1000 resultados para métodos independentes de cultivo


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Este documento de factibilidad diseñado para el Centro de Desarrollo de la Pesca y la Acuicultura (CENDEPESCA), cuyo propósito principal fue preparar un estudio de factibilidad técnico-económica para implementar el cultivo de peces tilapia roja en jaulas flotantes a la Institución antes mencionada, el cual incluye en la metodología métodos tales como el analítico, sintético, deductivo e inductivo para realizar un adecuado diagnóstico de la situación problemática actual. También en esta parte se estableció un tipo de investigación descriptiva utilizada para obtener un panorama más preciso de la magnitud del problema, las fuentes de información primarias para recopilar la información en forma directa a través de las técnicas como la entrevista, la encuesta y la observación directa y las fuentes secundarias como el marco de referencia teórico en el que se fundamenta la investigación entre los que se incluyen libros, revistas, informes, periódicos, sitios Web, entre otras, las técnicas de investigación fueron la entrevista, la encuesta y la observación; en la población objeto de análisis se dividió en dos universos: el primero constituido por los consumidores de 29 negocios que incluye a restaurantes, merenderos y comerciantes de productos pesqueros de los mercados municipales, localizados en los municipios de Ilopango, Soyapango y San Martín, y el segundo universo conformado por 14 propietarios de proyectos piscícolas ubicados en los alrededores del lago de Ilopango; el instrumento de recolección de datos fue el cuestionario, el cual permitió llevar a cabo el censo de dichos universos. Los resultados obtenidos mediante el diagnóstico conllevan a una conclusión principal, la cual indica que existe un potencial de demanda para los peces tilapia roja, ya que así se confirmo mediante la investigación realizada, el cual se puede utilizar como mercado objetivo del proyecto, de esta se deriva la principal recomendación en donde se sugiere invertir en este tipo de proyecto, debido a que si existe demanda insatisfecha para los peces tilapia roja. De los resultados del diagnóstico se efectuó la propuesta de inversión, que hace referencia a las variables principales de mercado, técnicas, organizacionales, legales, económicas y financieras que demandará y generará el proyecto.


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A Plukenetia volubilis L., conhecida como sacha-inchi, é uma espécie amazônica que apresenta propriedades nutracêuticas de grande potencial para as indústrias farmacêutica e estética. Com a finalidade de contribuir para o desenvolvimento de técnicas de propagação in vitro, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a eficiência de métodos de desinfestação e calogênese em explantes dessa espécie.


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Concomitantemente e em conformidade com a institucionalização do ensino da língua materna no século das reformas educativas do Marquês de Pombal, assiste-se ao incremento de materiais orientados para a aprendizagem do português como língua estrangeira, acompanhando também a produção editorial europeia de manuais de línguas não maternas e respectivos métodos de ensino. Trata-se de um ensino gramatical – o do português como língua estrangeira – professado por autores de nacionalidades diversas (portuguesa, brasileira, francesa, italiana, inglesa e americana) ao serviço de estudantes estrangeiros e que, entre a segunda metade do século XVII e finais do século XIX, deu origem a uma considerável produção editorial de gramáticas de português publicadas fora de Portugal e escritas em várias línguas modernas europeias (inglês e francês, sobretudo).


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El trabajo tiene el objetivo de investigar cómo se han usado los recursos naturales y productivos en la región de Juchipila Zacatecas, y conocer como han influido en la productividad de la guayaba. Los métodos usados fueron la revisión de datos estadísticos, bibliográficos y trabajo en campo aplicando entrevistas abiertas a productores claves, los resultados indican que los recursos productivos están distribuidos entre actores sociales que realizan la producción de guayaba en extensiones de tierra de 2 a 10 has, con producciones medias de 10 ton/ha, aunque los mejores agricultores llegan a obtener de 20 a 30 ton/ha, los que han realizado cambios tecnológicos en el uso de agua, al cambiar el riego rodado en canaletas a cielo abierto, a riego con aspersores y con mangueras de PVC con micro aspersores, en el cual llegan a aplicar fertilizantes y pesticidas. También algunos agricultores tienen instalados ventiladores en su huerta de guayabo, para aminorar las heladas ocasionales que llegan a afectar el cultivo, aunque lo más común es aplicar riego con los aspersores para evitar la baja de temperaturas. El estado de Zacatecas a través de dependencias de gobierno y organizaciones sociales está buscando alternativas para mejorar el uso de los recursos naturales, ya que el cultivo de la guayaba tiende a decrecer.


