931 resultados para massa da semente


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Rapid and uniform germination of seeds followed by prompt emergence are highly desirable characteristics for the production of seedlings. The aim of this study was to identify sowing positions and types of substrate most likely to the seed germination process and growth of seedlings of Schizolobium parahyba (Vell.) S.F. Blake. To germinate the seeds, they were placed in the following positions in relation to the bottom of the furrow in the substrate: hilum uppermost, hilum at the bottom, supported on one side, seed on edge with its sides parallel to the walls of the bag. Three substrates were used: commercial plantmax substrate (control), pine sawdust and sand. The substrates were fully randomized in a 4 x 3 factorial design (four seed positions and three substrates), with four replications of 20 seeds. The parameters evaluated were: the percentage of emergence, the after emergence seedling deaths, the first-count test, the emergence speed index, and the seedling aerial part length. It was concluded that all the seed positions in pine sawdust sowing offer the more favorable conditions for the germination process and seedling growth of Schizolobium parahyba.


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A cultura do arroz constitui um dos principais cereais que apresenta alta resposta à aplicação de zinco, constituindo um dos principais cereais em que isso ocorre. Objetivou-se, no presente trabalho, avaliar a aplicação de zinco em sementes, a partir de duas fontes, sobre a nutrição e o crescimento inicial da cultura do arroz cultivar BRS-Soberana. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, em três repetições. Os tratamentos foram cinco doses 1,0; 2,0; 4,0 e 8,0g de Zn por kg de semente, das fontes sulfato e óxido, além da testemunha. Após 30 dias da semeadura, avaliou-se a matéria seca (parte aérea e raiz) e o teor e acúmulo de zinco nas plantas. O sulfato de zinco não diferenciou ao óxido para produção de matéria seca total nas plântulas de arroz, entretanto, proporcionou maior absorção de Zn. A aplicação de zinco na forma de sulfato e óxido, na dose de 8g Zn.kg-1 de semente proporcionou maior produção de matéria seca atingindo teor do nutriente, na parte aérea de 281 e 163 mg.kg-1, respectivamente.


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There are few studies that relate the micronutrient manganese nutritional status and production of fodder. The objective was to evaluate the application of manganese in the nutrition and growth of Mombaca grass. The completely randomized design was used with five manganese levels (0, 15, 30, 60, 120 mg dm(-3)) and four replicates. Each experimental unit consisted of a pot filled with 3.5 dm(-3) of soil from Oxisol (Mn = 0.6 mg dm(-3)), containing four plants. Two harvests were set, the first 44 days after sowing and the second 38 days after the first cut. The concentration of manganese in the soils, the manganese content of leaves, number of tillers, plant height, shoot dry mass in each slice and the root system of Mombaca grass were evaluated. The applied rates of manganese resulted in increased accumulation of Mn in the plant, and there was an increase in dry mass of Mombaca grass, with maximum production, obtained from derivation, of 5.9 and 6.3 g plant(-1) for levels of 121 and 71 mg dm(-3) of Mn in the first and second cut respectively. The Mombaca grass has showed high manganese's tolerance, the critical level of toxicity was 841 mg kg(-1) in the second cut.


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The culture of the maize is responsive the fertilization with zinc, however, its efficiency can be affected by the method of aplication. Thus, this work had as objective to evaluate the effect of the methods of zinc application in the nutritional state and the initial growth of the culture of the maize. The experiment was in a completely randomized design, with five treatments in four repetitions. The experimental unit was composed for a pot (7 L) filled with a distrofic Red Latosol, clayey texture, with four plants of maize. The treatments had been constituted by four ways of zinc application: in the soil incorporated (3 mg Zn dm(-3)), and located (1 mg Zn dm(-3)); foliar (solution of 23 mg Zn L(-1)); e in seed (40 g Zn kg(-1) of seed) and beyond the witness (control). The treatments had been applied during two cultivation of 42 days, except the Zn incorporated in the soil. In the end of each culture, the cut of the plants for the evaluation of the growth variable (leaf height, number, the diameter of stems and dry matter) and the determination of the zinc text was carried through in the soil and the aerial part. The zinc application promoted increment in the height and the production of matter of the maize. The zinc application soil (incorporated and located), foliar and seed had been similar in the initial development of the culture, however, the foliar way promoted greater absorption of the nutrient for the plant.


