945 resultados para method for accident investigation
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
As relações que Wittgenstein mantém com o pensamento de Freud, como atestaram vários estudiosos, são marcadamente ambíguas: existe, por um lado, uma crítica acerba do caráter pseudocientífico com que a psicanálise apresenta supostas “descobertas empíricas”, e do fascínio exercido por este modo de proceder; mas há, por outro lado, evidências da sua admiração pelo efeito dissolvente do uso de metáforas e interpretações, chegando mesmo Wittgenstein a incorporar essa estratégia ao seu próprio método de investigação lógica dos conceitos filosóficos. Neste trabalho pretendo retirar de uma reflexão acerca do método incorporado às Investigações Filosóficas, comparável em muitos aspectos à clínica de uma psicanálise lingüística dessubstancializada, alguns pontos positivos que se poderiam acrescentar à crítica da concepção de linguagem de Lacan.
This report describes the consequences and some aspects of the origin and development of victim blaming in accident analysis, and some methods for investigating such events, with particular emphasis on the situation in Brazil. In Brazil, the spread of this practice seems to have been helped by several factors. (1) the idea that occupational accidents are simple phenomena with a limited number of causal factors linked to unsafe actions and/or conditions. In the past, the theory of accident proneness had less influence than in other countries. (2) Government regulations that stipulate the hiring of health and safety officers, production of educational material, and preventive campaigns that emphasize the role of the victim's faulty behavior in the origin of an accident. (3) Mandatory implementation of standardized models for accident investigation directed toward searching for a single cause. Usually one conclusion, expressed in terms of unsafe acts or conditions, is formulated so that whoever performs an unsafe act is responsible for the accident. (4) Lack of knowledge, as shown in Brazilian publications on occupational accidents and in the evolution of studies on the nature of accident phenomena and of strategies adopted for their prevention.
Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS
Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a promising method for both investigation and therapeutic treatment of psychiatric and neurologic disorders and, more recently, for brain mapping. This study describes the application of navigated TMS for motor cortex mapping in patients with a brain tumor located close to the precentral gyrus. Materials and methods: In this prospective study, six patients with low-grade gliomas in or near the precentral gyrus underwent TMS, and their motor responses were correlated to locations in the cortex around the lesion, generating a functional map overlaid on three-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans of the brain. To determine the accuracy of this new method, we compared TMS mapping with the gold standard mapping with direct cortical electrical stimulation in surgery. The same navigation system and TMS-generated map were used during the surgical resection procedure. Results: The motor cortex could be clearly mapped using both methods. The locations corresponding to the hand and forearm, found during intraoperative mapping, showed a close spatial relationship to the homotopic areas identified by TMS mapping. The mean distance between TMS and direct cortical electrical stimulation (DES) was 4.16 +/- 1.02 mm (range: 2.56-5.27 mm). Conclusion: Preoperative mapping of the motor cortex with navigated TMS prior to brain tumor resection is a useful presurgical planning tool with good accuracy.
In dieser Arbeit werden, nach einer Einführung in die spinpolarisierte Rastertunnelmikroskopie und -spektroskopie als experimentelle Methode zur Untersuchung magnetischer Nanostrukturen, Ergebnisse zur spinpolarisierten elektronischen Struktur in Abhängigkeit von der Kristallstruktur am Beispiel ultradünner Co-Schichten sowie in Abhängigkeit von der Magnetisierungsrichtung für ultradünne Fe-Schichten vorgestellt. Hochaufgelöste Messungen zeigen die ortsabhängige Spinpolarisation auf einem einzelnen Kupfer-Phthalocyanin Molekül. rnrnKobalt wurde durch pseudomorphes Wachstum auf den (110)-Oberflächen der kubisch raumzentrierten Metalle Chrom und Eisen deponiert. Im Unterschied zu früheren Berichten in der Literatur lassen sich nur zwei Lagen Co in der kubisch raumzentrierten (bcc) Ordnung stabilisieren. Die bcc-Co Schichten auf der Fe(110)-Oberfläche zeigen keine Anzeichen von epitaktischen Verzerrungen. rnDickere Schichten rekonstruieren in eine dicht gepackte Struktur (hcp/fcc). Durch die bcc Ordnung wird die