230 resultados para nanoporous


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An ionic exclusion-enrichment phenomenon has been found at the ends of a nano-channel when electric-driven fluid passes through a micro-/nano-hybrid channel [1-3]. In our experiments, the hybrid channels are fabricated with two poly-dimethysiloxane (PDMS) monoliths microchannels (100um X20um X 9mm) and a nanoporous polycarbonate nuclear track-etched (PCTE) membrane (with 50nm pores). The flows are driven under different electrical potential and the test liquids with different PH values are used. The ion depletion in the source channel is observed by the MicroPIV system. In addition, the numerical simulations about ionic exclusion-enrichment in the hybrid channel are carried out. Some results are as followed:


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Nanostructured tungsten trioxide (WO3) photoelectrodes are potential candidates for the anodic portion of an integrated solar water-splitting device that generates hydrogen fuel and oxygen from water. These nanostructured materials can potentially offer improved performance in photooxidation reactions compared to unstructured materials because of enhancements in light scattering, increases in surface area, and their decoupling of the directions of light absorption and carrier collection. To evaluate the presence of these effects and their contributions toward energy conversion efficiency, a variety of nanostructured WO3 photoanodes were synthesized by electrodeposition within nanoporous templates and by anodization of tungsten foils. A robust fabrication process was developed for the creation of oriented WO3 nanorod arrays, which allows for control nanorod diameter and length. Films of nanostructured WO3 platelets were grown via anodization, the morphology of the films was controlled by the anodization conditions, and the current-voltage performance and spectral response properties of these films were studied. The observed photocurrents were consistent with the apparent morphologies of the nanostructured arrays. Measurements of electrochemically active surface area and other physical characteristics were correlated with observed differences in absorbance, external quantum yield, and photocurrent density for the anodized arrays. The capability to quantify these characteristics and relate them to photoanode performance metrics can allow for selection of appropriate structural parameters when designing photoanodes for solar energy conversion.


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Nd3+ -codoped and Al3+-Nd3+-codoped high silica glasses have been prepared by sintering nanoporous glasses impregnated with Nd3+ stop and Al3+ ions. The Judd-Ofelt intensity parameters Omega(2,4,6) of Nd3+-doped high silica glasses were obtained and used to analyze aluminum codoping effects. Fluorescence properties of Nd3+-doped high silica glasses strongly depend on the Al3+ concentration. While Nd3+ ion absorption and emission intensities of obviously increase when aluminum is added to Nd3+-doped high silica glasses, fluorescence lifetimes decrease and aluminum codoping has almost no influence on the radiative quantum efficiencies. This indicates that aluminum codoping is responsible for an anti-quenching effect through a local modification of rare-earth environments rather than through physical cluster dispersion.


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Yb-doped and Yb-Al-codoped high silica glasses have been prepared by sintering nanoporous glasses. The absorption, fluorescent spectra and fluorescent lifetimes have been measured and the emission cross-section and minimum pump intensities were calculated. Codoping aluminum ions enhanced the fluorescence intensity of Yb-doped high silica glass obviously. The emission cross-sections of Yb-doped and Yb-Al-codoped high silica glasses were 0.65 and 0.82 pm(2), respectively. The results show that Yb-Al-codoped high silica glass has better spectroscopic properties for a laser material. The study of high silica glass doped with ytterbium is helpful for its application in Yb laser systems, especially for high-power and high-repetition lasers. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Elastocapillary self-assembly is emerging as a versatile technique to manufacture three-dimensional (3D) microstructures and complex surface textures from arrangements of micro- and nanoscale filaments. Understanding the mechanics of capillary self-assembly is essential to engineering of properties such as shape-directed actuation, anisotropic wetting and adhesion, and mechanical energy transfer and dissipation. We study elastocapillary self-assembly (herein called "capillary forming") of carbon nanotube (CNT) microstructures, combining in situ optical imaging, micromechanical testing, and finite element modeling. By imaging, we identify sequential stages of liquid infiltration, evaporation, and solid shrinkage, whose kinetics relate to the size and shape of the CNT microstructure. We couple these observations with measurements of the orthotropic elastic moduli of CNT forests to understand how the dynamic of shrinkage of the vapor-liquid interface is coupled to the compression of the forest. We compare the kinetics of shrinkage to the rate of evporation from liquid droplets having the same size and geometry. Moreover, we show that the amount of shrinkage during evaporation is governed by the ability of the CNTs to slip against one another, which can be manipulated by the deposition of thin conformal coatings on the CNTs by atomic layer deposition (ALD). This insight is confirmed by finite element modeling of pairs of CNTs as corrugated beams in contact and highlights the coupled role of elasticity and friction in shrinkage and stability of nanoporous solids. Overall, this study shows that nanoscale porosity can be tailored via the filament density and adhesion at contact points, which is important to the development of lightweight multifunctional materials.