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Zinc application methods can affect the nutrition and the initial development of the wheat. Thus, the aim of this work was to analyze the different ways of Zn application in the soil, on nutrition and on dry matter production. A completely randomized experimental design with four replications was used. The experiment was composed by the following Zn application treatments: control (no zinc application); soil incorporation, furrow located, seeds treatment and leaf pulverization. The experimental unit was composed of a pot filled with 7 L of soil. Morphological traits for each plant were determined on 52 days after emergence by the evaluations of plant height, internodes number, tillers number and aerial part dry matter. Still, the soil and plant chemical analysis was accomplished. The furrow located method provided larger concentrations of the micronutrient available. The zinc application methods did not influence the initial growth of the wheat plants. The zinc concentration in leaves was influenced by the different application methods, being the leaf pulverization the one that was caused the largest zinc accumulation on aerial part dry matter.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O presente estudo teve por objetivo analisar os aspectos da germinação e avaliar o efeito de concentrações de sacarose no crescimento in vitro de Cattleya violacea. Sementes provenientes de cápsulas fechadas foram semeadas em meio de cultura Murashige e Skoog (MS) e a morfologia externa da semente à plântula foi fotodocumentada em estereomicroscópio e microscópio eletrônico de varredura. Plântulas com 90 dias após a semeadura foram repicadas em meio de cultura ½ MS (com metade da concentração de macronutrientes) com diferentes concentrações de sacarose (0, 10, 20, 30 e 40 g L-1), incubadas nas mesmas condições in vitro por mais 150 dias e em seguida as plântulas foram avaliadas quanto ao número de raízes, comprimento da maior raiz, número de folhas, comprimento da parte aérea, massa fresca e seca total. Os dados biométricos foram submetidos à análise estatística e a eles ajustadas curvas de regressão. As sementes apresentaram testa reticulada com uma extremidade micropilar (aberta) e calazal (fechada); o embrião originou uma estrutura tuberiforme clorofilada denominada protocormo que pode apresentar rizóides, folíolos e quando provido de raiz é considerado plântula. A ausência de açúcar ou a maior concentração avaliada de sacarose foram prejudiciais ao crescimento da planta. A concentração de 27 g L-1 proporcionou maior crescimento in vitro possibilitando maior eficiência para a propagação massal dessa espécie de elevado potencial ornamental.


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O trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade pós-colheita de três cultivares de uvas de mesa sem semente submetidas ao processamento mínimo e armazenadas sob refrigeração e à temperatura ambiente. Para tanto, foram utilizadas uvas das cultivares BRS Clara, BRS Linda e BRS Morena, produzidas na Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA) Uva e Vinho/Estação Experimental de Viticultura Tropical, em Jales-SP. Os cachos, depois de higienizados e imersos em água clorada a 200 mg de cloro.L-1 por 5 minutos, foram mantidos em câmara fria, a 12ºC, por 12 h. As bagas foram degranadas e lavadas em solução de álcool a 70%, por 5 segundos. Depois de escorrido o excesso da solução alcoólica, as bagas foram acondicionadas em bandejas de tereftalato de polietileno (PET) transparente com tampa e com capacidade para 500 mL. Cada unidade, contendo 200 g de bagas, foi armazenada a 12±1,8ºC e 24±0,8ºC, por 12 dias. Avaliaram-se, a cada três dias, a perda de massa fresca, a aparência, a coloração e os teores de sólidos solúveis (SS) e de acidez titulável (AT). A temperatura de 12ºC manteve a turgidez, a coloração, as qualidades organoléptica (relação SS/AT) e comercial das bagas das três cultivares testadas, por nove dias, enquanto no armazenamento à temperatura ambiente (24ºC), ocorre perda da qualidade comercial das bagas aos três dias para as cvs. BRS Clara e BRS Linda, e aos seis dias para a cv. BRS Morena.


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The experiment was conducted at UNESP/FCAV, Jaboticabal, SP, with the objective of evaluating the influence of the rest period and height of the residue post-grazing on the dry matter mass, morphologic composition and on the chemical composition of the Tanzania-grass pre-grazing condition, under rotational grazing. The treatments consisted of the combination of two rest periods (25 and 35 days) and two residue height post-grazing (30 and 50 cm), as a complete randomized design in factorial arrangement 2 x 2, with three replications, with the grazing cycles considered as sub plots. The herbage mass of stem, leaves, dead material and the leaf: stem ratio were significantly influenced (P<0.05) by the grazing cycles. The percentage of CP in the leaf and stem and the NDF in the stem, leaf and whole plant were influenced positively (P<0.05) by the grazing cycles. It was observed that the short rest periods associated with the smallest residue height post-grazing presented the best results in terms of herbage mass and chemical characteristics of the herbage.


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Although silicon has not been considered an essential element for plant growth and development, it has provided several benefits for the rice crop, especially under biotic and abiotic stress. The objective of this work was to evaluate macronutrient and silicon levels in upland rice cultivars cropped under water deficit and silicon fertilization. The experiment was carried out in greenhouse and the design was the completely randomized block, analyzed as a 2 x 2 x 2 factorial, which consisted of two cultivars, 'Maravilha' (modern group) and 'Caiapo' (traditional group), two silicon rates (0 and 350 kg ha(-1)) and two soil water tensions (-0.025 MPa and -0.050 MPa). Plant dry matter of the 'Maravilha' cultivar was higher compared to the other material. Higher soil water tensions decreased plant dry matter and macronutrient levels. Upland rice cultivars respond distinctively to soil water tensions and silicon rates.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a influência do armazenamento de botões florais masculinos por diferentes períodos, na produção e qualidade de sementes de abóbora cultivar Piramoita. O experimento foi desenvolvido no período de agosto a dezembro de 2005. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições e cinco tratamentos: polinização manual com flor aberta no dia (zero dia de armazenamento) e polinização manual com botões armazenados em geladeira (7 ºC) por 1, 2, 3 e 4 dias. Quanto maior o período de armazenamento dos botões florais masculinos, menor a produção (número e massa) de sementes por fruto e a massa média do fruto. Também há uma perda de vigor e germinação das sementes quando se aumenta o período de armazenamento dos botões florais, reduzindo sua qualidade.


