964 resultados para oocyte maturation


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Xenopus oocyte maturation requires the phosphorylation and activation of p42 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK). Likewise, the dephosphorylation and inactivation of p42 MAPK are critical for the progression of fertilized eggs out of meiosis and through the first mitotic cell cycle. Whereas the kinase responsible for p42 MAPK activation is well characterized, little is known concerning the phosphatases that inactivate p42 MAPK. We designed a microinjection-based assay to examine the mechanism of p42 MAPK dephosphorylation in intact oocytes. We found that p42 MAPK inactivation is mediated by at least two distinct phosphatases, an unidentified tyrosine phosphatase and a protein phosphatase 2A–like threonine phosphatase. The rates of tyrosine and threonine dephosphorylation were high and remained constant throughout meiosis, indicating that the dramatic changes in p42 MAPK activity seen during meiosis are primarily attributable to changes in MAPK kinase activity. The overall control of p42 MAPK dephosphorylation was shared among four partially rate-determining dephosphorylation reactions, with the initial tyrosine dephosphorylation of p42 MAPK being the most critical of the four. Our findings provide biochemical and kinetic insight into the physiological mechanism of p42 MAPK inactivation.


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The oocyte nuclear antigen of the monoclonal antibody 32-5B6 of Xenopus laevis is subject to regulated nuclear translocation during embryogenesis. It is distributed in the cytoplasm during oocyte maturation, where it remains during cleavage and blastula stages, before it gradually reaccumulates in the nuclei during gastrulation. We have now identified this antigen to be the enzyme S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase (SAHH). SAHH is the only enzyme that cleaves S-adenosylhomocysteine, a reaction product and an inhibitor of all S-adenosylmethionine-dependent methylation reactions. We have compared the spatial and temporal patterns of nuclear localization of SAHH and of nuclear methyltransferase activities during embryogenesis and in tissue culture cells. Nuclear localization of Xenopus SAHH did not temporally correlate with DNA methylation. However, we found that SAHH nuclear localization coincides with high rates of mRNA synthesis, a subpopulation colocalizes with RNA polymerase II, and inhibitors of SAHH reduce both methylation and synthesis of poly(A)+ RNA. We therefore propose that accumulation of SAHH in the nucleus may be required for efficient cap methylation in transcriptionally active cells. Mutation analysis revealed that the C terminus and the N terminus are both required for efficient nuclear translocation in tissue culture cells, indicating that more than one interacting domain contributes to nuclear accumulation of Xenopus SAHH.


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Cytoplasmic polyadenylylation is an essential process that controls the translation of maternal mRNAs during early development and depends on two cis elements in the 3′ untranslated region: the polyadenylylation hexanucleotide AAUAAA and a U-rich cytoplasmic polyadenylylation element (CPE). In searching for factors that could mediate cytoplasmic polyadenylylation of mouse c-mos mRNA, which encodes a serine/threonine kinase necessary for oocyte maturation, we have isolated the mouse homolog of CPEB, a protein that binds to the CPEs of a number of mRNAs in Xenopus oocytes and is required for their polyadenylylation. Mouse CPEB (mCPEB) is a 62-kDa protein that binds to the CPEs of c-mos mRNA. mCPEB mRNA is present in the ovary, testis, and kidney; within the ovary, this RNA is restricted to oocytes. mCPEB shows 80% overall identity with its Xenopus counterpart, with a higher homology in the carboxyl-terminal portion, which contains two RNA recognition motifs and a cysteine/histidine repeat. Proteins from arthropods and nematodes are also similar to this region, suggesting an ancient and widely used mechanism to control polyadenylylation and translation.


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In the Xenopus oocyte system mitogen treatment triggers the G2/M transition by transiently inhibiting the cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA); subsequently, other signal transduction pathways are activated, including the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and polo-like kinase pathways. To study the interactions between these pathways, we have utilized a cell-free oocyte extract that carries out the signaling events of oocyte maturation after addition of the heat-stable inhibitor of PKA, PKI. PKI stimulated the synthesis of Mos and activation of both the MAPK pathway and the Plx1/Cdc25C/cyclin B-Cdc2 pathway. Activation of the MAPK pathway alone by glutathione S-transferase (GST)-Mos did not lead to activation of Plx1 or cyclin B-Cdc2. Inhibition of the MAPK pathway in the extract by the MEK1 inhibitor U0126 delayed, but did not prevent, activation of the Plx1 pathway, and inhibition of Mos synthesis by cycloheximide had a similar effect, suggesting that MAPK activation is the only relevant function of Mos. Immunodepletion of Plx1 completely inhibited activation of Cdc25C and cyclin B-Cdc2 by PKI, indicating that Plx1 is necessary for Cdc25C activation. In extracts containing fully activated Plx1 and Cdc25C, inhibition of cyclin B-Cdc2 by p21Cip1 had no significant effect on either the phosphorylation of Cdc25C or the activity of Plx1. These results demonstrate that maintenance of Plx1 and Cdc25C activity during mitosis does not require cyclin B-Cdc2 activity.


