366 resultados para lignocellulosic hydrolysates
La sang de porc és un subproducte comestible que es genera als escorxadors industrials durant el procés d'obtenció de la canal. Aquest subproducte es caracteritza per presentar una elevada càrrega contaminant i, degut a l'elevat volum que es genera, és necessari trobar estratègies que permetin la seva revaloració i aprofitament, a la vegada que disminuïm la contaminació ambiental i les despeses que es deriven del seu processament abans de l'abocament. La fracció cel·lular (FC) constitueix el 40 % de la sang de porc i conté principalment l'hemoglobina (Hb), que representa al voltant del 90 % del contingut en proteïna d'aquesta fracció (un 35 % aproximadament). L'elevat percentatge en proteïna i en ferro, i les seves bones propietats funcionals fan que l'aprofitament d'aquest subproducte com a primera matèria o ingredient de la indústria alimentària sigui una alternativa molt útil a l'hora de reduir les despeses de la indústria càrnia, sempre que es resolguin els problemes de l'enfosquiment i dels sabors estranys que pot conferir la FC quan s'addiciona a productes alimentaris. Una altra possible utilització de la FC és aprofitar les propietats colorants de l'Hb o del grup hemo, com a colorant d'origen natural en diversos productes alimentaris. Els objectius del present treball eren, en primer lloc, determinar les millors condicions d'aplicació del procés de conservació de la FC mitjançant la deshidratació per atomització i caracteritzar físico-químicament i microbiològica el concentrat d'Hb en pols. En segon lloc, avaluar l'eficàcia de diferents additius antioxidants i/o segrestants del ferro per prevenir l'enfosquiment que pateix la FC durant la deshidratació. En tercer lloc, aplicar tractaments d'altes pressions hidrostàtiques com a procés d'higienització i avaluar els efectes d'aquest tractament sobre la microbiota contaminant, el color i les propietats funcionals de la FC. Finalment, desenvolupar un procés d'obtenció d'hidrolitzats proteics descolorats a partir de l'Hb amb la finalitat d'utilitzar-los com a ingredients nutricionals i/o funcionals. La millor temperatura de deshidratació per atomització de la FC hemolitzada era 140ºC. La FC en pols presentava un contingut en humitat del 5,3 % i un percentatge de solubilitat proteica del 96 %. La deshidratació per atomització induïa canvis en l'estructura nativa de l'Hb i, per tant, un cert grau de desnaturalització que pot conduir a una disminució de les seves propietats funcionals. L'extracte sec de la FC en pols estava composat per un 94,6 % de proteïna, un 3 % de sals minerals i un 0,7 % de greix. Els valors CIE L*a*b* del color de la FC en pols eren força constants i reflectien el color vermell marró fosc d'aquesta, a causa de l'oxidació del ferro hèmic que es produeix durant la deshidratació. La càrrega contaminant de la FC fresca de la sang de porc era força elevada i el tractament d'hemòlisi amb ultrasons i la centrifugació posterior no produïen una reducció significativa de la microbiota contaminant, obtenint un producte amb uns recomptes microbiològics de l'ordre de 106 ufc·mL-1. La deshidratació per atomització produïa una disminució d'una unitat logarítmica dels recomptes totals de la FC hemolitzada. Tanmateix, el producte en pols encara reflectia l'elevada contaminació de la primera matèria, fet que condiciona negativament la seva utilització com a ingredient alimentari, a no ser que es millorin les condicions de recollida de la sang a l'escorxador o que aquesta o la FC es sotmeti a algun tractament d'higienització prèviament a la deshidratació. Les isotermes de sorció a 20ºC de la FC en pols tenien forma sigmoïdal i una histèresi estreta i llarga. L'equació GAB és un bon model matemàtic per ajustar les dades de sorció obtingudes experimentalment i determinar la isoterma d'adsorció de la FC deshidratada per atomització. El percentatge d'humitat de la FC deshidratada a 140ºC es corresponia a un valor d'aw a 20 ºC d'aproximadament el 0,16. Tenint en compte que estava per sota dels valors d'aw corresponents a la capa monomolecular, es pot garantir la conservació a temperatura ambient del producte, sempre que s'envasi en recipients tancats que no permetin l'entrada d'humitat de l'exterior. De l'estudi de la