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O tucumã-do-pará (Astrocaryum vulgare Mart.) é uma palmeira oleaginosa que apresenta potencial para a indústria de biocombustíveis. Devido ao longo período de germinação das sementes, a obtenção de mudas em grande quantidade ainda não é possível pelos métodos tradicionais de propagação. Este trabalho objetivou o cultivo in vitro de embriões zigóticos de tucumã-do-pará excisados de frutos imaturos para a indução à embriogênese somática. Frutos imaturos foram coletados e, após o processamento, os embriões foram inoculados em meio de cultura MS com 4 concentrações de picloram: 0; 120; 240 e 360 M. Após 90 dias, verificaram-se porcentagens de viabilidade superiores a 80% para todos os tratamentos, indução de estruturas semelhantes à embriões somáticos superior a 50% em meio de cultura com picloram e maior crescimento do explante na concentração de 120 M, diâmetro médio superior aos demais. Houve somente formação de plântulas em meio de cultura livre de regulador de crescimento. O cultivo in vitro de embriões zigóticos de tucumã-do-pará é viável, gera plântulas após 90 dias de cultivo em meio de cultura sem regulador de crescimento e os embriões excisados de frutos imaturos são induzidos a estruturas semelhantes a embriões somáticos pela ação do picloram a partir de 120 ?M via embriogênese somática. O método de assepsia adotado propicia isenção total de contaminações.


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We review here the chemistry of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, their biological sources and targets; particularly, biomolecules implicated in the redox balance of the human blood, and appraise the analytical methods available for their detection and quantification. Those biomolecules are represented by the enzymatic antioxidant defense machinery, whereas coadjutant reducing protection is provided by several low molecular weight molecules. Biomolecules can be injured by RONS yielding a large repertoire of oxidized products, some of which can be taken as biomarkers of oxidative damage. Their reliable determination is of utmost interest for their potentiality in diagnosis, prevention and treatment of maladies.


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In this work, the artificial neural networks (ANN) and partial least squares (PLS) regression were applied to UV spectral data for quantitative determination of thiamin hydrochloride (VB1), riboflavin phosphate (VB2), pyridoxine hydrochloride (VB6) and nicotinamide (VPP) in pharmaceutical samples. For calibration purposes, commercial samples in 0.2 mol L-1 acetate buffer (pH 4.0) were employed as standards. The concentration ranges used in the calibration step were: 0.1 - 7.5 mg L-1 for VB1, 0.1 - 3.0 mg L-1 for VB2, 0.1 - 3.0 mg L-1 for VB6 and 0.4 - 30.0 mg L-1 for VPP. From the results it is possible to verify that both methods can be successfully applied for these determinations. The similar error values were obtained by using neural network or PLS methods. The proposed methodology is simple, rapid and can be easily used in quality control laboratories.


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In this review recent methods developed and applied to solve criminal occurences related to documentoscopy, ballistic and drugs of abuse are discussed. In documentoscopy, aging of ink writings, the sequence of line crossings and counterfeiting of documents are aspects to be solved with reproducible, fast and non-destructive methods. In ballistic, the industries are currently producing ''lead-free'' or ''nontoxic'' handgun ammunitions, so new methods of gunshot residues characterization are being presented. For drugs analysis, easy ambient sonic-spray ionization mass spectrometry (EASI-MS) is shown to provide a relatively simple and selective screening tool to distinguish m-CPP and amphetamines (MDMA) tablets, cocaine and LSD.


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This paper presents two techniques to evaluate soil mechanical resistance to penetration as an auxiliary method to help in a decision-making in subsoiling operations. The decision is based on the volume of soil mobilized as a function of the considered critical soil resistance to penetration in each case. The first method, probabilistic, uses statistical techniques to define the volume of soil to be mobilized. The other method, deterministic, determines the percentage of soil to be mobilized and its spatial distribution. Both cases plot the percentage curves of experimental data related to the soil mechanical resistance to penetration equal or larger to the established critical level and the volume of soil to be mobilized as a function of critical level. The deterministic method plots showed the spatial distribution of the data with resistance to penetration equal or large than the critical level. The comparison between mobilized soil curves as a function of critical level using both methods showed that they can be considered equivalent. The deterministic method has the advantage of showing the spatial distribution of the critical points.


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This work reports an economic evaluation of the dried banana production from an agroindustry located in Guaraqueçaba - PR State, Brazil. The conventional and the organic banana processings were evaluated by comparing the economic viability pointers. The dried organic banana is exported to the Europe and the dried conventional banana is commercialized in the region of Curitiba - PR. Both processings presented positive economic viability, however the dried organic banana presented better indices (TIR 94%, VPL R$ 486,009.39 and benefit cost relation of 2.11) than the conventional dried banana (TIR 14%, VPL R$ 34,668.00 and benefit cost relation of 1.17). The dried organic banana presented a cost of production of R$ 3.64, being 50.1% relative to the expense with insumos and 27% with labour. The dried conventional banana presented a cost of R$ 3.21, being 45.3% for insumos and 31.2% for labour.


