937 resultados para liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC-MS)


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[1] As part of the Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA)-Cooperative LBA Airborne Regional Experiment (CLAIRE) 2001 campaign in July 2001, separate day and nighttime aerosol samples were collected at a ground-based site in Amazonia, Brazil, in order to examine the composition and temporal variability of the natural “background” aerosol. We used a high-volume sampler to separate the aerosol into fine (aerodynamic diameter, AD < 2.5 μm) and coarse (AD > 2.5 μm) size fractions and quantified a range of organic compounds in methanolic extracts of the samples by a gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric technique. The carbon fraction of the compounds could account for an average of 7% of the organic carbon (OC) in both the fine and coarse aerosol fractions. We observed the highest concentrations of sugars, sugar alcohols, and fatty acids in the coarse aerosol samples, which suggests that these compounds are associated with primary biological aerosol particles (PBAP) observed in the forest atmosphere. Of these, trehalose, mannitol, arabitol, and the fatty acids were found to be more prevalent at night, coinciding with a nocturnal increase in PBAP in the 2–10 μm size range (predominantly yeasts and other small fungal spores). In contrast, glucose, fructose, and sucrose showed persistently higher daytime concentrations, coinciding with a daytime increase in large fungal spores, fern spores, pollen grains, and, to a lesser extent, plant fragments (generally >20 μm in diameter), probably driven by lowered relative humidity and enhanced wind speeds/convective activity during the day. For the fine aerosol samples a series of dicarboxylic and hydroxyacids were detected with persistently higher daytime concentrations, suggesting that photochemical production of a secondary organic aerosol from biogenic volatile organic compounds may have made a significant contribution to the fine aerosol. Anhydrosugars (levoglucosan, mannosan, galactosan), which are specific tracers for biomass burning, were detected only at low levels in the fine aerosol samples. On the basis of the levoglucosan-to-OC emission ratio measured for biomass burning aerosol, we estimate that an average of ∼16% of the OC in the fine aerosol was due to biomass burning during CLAIRE 2001, indicating that the major fraction was associated with biogenic particles.


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Previous researchers have postulated that gastrointestinal bacteria may contribute to the development and maintenance of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). There is evidence based on quantitative evaluation of the gastrointestinal bacterial population in ASD that this is unlikely and an alternate mechanism will be examined where the bacteria may contribute to the development of ASD via their metabolic products and the role of biogenic amines (BAs) will be investigated. In humans, BAs influence a number of physiological processes via their actions as neurotransmitters, local hormones and gastric acid secretion. Various amines have been implicated in several medical conditions such as schizophrenia and colon cancer. To date, the relationship between BAs and autism has not been explored. This study has been designed to identify differences (and/or similarities) in the level of Bas in faecal samples of autistic children (without gastrointestinal dysfunction: n = 14; with gastrointestinal dysfunction; n = 21) and their neurotypical siblings (n = 35) by LC-MS/MS. Regardless of the diagnosis, severity of ASD and gastrointestinal dysfunction there were no significant differences found between the groups. The findings suggest that BAs in the gastrointestinal tract do not play a role in the pathophysiology of gastrointestinal dysfunction associated with ASD.


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Metabolic engineering of omega-3 long-chain (≥C20) polyunsaturated fatty acids (ω3 LC-PUFA) in oilseeds has been one of the key targets in recent years. By expressing a transgenic pathway for enhancing the synthesis of the ω3 LC-PUFA docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) from endogenous α-linolenic acid (ALA), we obtained the production of fish oil-like proportions of DHA in Arabidopsis seed oil. Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) was used to characterize the triacylglycerol (TAG), diacylglycerol (DAG) and phospholipid (PL) lipid classes in the transgenic and wild type Arabidopsis seeds at both developing and mature stages. The analysis identified the appearance of several abundant DHA-containing phosphatidylcholine (PC), DAG and TAG molecular species in mature seeds. The relative abundances of PL, DAG, and TAG species showed a preferred combination of LC-PUFA with ALA in the transgenic seeds, where LC-PUFA were esterified in positions usually occupied by 20:1ω9. Trace amounts of di-DHA PC and tri-DHA TAG were identified and confirmed by high resolution MS/MS. Studying the lipidome in transgenic seeds provided insights into where DHA accumulated and combined with other fatty acids of neutral and phospholipids from the developing and mature seeds. © 2014 Zhou, Callahan, Shrestha, Liu, Petrie and Singh.


