874 resultados para maize production areas of highly variable rainfall


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Evaluation and design of shore protection works in the case of tsunamis assumes considerable importance in view of the impact it had in the recent tsunami of 26th December 2004 in India and other countries in Asia. The fact that there are no proper guidelines have made in the matters worse and resulted in the magnitude of damage that occurred. Survey of the damages indicated that the scour as a result of high velocities is one of the prime reasons for damages in the case of simple structures. It is revealed that sea walls in some cases have been helpful to minimize the damages. The objective of this paper is to suggest that design of shore line protection systems using expected wave heights that get generated and use of flexible systems such as geocells is likely to give a better protection. The protection systems can be designed to withstand the wave forces that corresponding to different probabilities of incidence. A design approach of geocells protection system is suggested and illustrated with reference to the data of wave heights in the east coast of India.


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Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää tilalla määritetyn hyvinvoinnin yhteyttä emakoiden tuotantotuloksiin. Hyvinvointia arvioitiin suomalaisen hyvinvointi-indeksin, A-indeksi, avulla. Tuotantotuloksina käytettiin kahta erilaista tuotosaineistoa, jotka molemmat pohjautuivat kansalliseen tuotosseuranta aineistoon. Hyvinvointimääritykset tehtiin 30 porsastuotantosikalassa maaliskuun 2007 aikana. A-indeksi koostuu kuudesta kategoriasta ’liikkumismahdollisuudet’, ’alustan ominaisuudet’, ’sosiaaliset kontaktit’, ’valo, ilma ja melu’, ’ruokinta ja veden saanti’ sekä ’eläinten terveys ja hoidon taso’. Jokaisessa kategoriassa on 3-10 pääosin ympäristöperäistä muuttujaa, jotka vaihtelevat osastoittain. Maksimipistemäärä osastolle on 100. Hyvinvointimittaukset tehtiin porsitus-, tiineytys- ja joutilasosastoilla. Erillisten tiineytysosastojen pienen lukumäärän takia (n=7) tilakohtaiset tiineytys- ja joutilasosastopisteet yhdistettiin ja keskiarvoja käytettiin analyyseissä. Yhteyksiä tuotokseen tutkittiin kahden eri aineiston avulla 1) Tilaraportti aineisto (n=29) muodostuu muokkaamattomista tila- ja tuotostuloksista tilavierailua edeltävän vuoden ajalta, 2) POTSIaineisto (n=30) muodostuu POTSI-ohjelmalla (MTT) muokatusta tuotantoaineistosta, joka sisältää managementtiryhmän (tila, vuosi, vuodenaika) vaikutuksen ensikoiden ja emakoiden pahnuekohtaiseen tuotokseen. Yhteyksiä analysointiin korrelaatio- ja regressioanalyysien avulla. Vaikka osallistuminen tutkimukseen oli vapaaehtoista, molempien tuotantoaineistojen perusteella tutkimustilat edustavat keskituottoista suomalaista sikatilaa. A-indeksin kokonaispisteet vaihtelivat välillä 37,5–64,0 porsitusosastolla ja 39,5–83,5 joutilasosastolla. Tilaraporttiaineistoa käytettäessä paremmat pisteet porsitusosaston ’eläinten terveys ja hoidon taso’ -kategoriasta lyhensivät eläinten lisääntymissykliä, lisäsivät syntyvien pahnueiden ja porsaiden määrää sekä alensivat kuolleena syntyneiden lukumäärää. Regressiomallin mukaan ’eläinten terveys ja hoidon taso’ -kategoria selitti syntyvien porsaiden lukumäärän, porsimisvälin pituuden sekä keskiporsimiskerran vaihtelua. Paremmat pisteet joutilasosaston ’liikkumismahdollisuudet’ kategoriasta alensivat syntyneiden pahnueiden sekä syntyneiden että vieroitettujen porsaiden lukumäärää. Regressiomallin mukaan ensikkopahnueiden osuus ja ”liikkumismahdollisuudet” kategorian pisteet selittivät vieroitettujen porsaiden lukumäärän vaihtelua. POTSI-aineiston yhteydessä kuolleena syntyneiden porsaiden lukumäärän aleneminen oli ensikoilla yhteydessä parempiin porsitusosaston ’sosiaalisiin kontakteihin’ ja emakoilla puolestaan joutilasosaston parempiin ’eläinten terveys ja hoidon taso’ pisteisiin. Kahden eri tuotantoaineiston avulla saadut tulokset erosivat toisistaan. Seuraavissa tutkimuksissa onkin suositeltavampaa käyttää Tilaraporttiaineistoja, joissa tuotokset ilmoitetaan vuosikohtaisina. Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella hyvinvoinnilla ja tuotoksella on yhteyksiä, joilla on myös merkittävää taloudellista vaikutusta. Erityisesti hyvä eläinten hoito ja eläinten terveys lisäävät tuotettujen porsaiden määrää ja lyhentävät lisääntymiskiertoa. Erityishuomiota tulee kiinnittää vapaana olevien joutilaiden emakoiden sosiaaliseen stressiin ja rehunsaannin varmistamiseen kaikille yksilöille.


