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BACKGROUND: Patients with rare diseases such as congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (CHH) are dispersed, often challenged to find specialized care and face other health disparities. The internet has the potential to reach a wide audience of rare disease patients and can help connect patients and specialists. Therefore, this study aimed to: (i) determine if web-based platforms could be effectively used to conduct an online needs assessment of dispersed CHH patients; (ii) identify the unmet health and informational needs of CHH patients and (iii) assess patient acceptability regarding patient-centered, web-based interventions to bridge shortfalls in care. METHODS: A sequential mixed-methods design was used: first, an online survey was conducted to evaluate health promoting behavior and identify unmet health and informational needs of CHH men. Subsequently, patient focus groups were held to explore specific patient-identified targets for care and to examine the acceptability of possible online interventions. Descriptive statistics and thematic qualitative analyses were used. RESULTS: 105 male participants completed the online survey (mean age 37 ± 11, range 19-66 years) representing a spectrum of patients across a broad socioeconomic range and all but one subject had adequate healthcare literacy. The survey revealed periods of non-adherence to treatment (34/93, 37%) and gaps in healthcare (36/87, 41%) exceeding one year. Patient focus groups identified lasting psychological effects related to feelings of isolation, shame and body-image concerns. Survey respondents were active internet users, nearly all had sought CHH information online (101/105, 96%), and they rated the internet, healthcare providers, and online community as equally important CHH information sources. Focus group participants were overwhelmingly positive regarding online interventions/support with links to reach expert healthcare providers and for peer-to-peer support. CONCLUSION: The web-based needs assessment was an effective way to reach dispersed CHH patients. These individuals often have long gaps in care and struggle with the psychosocial sequelae of CHH. They are highly motivated internet users seeking information and tapping into online communities and are receptive to novel web-based interventions addressing their unmet needs.
INTRODUCTION: One quarter of osteoporotic fractures occur in men. TBS, a gray-level measurement derived from lumbar spine DXA image texture, is related to microarchitecture and fracture risk independently of BMD. Previous studies reported the ability of spine TBS to predict osteoporotic fractures in women. Our aim was to evaluate the ability of TBS to predict clinical osteoporotic fractures in men. METHODS: 3620 men aged ≥50 (mean 67.6years) at the time of baseline DXA (femoral neck, spine) were identified from a database (Province of Manitoba, Canada). Health service records were assessed for the presence of non-traumatic osteoporotic fracture after BMD testing. Lumbar spine TBS was derived from spine DXA blinded to clinical parameters and outcomes. We used Cox proportional hazard regression to analyze time to first fracture adjusted for clinical risk factors (FRAX without BMD), osteoporosis treatment and BMD (hip or spine). RESULTS: Mean followup was 4.5years. 183 (5.1%) men sustain major osteoporotic fractures (MOF), 91 (2.5%) clinical vertebral fractures (CVF), and 46 (1.3%) hip fractures (HF). Correlation between spine BMD and spine TBS was modest (r=0.31), less than correlation between spine and hip BMD (r=0.63). Significantly lower spine TBS were found in fracture versus non-fracture men for MOF (p<0.001), HF (p<0.001) and CVF (p=0.003). Area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) for incident fracture discrimination with TBS was significantly better than chance (MOF AUC=0.59, p<0.001; HF AUC=0.67, p<0.001; CVF AUC=0.57, p=0.032). TBS predicted MOF and HF (but not CVF) in models adjusted for FRAX without BMD and osteoporosis treatment. TBS remained a predictor of HF (but not MOF) after further adjustment for hip BMD or spine BMD. CONCLUSION: We observed that spine TBS predicted MOF and HF independently of the clinical FRAX score, HF independently of FRAX and BMD in men. Studies with more incident fractures are needed to confirm these findings.