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We aimed to investigate the relationship between genetic and environmental exposure and vitamin D status at age one, stratified by ethnicity. This study included 563 12-month-old infants in the HealthNuts population-based study. DNA from participants' blood samples was genotyped using Sequenom MassARRAY MALDI-TOF system on 28 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in six genes. Using logistic regression, we examined associations between environmental exposure and SNPs in vitamin D pathway and filaggrin genes and vitamin D insufficiency (VDI). VDI, defined as serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D3(25(OH)D3) level ≤50 nmol/L, was measured using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Infants were stratified by ethnicity determined by parent's country of birth. Infants formula fed at 12 months were associated with reduced odds of VDI compared to infants with no current formula use at 12 months. This association differed by ethnicity (P;bsubesub;= 0.01). The odds ratio (OR) of VDI was 0.29 for Caucasian infants (95% CI, 0.18-0.47) and 0.04 for Asian infants (95% CI, 0.006-0.23). Maternal vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy and/or breastfeeding were associated with increased odds of infants being VDI (OR, 2.39; 95% CI, 1.11-5.18 and OR, 2.5; 95% CI, 1.20-5.24 respectively). Presence of a minor allele for any GC SNP (rs17467825, rs1155563, rs2282679, rs3755967, rs4588, rs7041) was associated with increased odds of VDI. Caucasian infants homozygous (AA) for rs4588 had an OR of 2.49 of being associated with VDI (95% CI, 1.19-5.18). In a country without routine infant vitamin D supplementation or food chain fortification, formula use is strongly associated with a reduced risk of VDI regardless of ethnicity. There was borderline significance for an association between filaggrin mutations and VDI. However, polymorphisms in vitamin D pathway related genes were associated with increased likelihood of being VDI in infancy. © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Advances in high-throughput, comprehensive small molecule analytical techniques have seen the development of the field of metabolomics. The coupling of mass spectrometry with high-resolution chromatography provides extensive chemical profiles from complex biological extracts. These profiles include thousands of compounds linked to gene expression, and can be used as taxonomic characters. Studies have shown metabolite profiles to be taxon specific in a range of organisms, but few have investigated taxonomically problematic plant taxa. This study used a phenetic analysis of metabolite profiles to test taxonomic boundaries in the Olearia phlogopappa (Asteraceae) complex as delimited by morphological data. Metabolite profiles were generated from both field- and shade house-grown material, using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS). Aligned profiles of 51 samples from 12 taxa gave a final dataset of over 10,000 features. Multivariate analyses of field and shade house material gave congruent results, both confirming the distinctiveness of the morphologically defined species and subspecies in this complex. Metabolomics has great potential in alpha taxonomy, especially for testing the boundaries of closely related taxa where DNA sequence data has been uninformative.


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Plants modify metabolic processes for adaptation to low phosphate (P) conditions. Whilst transcriptomic analyses show that P deficiency changes hundreds of genes related to various metabolic processes, there is limited information available for global metabolite changes of P-deficient plants, especially for cereals. As changes in metabolites are the ultimate ‘readout’ of changes in gene expression, we profiled polar metabolites from both shoots and roots of P-deficient barley (Hordeum vulgare) using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The results showed that mildly P-deficient plants accumulated di- and trisaccharides (sucrose, maltose, raffinose and 6-kestose), especially in shoots. Severe P deficiency increased the levels of metabolites related to ammonium metabolism in addition to di- and trisaccharides, but reduced the levels of phosphorylated intermediates (glucose-6-P, fructose-6-P, inositol-1-P and glycerol-3-P) and organic acids (α-ketoglutarate, succinate, fumarate and malate). The results revealed that P-deficient plants modify carbohydrate metabolism initially to reduce P consumption, and salvage P from small P-containing metabolites when P deficiency is severe, which consequently reduced levels of organic acids in the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle. The extent of the effect of severe P deficiency on ammonium metabolism was also revealed by liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC-MS) quantitative analysis of free amino acids. A sharp increase in the concentrations of glutamine and asparagine was observed in both shoots and roots of severely P-deficient plants. Based on these data, a strategy for improving the ability of cereals to adapt to low P environments is proposed that involves alteration in partitioning of carbohydrates into organic acids and amino acids to enable more efficient utilization of carbon in P-deficient plants.