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O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a produção e a qualidade das sementes obtidas de plantas de cenoura, das cultivares Brasília e Carandaí. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições e cinco plantas úteis por parcela. Adotou-se o sistema semente-raiz-semente e indução floral por vernalização das raízes, durante 40 dias, a 5 °C. Foram avaliados o número de umbelas, as produções de sementes por planta e por umbela, a massa (g) de mil sementes, a germinação e a primeira contagem de germinação em cada classe de umbela. A cultivar Brasília superou a Carandaí na produção de sementes por planta (52 g), em virtude da maior produção nas umbelas secundárias (38 g), e não diferiu da cultivar Carandaí quanto à produção nas umbelas primárias e terciárias. Nas demais características avaliadas não foram observadas diferenças entre as cultivares. A produção por umbela foi-se reduzindo sucessivamente das primárias (7,5 g por umbela) às secundárias (3,0 g por umbela) e às terciárias (0,5 g por umbela). As sementes das umbelas primárias apresentaram maior massa (média de 2,1 g por mil sementes) em relação às secundárias (1,6 g por mil sementes) que, por sua vez, superaram as terciárias (1,4 g por mil sementes). As sementes das umbelas primárias e secundárias apresentaram maior poder germinativo comparativamemte às terciárias.


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The red ceramics and structural ceramics, as they are known, include ceramic materials made by blocks of seals and structures, bricks, tiles, smail flagstones manacles, rustic floors and ornamental materials. Their fabrication uses raw material such as clay and clay sites, with some content of impurity. It has good durability and mechanical strength to compression, low cost, making it one of the mainly used materials in civil engineering. The incorporation of many industrial activities residue to ceramic products is a technological alternative for reducing the environmental impact caused by its carefree disposal. This incorporation can promote chemical change and inertness of metals from residue, by fixation in the glassy phase of ceramic during the burning stage. The main aim of this project is to study the technical feasibility of the addition of ceramic oven ash into formulations of mass for structural ceramics. In this project two kinds of clay (plastic and non-plastic) were used, as well as the ash from firewood used in the process of burning of structural ceramics. A group of experiments was outlined, which permitted the evaluation of the influence of the burning cycle in different temperatures of the ash content in formulations for ceramic blocks through technological properties, mechanical behavior and microstructure. Five samples were processed of each one of the masses of plastic and non-plastic clay without addition of ash and with addition of ash on the percentages of 10 % and 20 %, for temperatures of 850 °C, 950 °C, 1050 °C and 1150 °C, obtained through sinterization process. Among the studied compositions, the one which presented best performance was the mass of clay with 10 % of ash, at temperature of 1150 °C, with the smallest absorption of water, the smallest apparent porosity, specific apparent mass a bit over the others and greatest mechanical resistance to flexion. The composition made confirmed the technical feasibility of the use of ash in the mass for structural ceramics with maintenance of its necessary characteristics for its purposes


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This work proposes the development of an innovative material made from a vegetable polyurethane matrix and load of industrial waste, from retread tires, for thermal insulation and environmental comfort. Experimental procedures are presented, as well as the results of the thermal and acoustic performance of this composite material, made from an expansive foam derived from the castor seed oil and fiber of scrap tires. The residue was treated superficially with sodium hydroxide, to eliminate contaminants, and characterized macroscopically and microscopically. Samples were produced with addition of residues at levels of 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% by weight, for determination of thermal properties: conductivity, heat capacity and thermal diffusivity, sound absortion index and density. The results were compared to commercially available thermal insulation and sound absorbing products. According to the analysis of results, it was concluded that the developed composite presents characteristics that qualify it as a thermal insulation with superior performance, compared to commercial available insulation, and sound absorption capacity greater than the castor oil polyurethane s, without addition of the residue


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Annular flow is the prevailing pattern in transport and energy conversion systems and therefore, one of the most important patterns in multiphase flow in ducts. The correct prediction of the pressure gradient and heat transfer coefficient is essential for optimizing the system s capacity. The objective of this work is to develop and implement a numerical algorithm capable of predicting hydrodynamic and thermal characteristics for upflow, vertical, annular flow. The numerical algorithm is then complemented with the physical modeling of phenomena that occurs in this flow pattern. These are, turbulence, entrainment and deposition and phase change. For the development of the numerical model, axial diffusion of heat and momentum is neglected. In this way the time-averaged equations are solved in their parabolic form obtaining the velocity and temperature profiles for each axial step at a time, together with the global parameters, namely, pressure gradient, mean film thickness and heat transfer coefficient, as well as their variation in the axial direction. The model is validated for the following conditions: fully-developed laminar flow with no entrainment; fully developed laminar flow with heat transfer, fully-developed turbulent flow with entrained drops, developing turbulent annular flow with entrained drops, and turbulent flow with heat transfer and phase change