952 resultados para orthonormal basis functions (OBF)


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A joint distribution of two discrete random variables with finite support can be displayed as a two way table of probabilities adding to one. Assume that this table has n rows and m columns and all probabilities are non-null. This kind of table can be seen as an element in the simplex of n · m parts. In this context, the marginals are identified as compositional amalgams, conditionals (rows or columns) as subcompositions. Also, simplicial perturbation appears as Bayes theorem. However, the Euclidean elements of the Aitchison geometry of the simplex can also be translated into the table of probabilities: subspaces, orthogonal projections, distances. Two important questions are addressed: a) given a table of probabilities, which is the nearest independent table to the initial one? b) which is the largest orthogonal projection of a row onto a column? or, equivalently, which is the information in a row explained by a column, thus explaining the interaction? To answer these questions three orthogonal decompositions are presented: (1) by columns and a row-wise geometric marginal, (2) by rows and a columnwise geometric marginal, (3) by independent two-way tables and fully dependent tables representing row-column interaction. An important result is that the nearest independent table is the product of the two (row and column)-wise geometric marginal tables. A corollary is that, in an independent table, the geometric marginals conform with the traditional (arithmetic) marginals. These decompositions can be compared with standard log-linear models. Key words: balance, compositional data, simplex, Aitchison geometry, composition, orthonormal basis, arithmetic and geometric marginals, amalgam, dependence measure, contingency table


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Factor analysis as frequent technique for multivariate data inspection is widely used also for compositional data analysis. The usual way is to use a centered logratio (clr) transformation to obtain the random vector y of dimension D. The factor model is then y = Λf + e (1) with the factors f of dimension k < D, the error term e, and the loadings matrix Λ. Using the usual model assumptions (see, e.g., Basilevsky, 1994), the factor analysis model (1) can be written as Cov(y) = ΛΛT + ψ (2) where ψ = Cov(e) has a diagonal form. The diagonal elements of ψ as well as the loadings matrix Λ are estimated from an estimation of Cov(y). Given observed clr transformed data Y as realizations of the random vector y. Outliers or deviations from the idealized model assumptions of factor analysis can severely effect the parameter estimation. As a way out, robust estimation of the covariance matrix of Y will lead to robust estimates of Λ and ψ in (2), see Pison et al. (2003). Well known robust covariance estimators with good statistical properties, like the MCD or the S-estimators (see, e.g. Maronna et al., 2006), rely on a full-rank data matrix Y which is not the case for clr transformed data (see, e.g., Aitchison, 1986). The isometric logratio (ilr) transformation (Egozcue et al., 2003) solves this singularity problem. The data matrix Y is transformed to a matrix Z by using an orthonormal basis of lower dimension. Using the ilr transformed data, a robust covariance matrix C(Z) can be estimated. The result can be back-transformed to the clr space by C(Y ) = V C(Z)V T where the matrix V with orthonormal columns comes from the relation between the clr and the ilr transformation. Now the parameters in the model (2) can be estimated (Basilevsky, 1994) and the results have a direct interpretation since the links to the original variables are still preserved. The above procedure will be applied to data from geochemistry. Our special interest is on comparing the results with those of Reimann et al. (2002) for the Kola project data


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The present work provides a generalization of Mayer's energy decomposition for the density-functional theory (DFT) case. It is shown that one- and two-atom Hartree-Fock energy components in Mayer's approach can be represented as an action of a one-atom potential VA on a one-atom density ρ A or ρ B. To treat the exchange-correlation term in the DFT energy expression in a similar way, the exchange-correlation energy density per electron is expanded into a linear combination of basis functions. Calculations carried out for a number of density functionals demonstrate that the DFT and Hartree-Fock two-atom energies agree to a reasonable extent with each other. The two-atom energies for strong covalent bonds are within the range of typical bond dissociation energies and are therefore a convenient computational tool for assessment of individual bond strength in polyatomic molecules. For nonspecific nonbonding interactions, the two-atom energies are low. They can be either repulsive or slightly attractive, but the DFT results more frequently yield small attractive values compared to the Hartree-Fock case. The hydrogen bond in the water dimer is calculated to be between the strong covalent and nonbonding interactions on the energy scale