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Hyperglycemia causes diabetic nephropathy, a condition for which there are no specific diagnostic markers thatpredict progression to renal failure. Here we describe a multiplatform metabolomic analysis of urine from individualswith type 2 diabetes, collected before and immediately following experimental hyperglycemia. We used targetednuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR), liquid chromatography - mass spectrometry (LC-MS) and gaschromatography - MS (GC-MS) to identify markers of hyperglycemia. Following optimization of data normalisation andstatistical analysis, we identified a reproducible NMR and LC-MS based urine signature of hyperglycemia. Significantincreases of alanine, alloisoleucine, isoleucine, leucine, N-isovaleroylglycine, valine, choline, lactate and taurine anddecreases of arginine, gamma-aminobutyric acid, hippurate, suberate and N-acetylglutamate were observed. GC-MSanalysis identified a number of metabolites differentially present in post-glucose versus baseline urine, but these could not be identified using current metabolite libraries. This analysis is an important first step towards identifying biomarkers of early-stage diabetic nephropathy.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Comparative HPLC-UV and LC-MS/MS studies of impurity profiles of a reference sample (Xenical (R), F. Hoffmann La Roche Ltd., Switzerland) vs. generic (Lipiblock (R), EMS Sigma Pharma, a generic drug) were carried out with ethanol extracts of commercial samples. The generic formulation contained higher levels of common impurities as well as a considerable number of impurities not found in the reference product. The detected impurity profile of Lipiblock (R) revealed that it most likely is based on fermentation. Since the effect of the impurities is unknown, at this point fully synthetic Xenical (R) appears to offer a better safety margin than Lipiblock (R) which, however, compares quite well to other generic formulations.


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Soil contamination by pesticides is an environmental problem that needs to be monitored and avoided. However, the lack of fast, accurate and low cost analytical methods for discovering residual pesticide in complex matrices, such as soil, is a problem still unresolved. This problem needs to be solved before we are able to assess the quality of environmental samples. The intensive use of pesticides has increased since the 60s, because the dependence of their use, causing biological imbalances and promoting resistance and recurrence of high populations of pests and pathogens (upwelling). This has contributed to the appearance of new pests that were previously under natural control. To develop analytical methods that are able to quantify residues pesticide in complex environment. It is still a challenge for many laboratories. The integration of two analytical methods one ecotoxicological and another chemical demonstrates the potential for environmental analysis of methamidophos. The aim of this study was to evaluate an ecotoxicological method as "screening" analytical methamidophos in the soil and perform analytical confirmation in the samples of the concentration of the analyte by chemical method LC-MS/MS In this work we tested two soils: a clayey and sandy, both in contact with the kinetic methamidophos model followed pseudo-second order. The clay soil showed higher absorption of methamidophos and followed the Freundlich model, while the sandy, the Langmuir model. The chemical method was validated LC-MS/MS satisfactory, showing all parameters of linearity, range, precision, accuracy, and sensitivity adequate. In chronic ecotoxicological tests with C. dubia, the NOEC was 4.93 and 3.24 for ng L-1 of methamidophos to elutriate assays of sandy and clay soils, respectively. The method for ecotoxicological levels was more sensitive than LC-MS/MS detection of methamidophos, loamy and sandy soils. However, decreasing the concentration of the standard for analytical methamidophos and adjusting for the validation conditions chemical acquires a limit of quantification (LOQ) in ng L-1, consistent with the provisions of ecotoxicological test. The methods described should be used as an analytical tool for methamidophos in soil, and the ecotoxicological analysis can be used as a "screening" and LC-MS/MS as confirmatory analysis of the analyte molecule, confirming the objectives of this work