967 resultados para micro-structure


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In situ powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies on 3D micro-crystalline tin (II) sulfide (SnS) were carried out at different temperatures. While increasing temperature, the crystal structure of SnS remains stable as orthorhombic, whereas its lattice parameters and unit-cell volume are considerably varied. Further, these 3D micro-crystalline structures have showed a negative thermal expansion along the a-axis and positive expansion along the b- and c-axes. However, the overall drop along the a-axis of SnS crystals is nearly equal to their expansion along the c-axis. The observed changes in the structural properties of SnS micro-crystallites with temperature are discussed and reported.


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The motion of DNA (in the bulk solution) and the non-Newtonian effective fluid behavior are considered separately and self-consistently with the fluid motion satisfying the no-slip boundary condition on the surface of the confining geometry in the presence of channel pressure gradients. A different approach has been developed to model DNA in the micro-channel. In this study the DNA is assumed as an elastic chain with its characteristic Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio and density. The force which results from the fluid dynamic pressure, viscous forces and electromotive forces is applied to the elastic chain in a coupled manner. The velocity fields in the micro-channel are influenced by the transport properties. Simulations are carried out for the DNAs attached to the micro-fluidic wall. Numerical solutions based on a coupled multiphysics finite element scheme are presented. The modeling scheme is derived based on mass conservation including biomolecular mass, momentum balance including stress due to Coulomb force field and DNA-fluid interaction, and charge transport associated to DNA and other ionic complexes in the fluid. Variation in the velocity field for the non-Newtonian flow and the deformation of the DNA strand which results from the fluid-structure interaction are first studied considering a single DNA strand. Motion of the effective center of mass is analyzed considering various straight and coil geometries. Effects of DNA statistical parameters (geometry and spatial distribution of DNAs along the channel) on the effective flow behavior are analyzed. In particular, the dynamics of different DNA physical properties such as radius of gyration, end-to-end length etc. which are obtained from various different models (Kratky-Porod, Gaussian bead-spring etc.) are correlated to the nature of interaction and physical properties under the same background fluid environment.


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Water-tert-butyl alcohol (TBA) binary mixture exhibits a large number of thermodynamic and dynamic anomalies. These anomalies are observed at surprisingly low TBA mole fraction, with x(TBA) approximate to 0.03-0.07. We demonstrate here that the origin of the anomalies lies in the local structural changes that occur due to self-aggregation of TBA molecules. We observe a percolation transition of the TBA molecules at x(TBA) approximate to 0.05. We note that ``islands'' of TBA clusters form even below this mole fraction, while a large spanning cluster emerges above that mole fraction. At this percolation threshold, we observe a lambda-type divergence in the fluctuation of the size of the largest TBA cluster, reminiscent of a critical point. Alongside, the structure of water is also perturbed, albeit weakly, by the aggregation of TBA molecules. There is a monotonic decrease in the tetrahedral order parameter of water, while the dipole moment correlation shows a weak nonlinearity. Interestingly, water molecules themselves exhibit a reverse percolation transition at higher TBA concentration, x(TBA) approximate to 0.45, where large spanning water clusters now break-up into small clusters. This is accompanied by significant divergence of the fluctuations in the size of largest water cluster. This second transition gives rise to another set of anomalies around. Both the percolation transitions can be regarded as manifestations of Janus effect at small molecular level. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Compressive loading of the carbon nanotube (CNT) has attracted much attention due to its entangled cellular like structure (CNT foam). This report investigates the mechanical behavior of magnetorheological fluid impregnated micro porous CNT foam that has not been realized before at this scale. Compressive behavior of CNT foam is found to greatly depend on the variation in both fluid viscosity as well as magnetic field intensity. Moreover, maximum achieved stress and energy absorption in CNT foam followed a power law behavior with the magnetic field intensity. Magnetic field induced movement of both CNT and iron oxide particles along the field direction is shown to dominate compressive behavior of CNT foam over highly attractive van der Waals forces between individual CNT. Therefore, this study demonstrates a method for tailoring the mechanical behavior of the fluid impregnated CNT foam. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Here, the effect of micro-structured cathode material on the device performance of indium tin oxide/poly(3hexylethiophene)/copper diode (ITO/P3HT/Cu) is investigated. Two different forms of copper namely bulk metal (Cu{B}) and nanoparticle (Cu{N}) were used as top electrode to probe its effect on device performance. Crystallographic structure and nanoscale morphology of top Cu electrodes were characterized using X-ray diffraction and scanning electronmicroscopy. Electrode formed by evaporation of copper nanoparticle showed enhancement in current density. From capacitance based spectroscopy we observed that density of trap states in ITO/P3HT/copper larger size grain (Cu-LG) are one order greater than that in ITO/P3HT/copper smaller size grain (Cu-SG) device.