possible estabilització del color de la FC deshidratada per atomització mitjançant l'addició d'antioxidants i/o segrestants de ferro, es va observar que només l'àcid ascòrbic, la glucosa, l'àcid nicotínic i la nicotinamida, tenien efectes positius sobre el color del producte en pols. L'ascòrbic i la glucosa no milloraven la conservació del color de l'Hb però disminuïen l'enfosquiment que es produeix durant la deshidratació, amb la qual cosa es pot obtenir un producte en pols de color marró més clar. L'addició de dextrina o L-cisteïna no disminuïa l'enfosquiment ni evitava el canvi de color de l'Hb. L'àcid nicotínic i la nicotinamida protegien el color de l'Hb durant el procés de deshidratació i l'emmagatzematge de la FC en pols. Les millors condicions d'aplicació del tractament amb altes pressions hidrostàtiques (HHP) sobre la FC eren 400 MPa, a 20ºC, durant 15 minuts, perquè produïen una millora significativa de la qualitat microbiològica, no afectaven negativament al color, no comprometien gaire la solubilitat proteica l'Hb i, malgrat que produïen un augment de la viscositat, la FC romania fluida després del tractament. Aquest tractament permetia una reducció de la microbiota contaminant de la FC d'entre 2 i 3 unitats logarítmiques. L'aplicació de l'alta pressió i la posterior deshidratació per atomització permetien obtenir un producte en pols amb recomptes totals de l'ordre de 2,8 unitats logarítmiques. El color de la FC pressuritzada en pols era igual que el de la FC control deshidratada, perquè ambdues mostres presentaven la mateixa susceptibilitat a l'oxidació del grup hemo produïda per la deshidratació. L'alta pressió incrementava la susceptibilitat de l'Hb als efectes desnaturalitzants de la deshidratació, fonamentalment a pH 7 (PIE), ja que es va observar una disminució de la solubilitat proteica a pH neutre després dels 2 processos tecnològics. La FC en pols presentava una màxima capacitat escumant al PIE de l'Hb. L'aplicació del tractament HHP produïa una disminució de la capacitat escumant de la FC en pols, però no tenia efectes negatius sobre l'estabilitat de l'escuma formada. Tampoc es van observar efectes negatius del tractament HHP sobre l'activitat emulsionant de l'Hb. La màxima activitat emulsionant de l'Hb s'aconseguia amb una concentració de FC en pols de l'1,5 % a pH 7 i de l'1 % a pH 4,5. Les pastes obtingudes per escalfament de la FC presentaven característiques molt diferenciades depenent del pH. A pH neutre es formaven unes pastes dures i consistents, mentre que a pH àcid les pastes eren poc consistents, molt adhesives i més elàstiques que les anteriors. Aquestes tenien una capacitat de retenció d'aigua molt superior que les de pH 7, en les quals l'aigua quedava retinguda per capil·laritat. La textura i capacitat de retenció d'aigua de les pastes tampoc eren afectades pel tractament HHP. El tractament HHP incrementava l'activitat de la Tripsina sobre l'Hb quan el substrat i l'enzim es tractaven conjuntament i afavoria el procés d'obtenció d'hidrolitzats descolorats a partir de la FC, la qual cosa permetia assolir el mateix grau de descoloració amb una dosi d'enzim inferior. El tractament d'hidròlisi de la FC amb la utilització combinada de Tripsina seguida d'un tractament amb Pepsina permetia l'obtenció d'un hidrolitzat proteic d'Hb descolorat i hidrolitzava completament la globina, donant lloc a 2 pèptids de 10,8 i 7,4 KDa. Val a dir que també produïa un 60 80 % de nitrogen soluble en TCA, constituït fonamentalment per pèptids petits i aminoàcids lliures. Els hidrolitzats trípsics i pèpsics d'Hb, obtinguts a partir de FC no pressuritzada i deshidratats per atomització a 180ºC, eren de color blanc i tenien un contingut en humitat del 4,7 %, un 84,2 % de proteïna i 9,7 % de sals minerals. El procés d'hidròlisi permetia una reducció considerable de la contaminació de la FC, obtenint un producte en pols amb uns recomptes totals de l'ordre de 102-103 ufc·g-1. Pel que fa a la funcionalitat dels hidrolitzats d'Hb deshidratats per atomització, aquests presentaven una elevada solubilitat proteica a pH 5 i 7 i romanien solubles després d'un escalfament a 80ºC durant 30 min. Tanmateix, aquesta hidròlisi afectava molt negativament la capacitat de mantenir escumes estables i l'activitat emulsionant.