Podeu consultar el document complet de la "XVI Setmana de Cinema Formatiu" a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/22523
Podeu consultar el document complet de la "XVI Setmana de Cinema Formatiu" a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/22523
We present results from both, calorimetric and dilatometric studies of the isothermal ordering process taking place in a Cu-Zn-Al shape memory alloy after quenches from Tq temperatures ranging from 350 K to 1200 K. The dissipated energy and the length variations of the system are obtained during the process. The change of these quantities in the whole process have been compared with the difference [MATH] between Ms, measured after the relaxation and Ms measured just after the quench. We obtain that these three quantities present, as a function of Tq, the same qualitative behaviour. These changes are then associated with changes of the L21 ordering after the quench in the system. The relaxational process does not follow a single exponential decay. Instead, a continuous slowing down is observed. A relaxation time [MATH] has been defined to characterize the relaxation rate. We show that [MATH] depends on both the annealing and the quenching (Tq [MATH] 800 K) temperatures through an Arrhenius law.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi selecionar clones de batata para processamento industrial, cultivados em condições de clima subtropical e temperado do Sul do Brasil. Foram avaliados 30 clones avançados e três cultivares (testemunhas), na primavera de 2007 e 2008, e no outono de 2008, em Júlio de Castilhos, RS (condição de clima subtropical), e no verão de 2008 e 2009, em São Joaquim, SC (condição de clima temperado). Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, em arranjo fatorial (33 clones em 5 ambientes), com duas ou três repetições de dez covas. Foram avaliados: a produção por cova, a aparência, a cor de chips e os teores de matéria seca e de açúcares redutores dos tubérculos. Houve interação significativa entre clones e ambientes para todas as características avaliadas, exceto quanto à cor de chips. A produção por cova e o teor de matéria seca dos tubérculos foram maiores no cultivo de verão. As condições ambientais de cultivo afetaram todos os caracteres avaliados. As condições de cultivo do Sul do Brasil possibilitam a seleção de clones de batata, com suficiente teor de matéria seca, para atender às exigências da indústria de processamento de batata.
This contribution presents the first stage of a project to assist the transition of a traditional to a blended program in higher nursing education. We shall describe the goals and context of this project, present the evaluation framework, discuss some early results and then discuss the usefulness of the first version of the evaluation framework.
In the outpatient setting, the long-term management of cardiovascular risk factors is essential to prevent recurrent cardiovascular disease. Recent studies have shown an additional benefit of beginning cardiovascular secondary prevention during the hospital stay. Early, in-hospital initiation of proven beneficial medications, such as aspirin or blood lipid lowering drugs and therapeutic lifestyle change counseling, improves patients' long-term outcome, as long as there is continuity of care in the outpatient setting. A recent hospitalization may be a teachable moment, when patients are more likely to modify their health behaviors. The continuity of care between in-hospital medicine and the outpatient setting helps patients in the long-term management of their cardiovascular disease.
Dominant missense mutations in FLNB, encoding the actin-cross linking protein filamin B (FLNB), cause a broad range of skeletal dysplasias with varying severity by an unknown mechanism. Here these FLNB mutations are shown to cluster in exons encoding the actin-binding domain (ABD) and filamin repeats surrounding the flexible hinge 1 region of the FLNB rod domain. Despite being positioned in domains that bind actin, it is unknown if these mutations perturb cytoskeletal structure. Expression of several full-length FLNB constructs containing ABD mutations resulted in the appearance of actin-containing cytoplasmic focal accumulations of the substituted protein to a degree that was correlated with the severity of the associated phenotypes. In contrast, study of mutations leading to substitutions in the FLNB rod domain that result in the same phenotypes as ABD mutations demonstrated that with only one exception disease-associated substitutions, surrounding hinge 1 demonstrated no tendency to form actin-filamin foci. The exception, a substitution in filamin repeat 6, lies within a region previously implicated in filamin-actin binding. These data are consistent with mutations in the ABD conferring enhanced actin-binding activity but suggest that substitutions affecting repeats near the flexible hinge region of FLNB precipitate the same phenotypes through a different mechanism.
Collection : Archives de la linguistique française ; 117
Nursing workforce data are scarce in Switzerland, with no active national registry of nurses. The worldwide nursing shortage is also affecting Switzerland, so that evidence-based results of the nurses at work project on career paths and retention are needed as part of the health care system stewardship; nurses at work is a retrospective cohort study of nurses who graduated in Swiss nursing schools in the last 30 years. Results of the pilot study are presented here (process and feasibility). The objectives are (1) to determine the size and structure of the potential target population by approaching two test-cohorts of nursing graduates (1988 and 1998); (2) to test methods of identifying and reaching them 14 and 24 years after graduation; (3) to compute participation rates, and identify recruitment and participation biases.