833 resultados para mathematical resolution
Mathematical literacy in Portugal is very unsatisfactory in what concerns international standards. Even more disturbingly, the Azores archipelago ranks as one of the worst regions of Portugal in this respect. We reason that the popularisation of Mathematics through interactive exhibitions and activities can contribute actively to disseminate mathematical knowledge, increase awareness of the importance of Mathematics in today’s world and change its negative perception by the majority of the citizens. Although a significant investment has been undertaken by the local regional government in creating several science centres for the popularisation of Science, there is no centre for the popularisation of Mathematics. We present our first steps towards bringing Mathematics to unconventional settings by means of hands-on activities. We describe in some detail three activities. One activity has to do with applying trigonometry to measure distances in Astronomy, which can also be applied to Earth objects. Another activity concerns the presence of numerical patterns in the Azorean flora. The third activity explores geometrical patterns in the Azorean cultural heritage. It is our understanding that the implementation of these and other easy-to-follow and challenging activities will contribute to the awareness of the importance and beauty of Mathematics.
O objectivo deste trabalho é optimizar o planeamento de produção tendo como meta a redução do custo total da energia eléctrica consumida. Este trabalho está dividido em 3 etapas distintas: na 1ª etapa foi feito um levantamento do problema, das restrições do mesmo e da escolha do modelo para a sua resolução. Na etapa seguinte, fez-se a escolha da ferramenta a usar, que foi o Xpress, e fez-se a implementação do problema nessa mesma ferramenta. E por fim, na 3ª etapa, foi feita a validação do modelo e análise das soluções obtidas com comparações com que o era feito antes. Recorrendo a programação inteira foi desenvolvido um modelo de optimização para atingir o objectivo em causa e consequentemente foi escrito o código que reflectisse o modelo matemático. Todos os passos necessários à sua implementação foram concluídos e validados com comparação com o que antes se fazia, notando-se assim melhorias ao nível de eficiência energética na ordem dos 8%, mas também uma melhoria no aproveitamento de recursos humanos e tempo que eram despendidos para desenvolver planos de produção de forma manual. Essa melhoria temporal que se compreende entre quatro a seis horas semanais pode ser aplicada noutras actividades da empresa com maior valor acrescentado.
A procedure for the determination of seven indicator PCBs in soils and sediments using microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) and headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) prior to GC-MS/MS is described. Optimization of the HS-SPME was carried out for the most important parameters such as extraction time, sample volume and temperature. The adopted methodology has reduced consumption of organic solvents and analysis runtime. Under the optimized conditions, the method detection limit ranged from 0.6 to 1 ng/g when 5 g of sample was extracted, the precision on real samples ranged from 4 to 21% and the recovery from 69 to 104%. The proposed method, which included the analysis of a certified reference material in its validation procedure, can be extended to several other PCBs and used in the monitoring of soil or sediments for the presence of PCBs.
In this paper, we discuss the mathematical aspects of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle within local fractional Fourier analysis. The Schrödinger equation and Heisenberg uncertainty principles are structured within local fractional operators.
Transdermal biotechnologies are an ever increasing field of interest, due to the medical and pharmaceutical applications that they underlie. There are several mathematical models at use that permit a more inclusive vision of pure experimental data and even allow practical extrapolation for new dermal diffusion methodologies. However, they grasp a complex variety of theories and assumptions that allocate their use for specific situations. Models based on Fick's First Law found better use in contexts where scaled particle theory Models would be extensive in time-span but the reciprocal is also true, as context of transdermal diffusion of particular active compounds changes. This article reviews extensively the various theoretical methodologies for studying dermic diffusion in the rate limiting dermic barrier, the stratum corneum, and systematizes its characteristics, their proper context of application, advantages and limitations, as well as future perspectives.