Potent angiotensin l-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory peptide mixtures were obtained from the hydrolysis of beta-lactoglobulin (beta Lg) using Protease N Amano, a food-grade commercial proteolytic preparation. Hydrolysis experiments were carried out for 8 h at two different temperatures and neutral pH. Based on their ACE inhibitory activity, samples of 6 h of digestion were chosen for further analysis. The temperature used for the hydrolysis had a marked influence on the type of peptides produced and their concentration in the hydrolysate. Protease N Amano was found to produce very complex peptide mixtures; however, the partially fractionated hydrolysates had already very potent ACE inhibitory activity. The novel heptapeptide SAPLRVY was isolated and characterised. It corresponded to beta Lg f(36-42) and had an IC50 value of 8 mu m, which is considerably lower than the most potent ACE inhibitory peptides derived from bovine beta Lg reported so far. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibition is one of the mechanisms by which reduction in blood pressure is exerted. Whey proteins are a rich source of ACE inhibitory peptides and have shown a blood pressure reduction effect i.e. antihypertensive activity. The aim of this work was to develop a simplified process using a combination of adsorption and microfiltration steps for the production of hydrolysates from whey with high ACE inhibitory activity and potency; the latter was measured as the IC50, which is the peptide concentration required to reduce ACE activity by half. This process integrates the selective separation of β-lactoglobulin and casein derived peptides (CDP) from rennet whey and their hydrolysis, which results in partially pure, less complex hydrolysates with high bioactive potency. Hydrolysis was carried out with protease N ‘Amano’ in a thermostatically controlled membrane reactor operated in a batch mode. By applying the integrative approach it was possible to produce from the same feedstock two different hydrolysates that exhibited high ACE inhibition. One hydrolysate was mainly composed of casein-derived peptides with IC50= 285 μg/mL. In this hydrolysate we identified the well known potent ACE-I and anti-hypertensive tri-peptide Ile-Pro-Pro (IPP) and another novel octa-peptide Gln-Asp-Lys-Thr-Glu-Ile-Pro-Thr (QDKTEIPT). The second hydrolysate was mainly composed of β-lactoglobulin derived peptides with IC50=128 µg/mL. This hydrolysate contained a tetra-peptide (Ile-Ile-Ala-Glu) IIAE as one of the two major peptides. A further advantage to this process is that enzyme activity was substantially increased as enzyme product inhibition was reduced.
Potent angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory peptide mixtures were obtained from the hydrolysis of β-lactoglobulin (βLg) using Protease N Amano, a food-grade commercial proteolytic preparation. Hydrolysis experiments were carried out for 8 h at two different temperatures and neutral pH. Based on their ACE inhibitory activity, samples of 6 h of digestion were chosen for further analysis. The temperature used for the hydrolysis had a marked influence on the type of peptides produced and their concentration in the hydrolysate. Protease N Amano was found to produce very complex peptide mixtures; however, the partially fractionated hydrolysates had already very potent ACE inhibitory activity. The novel heptapeptide SAPLRVY was isolated and characterised. It corresponded to βLg f(36–42) and had an IC50 value of 8 μm, which is considerably lower than the most potent ACE inhibitory peptides derived from bovine βLg reported so far.
The bitter taste elicited by dairy protein hydrolysates (DPH) is a renowned issue for their acceptability by consumers and therefore incorporation into foods. The traditional method of assessment of taste in foods is by sensory analysis but this can be problematic due to the overall unpleasantness of the samples. Thus, there is a growing interest into the use of electronic tongues (e-tongues) as an alternative method to quantify the bitterness in such samples. In the present study the response of the e-tongue to the standard bitter agent caffeine and a range of both casein and whey based hydrolysates was compared to that of a trained sensory panel. Partial least square regression (PLS) was employed to compare the response of the e-tongue and the sensory panel. There was strong correlation shown between the two methods in the analysis of caffeine (R2 of 0.98) and DPH samples with R2 values ranging from 0.94-0.99. This study exhibits potential for the e-tongue to be used in bitterness screening in DPHs to reduce the reliance on expensive and time consuming sensory panels.