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Aquesta tesi estudia com estimar la distribució de les variables regionalitzades l'espai mostral i l'escala de les quals admeten una estructura d'espai Euclidià. Apliquem el principi del treball en coordenades: triem una base ortonormal, fem estadística sobre les coordenades de les dades, i apliquem els output a la base per tal de recuperar un resultat en el mateix espai original. Aplicant-ho a les variables regionalitzades, obtenim una aproximació única consistent, que generalitza les conegudes propietats de les tècniques de kriging a diversos espais mostrals: dades reals, positives o composicionals (vectors de components positives amb suma constant) són tractades com casos particulars. D'aquesta manera, es generalitza la geostadística lineal, i s'ofereix solucions a coneguts problemes de la no-lineal, tot adaptant la mesura i els criteris de representativitat (i.e., mitjanes) a les dades tractades. L'estimador per a dades positives coincideix amb una mitjana geomètrica ponderada, equivalent a l'estimació de la mediana, sense cap dels problemes del clàssic kriging lognormal. El cas composicional ofereix solucions equivalents, però a més permet estimar vectors de probabilitat multinomial. Amb una aproximació bayesiana preliminar, el kriging de composicions esdevé també una alternativa consistent al kriging indicador. Aquesta tècnica s'empra per estimar funcions de probabilitat de variables qualsevol, malgrat que sovint ofereix estimacions negatives, cosa que s'evita amb l'alternativa proposada. La utilitat d'aquest conjunt de tècniques es comprova estudiant la contaminació per amoníac a una estació de control automàtic de la qualitat de l'aigua de la conca de la Tordera, i es conclou que només fent servir les tècniques proposades hom pot detectar en quins instants l'amoni es transforma en amoníac en una concentració superior a la legalment permesa.


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We consider the problem of scattering of a time-harmonic acoustic incident plane wave by a sound soft convex polygon. For standard boundary or finite element methods, with a piecewise polynomial approximation space, the computational cost required to achieve a prescribed level of accuracy grows linearly with respect to the frequency of the incident wave. Recently Chandler–Wilde and Langdon proposed a novel Galerkin boundary element method for this problem for which, by incorporating the products of plane wave basis functions with piecewise polynomials supported on a graded mesh into the approximation space, they were able to demonstrate that the number of degrees of freedom required to achieve a prescribed level of accuracy grows only logarithmically with respect to the frequency. Here we propose a related collocation method, using the same approximation space, for which we demonstrate via numerical experiments a convergence rate identical to that achieved with the Galerkin scheme, but with a substantially reduced computational cost.


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We consider the approximation of some highly oscillatory weakly singular surface integrals, arising from boundary integral methods with smooth global basis functions for solving problems of high frequency acoustic scattering by three-dimensional convex obstacles, described globally in spherical coordinates. As the frequency of the incident wave increases, the performance of standard quadrature schemes deteriorates. Naive application of asymptotic schemes also fails due to the weak singularity. We propose here a new scheme based on a combination of an asymptotic approach and exact treatment of singularities in an appropriate coordinate system. For the case of a spherical scatterer we demonstrate via error analysis and numerical results that, provided the observation point is sufficiently far from the shadow boundary, a high level of accuracy can be achieved with a minimal computational cost.