Spinpolarisation von Kobalt auf P=62% erhöht (hcp-Co: P=45%). rnrnDie temperaturabhängige Spinreorientierung (SRT) ultradünner Filme Fe/Mo(110) wurde mit spinpolarisierter Spektroskopie untersucht. Eine Neuausrichtung der Magnetisierung aus der senkrechten [110]-Achse in die in der Ebene liegenden [001]-Achse wird bei T=(13,2+-0,5)K festgestellt, wobei es sich um einen diskontinuierlichen Reorientierungsübergang handelt, d.h. die freie Energie weist innerhalb eines bestimmten Temperaturbereichs gleichzeitig zwei Minima auf. Weiterhin wird in der Mono- und Doppellage Fe/Mo(110 eine Abhängigkeit der elektronischen Struktur von der Ausrichtung der magnetisch leichten Achse und von der Magnetisierung beobachtet. rnrnDie Untersuchung des spinpolarisierten Ladungstransports durch ein Kupfer-Phthalocyanin-Molekül auf der Fe/Mo(110) Oberfläche liefert einen wesentlichen Beitrag zum Verständnis des Spintransports an der Grenzfläche zwischen Metall und organischem Molekül. Die HOMO-LUMO-Energielücke des freien Moleküls wird durch die Wechselwirkung mit der Metalloberfläche mit Grenzflächenzuständen gefüllt. Diese Zustände reduzieren die Spinpolarisation des durch das Molekül fließenden Tunnelstroms durch einen zusätzlichen unpolarisierten Strombeitrag um einen Faktor zwei. Spinpolarisierte hybridisierte Grenzflächenzustände mit größerem Abstand zur Fermi-Energie führen in Abhängigkeit von der Position auf dem Molekül zu weiteren Beiträgen zur effektiven Spinpolarisation. Diese Untersuchungen belegen die Möglichkeit einer effektiven Spininjektion in organische Halbleiter und damit das Potential dieser Materialien für die weitere Entwicklung von Spintronik-Bauteilen.
This thesis aims at connecting structural and functional changes of complex soft matter systems due to external stimuli with non-covalent molecular interaction profiles. It addresses the problem of elucidating non-covalent forces as structuring principle of mainly polymer-based systems in solution. The structuring principles of a wide variety of complex soft matter types are analyzed. In many cases this is done by exploring conformational changes upon the exertion of external stimuli. The central question throughout this thesis is how a certain non-covalent interaction profile leads to solution condition-dependent structuring of a polymeric system.rnTo answer this question, electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy is chosen as the main experimental method for the investigation of the structure principles of polymers. With EPR one detects only the local surroundings or environments of molecules that carry an unpaired electron. Non-covalent forces are normally effective on length scales of a few nanometers and below. Thus, EPR is excellently suited for their investigations. It allows for detection of interactions on length scales ranging from approx. 0.1 nm up to 10 nm. However, restriction to only one experimental technique likely leads to only incomplete pictures of complex systems. Therefore, the presented studies are frequently augmented with further experimental and computational methods in order to yield more comprehensive descriptions of the systems chosen for investigation.rnElectrostatic correlation effects in non-covalent interaction profiles as structuring principles in colloid-like ionic clusters and DNA condensation are investigated first. Building on this it is shown how electrostatic structuring principles can be combined with hydrophobic ones, at the example of host-guest interactions in so-called dendronized polymers (denpols).rnSubsequently, the focus is shifted from electrostatics in dendronized polymers to thermoresponsive alkylene oxide-based materials, whose structuring principles are based on hydrogen bonds and counteracting hydrophobic interactions. The collapse mechanism in dependence of hydrophilic-hydrophobic balance and topology of these polymers is elucidated. Complementarily the temperature-dependent phase behavior of elastin-like polypeptides (ELPs) is investigated. ELPs are the first (and so far only) class of compounds that is shown to feature a first-order inverse phase transition on nanoscopic length scales.rnFinally, this thesis addresses complex biological systems, namely intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs). It is shown that the conformational space of the IDPs Osteopontin (OPN), a cytokine involved in metastasis of several kinds of cancer, and BASP1 (brain acid soluble protein one), a protein associated with neurite outgrowth, is governed by a subtle interplay between electrostatic forces, hydrophobic interaction, system entropy and hydrogen bonds. Such, IDPs can even sample cooperatively folded structures, which have so far only been associated with globular proteins.