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An Nd:glass laser pulse (18 ns, 1.38 J) is focused in a tiny area of about 100-mum diam under ambient conditions to produce micro-shock waves. The laser is focused above a planar surface with a typical standoff distance of about 4 mm, The laser energy is focused inside a supersonic circular jet of carbon dioxide gas produced by a nozzle with internal diameter of 2.9 mm and external diameter of 8 mm, Nominal value of the Mach number of the jet is around 2 with the corresponding pressure ratio of 7.5 (stagnation pressure/static pressure at the exit of the nozzle), The interaction process of the micro-shock wave generated inside the supersonic jet with the plane wall is investigated using double-pulse holographic interferometry. A strong surface vortex field with subsequent generation of a side jet propagating outward along the plane wail is observed. The interaction of the micro-shock wave with the cellular structure of the supersonic jet does not seem to influence the near surface features of the flowfield. The development of the coherent structures near the nozzle exit due to the upstream propagation of pressure waves seems to be affected by the outward propagating micro-shock wave. Mach reflection is observed when the micro-shock wave interacts with the plane wall at a standoff distance of 4 mm, The Mach stem is slightly deflected, indicating strong boundary-layer and viscous effects near the wall. The interaction process is also simulated numerically using an axisymmetric transient laminar Navier-Stokes solver. Qualitative agreement between experimental and numerical results is good.


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We have studied the optical properties of a series of InGaN/AlInGaN 10-period multiple quantum wells (MQW) with differing well thickness grown by metal-organic vapor-phase epitaxy that emit at around 380 nm. The aim of this investigation was to optimise the room temperature internal quantum efficiency, thus the quantum well (QW) thicknesses were accordingly chosen so that the overlap of the electron/hole wave function was maximised. At low temperature, we observed a reduction of the photo luminescence decay time with decreasing well width in line with the theoretical predictions. For a structure with well thicknesses of 1.5 nm, we measured a photoluminescence internal quantum efficiency of 67% at room temperature with a peak emission wavelength of 382 nm. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A novel self-assembled dual-layer film as apotential excellent lubricant for micromachines was successfully prepared on single-crystal silicon substrate by chemical adsorption of stearic acid (STA) molecules on self-assembled monolayer of 3-aminopropyltri


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Ceramic coatings were formed by plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) on aluminized steel. Characteristics of the average anodic voltages versus treatment time were observed during the PEO process. The micrographs, compositions and mechanical properties of ceramic coatings were investigated. The results show that the anodic voltage profile for processing of aluminized steel is similar to that for processing bulk Al alloy during early PEO stages and that the thickness of ceramic coating increases approximately linearly with the Al layer consumption. Once the Al layer is completely transformed, the FeAl intermetallic layer begins to participate in the PEO process. At this point, the anodic voltage of aluminized steel descends, and the thickness of ceramic coating grows more slowly. At the same time, some micro-cracks are observed at the Al2O3/FeAl interface. The final ceramic coating mainly consists of gamma-Al2O3, mullite, and alpha-Al2O3 phases. PEO ceramic coatings have excellent elastic recovery and high load supporting performance. Nanohardness of ceramic coating reaches about 19.6 GPa. (c) 2007 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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Analisa o modo com que os parlamentares se organizam frente à estrutura institucional no Congresso Nacional. Tem como referências para discussão, contribuições de Barry Ames (2003) e Figueiredo e Limongi (2001) que apresentam dois modelos de funcionamento do Parlamento, o distributivista e o partidário. Analisa a atuação da Frente Parlamentar Mista das Micro e Pequenas Empresas. Enfatiza a segunda fase de funcionamento da Frente, os anos de 2008 e 2009, quando trabalhou pela regulamentação da Lei Geral das Micro e Pequenas Empresas (Lei Complementar nº 123/06) nos Estados e Municípios e seus aperfeiçoamentos por meio da aprovação de Leis Complementares nºs 127/07, 128/08 e 133/09.