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In this paper we consider the impedance boundary value problem for the Helmholtz equation in a half-plane with piecewise constant boundary data, a problem which models, for example, outdoor sound propagation over inhomogeneous. at terrain. To achieve good approximation at high frequencies with a relatively low number of degrees of freedom, we propose a novel Galerkin boundary element method, using a graded mesh with smaller elements adjacent to discontinuities in impedance and a special set of basis functions so that, on each element, the approximation space contains polynomials ( of degree.) multiplied by traces of plane waves on the boundary. We prove stability and convergence and show that the error in computing the total acoustic field is O( N-(v+1) log(1/2) N), where the number of degrees of freedom is proportional to N logN. This error estimate is independent of the wavenumber, and thus the number of degrees of freedom required to achieve a prescribed level of accuracy does not increase as the wavenumber tends to infinity.


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In this paper we show stability and convergence for a novel Galerkin boundary element method approach to the impedance boundary value problem for the Helmholtz equation in a half-plane with piecewise constant boundary data. This problem models, for example, outdoor sound propagation over inhomogeneous flat terrain. To achieve a good approximation with a relatively low number of degrees of freedom we employ a graded mesh with smaller elements adjacent to discontinuities in impedance, and a special set of basis functions for the Galerkin method so that, on each element, the approximation space consists of polynomials (of degree $\nu$) multiplied by traces of plane waves on the boundary. In the case where the impedance is constant outside an interval $[a,b]$, which only requires the discretization of $[a,b]$, we show theoretically and experimentally that the $L_2$ error in computing the acoustic field on $[a,b]$ is ${\cal O}(\log^{\nu+3/2}|k(b-a)| M^{-(\nu+1)})$, where $M$ is the number of degrees of freedom and $k$ is the wavenumber. This indicates that the proposed method is especially commendable for large intervals or a high wavenumber. In a final section we sketch how the same methodology extends to more general scattering problems.


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A simple model for the effective vibrational hamiltonian of the XH stretching vibrations in H2O, NH3 and CH4 is considered, based on a morse potential function for the bond stretches plus potential and kinetic energy coupling between pairs of bond oscillators. It is shown that this model can be set up as a matrix in local mode basis functions, or as a matrix in normal mode basis functions, leading to identical results. The energy levels obtained exhibit normal mode patterns at low vibrational excitation, and local mode patterns at high excitation. When the hamiltonian is set up in the normal mode basis it is shown that Darling-Dennison resonances must be included, and simple relations are found to exist between the xrs, gtt, and Krrss anharmonic constants (where the Darling-Dennison coefficients are denoted K) due to their contributions from morse anharmonicity in the bond stretches. The importance of the Darling-Dennison resonances is stressed. The relationship of the two alternative representations of this local mode/normal mode model are investigated, and the potential uses and limitations of the model are discussed.


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The vibrational structure of C---H stretching states in gas-phase cyclobutene was studied using FTIR spectroscopy in the range 700–9000 cm−1. The structure was modelled using two effective vibrational Hamiltonians, one for each type of C---H bond present, consisting of local mode basis functions subject to coupling with symmetrically equivalent bonds and to Fermi resonances with suitable low frequency vibrations. Best-fit model parameters were determined using least-squares routines and the model predictions are compared to the observed band positions and intensities. Some discussion is given of the relevance of the observed couplings to intramolecular vibrational redistribution (IVR) which results in the observation of statistical behaviour in cyclobutene isomerization induced by excitation of C---H stretching overtones in the visible region.


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The Fourier-transform spectrum of CH3F from 2800 to 3100 cm−1, obtained by Guelachvili in Orsay at a resolution of about 0.003 cm−1, was analyzed. The effective Hamiltonian used contained all symmetry allowed interactions up to second order in the Amat-Nielsen classification, together with selected third-order terms, amongst the set of nine vibrational basis functions represented by the states ν1(A1), ν4(E), 2ν2(A1), ν2 + ν5(E), 2ν50(A1), and 2ν5±2(E). A number of strong Fermi and Coriolis resonances are involved. The vibrational Hamiltonian matrix was not factorized beyond the requirements of symmetry. A total of 59 molecular parameters were refined in a simultaneous least-squares analysis to over 1500 upper-state energy levels for J ≤ 20 with a standard deviation of 0.013 cm−1. Although the standard deviation remains an order of magnitude greater than the precision of the measurements, this work breaks new ground in the simultaneous analysis of interacting symmetric top vibrational levels, in terms of the number of interacting vibrational states and the number of parameters in the Hamiltonian.