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The mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade is a highly conserved series of three protein kinases implicated in diverse biological processes. Here we demonstrate that the cascade arrangement has unexpected consequences for the dynamics of MAPK signaling. We solved the rate equations for the cascade numerically and found that MAPK is predicted to behave like a highly cooperative enzyme, even though it was not assumed that any of the enzymes in the cascade were regulated cooperatively. Measurements of MAPK activation in Xenopus oocyte extracts confirmed this prediction. The stimulus/response curve of the MAPK was found to be as steep as that of a cooperative enzyme with a Hill coefficient of 4-5, well in excess of that of the classical allosteric protein hemoglobin. The shape of the MAPK stimulus/ response curve may make the cascade particularly appropriate for mediating processes like mitogenesis, cell fate induction, and oocyte maturation, where a cell switches from one discrete state to another.


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Human and animal studies have revealed a strong association between periconceptional environmental factors, such as poor maternal diet, and an increased propensity for cardiovascular and metabolic disease in adult offspring. Previously, we reported cardiovascular and physiological effects of maternal low protein diet (LPD) fed during discrete periods of periconceptional development on 6-month-old mouse offspring. Here, we extend the analysis in 1 year aging offspring, evaluating mechanisms regulating growth and adiposity. Isocaloric LPD (9% casein) or normal protein diet (18% casein; NPD) was fed to female MF-1 mice either exclusively during oocyte maturation (for 3.5 days prior to mating; Egg-LPD, Egg-NPD, respectively), throughout gestation (LPD, NPD) or exclusively during preimplantation development (for 3.5 days post mating; Emb-LPD). LPD and Emb-LPD female offspring were significantly lighter and heavier than NPD females respectively for up to 52 weeks. Egg-LPD, LPD and Emb-LPD offspring displayed significantly elevated systolic blood pressure at 52 weeks compared to respective controls (Egg-NPD, NPD). LPD females had significantly reduced inguinal and retroperitoneal fat pad: body weight ratios compared to NPD females. Expression of the insulin receptor (Insr) and insulin-like growth factor I receptor (Igf1r) in retroperitoneal fat was significantly elevated in Emb-LPD females (P&0.05), whilst Emb-LPD males displayed significantly decreased expression of the mitochondrial uncoupling protein 1 (Ucp1) gene compared to NPD offspring. LPD females displayed significantly increased expression of Ucp1 in interscapular brown adipose tissue when compared to NPD offspring. Our results demonstrate that aging offspring body weight, cardiovascular and adiposity homeostasis can be programmed by maternal periconceptional nutrition. These adverse outcomes further exemplify the criticality of dietary behaviour around the time of conception on long-term offspring health. © 2011 Watkins et al.


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Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) following in vitro fertilization (IVF) offers couples at risk for transmitting genetic disorders the opportunity to identify affected embryos prior to replacement. In particular, embryo gender determination permits screening for X-linked diseases of unknown etiology. Analysis of embryos can be performed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of material obtained by micromanipulation. This approach provides an alternative to the termination of an established pregnancy following chorionic villi sampling or amniocentesis. ^ Lately, the focus of preimplantation diagnosis and intervention has been shifting toward an attempt to correct cytoplasmic deficiencies. Accordingly, it is the aim of this investigation to develop methods to permit the examination of single cells or components thereof for clinical evaluation. In an attempt to lay the groundwork for precise therapeutic intervention for age related aneuploidy, transcripts encoding proteins believed to be involved in the proper segregation of chromosomes during human oocyte maturation were examined and quantified. Following fluorescent rapid cycle RT-PCR analysis it was determined that the concentration of cell cycle checkpoint gene transcripts decreases significantly as maternal age increases. Given the well established link between increasing maternal age and the incidence of aneuploidy, these results suggest that the degradation of these messages in aging oocytes may be involved with inappropriate chromosome separation during meiosis. ^ In order to investigate the cause of embryonic rescue observed following clinical cytoplasmic transfer procedures and with the objective of developing a diagnostic tool, mtDNA concentrations in polar bodies and subcellular components were evaluated. First, the typical concentration of mtDNA in human and mouse oocytes was determined by fluorescent rapid cycle PCR. Some disparity was noted between the copy numbers of individual cytoplasmic samples which may limit the use of the current methodology for the clinical assessment of the corresponding oocyte. ^