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This book elucidates the methods of molecular gas dynamics or rarefied gas dynamics which treat the problems of gas flows when the discrete molecular effects of the gas prevail under the circumstances of low density, the emphases being stressed on the basis of the methods, the direct simulation Monte Carlo method applied to the simulation of non-equilibrium effects and the frontier subjects related to low speed microscale rarefied gas flows. It provides a solid basis for the study of molecular gas dynamics for senior students and graduates in the aerospace and mechanical engineering departments of universities and colleges. It gives a general acquaintance of modern developments of rarefied gas dynamics in various regimes and leads to the frontier topics of non-equilibrium rarefied gas dynamics and low speed microscale gas dynamics. It will be also of benefit to the scientific and technical researchers engaged in aerospace high altitude aerodynamic force and heating design and in the research on gas flow in MEMS

  • 目次内容                                                                
[1]  Molecular structure and energy states (21)  
[2]  Some basic concepts of kinetic theory (51)  
[3]  Interaction of molecules with solid surface (131)  
[4]  Free molecular flow (159)  
[5]  Continuum models (191)  
[6]  Transitional regime (231)  
[7]  Direct simulation Monte-Carlo (DSMC) method (275)  
[8]  Microscale slow gas flows, information preservation method (317)  
[App. I]  Gas properties (367)  
[App. II]  Some integrals (369)  
[App. III]  Sampling from a prescribed distribution (375)  
[App. IV]  Program of the couette flow (383)  
Subject Index (399)  


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An estimation method for the three-dimensional underwater shape of tuna longlines is developed, using measurements of depth obtained from micro-bathythermographs (BTs) attached to the main line at equally spaced intervals. The shape of the main line is approximated by a model which consists of a chain of unit length lines (folding-rule model), where the junction points are placed at the observed depths. Among the infinite number of possible shapes, the most likely shape is considered to be the smoothest one that can be obtained with a numerical optimization algorithm. To validate the method, a series of experimental longline operations were conducted in the equatorial region of the eastern Pacific Ocean, using 13 or 14 micro-BTs per basket of main line. Concurrent observations of oceanographic conditions (currents and temperature structure) were obtained. The shape of the main line can be calculated at arbitrary times during operations. Shapes were consistent with the current structure. On the equator, the line was elevated significantly by the Equatorial Undercurrent. It is shown that the shape of main line depends primarily upon the vertical shear and direction of the current relative to the gear. Time sequences of calculated shapes reveals that observed periodic (1-2 hours) oscillations in depth of the gear was caused by swinging movements of the main line. The shortening rate of the main line is an important parameter for formulating the shape of the longline, and its precise measurement is desirable.


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To study working mechanism of super-resolution near-field structure (super-RENS) optical disk from a far-field optics view is very necessary because of the actual far-field writing/readout process in the optical disk system. A Gaussian diffraction model based on Fresnel-Kirchhoff diffraction theory of PtOx-type super-RENS has been set up in this Letter. The relationship between micro-structural deformation (change of bubble structure and refractive index profile) with far-field optical response of PtOx thin film has been studied with it in detail. The simulation results are in good agreement with the experimental results reported in literatures with a designed configuration. These results may provide more quantitative information for better understanding of the working mechanism of metal-oxide-type super-RENS. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper the magnetic and magneto-optical properties of amorphous rare earth-transition metal (RE-TM) alloys as well as the magnetic coupling in the multi-layer thin films for high density optical data storage are presented. Using magnetic effect in scanning tunneling microscopy the clusters structure of amorphous RE-TM thin films has been observed and the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in amorphous RE-TM thin films has been interpreted. Experimental results of quick phase transformation under short pulse laser irradiation of amorphous semiconductor and metallic alloy thin films for phase change optical recording are reported. A step-by-step phase transformation process through metastable states has been observed. The waveform of crystallization propagation in micro-size spot during laser recording in amorphous semiconductor thin films is characterized and quick recording and erasing mechanism for optical data storage with high performance are discussed. The nonlinear optical effects in amorphous alloy thin films have been studied. By photo-thermal effect or third order optical nonlinearity, the optical self-focusing is observed in amorphous mask thin films. The application of amorphous thin films with super-resolution near field structure for high-density optical data storage is performed. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.