Crude enzymes produced via solid state fermentation (SSF) using wheat milling by-products have been employed for both fermentation media production using flour-rich waste (FRW) streams and lysis of Rhodosporidium toruloides yeast cells. Filter sterilization of crude hydrolysates was more beneficial than heat sterilization regarding yeast growth and microbial oil production. The initial carbon to free amino nitrogen ratio of crude hydrolysates was optimized (80.2 g/g) in fed-batch cultures of R. toruloides leading to a total dry weight of 61.2 g/L with microbial oil content of 61.8 % (w/w). Employing a feeding strategy where the glucose concentration was maintained in the range of 12.2 – 17.6 g/L led to the highest productivity (0.32 g/L∙h). The crude enzymes produced by SSF were utilised for yeast cell treatment leading to simultaneous release of around 80% of total lipids in the broth and production of a hydrolysate suitable as yeast extract replacement.
Flour-rich waste (FRW) and by-product streams generated by bakery, confectionery and wheat milling plants could be employed as the sole raw materials for generic fermentation media production, suitable for microbial oil synthesis. Wheat milling by-products were used in solid state fermentations (SSF) of Aspergillus awamori for the production of crude enzymes, mainly glucoamylase and protease. Enzyme-rich SSF solids were subsequently employed for hydrolysis of FRW streams into nutrient-rich fermentation media. Batch hydrolytic experiments using FRW concentrations up to 205 g/L resulted in higher than 90%(w/w) starch to glucose conversion yields and 40% (w/w) total Kjeldahl nitrogen to free amino nitro-gen conversion yields. Starch to glucose conversion yields of 98.2, 86.1 and 73.4% (w/w) were achieved when initial FRW concentrations of 235, 300 and 350 g/L were employed in fed-batch hydrolytic experiments, respectively. Crude hydrolysates were used as fermentation media in shake flask cultures with the oleaginous yeast Lipomyces starkeyi DSM 70296 reaching a total dry weight of 30.5 g/L with a microbial oil content of 40.4% (w/w), higher than that achieved in synthetic media. Fed-batch bioreactor cultures led to a total dry weight of 109.8 g/L with a microbial oil content of 57.8% (w/w) and productivity of 0.4 g/L/h.
Rapeseed meal (RSM) hydrolysate was evaluated as substitute for commercial nutrient supplements in 1,3-propanediol (PDO) fermentation using the strain Clostridium butyricum VPI 1718. RSM was enzymatically converted into a generic fermentation feedstock, enriched in amino acids, peptides and various micro-nutrients, using crude enzyme consortia produced via solid state fermentation by a fungal strain of Aspergillus oryzae. Initial free amino nitrogen concentration influenced PDO production in batch cultures. RSM hydrolysates were compared with commercial nutrient supplements regarding PDO production in fed-batch cultures carried out in a bench-scale bioreactor. The utilization of RSM hydrolysates in repeated batch cultivation resulted in a PDO concentration of 65.5 g/L with an overall productivity of 1.15 g/L/h that was almost 2 times higher than the productivity achieved when yeast extract was used as nutrient supplement.
Aims: To study the biotechnological production of lipids containing rich amounts of the medically and nutritionally important c-linolenic acid (GLA), during cultivation of the Zygomycetes Thamnidium elegans, on mixtures of glucose and xylose, abundant sugars of lignocellulosic biomass. Methods and Results: Glucose and xylose were utilized as carbon sources, solely or in mixtures, under nitrogen-limited conditions, in batch-flask or bioreactor cultures. On glucose, T. elegans produced 31.9 g/L of biomass containing 15.0 g/L lipid with significantly high GLA content (1014 mg/L). Xylose was proved to be an adequate substrate for growth and lipid production. Additionally, xylitol secretion occurred when xylose was utilized as carbon source, solely or in mixtures with glucose. Batch-bioreactor trials on glucose yielded satisfactory lipid production, with rapid substrate consumption rates. Analysis of intracellular lipids showed that the highest GLA content was observed in early stationary growth phase, while the phospholipid fraction was the most unsaturated fraction of T. elegans. Conclusions: Thamnidium elegans represents a promising fungus for the successful valorization of sugar-based lignocellulosic residues into microbial lipids of high nutritional and pharmaceutical interest.