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Highly stable silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) in agar-agar (Ag/agar) as inorganic-organic hybrid were obtained as free-standing film by in situ reduction of silver nitrate by ethanol. The antimicrobial activity of Ag/agar film on Escherichia coli (E. coil), Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus), and Candida albicans (C albicans) was evaluated in a nutrient broth and also in saline solution. In particular, films were repeatedly tested for antimicrobial activity after recycling. UV-vis absorption and TEM studies were carried out on films at different stages and morphological studies on microbes were carried out by SEM. Results showed spherical Ag NPs of size 15-25 nm, having sharp surface plasmon resonance (SPR) band. The antimicrobial activity of Ag/agar film was found to be in the order, C. albicans > E. coil > S. aureus, and antimicrobial activity against C. albicans was almost maintained even after the third cycle. Whereas, in case of E. coil and S. aureus there was a sharp decline in antimicrobial activity after the second cycle. Agglomeration of Ag NPs in Ag/agar film on exposure to microbes was observed by TEM studies. Cytotoxic experiments carried out on HeLa cells showed a threshold Ag NPs concentration of 60 mu g/mL, much higher than the minimum inhibition concentration of Ag NPs (25.8 mu g/mL) for E. coli. The mechanical strength of the film determined by nanoindentation technique showed almost retention of the strength even after repeated cycle. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We present results on interfacial shear rheology measurements on Langmuir monolayers of two different polymers, poly(vinyl acetate) and poly(methyl methacrylate) as a function of surface concentration and temperature. While for the high glass transition poly(methyl methacrylate) polymer we find a systematic transition from a viscous dominated regime to an elastic dominated regime as surface concentration is increased, monolayers of the low glass transition polymer, poly(vinyl acetate), remain viscous even at very high surface concentrations. We further interpret the results in terms of the soft glassy rheology model of Sollich et al. P. Sollich, F. C. Lequeux, P. Hebraud and M. E. Cates, Phys. Rev. Lett., 1997, 78, 2020-2023] and provide evidence of possible reduction in glass transition temperatures in both poly(methyl methacrylate) and poly(vinyl acetate) monolayers due to finite size effects.


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Reactions of hexachlorocyclodiphosphazane [MeNPCl3]2 with primary aromatic amines afforded the bisphosphinimine hydrochlorides [(RNH)2(RN)PN(Me)P(NHMe)(NHR)2]+Cl- (R = Ph 1, C6H4Me-4 2 or C6H4OMe-4 3). Dehydrochlorination of 2 and 3 by methanolic KOH yielded highly basic bisphosphinimines [(RNH)2(RN)PN(Me)P(NMe)(NHR)2] (R = C6H4Me-4 4 or C6H4OMe-4 5). Compounds 1-5 have been characterised by elemental analysis and IR and NMR (H-1, C-13, P-31) spectroscopy. The structure of 2 has been confirmed by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The short P-N bond lengths and the conformations of the PN, units can be explained on the basis of cumulative negative hyperconjugative interactions between nitrogen lone pairs and adjacent P-N sigma* orbitals. Ab initio calculations on the model phosphinimine (H2N)3P=NH and its protonated form suggest that (amino)phosphinimines would be stronger bases compared to many organic bases such as guanidine.