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It was proposed to evaluate the hydroponic lettuce production, variety Vera, on inclined benches with channels of 100 mm, and Nutrient Film Technique, as answer to carbon dioxide application and evaporative cooling. There were five cycles of cultivation from March, 20th to April, 17th (C1); from May, 25th to June, 29th (C2); from July, 13th to August, 20th (C3); from August, 27th to October, 10th (C4); from December, 12th to January, 10th (C5). In three greenhouses were tested the following systems: (A1) without evaporative cooling air CO2 aerial injection, (A2) with CO2 aerial injection and without evaporative cooling and (A3) with CO2 aerial injection and pad-fan evaporative cooling system. The fresh and dry mass of leaves in grams, number of leaves and leaf area in square millimeter were evaluated. The completely randomized statistical analysis was used. The cycle C1 were used 48 replications, for cycles C2, C3 and C5 were used 64 replications and C5 were used 24 replications. The results showed that greenhouse with evaporative cooling system and CO2 allow better development and greater lettuce yield. It was possible to conclude that the aerial injection of CO2, in the absence of evaporative cooling system, did not lead increasing the lettuce productivity to most cycles. Bigger lettuce leaf areas were found in periods with higher temperatures.


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This study presents the results of a cost-effectiveness analysis in a controlled clinical trial on the effectiveness of a modified glass ionomer resin sealant ( Vitremer, 3M ESPE) and the application of fluoride varnish (Duraphat, Colgate) on occlusal surfaces of first permanent molars in children 6-8 years of age (N = 268), according to caries risk (high versus low). Children were examined semiannually by the same calibrated dentist for 24 months after allocation in six groups: high and low risk controls (oral health education every three months); high and low risk with varnish (oral health education every three months + varnish biannually); and high and low risk with sealant (oral health education every three months + a single application of sealant). Economic analysis showed that sealing permanent first molars of high-risk schoolchildren showed a C/E ratio of US$ 119.80 per saved occlusal surface and an incremental C/E ratio of US$ 108.36 per additional saved occlusal surface. The study concluded that sealing permanent first molars of high-risk schoolchildren was the most cost-effective intervention.


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Relief influences soil texture variability, since it contributes to the time of exposition of the materials to weathering factors. Our work was carried out in the city of Gavião Peixoto (SP), with the objective of characterizing the spatial variability of texture of a dystrophic Red Latosol cultivated with citrus. The hillside was divided into three segments: top, stocking lean and inferior lean. Soil samples were collected in a grid with regular intervals of 50 m, at the depths of 0.0-0.2 m and 0.6-0.8 m, comprising a total of 332 points in an area of 83.5 ha. The data were submitted to descriptive and geostatistics analyses (semivariogram modeling and kriging maps). The spatial behavior of the texture of oxisols is directly related to the relief forms in this study, which controls the direction of surface and subsurface water flows. The concept of homogeneity of clay distribution in the Oxisol profile is a piece of information that can be adjusted by knowing the spatial pattern of this distribution in different relief forms.


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The objective of the work was to evaluate the effects of environment, recipients, and substrate compositions in passion fruit (Passiflora edulis Sims f. flavicarpa Deg.) seedlings biomass production in Pantanal region from September to November of 2006. Experimental trials were conducted in four protected environments, in two types of containers and three different substrate compositions. The environments were: A1 (greenhouse covered with low-density, 150-microns-thick polyethylene film), A2 (monofilament black screened with mesh for 50% of shade), A3 (aluminized screened with mesh for 50% of shade) and A4 (environment covered with straw of native coconut palm); the recipients were: polyethylene bags (R1) (15 x 25 cm) and polystyrene trays (R2) (with 72 cells). There substrates were: S1 (soil + organic compost + vermiculite, 1:1: 1 v/v), S2 (soil + organic compost + sawdust, 1:1: 1 v/v) and S3 (soil + organic compost + vermiculite + sawdust, 1:1: 1/2: 1/2 v/v). The experimental design was completely randomized statistical analysis in split-split-plot, with fifteen replications. The treatments in the plot were environments, in the subplots were pots, and subsubplots were substrates (4 x 2 x 3 = 24 treatments). Fresh and dry mass of aerial and root system parts were evaluated. Environments with screen showed better results for seedlings of yellow passion fruit biomass in polyethylene bags. Polyethylene bags promoted higher biomasses. The substrate with vermiculite showed better results for both types of containers. The substrate with a higher percentage of sawdust showed the worst result.


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The purpose of this study was to verify whether the Greulich & Pyle (GP), Greulich & Pyle Visual (GPV) and Tanner & Whitehouse (TW) methods for estimating skeletal age could be applied in the Brazilian population, and which of these three methods could be considered more reliable when compared with the chronological age of the individuals. This study was based on one hundred and sixty volunteers (80 females and 80 males) with ages between 6 years and 10 months and 14 years and 9 months. The results showed that for the GP method, the correlations with chronological age were 0.95 for males and 0.97 for females. For the GPV method, the correlations were 0.96 and 0.97, respectively and for TW, 0.96 and 0.97. The results showed that the Greulich & Pyle, Greulich & Pyle Visual and Tanner & Whitehouse methods presented high correlation values when compared with the chronological age of the individuals. Corrective factors were established to make these methods applicable to the Brazilian population.