By-products streams from a sunflower-based biodiesel plant were utilised for the production of fermentation media that can be used for the production of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA). Sunflower meal was utilised as substrate for the production of crude enzyme consortia through solid state fermentation (SSF) with the fungal strain Aspergillus oryzae. Fermented solids were subsequently mixed with unprocessed sunflower meal aiming at the production of a nutrient-rich fermentation feedstock. The highest free amino nitrogen (FAN) and inorganic phosphorus concentrations achieved were 1.5 g L-1 and 246 mg L-1, respectively, when an initial proteolytic activity of 6.4 U mL-1 was used. The FANconcentrationwas increased to 2.3 g L-1 when the initial proteolytic activity was increased to 16 U mL-1. Sunflower meal hydrolysates were mixed with crude glycerol to provide fermentationmedia that were evaluated for the production of poly(3-hydroxybutyrateco- 3-hydroxyvalerate) (P(3HB-co-3HV)) using Cupriavidus necator DSM545. The P(3HB-co-3HV) (9.9 g l-1) produced contained 3HB and 3HV units with 97 and 3 mol %, respectively. Integrating PHA production in existing 1st generation biodiesel production plants through valorisation of by-product streams could improve their sustainability.
The utilization of protein hydrolysates in food systems is frequently hindered due to their bitterness and hygroscopicity. Spray drying technology could be an alternative for reducing these problems. The aim of this work was to reduce or to mask the casein hydrolysate bitter taste using spray drying and mixtures of gelatin and soy protein isolate (SPI) as carriers. Six formulations were studied: three with 20% of hydrolysate and 80% of mixture (gelatine/SPI at proportions of 50/50, 40/60 and 60/40%) and three with 30% of hydrolysate and 70% of mixture (gelatine/SPI at proportions of 50/50, 40/60 and 60/40%). The spray-dried formulations were evaluated by SEM, hygroscopicity, thermal behavior (DSC), dissolution, and bitter taste, by a trained sensory panel using a paired-comparison test (free samples vs. spray-dried samples); all samples were presented in powder form. SEM analysis showed mostly spherically shaped particles, with many concavities and some particles with pores. All formulations were oil and water compatible and showed lower hygroscopicity values than free casein hydrolysate. At Aw 0.83, the free hydrolysate showed Tg about 25 degrees C lower than the formulations, indicating that the formulations may be more stable at Aw >= 0.65 since the glass transition should be prevented. The sensory panel found the formulations, tasted in the powder form, to be less bitter (P < 0.05) than the free casein hydrolysate. These results indicated that spray drying of casein hydrolysate with mixtures of gelatin and SPI was successful to attenuate the bitterness of casein hydrolysate. Thus, spray drying widens the possibilities of application of casein hydrolysates. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Microcapsules of a Casein Hydrolysate: Production, Characterization, and Application in Protein Bars
The aim of this work was to encapsulate a casein hydrolysate by spray drying using maltodextrins (DE 10 and 20) as wall materials and to evaluate the efficiency of the microencapsulation in attenuating the bitter taste of the hydrolysate using protein bars as the model system. Microcapsules were evaluated for morphology (SEM), particle size, hygroscopicity, solubility, thermal behavior (DSC), and bitter taste with a trained sensory panel by a paired comparison test (nonencapsulated samples vs. encapsulated samples). Bars were prepared with the addition of 3% casein hydrolysate at free or both encapsulated forms, and were then evaluated for their moisture, water activity (a(w)) and for their bitter taste by a ranking test. Microcapsules were of the matrix type, having continuous surfaces with no apparent porosity for both coatings. Both encapsulated casein hydrolysates had similar hygroscopicity, and lower values than free encapsulated hydrolysates. The degree of hydrolysis of the maltodextrin influenced only the particle size and T(g). The sensory panel considered the protein bars produced with both encapsulated materials less bitter (p < 0.05) than those produced with the free casein hydrolysates. Microencapsulation by spray drying with maltodextrin DE 10 and 20 was successful to attenuate the bitter taste and the hygroscopicity of casein hydrolysates.