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We report on neutron diffraction study of a new form of conducting amorphous carbon up to Q similar to 14.5 Angstrom(-1). The bond distances from first two peaks in g(r) are 1.45 and 2.49 Angstrom, very similar to those in sputtered truly amorphous carbon films (Li and Lannin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 65 (1990) 1905). The first coordination number is 3.1 (+/- 0.1) indicating predominantly sp(2) hybridisation (ideal no. = 3). However, S(Q) itself shows vestiges of (0 0 2), (1 0) and (1 1) peaks, typical of glassy carbon (Mildner, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 47 (1982) 391). (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The basic characteristic of a chaotic system is its sensitivity to the infinitesimal changes in its initial conditions. A limit to predictability in chaotic system arises mainly due to this sensitivity and also due to the ineffectiveness of the model to reveal the underlying dynamics of the system. In the present study, an attempt is made to quantify these uncertainties involved and thereby improve the predictability by adopting a multivariate nonlinear ensemble prediction. Daily rainfall data of Malaprabha basin, India for the period 1955-2000 is used for the study. It is found to exhibit a low dimensional chaotic nature with the dimension varying from 5 to 7. A multivariate phase space is generated, considering a climate data set of 16 variables. The chaotic nature of each of these variables is confirmed using false nearest neighbor method. The redundancy, if any, of this atmospheric data set is further removed by employing principal component analysis (PCA) method and thereby reducing it to eight principal components (PCs). This multivariate series (rainfall along with eight PCs) is found to exhibit a low dimensional chaotic nature with dimension 10. Nonlinear prediction employing local approximation method is done using univariate series (rainfall alone) and multivariate series for different combinations of embedding dimensions and delay times. The uncertainty in initial conditions is thus addressed by reconstructing the phase space using different combinations of parameters. The ensembles generated from multivariate predictions are found to be better than those from univariate predictions. The uncertainty in predictions is decreased or in other words predictability is increased by adopting multivariate nonlinear ensemble prediction. The restriction on predictability of a chaotic series can thus be altered by quantifying the uncertainty in the initial conditions and also by including other possible variables, which may influence the system. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have analysed the diurnal cycle of rainfall over the Indian region (10S-35N, 60E-100E) using both satellite and in-situ data, and found many interesting features associated with this fundamental, yet under-explored, mode of variability. Since there is a distinct and strong diurnal mode of variability associated with the Indian summer monsoon rainfall, we evaluate the ability of the Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF) to simulate the observed diurnal rainfall characteristics. The model (at 54km grid-spacing) is integrated for the month of July, 2006, since this period was particularly favourable for the study of diurnal cycle. We first evaluate the sensitivity of the model to the prescribed sea surface temperature (SST), by using two different SST datasets, namely, Final Analyses (FNL) and Real-time Global (RTG). It was found that with RTG SST the rainfall simulation over central India (CI) was significantly better than that with FNL. On the other hand, over the Bay of Bengal (BoB), rainfall simulated with FNL was marginally better than with RTG. However, the overall performance of RTG SST was found to be better than FNL, and hence it was used for further model simulations. Next, we investigated the role of the convective parameterization scheme on the simulation of diurnal cycle of rainfall. We found that the Kain-Fritsch (KF) scheme performs significantly better than Betts-Miller-Janjić (BMJ) and Grell-Devenyi schemes. We also studied the impact of other physical parameterizations, namely, microphysics, boundary layer, land surface, and the radiation parameterization, on the simulation of diurnal cycle of rainfall, and identified the “best” model configuration. We used this configuration of the “best” model to perform a sensitivity study on the role of various convective components used in the KF scheme. In particular, we studied the role of convective downdrafts, convective timescale, and feedback fraction, on the simulated diurnal cycle of rainfall. The “best” model simulations, in general, show a good agreement with observations. Specifically, (i) Over CI, the simulated diurnal rainfall peak is at 1430 IST, in comparison to the observed 1430-1730 IST peak; (ii) Over Western Ghats and Burmese mountains, the model simulates a diurnal rainfall peak at 1430 IST, as opposed to the observed peak of 1430-1730 IST; (iii) Over Sumatra, both model and observations show a diurnal peak at 1730 IST; (iv) The observed southward propagating diurnal rainfall bands over BoB are weakly simulated by WRF. Besides the diurnal cycle of rainfall, the mean spatial pattern of total rainfall and its partitioning between the convective and stratiform components, are also well simulated. The “best” model configuration was used to conduct two nested simulations with one-way, three-level nesting (54-18-6km) over CI and BoB. While, the 54km and 18km simulations were conducted for the whole of July, 2006, the 6km simulation was carried out for the period 18 - 24 July, 2006. The results of our coarse- and fine-scale numerical simulations of the diurnal cycle of monsoon rainfall will be discussed.