O presente estudo visa investigar a sexualidade na adolescência em suas inquietações e necessidades por meio do método de investigação clínica de abordagem psicanalítica de Enrique Pichon-Rivière, para se obter uma compreensão da psicodinâmica do grupo de adolescentes com enfoque operativo. Os objetivos são: 1. Levantamento do que os adolescentes pensam sobre sexualidade; 2. Discutir os principais conflitos vividos pelos adolescentes com relação à sexualidade e; 3. Analisar as formas de manifestações culturais dos adolescentes sobre a sexualidade. O procedimento inicial foi um levantamento bibliográfico sobre os temas: sexualidade, repressão, fantasias inconscientes e grupo com enfoque operativo. Os adolescentes de uma comunidade religiosa da metrópole de São Paulo foram os participantes. Realizaram-se 12 encontros grupais com enfoque operativo, utilizando-se a teoria e técnica dos grupos operativos de Pichon-Rivière. Houve um roteiro temático, que forneceram os conteúdos para cada encontro. Os temas revelaram sentimentos e reações emocionais dos adolescentes sobre sexualidade, dificuldades e facilidades encontradas em relação às manifestações culturais e a existência de conflitos (medos e desejos inconscientes) vividos pelos adolescentes. As análises dos resultados levaram a considerações que direcionam a duas vertentes: a) As inquietações representadas por dúvidas, sentimentos de perda, informações consistentes e medos; b) As necessidades estavam representadas pela lealdade, confiança, interação social, acolhimento (continência) e valores do grupo primário de referência. Conclui-se que o adolescente apresenta forte sentimento de desconfiança, caracterizando uma constelação de fantasias na qual predomina a persecutoriedade; esse adolescente está sempre preocupado com o externo, com o que os outros estão pensando
O presente estudo visa investigar a sexualidade na adolescência em suas inquietações e necessidades por meio do método de investigação clínica de abordagem psicanalítica de Enrique Pichon-Rivière, para se obter uma compreensão da psicodinâmica do grupo de adolescentes com enfoque operativo. Os objetivos são: 1. Levantamento do que os adolescentes pensam sobre sexualidade; 2. Discutir os principais conflitos vividos pelos adolescentes com relação à sexualidade e; 3. Analisar as formas de manifestações culturais dos adolescentes sobre a sexualidade. O procedimento inicial foi um levantamento bibliográfico sobre os temas: sexualidade, repressão, fantasias inconscientes e grupo com enfoque operativo. Os adolescentes de uma comunidade religiosa da metrópole de São Paulo foram os participantes. Realizaram-se 12 encontros grupais com enfoque operativo, utilizando-se a teoria e técnica dos grupos operativos de Pichon-Rivière. Houve um roteiro temático, que forneceram os conteúdos para cada encontro. Os temas revelaram sentimentos e reações emocionais dos adolescentes sobre sexualidade, dificuldades e facilidades encontradas em relação às manifestações culturais e a existência de conflitos (medos e desejos inconscientes) vividos pelos adolescentes. As análises dos resultados levaram a considerações que direcionam a duas vertentes: a) As inquietações representadas por dúvidas, sentimentos de perda, informações consistentes e medos; b) As necessidades estavam representadas pela lealdade, confiança, interação social, acolhimento (continência) e valores do grupo primário de referência. Conclui-se que o adolescente apresenta forte sentimento de desconfiança, caracterizando uma constelação de fantasias na qual predomina a persecutoriedade; esse adolescente está sempre preocupado com o externo, com o que os outros estão pensando
Existing methods for assessing protein synthetic rates (PSRs) in human skeletal muscle are invasive and do not readily provide information about individual muscle groups. Recent studies in canine skeletal muscle yielded PSRs similar to results of simultaneous stable isotope measurements using l-[1-13C, methyl-2H3]methionine, suggesting that positron-emission tomography (PET) with l-[methyl-11C]methionine could be used along with blood sampling and a kinetic model to provide a less invasive, regional assessment of PSR. We have extended and refined this method in an investigation with healthy volunteers studied in the postabsorptive state. They received ≈25 mCi of l-[methyl-11C]methionine with serial PET imaging of the thighs and arterial blood sampling for a period of 90 min. Tissue and metabolite-corrected arterial blood time activity curves were fitted to a three-compartment model. PSR (nmol methionine⋅min−1⋅g muscle tissue−1) was calculated from the fitted parameter values and the plasma methionine concentrations, assuming equal rates of protein synthesis and degradation. Pooled mean PSR for the anterior and posterior sites was 0.50 ± 0.040. When converted to a fractional synthesis rate for mixed proteins in muscle, assuming a protein-bound methionine content of muscle tissue, the value of 0.125 ± 0.01%⋅h−1 compares well with estimates from direct tracer incorporation studies, which generally range from ≈0.05 to 0.09%⋅h−1. We conclude that PET can be used to estimate skeletal muscle PSR in healthy human subjects and that it holds promise for future in vivo, noninvasive studies of the influences of physiological factors, pharmacological manipulations, and disease states on this important component of muscle protein turnover and balance.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.
National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D.C.