The aim of this work was to encapsulate casein hydrolysate by spray drying with soybean protein isolate (SPI) as wall material to attenuate the bitter taste of that product. Two treatments were prepared: both with 12 g/100 g solids and containing either two proportions of SPI: hydrolysate (70:30 and 80:20), called M1 and M2, respectively. The samples were evaluated for morphological characteristics (SEM), particle size, hygroscopicity, solubility, hydrophobicity, thermal behavior and bitter taste with a trained sensory panel using a paired-comparison test (non-encapsulated samples vs. encapsulated samples). Microcapsules had a continuous wall, many concavities, and no porosity. Treatments M1 and M2 presented average particle sizes of 11.32 and 9.18 mu m, respectively. The wall material and/or the microencapsulation raised the hygroscopicity of the hydrolysate since the free hydrolysate had hygroscopicity of 53 g of water/100 g of solids and M1 and M2 had 106.99 and 102.19 g of water/100 g of solids, respectively. However, the hydrophobicity decreases, the absence of a peak in encapsulated hydrolysates, and the results of the panel sensory test considering the encapsulated samples less bitter (p < 0.05) than the non-encapsulated, showed that spray drying with SPI was an efficient method for microencapsulation and attenuation of the bitter taste of the casein hydrolysate. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Although xylose is a major constituent of lignocellulosic feedstock and the second most abundant sugar in nature, only 22% of 3,152 screened bacterial isolates showed significant growth in xylose in 24 h. Of those 684, only 24% accumulated polyhydroxyalkanoates after 72 h. A mangrove isolate, identified as Bacillus sp. MA3.3, yielded the best results in literature thus far for Gram-positive strains in experiments with glucose and xylose as the sole carbon source. When glucose or xylose were supplied, poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) contents of cell dry weight were, respectively, 62 and 64%, PHB yield 0.25 and 0.24 g g(-1) and PHB productivity (P(PHB)) 0.10 and 0.06 g l(-1) h(-1). This 40% P(PHB) difference may be related to the theoretical ATP production per 3-hydroxybutyrate (3HB) monomer calculated as 3 mol mol(-1) for xylose, less than half of the ATP/3HB produced from glucose (7 mol mol(-1)). In PHB production using sugar mixtures, all parameters were strongly reduced due to carbon catabolite repression. PHB production using Gram-positive strains is particularly interesting for medical applications because these bacteria do not produce lipopolysaccharide endotoxins which can induce immunogenic reactions. Moreover, the combination of inexpensive substrates and products of more value may lead to the economical sustainability of industrial PHB production.
In this study, we investigated the enzymatic hydrolysis of pretreated sugarcane bagasse using eight different enzymatic blends obtained from concentrated crude enzyme extracts produced by Penicillium funiculosum and Trichoderma harzianum as well as from the extracts in combination with a commercial enzymatic cocktail. The influence of different levels of biomass delignification, degree of crystallinity of lignicellulose, composition of enzymatic activities and BSA on enzymatic hydrolysis yields (HYs) was evaluated. Our X-ray diffraction studies showed that crystallinity of lignocellulose is not a key determinant of its recalcitrance toward enzymatic hydrolysis. In fact, under the experimental conditions of our study, an increase in crystallinity of lignocellulosic samples resulted in increased glucose release by enzymatic hydrolysis. Furthermore, under the same conditions, the addition of BSA had no significant effect on enzymatic hydrolysis. The most efficient enzyme blends were obtained by mixing a commercial enzymatic cocktail with P. funiculosum or T. harzianum cellulase preparations (HYs above 97%) followed by the concentrated extract of P. funiculosum alone (HY= 88.5%). Increased hydrolytic efficiencies appeared to correlate with having an adequate level of both beta-glucosidase and xylanase activities in the blends. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.