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This study aimed to evaluate different concentrations of kisspeptin, as well as the interaction of kisspeptin and FSH/LH in vitro maturation and oocyte competence in cattle. In Experiment 1 was determined the minimum concentration of Kisspeptin (Kp) to be used, and in Experiment 2 was evaluated its interection with FSH and LH. The oocytes were collected in a commercial slaughterhouse and only Grade I oocytes were utilized. The oocytes were cultured in TCM-199 medium with bicarbonate plus 10% FBS, sodium pyruvate (22μg/mL), amikacin (83mg/mL), FSH (0.5μg/mL), with different concentrations of Kp, the treatments were: FSH + 0M Kp-10; FSH + 10-7M Kp-10, FSH + 10-6M Kp-10; FSH + 10-5M Kp-10. In Experiment 2, was used better concentration of Kp found in Experiment 1, the following treatments: no hormones; FSH; FSH + Kp-10; FSH + LH; FSH, LH + Kp-10; Kp-10. The oocyte competence was determined by nuclear maturation, mitochondrial distribution, MitoTracker® Orange CMTMRos fluorescence intensity and DCF. The evaluation of nuclear maturation was made after 24 hours incubation and the oocytes were stained with DAPI to determine the nuclear stage (Germinal Vesicle-GV, Metaphase I-MI and Metaphase II-MII).The mitochondrial distribution was classified as peripheral/semiperipheral and diffuse in clusters/granules, evaluated after stained with the MitoTracker® Orange CMTMRos, and was also identified the intensity of it. To determine the intensity of ROS oocytes were stained with DCF. The statistical analysis was performed by SAS GLIMMIX PROC. In Experiment 1 oocytes matured only with the FSH reached a smaller nuclear maturation when compared to those who were matured with Kisspeptin at different concentrations (FSH:13/33; FSH + 10-7M Kp-10: 28/35; FSH + 10-6M Kp-10:30/34; FSH + 10-5M Kp-10:28/32; P=0,0001). There was no statistical difference in mitochondrial distribution between treatments (P>0.05). The fluorescence intensity of MitoTracker did not differ among treatments (P>0.05). The DCF fluorescence intensity was lower when the concentration of Kp was increased in the medium (FSH:12177726,1; FSH + 10-7M Kp-10:10945982,83; FSH + 10-6M Kp-10:9820536,53; FSH + 10-5M Kp-10:9147016,38; P<0,0001). Based in the Experiment 1 results, the concentration of Kp was determined in 10-7M. In Experiment 2 the mitochondrial distribution was different between treatments, because oocytes matured only with Kp or FSH+LH, reached a oocyte competence greater than those maturated with FSH only or without hormone addition (no hormones:66,66%; FSH:66,66%; FSH + Kp-10:75,86%; FSH + LH:91,17%; FSH, LH + Kp-10:82,85%; Kp-10:91,17%; P<0,05). The no hormones resulted in a lower nuclear maturation than the other treatments (no hormones: 5/18; FSH:18/32; FSH + Kp-10:22/29; FSH + LH:26/33; FSH, LH + Kp-10:26/34; Kp-10:25/34; P=0,0094). The fluorescence intensity of probes MitoTracker and DCF was lower when Kp was added to the maturation medium (no hormones:1228363/540069; FSH:2307984/1395751; FSH + Kp-10:1941890/1114948; FSH + LH:2502145/1722376; FSH, LH + Kp-10:2286173/1467782; Kp-10:1859411/979325 P<0,0001). So this is the first study that shows that Kisspeptin stimulates oocyte maturation without the presence of gonadotropins in the maturation medium.


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The effect of s-nitroso-N-acetyl-1,1-penicillamine (SNAP, a nitric oxide donor) during in vitro maturation (IVM) on nuclear maturation and embryo development was investigated. The effect of increasing nitric oxide (NO) during prematuration or maturation, or both, on embryo development was also assessed. 10(-3) M SNAP nearly blocked oocytes reaching metaphase II (MII) (7%, P < 0.05) while 10(-5) M SNAP showed intermediate proportions (55%). For 10(-7) M SNAP and controls (without SNAP), MII percentages were similar (72% for both, P > 0.05), but superior to the other treatment groups (P < 0.05). Blastocyst development, however, was not affected (38% for all treatments, P < 0.05). TUNEL-positive cells in hatched blastocysts (Day 9) increased when IVM included 10(-5) M SNAP (8 v. 3 to 4 cells in the other treatments, P > 0.05), without affecting total cell numbers (240 to 291 cells, P > 0.05). When oocytes were prematured followed by IVM with or without 10(-7) M SNAP, during either culture period or both, blastocyst development was similar (26 to 40%, P > 0.05). When SNAP was included during both prematuration and IVM, the proportion of Day 9 hatched embryos increased (28% v. 14 to 19% in the other treatments, P < 0.05). Apoptotic cells, however, increased when SNAP was included (6 to 10 cells) in comparison to prematuration and maturation without SNAP (3 cells, P < 0.05). NO may be involved in meiotic progression and apoptosis during embryo development.