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We report the results of variational calculations of the rovibrational energy levels of HCN for J = 0, 1 and 2, where we reproduce all the ca. 100 observed vibrational states for all observed isotopic species, with energies up to 18000 cm$^{-1}$, to about $\pm $1 cm$^{-1}$, and the corresponding rotational constants to about $\pm $0.001 cm$^{-1}$. We use a hamiltonian expressed in internal coordinates r$_{1}$, r$_{2}$ and $\theta $, using the exact expression for the kinetic energy operator T obtained by direct transformation from the cartesian representation. The potential energy V is expressed as a polynomial expansion in the Morse coordinates y$_{i}$ for the bond stretches and the interbond angle $\theta $. The basis functions are built as products of appropriately scaled Morse functions in the bond-stretches and Legendre or associated Legendre polynomials of cos $\theta $ in the angle bend, and we evaluate matrix elements by Gauss quadrature. The hamiltonian matripx is factorized using the full rovibrational symmetry, and the basis is contracted to an optimized form; the dimensions of the final hamiltonian matrix vary from 240 $\times $ 240 to 1000 $\times $ 1000.We believe that our calculation is converged to better than 1 cm$^{-1}$ at 18 000 cm$^{-1}$. Our potential surface is expressed in terms of 31 parameters, about half of which have been refined by least squares to optimize the fit to the experimental data. The advantages and disadvantages and the future potential of calculations of this type are discussed.


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The =CH2 AND =CD2 stretching vibrational overtones of H2C=CD2 have been studied up to V= 6 and V= 3, respectively. We report their interpretation in terms of a transition from normal to local modes, involving Fermi resonance with the C=C stretching and CH2 scissoring vibrations. We discuss the alternative representation of the vibrational Hamiltonian matrix in local mode and normal mode basis functions, and conclude that the normal mode basis offers greater flexibility in representing small anharmonic couplings with other modes.


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In recent years nonpolynomial finite element methods have received increasing attention for the efficient solution of wave problems. As with their close cousin the method of particular solutions, high efficiency comes from using solutions to the Helmholtz equation as basis functions. We present and analyze such a method for the scattering of two-dimensional scalar waves from a polygonal domain that achieves exponential convergence purely by increasing the number of basis functions in each element. Key ingredients are the use of basis functions that capture the singularities at corners and the representation of the scattered field towards infinity by a combination of fundamental solutions. The solution is obtained by minimizing a least-squares functional, which we discretize in such a way that a matrix least-squares problem is obtained. We give computable exponential bounds on the rate of convergence of the least-squares functional that are in very good agreement with the observed numerical convergence. Challenging numerical examples, including a nonconvex polygon with several corner singularities, and a cavity domain, are solved to around 10 digits of accuracy with a few seconds of CPU time. The examples are implemented concisely with MPSpack, a MATLAB toolbox for wave computations with nonpolynomial basis functions, developed by the authors. A code example is included.


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We consider the scattering of a time-harmonic acoustic incident plane wave by a sound soft convex curvilinear polygon with Lipschitz boundary. For standard boundary or finite element methods, with a piecewise polynomial approximation space, the number of degrees of freedom required to achieve a prescribed level of accuracy grows at least linearly with respect to the frequency of the incident wave. Here we propose a novel Galerkin boundary element method with a hybrid approximation space, consisting of the products of plane wave basis functions with piecewise polynomials supported on several overlapping meshes; a uniform mesh on illuminated sides, and graded meshes refined towards the corners of the polygon on illuminated and shadow sides. Numerical experiments suggest that the number of degrees of freedom required to achieve a prescribed level of accuracy need only grow logarithmically as the frequency of the incident wave increases.