Tese de doutoramento em Ciências da Educação, área de Teoria Curricular e Ensino das Ciências
Coastal low-level jets (CLLJ) are a low-tropospheric wind feature driven by the pressure gradient produced by a sharp contrast between high temperatures over land and lower temperatures over the sea. This contrast between the cold ocean and the warm land in the summer is intensified by the impact of the coastal parallel winds on the ocean generating upwelling currents, sharpening the temperature gradient close to the coast and giving rise to strong baroclinic structures at the coast. During summertime, the Iberian Peninsula is often under the effect of the Azores High and of a thermal low pressure system inland, leading to a seasonal wind, in the west coast, called the Nortada (northerly wind). This study presents a regional climatology of the CLLJ off the west coast of the Iberian Peninsula, based on a 9km resolution downscaling dataset, produced using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) mesoscale model, forced by 19 years of ERA-Interim reanalysis (1989-2007). The simulation results show that the jet hourly frequency of occurrence in the summer is above 30% and decreases to about 10% during spring and autumn. The monthly frequencies of occurrence can reach higher values, around 40% in summer months, and reveal large inter-annual variability in all three seasons. In the summer, at a daily base, the CLLJ is present in almost 70% of the days. The CLLJ wind direction is mostly from north-northeasterly and occurs more persistently in three areas where the interaction of the jet flow with local capes and headlands is more pronounced. The coastal jets in this area occur at heights between 300 and 400 m, and its speed has a mean around 15 m/s, reaching maximum speeds of 25 m/s.
A new inherently chiral calix[4]arene ICC 1 has been disclosed. The dissymmetry of 1 is generated from a chirality plane in the quinol moiety of a 1,3-bridged bicyclic calix[4]arene. ICC 1 has been resolved by enantioselective HPLC, and the chiroptical properties of both isolated antipodes (pS)-1 and (pR)-1 confirm their enantiomeric nature. The absolute configuration of the (pS)-1/(pR)-1 enantiomeric pair was established through time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) calculations of electronic circular dichroism (CD) spectra. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Dissertation presented at the Faculty of Science and Technology of the New University of Lisbon in fulfillment of the requirements for the Masters degree in Electrical Engineering and Computers
Time-frequency and time-scale characterisation of the beat-by-beat high-resolution electrocardiogram
Proceedings of the Sixth Portuguese Conference on Bioemedical Engineering faro, Portugal
Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ensino do 1º e 2º ciclo do Ensino Básico
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Manutenção
Pultrusion is an industrial process used to produce glass fibers reinforced polymers profiles. These materials are worldwide used when performing characteristics, such as great electrical and magnetic insulation, high strength to weight ratio, corrosion and weather resistance, long service life and minimal maintenance are required. In this study, we present the results of the modelling and simulation of heat flow through a pultrusion die by means of Finite Element Analysis (FEA). The numerical simulation was calibrated based on temperature profiles computed from thermographic measurements carried out during pultrusion manufacturing process. Obtained results have shown a maximum deviation of 7%, which is considered to be acceptable for this type of analysis, and is below to the 10% value, previously specified as maximum deviation. © 2011, Advanced Engineering Solutions.
Decentralised co-operative multi-agent systems are computational systems where conflicts are frequent due to the nature of the represented knowledge. Negotiation methodologies, in this case argumentation based negotiation methodologies, were developed and applied to solve unforeseeable and, therefore, unavoidable conflicts. The supporting computational model is a distributed belief revision system where argumentation plays the decisive role of revision. The distributed belief revision system detects, isolates and solves, whenever possible, the identified conflicts. The detection and isolation of the conflicts is automatically performed by the distributed consistency mechanism and the resolution of the conflict, or belief revision, is achieved via argumentation. We propose and describe two argumentation protocols intended to solve different types of identified information conflicts: context dependent and context independent conflicts. While the protocol for context dependent conflicts generates new consensual alternatives, the latter chooses to adopt the soundest, strongest argument presented. The paper shows the suitability of using argumentation as a distributed decentralised belief revision protocol to solve unavoidable conflicts.
Correlation between facies associations (marine, estuarine and distal fluviatile environments) and disconformities, observed between Foz da Fonte (SW of Setúbal Peninsula) and Santa Iria da Azóia (NE of Lisbon) are presented. The precise definition of the marine-continental facies relationships improved very much the chronology of the depositional sequence boundaries. Tectonic and eustatic controls are discussed on the basis of subsidence rates variation.