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The temporal dynamics of oocyte growth, plasma sex steroids and somatic energy stores were examined during a 12 month ovarian maturation cycle in captive Murray cod Maccullochella peelii peelii under simulated natural photothermal conditions. Ovarian function was found to be relatively uninhibited in captivity, with the exception that post-vitellogenic follicles failed to undergo final maturation, resulting in widespread pre-ovulatory atresia. Seasonal patterns of oocyte growth were characterised by cortical alveoli accumulation in March, deposition of lipids in April, and vitellogenesis between May and September. Two distinct batches of vitellogenic oocytes were found in Murray cod ovaries, indicating a capacity for multiple spawns. Plasma profiles of 17β-oestradiol and testosterone were both highly variable during the maturation period suggesting that multiple roles exist for these steroids during different stages of oocyte growth. Condition factor, liver size and visceral fat stores were all found to increase prior to, or during the peak phase of vitellogenic growth. Murray cod appear to strategically utilise episodes of high feeding activity to accrue energy reserves early in the reproductive cycle prior to its deployment during periods of rapid ovarian growth.


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Oocyte-secreted factors (OSFs) regulate differentiation of cumulus cells and are of pivotal relevance for fertility. Bone morphogenetic protein 15 (BMP15) and fibroblast growth factor 10 (FGF10) are OSFs and enhance oocyte competence by unknown mechanisms. We tested the hypothesis that BMP15 and FGF10, alone or combined in the maturation medium, enhance cumulus expansion and expression of genes in the preovulatory cascade and regulate glucose metabolism favouring hyaluronic acid production in bovine cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs). BMP15 or FGF10 increased the percentage of fully expanded COCs, but the combination did not further stimulate it. BMP15 increased cumulus cell levels of mRNA encoding a disintegrin and metalloprotease 10 (ADAM10), ADAM17, amphiregulin (AREG), and epiregulin (EREG) at 12 h of culture and of prostaglandin (PG)-endoperoxide synthase 2 (PTGS2), pentraxin 3 (PTX3) and tumor necrosis factor alpha-induced protein 6 (TNFAIP6 (TSG6)) at 22 h of culture. FGF10 did not alter the expression of epidermal growth factor-like factors but enhanced the mRNA expression of PTGS2 at 4 h, PTX3 at 12 h, and TNFAIP6 at 22 h. FGF10 and BMP15 stimulated glucose consumption by cumulus cells but did not affect lactate production or levels of mRNA encoding glycolytic enzymes phosphofructokinase and lactate dehydrogenase A. Each growth factor increased mRNA encoding glucosamine:fructose-6-PO4 transaminases, key enzymes in the hexosamine pathway leading to hyaluronic acid production, and BMP15 also stimulated hyaluronan synthase 2 (HAS2) mRNA expression. This study provides evidence that BMP15 and FGF10 stimulate expansion of in vitro-matured bovine COCs by driving glucose metabolism toward hyaluronic acid production and controlling the expression of genes in the ovulatory cascade, the first acting upon ADAM10, ADAM17, AREG, and EREG and the second on downstream genes, particularly PTGS2. © 2013 Society for Reproduction and Fertility.


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FSH induces expansion of bovine cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) in cattle, which can be enhanced by oocyte-secreted factors (OSFs). In this study it was hypothesised that FSH stimulates COC expansion in part from direct stimulation of the epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like ligands amphiregulin (AREG), epiregulin (EREG) and betacellulin (BTC), but also in part through regulation of OSFs or their receptors in cumulus cells. Bovine COCs were cultured in defined medium with graded doses of FSH. In the absence of FSH, COCs did not expand. FSH caused cumulus expansion, and increased the abundance of AREG and EREG mRNA in a time- and dose-dependent manner, but decreased BTC mRNA levels. FSH had modest stimulatory effects on the levels of mRNA encoding the bone morphogenetic protein 15 (BMP15) receptor, BMPR1B, in cumulus cells, but did not alter mRNA expression of the growth and differentiation factor 9 (GDF9) receptor, TGFBR1. More interestingly, FSH dramatically stimulated levels of mRNA encoding two receptors for fibroblast growth factors (FGF), FGFR2C and FGFR3C, in cumulus cells. FSH also stimulated mRNA expression of FGFR1B, but not of FGFR2B in cumulus cells. Based on dose-response studies, FGFR3C was the receptor most sensitive to the influence of FSH. This study demonstrates that FSH stimulates the expression of EGF-like factors in bovine cumulus cells, and provides evidence that FSH differently regulates the expression of distinct receptors for OSFs in cumulus cells. © CSIRO 2013.