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Solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells rely on effective infiltration of a solid-state hole-transporting material into the pores of a nanoporous TiO 2 network to allow for dye regeneration and hole extraction. Using microsecond transient absorption spectroscopy and femtosecond photoluminescence upconversion spectroscopy, the hole-transfer yield from the dye to the hole-transporting material 2,2′,7,7′-tetrakis(N,N-di-p- methoxyphenylamine)-9,9'-spirobifluorene (spiro-OMeTAD) is shown to rise rapidly with higher pore-filling fractions as the dye-coated pore surface is increasingly covered with hole-transporting material. Once a pore-filling fraction of ≈30% is reached, further increases do not significantly change the hole-transfer yield. Using simple models of infiltration of spiro-OMeTAD into the TiO2 porous network, it is shown that this pore-filling fraction is less than the amount required to cover the dye surface with at least a single layer of hole-transporting material, suggesting that charge diffusion through the dye monolayer network precedes transfer to the hole-transporting material. Comparison of these results with device parameters shows that improvements of the power-conversion efficiency beyond ≈30% pore filling are not caused by a higher hole-transfer yield, but by a higher charge-collection efficiency, which is found to occur in steps. The observed sharp onsets in photocurrent and power-conversion efficiencies with increasing pore-filling fraction correlate well with percolation theory, predicting the points of cohesive pathway formation in successive spiro-OMeTAD layers adhered to the pore walls. From percolation theory it is predicted that, for standard mesoporous TiO2 with 20 nm pore size, the photocurrent should show no further improvement beyond an ≈83% pore-filling fraction. Solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells capable of complete hole transfer with pore-filling fractions as low as ∼30% are demonstrated. Improvements of device efficiencies beyond ∼30% are explained by a stepwise increase in charge-collection efficiency in agreement with percolation theory. Furthermore, it is predicted that, for a 20 nm pore size, the photocurrent reaches a maximum at ∼83% pore-filling fraction. © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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Synthesis of segmented all-Pt nanowires is achieved by a template-assisted method. The combination of a suitably chosen electrolyte/template system with pulse-reverse electrodeposition allows the formation of well-defined segments linked to nanowires. Manipulation of the morphology is obtained by controlling the electrokinetie effects on the local electrolyte distribution inside the nanochannels during the nanowire growth process, allowing a deviation from the continuously cylindrical geometry given by the nanoporous template. The length of the segments can be adjusted as a function of the cathodic pulse duration. Applying constant pulses leads to segments with homogeneous shape and dimensions along most of the total wire length. X-ray diffraction demonstrates that the preferred crystallite orientation of the polycrystalline wires varies with the average segment length. The results are explained considering transitions in texture formation with increasing thickness of the electrodeposit. A mechanism of segment formation is proposed based on structural characterizations. Nanowires with controlled segmented morphology are of great technological importance, because of the possibility to precisely control their substructure as a means of tuning their electrical, thermal, and optical properties. The concept we present in this work for electrodeposited platinum and track-etched polycarbonate membranes can be applied to other selected materials as well as templates and constitutes a general method to controlled nanostructuring and synthesis of shape controlled nanostructures.


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本论文主要进行了核孔膜的蚀刻和紫外光辐照效应研究,以及在核孔膜模板内进行Cu、CO金属纳米线阵列的制备研究。在UNILAC(GSI,Darmstadt)加速器上真空和室温条件下对30μm厚的聚碳酸酯(PC)薄膜进行快重离子辐照,照射离子为11. 4 MeV/u的Au离子,辐照剂量在lion/cm,-3X109i0ns/cm,之间。重离子辐照导致在PC中产生潜径迹,通过化学蚀刻的方法将潜径迹放大而形成孔道。蚀刻速率与蚀刻温度、蚀刻液浓度、紫外光辐照敏化等参数密切相关。结果表明随着温度的升高蚀刻液浓度的增加、紫外光辐照时间的增长径迹蚀刻速率剧烈增加。此外,通过紫外可见光谱和力学性能测试发现,紫外光辐照会使Pc膜的光学性能和力学性能发生显著的变化。在能量密度为16mw/cm2的紫外光下,当膜两侧分别经过17.5小时的光照以后,392 nm处的吸收峰消失,而且其断裂伸长率大大减小。作为紫外光辐照效应的一个应用,我们利用“紫外光辐照+液氮冷冻”的方法成功制备出了核孔膜断面的扫描电子显微镜样品,此方法能使样品的断面含有较少的残余应力从而使膜在断裂过程中没有发生明显的变形,使断面很好显现了膜和孔道的原始信息,如孔密度、形状、尺寸等。利用PC核孔膜作为模板用电化学沉积方法制备出了金属纳米线阵列。用磁控溅射的方法在PC膜模板的一面沉积一层Pt金属薄膜在电沉积过程中用作阴极。在自制的电沉积系统中用直流沉积的方法在PC核孔膜模板中成功制备出了Cu和Co金属纳米线,并运用SEM、xRD、VSM等手段对纳米线进行分析。结果表明,制备出的Cu纳米线长度约为30μm,直径从nm到协m量级,具有面心立方(fcc)结构,且纯度很高没有发现杂质。对Co纳米线阵列的xRD结果进行分析可以看出,制备出的c。纳米线阵列具有两种晶体结构:单相hcp结构和hcp、fcc共存结构。从vsM测量结果可以看出,Co纳米线阵列存在磁各向异性,即平行于纳米线轴向和垂直于纳米线轴向的剩余磁化强度和矫顽力存在明显差异,这主要是由于纳米线的形状各向异性和纳米线之间的磁相互作用引起的。