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In industrializing countries new groups of consumers with remarkable purchasing power are emerging. Representing a ?new middle class? they are seen as a carrier and promoter of a so-called ?western way of life? beyond the OECD countries. They are presented as having a consumerist predator lifestyle which stands in conflict with the requirements for a sustainable future. Furthermore, they are imputed a profound lack of a sense of responsibility towards society. However, such a ?civil society spirit? is a core prerequisite for coping with the challenge of changing existing lifestyles to insure a more sustainable future....


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In recent years a number of white dwarfs have been observed with very high surface magnetic fields. We can expect that the magnetic field in the core of these stars would be much higher (similar to 10(14) G). In this paper, we analytically study the effect of high magnetic field on relativistic cold electron, and hence its effect on the stability and the mass-radius relation of a magnetic white dwarf. In strong magnetic fields, the equation of state of the Fermi gas is modified and Landau quantization comes into play. For relatively very high magnetic fields (with respect to the average energy density of matter) the number of Landau levels is restricted to one or two. We analyze the equation of states for magnetized electron degenerate gas analytically and attempt to understand the conditions in which transitions from the zeroth Landau level to first Landau level occurs. We also find the effect of the strong magnetic field on the star collapsing to a white dwarf, and the mass-radius relation of the resulting star. We obtain an interesting theoretical result that it is possible to have white dwarfs with mass more than the mass set by Chandrasekhar limit.


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The failure of atmospheric general circulation models (AGCMs) forced by prescribed SST to simulate and predict the interannual variability of Indian/Asian monsoon has been widely attributed to their inability to reproduce the actual sea surface temperature (SST)-rainfall relationship in the warm Indo-Pacific oceans. This assessment is based on a comparison of the observed and simulated correlation between the rainfall and local SST. However, the observed SSTconvection/rainfall relationship is nonlinear and for this a linear measure such as the correlation is not an appropriate measure. We show that the SST-rainfall relationship simulated by atmospheric and coupled general circulation models in IPCC AR4 is nonlinear, as observed, and realistic over the tropical West Pacific (WPO) and the Indian Ocean (IO). The SST-rainfall pattern simulated by the coupled versions of these models is rather similar to that from the corresponding atmospheric one, except for a shift of the entire pattern to colder/warmer SSTs when there is a cold/warm bias in the coupled version.


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We report the fabrication of nanoholes on silicon surface by exploiting the solubility of silicon in gallium by local droplet etching. Nanometer-sized gallium droplets yield nanoholes when annealed in ultra-high vacuum at moderate temperatures (similar to 500 degrees C) without affecting the other regions. High vacuum and moderate annealing temperatures are key parameters to obtain well-defined nanoholes with diameter comparable to that of Ga droplets. Self-assembly of Ga droplet leads to a nanohole density of 4-8 x 10(10)/cm(2).