentration. A range of organic chemicals has been passed through molten (Na-K)OH at 523K and the reactions of these chemicals with the melt have been studied. The same organics were then passed through molten (Na-K)OH containing stabilized Mn(V) or Mn{VI) without violent reaction. Methanol, allyl alcohol, propane 1, 2 diol, I-heptene and acetone were oxidized by Mn(V) and Mn(VI). Ethanol was only oxidized by Mn(VI), isopropanol and benzyl alcohol were only oxidized by Mn(V). Npropanol, butanol, 2 methyl propan-2-ol, n-hexane, n-heptane toluene and cyclohexane were unchanged by both Mn(V) and Mn(VI). Detailed experiments have been performed on the reactions of ethanol, iso-propanol and methanol in molten (Na-K)OH containing stabilized Mrt(V) or Mn(VI), and reaction mechanisms have been postulated. Ethanol and iso-propanol were oxidized to acetaldehyde and acetone respectively with a potential for useful chemical process. The oxidation of methanol could be developed as a basis for an industrial methanol disposal process.
The available literature concerning dextransucrase and dextran production and purification has been reviewed along with the reaction mechanisms of the enzyme. A discussion of basic fermentation theory is included, together with a brief description of bioreactor hydrodynamics and general biotechnology. The various fermenters used in this research work are described in detail, along with the various experimental techniques employed. The micro-organism Leuconostoc mesenteroides NRRL B512 (F) secretes dextransucrase in the presence of an inducer, sucrose, this being the only known inducer of the enzyme. Dextransucrase is a growth related product and a series of fed-batch fermentations have been carried out to extend the exponential growth phase of the organism. These experiments were carried out in a number of different sized vessels, ranging in size from 2.5 to 1,000 litres. Using a 16 litre vessel, dextransucrase activities in excess of 450 DSU/cm3 (21.67 U/cm3) have been obtained under non-aerated conditions. It has also been possible to achieve 442 DSU/cm3 (21.28 U/cm3) using the 1,000 litre vessel, although this has not been done consistently. A 1 litre and a 2.5 litre vessel were used for the continuous fermentations of dextransucrase. The 2.5 litre vessel was a very sophisticated MBR MiniBioreactor and was used for the majority of continuous fermentations carried out. An enzyme activity of approximately 108 DSU/cm3 (5.20 U/cm3) was achieved at a dilution rate of 0.50 h-1, which corresponds to the maximum growth rate of the cells under the process conditions. A number of continuous fermentations were operated for prolonged periods of time, with experimental run-times of up to 389 h being recorded without any incidence of contamination. The phenomenon of enzyme enhancement on hold-up of up to 100% was also noted during these fermentations, with dextransucrase of activity 89.7 DSU/cm3 (4.32 U/cm3) being boosted to 155.7 DSU/cm3 (7.50 U/cm3) following 24 hours of hold-up. These findings support the recommendation of a second reactor being placed in series with the existing vessel.
The research described in this thesis explored the synthesis tlnd characteristltion of biocompatible and biodegradable polymers of lactide through non-toxic titanium alkoxide nitiators. The research objectives focused on the preparation of polylactides in both solvent and solventless media, to produce materials with a wide range of molecular weights. The polylactides were fully characterised using gel permeation chromatography and 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy. NMR spectroscopy was carried out in the study the reaction mechanisms. Kinetic studies of the ring opening polymerisation of lactide with titanium alkoxide initiators were also conducted using NMR spectroscopy. The objectives of this research were also focused on the enhancement of the flexibility of the polymer chains by synthesising random and block copolymers of lactide and ε-caprolactone using Ti(0-i-Pr)4 as an initiator, This work involved extensive characterisalion of the synthesised copolymers using gel permeation chromatography and 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopic analysis. Kinetic studies of the ring opening polymerisation of ε-caplrolactone and of the copolymerisation of lactide and ε-caprolactone with Ti(O-i-Pr)4 as an initiator were also carried out. The last section of this work involved the synthesis of block and star-shaped copolymers of lactide and poly(ethylene glycol) [PEG]. The preparation of lactide/PEG block copolymers was carried out by ring opening polymerisation of L-Iactide using Ti(O-i-Pr)4 as an initiator and hydroxyl-terminated PEG's with different numbers of hydroxyl groups as co-initiators both in solution and solventless media. These all-in-one polymersations yielded the synthesis of both lactide homopolymer and lactide/PEG block copolymer. In order to selectively synthesise copolymers of lactide and PEG, the experiment was carried out in two steps. The first step consisted of the synthesis of a titanium macro-initiator by exchanging the iso-propoxide ligands by PEG with different numbers of hydroxyl groups. The second step involved the ring opening polymerisation of lactide using the titanium macrocatalyst that was prepared as an initiator. The polymerisations were carried out in a solventless media. The synthesis of lactide/PEG copolymers using polyethylene glycol with amino terminal groups was also discussed. Extensive characterisation of the lactide block copolymers and macroinitiators was carried out using techniques such as, gel permeation chromatography (GPC), NMR spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimeter (DeS).