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Nanoporous VSB-5 nickel phosphate molecular sieves with relatively well controllable sizes and morphology of microspheres assembled from nanorods were synthesized at 140 degrees C over a short time in the presence of hexamethylenetetramine (HMT) by a facile hydrothermal method. The pH value, reaction time, and ratio of HMT to NaHPO2-H2O crucially influence the morphology and quality of the final products.


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Silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) are one of the active substrates that are employed extensively in surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS), and aggregations of Ag NPs play an important role in enhancing the Raman signals. In this paper, we fabricated two kinds of SERS-active substrates utilizing the electrostatic adsorption and superior assembly properties of type I collagen. These were collagen-Ag NP aggregation films and nanoporous Ag films.


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Well-ordered nanostructured polymeric supramolecular thin films were fabricated from the supramolecular assembly of poly(styrene-block-4-vinylpyridine) (PS-b-P4VP)(H+) and poly(methyl methacrylate)-dibenzo-18-crown-6-poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMCMA). A depression Of cylindrical nanodomains was formed by the block of P4VP(H+) and PMCMA associates surrounded by PS. The repulsive force aroused from the incompatibility between the block of P4VP(H+) and PMCMA was varied through changing the molecule weight (M-w) of PMCMA, the volume fraction of the block of P4VP(H+), and annealing the film at high temperature. Increasing the repulsive force led to a change of overall morphology from ordered nanoporous to featureless structures. The effects of solvent nature and evaporation rate on the film morphology were also investigated. Further evolution of surface morphologies from nanoporous to featureless to nanoporous structures was observed upon exposure to carbon bisulfide vapors for different treatment periods. The wettability of the film surface was changed from hydrophilicity to hydrophobicity due to the changes of the film surface microscopic composition.


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A new coordination polymer [Cd-2(1,10'-phen)(2)(betc)(H2O)](n) (1) (betc = benzene-1,2,4,5-tetracarboxylate, 1,10'-phen = 1,10'-phenanthroline) was hydrothermally synthesized from CdCl2.2.5H(2)O, H(4)betc and 1,10'-phen at 160 degreesC. It was characterized by IR, XPS, TG and single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Compound 1 possesses infinite chair-like chains which construct 3D framework through pi-pi interactions and the hydrogen bond interactions. The fluorescent spectrum study shows that compound 1 exhibits blue fluorescent emission in the solid at room temperature.


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Fabrication of ultrathin polymer composite films with low dielectric constants has been demonstrated. Octa( aminophenyl) silsesquioxane (OAPS) was synthesized and assembled with poly( acrylic acid) (PAA) and poly( styrene sulfonate) (PSS) via a layer-by-layer electrostatic self-assembly technique to yield nanoporous ultrathin films. The OAPS was soluble in water at pH 3 or lower, and suitable pH conditions for the OAPS/PAA and OAPS/PSS assemblies were determined. The multilayer formation process was studied by contact angle analysis, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy, quartz crystal microgravimetry, UV-vis spectroscopy, and ellipsometry. The multilayer growth was found to be steady and uniform, and the analysis of the film surface revealed a rough topography due to OAPS aggregates. The incorporation of porous OAPS molecules into the thin films significantly lowered their dielectric constants. The OAPS/PAA multilayer thin film thus prepared exhibited a dielectric constant of 2.06 compared to 2.58 for pure PAA film. The OAPS/PAA multilayer film was heated to effect cross-linking between the OAPS and the PAA layers, and the transformation was verified by reflection-absorption Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy.