976 resultados para learning platform


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Im Rahmen des blended learning kann eine E-Learning-Webseite als Begleitmaterial einer Lehrveranstaltung eingesetzt werden oder Studierende zur aktiven Teilnahme an der Erstellung der Webseiteninhalte anregen. Darüber hinaus eignet sich eine solche Webseite als Plattform zur E-Learning-Forschung. Auch empirische Studien können dort eingebettet werden. Eine weitere wissenschaftliche Anwendung bietet die Analyse des Nutzerverhaltens, mit der sich aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse zum Lernen mit Hypermedien überprüfen lassen. Wir beschreiben eine solche, vielseitig einsetzbare Webseite, die eine Verknüpfung von universitärer Lehre und Forschung ermöglicht und als Anregung für ähnliche Projekte dienen kann. Erste Erfahrungen werden dabei berichtet und ausgewählte Empfehlungen für Dozierende und Forscher abgeleitet.


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Second Life (SL) is an ideal platform for language learning. It is called a Multi-User Virtual Environment, where users can have varieties of learning experiences in life-like environments. Numerous attempts have been made to use SL as a platform for language teaching and the possibility of SL as a means to promote conversational interactions has been reported. However, the research so far has largely focused on simply using SL without further augmentations for communication between learners or between teachers and learners in a school-like environment. Conversely, not enough attention has been paid to its controllability which builds on the embedded functions in SL. This study, based on the latest theories of second language acquisition, especially on the Task Based Language Teaching and the Interaction Hypothesis, proposes to design and implement an automatized interactive task space (AITS) where robotic agents work as interlocutors of learners. This paper presents a design that incorporates the SLA theories into SL and the implementation method of the design to construct AITS, fulfilling the controllability of SL. It also presents the result of the evaluation experiment conducted on the constructed AITS.


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Web 2.0 und soziale Netzwerke gaben erste Impulse für neue Formen der Online-Lehre, welche die umfassende Vernetzung von Objekten und Nutzern im Internet nachhaltig einsetzen. Die Vielfältigkeit der unterschiedlichen Systeme erschwert aber deren ganzheitliche Nutzung in einem umfassenden Lernszenario, das den Anforderungen der modernen Informationsgesellschaft genügt. In diesem Beitrag wird eine auf dem Konnektivismus basierende Plattform für die Online-Lehre namens “Wiki-Learnia” präsentiert, welche alle wesentlichen Abschnitte des lebenslangen Lernens abbildet. Unter Einsatz zeitgemäßer Technologien werden nicht nur Nutzer untereinander verbunden, sondern auch Nutzer mit dedizierten Inhalten sowie ggf. zugehörigen Autoren und/oder Tutoren verknüpft. Für ersteres werden verschiedene Kommunikations-Werkzeuge des Web 2.0 (soziale Netzwerke, Chats, Foren etc.) eingesetzt. Letzteres fußt auf dem sogenannten “Learning-Hub”-Ansatz, welcher mit Hilfe von Web-3.0-Mechanismen insbesondere durch eine semantische Metasuchmaschine instrumentiert wird. Zum Aufzeigen der praktischen Relevanz des Ansatzes wird das mediengestützte Juniorstudium der Universität Rostock vorgestellt, ein Projekt, das Schüler der Abiturstufe aufs Studium vorbereitet. Anhand der speziellen Anforderungen dieses Vorhabens werden der enorme Funktionsumfang und die große Flexibilität von Wiki-Learnia demonstriert.


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This paper investigates theoretically and empirically firms' productivity ranking among traditional horizontal foreign direct investment (HFDI), pure platform FDI (PFDI), and complex platform FDI (CFDI). Using data on Japanese outward FDI, we define firms conducting HFDI or PFDI as those Japanese firms that maintain production affiliates only in the U.S. or Mexico, respectively. The firms for CFDI are defined as having production affiliates in both the U.S. and Mexico. The theoretical illustration shows that the CFDI firms should have the highest productivity when trade costs between the U.S. and Mexico are low. By carefully disentangling firms' self-selection effects from learning-by-investing effects, we find some evidence consistent with this hypothesis for a period of relatively low trade costs. Our results indicate the importance of trade costs in developing countries with neighboring markets in attracting foreign investment by highly productive multinational firms.


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This paper describes the collaboration among students and professors in four different subjects, to develop multidisciplinary projects. The objective is to simulate the conditions in a company environment. A new methodology based on student interaction and content development in a Wiki environment has been developed. The collaborative server created an ‘out of the classroom’ discussion forum for students of different subjects, and allowed them to compile a ‘project work’ portfolio. Students and professors participated with enthusiasm, due to the correct well-distributed work and the easiness of use of the selected platform in which only an internet connected computer is needed to create and to discuss the multidisciplinary projects. Quality of developed projects has been dramatically improved due to integration of results provided from the different teams.


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This paper describes the design and evaluation of a new platform created in order to improve the learning experience of bilateral control algorithms in teleoperation. This experimental platform, developed at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, is used by the students of the Master on Automation and Robotics in the practices of the subject called “Telerobotics and Teleoperation”. The main objective is to easily implement different control architectures in the developed platform and evaluate them under different conditions to better understand the main advantages and drawbacks of each control scheme. So, the student’s tasks are focused on adjusting the control parameters of the predefined controllers and designing new ones to analyze the changes in the behavior of the whole system. A description of the subject, main topics and the platform constructed are detailed in the paper. Furthermore, the methodology followed in the practices and the bilateral control algorithms are presented. Finally, the results obtained in the experiments with students are also shown.


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In this paper we report the process of designing and building the EYEFLY 1, a real UAS platform which has just performed its maiden flight. For the development of this aircraft, 30 groups of students from successive years at the Escuela Universitaria de Ingeniería Técnica Aeronáutica (EUITA) of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) carried out their compulsory End of Degree Project as a coordinated Project Based learning activity. Our conclusions clearly indicate that Project Based Learning activities can provide a valid complement to more conventional, theoretically-based, teaching methods. The combination of both approaches will allow us to maintain traditional but well-tested methods for providing our students with a sound knowledge of fundamental engineering disciplines and, at the same time, to introduce our students to exciting and relevant engineering situations and sceneries where social and business skills, such as communication skills, team-working or decision-taking, can be put into practice.


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Electrical Protection systems and Automatic Voltage Regulators (AVR) are essential components of actual power plants. Its installation and setting is performed during the commissioning, and it needs extensive experience since any failure in this process or in the setting, may entails some risk not only for the generator of the power plant, but also for the reliability of the power grid. In this paper, a real time power plant simulation platform is presented as a tool for improving the training and learning process on electrical protections and automatic voltage regulators. The activities of the commissioning procedure which can be practiced are described, and the applicability of this tool for improving the comprehension of this important part of the power plants is discussed. A commercial AVR and a multifunction protective relay have been tested with satisfactory results.


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This paper presents the Virtual Science Hub platform. It is an open source platform that combines a social network, an e-learning authoring tool, a videoconference service and a learning object repository for science teaching enrichment. These four main functionalities fit very well together. The platform was released in April 2012 and since then it has not stopped growing. Finally we present the results of the surveys conducted and the statistics gathered to validate this approach.


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El campo de estudio relacionado con los laboratorios remotos en el ámbito educativo de las ciencias y la ingeniería está sufriendo una notable expansión ante la necesidad de adaptar los procesos de aprendizaje en dichas áreas a las características y posibilidades de la formación online. Muchos de los recursos educativos basados en esta tecnología, existentes en la actualidad, presentan ciertas limitaciones que impiden alcanzar las competencias que se deben adquirir en los laboratorios de ingeniería. Estas limitaciones están relacionadas con diferentes aspectos de carácter técnico y formativo. A nivel técnico las limitaciones principales se centran en el grado de versatilidad que son capaces de proporcionar comparado con el que se dispone en un laboratorio tradicional y en el modo de interacción del usuario, que provoca que el estudiante no distinga claramente si está realizando acciones sobre sistemas reales o simulaciones. A nivel formativo las limitaciones detectadas son relevantes para poder alcanzar un aprendizaje significativo. En concreto están relacionadas principalmente con un escaso sentimiento de inmersión, una reducida sensación de realismo respecto a las operaciones que se realizan o la limitada posibilidad de realizar actividades de forma colaborativa. La aparición de nuevas tecnologías basadas en entornos inmersivos, unida a los avances producidos relacionados con el aumento de la capacidad gráfica de los ordenadores y del ancho de banda de acceso a Internet, han hecho factible que las limitaciones comentadas anteriormente puedan ser superadas gracias al desarrollo de nuevos recursos de aprendizaje surgidos de la fusión de laboratorios remotos y mundos virtuales 3D. Esta tesis doctoral aborda un trabajo de investigación centrado en proponer un modelo de plataformas experimentales, basado en la fusión de las dos tecnologías mencionadas, que permita generar recursos educativos online que faciliten la adquisición de competencias prácticas similares a las que se consiguen en un laboratorio tradicional vinculado a la enseñanza de la electrónica. El campo de aplicación en el que se ha focalizado el trabajo realizado se ha centrado en el área de la electrónica aunque los resultados de la investigación realizada se podrían adaptar fácilmente a otras disciplinas de la ingeniería. Fruto del trabajo realizado en esta tesis es el desarrollo de la plataforma eLab3D, basada en el modelo de plataformas experimentales propuesto, y la realización de dos estudios empíricos llevados a cabo con estudiantes de grado en ingeniería, muy demandados por la comunidad investigadora. Por un lado, la plataforma eLab3D, que permite llevar a cabo de forma remota actividades prácticas relacionadas con el diseño, montaje y prueba de circuitos electrónicos analógicos, aporta como novedad un dispositivo hardware basado en un sistema de conmutación distribuido. Dicho sistema proporciona un nivel de versatilidad muy elevado, a nivel de configuración de circuitos y selección de puntos de medida, que hace posible la realización de acciones similares a las que se llevan a cabo en los laboratorios presenciales. Por otra parte, los estudios empíricos realizados, que comparaban la eficacia educativa de una metodología de aprendizaje online, basada en el uso de la plataforma eLab3D, con la conseguida siguiendo una metodología clásica en los laboratorios tradicionales, mostraron que no se detectaron diferencias significativas en el grado de adquisición de los resultados de aprendizaje entre los estudiantes que utilizaron la plataforma eLab3D y los que asistieron a los laboratorios presenciales. Por último, hay que destacar dos aspectos relevantes relacionados directamente con esta tesis. En primer lugar, los resultados obtenidos en las experiencias educativas llevadas a cabo junto a valoraciones obtenidas por el profesorado que ha colaborado en las mismas han sido decisivos para que la plataforma eLab3D se haya integrado como recurso complementario de aprendizaje en titulaciones de grado de ingeniería de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. En segundo lugar, el modelo de plataformas experimentales que se ha propuesto en esta tesis, analizado por investigadores vinculados a proyectos en el ámbito de la fusión nuclear, ha sido tomado como referencia para generar nuevas herramientas de formación en dicho campo. ABSTRACT The field of study of remote laboratories in sciences and engineering educational disciplines is undergoing a remarkable expansion given the need to adapt the learning processes in the aforementioned areas to the characteristics and possibilities of online education. Several of the current educational resources based on this technology have certain limitations that prevent from reaching the required competencies in engineering laboratories. These limitations are related to different aspects of technical and educational nature. At the technical level, they are centered on the degree of versatility they are able to provide compared to a traditional laboratory and in the way the user interacts with them, which causes the student to not clearly distinguish if actions are being performed over real systems or over simulations. At the educational level, the detected limitations are relevant in order to reach a meaningful learning. In particular, they are mainly related to a scarce immersion feeling, a reduced realism sense regarding the operations performed or the limited possibility to carry out activities in a collaborative way. The appearance of new technologies based on immersive environments, together with the advances in graphical computer capabilities and Internet bandwidth access, have made the previous limitations feasible to be overcome thanks to the development of new learning resources that arise from merging remote laboratories and 3D virtual worlds. This PhD thesis tackles a research work focused on the proposal of an experimental platform model, based on the fusion of both mentioned technologies, which allows for generating online educational resources that facilitate the acquisition of practical competencies similar to those obtained in a traditional electronics laboratory. The application field, in which this work is focused, is electronics, although the research results could be easily adapted to other engineering disciplines. A result of this work is the development of eLab3D platform, based on the experimental platform model proposed, and the realization of two empirical studies with undergraduate students, highly demanded by research community. On one side, eLab3D platform, which allows to accomplish remote practical activities related to the design, assembling and test of analog electronic circuits, provides, as an original contribution, a hardware device based on a distributed switching system. This system offers a high level of versatility, both at the circuit configuration level and at the selection of measurement points, which allows for doing similar actions to those conducted in hands-on laboratories. On the other side, the empirical studies carried out, which compare the educational efficiency of an online learning methodology based on the use of eLab3D platform with that obtained following a classical methodology in traditional laboratories, shows that no significant differences in the acquired degree of learning outcomes among the students that used eLab3D platform and those that attended hands-on laboratories were detected. Finally, it is important to highlight two relevant aspects directly related with this thesis work. First of all, the results obtained in the educational experiences conducted, along with the assessment from the faculty that has collaborated in them, have been decisive to integrate eLab3D platform as a supplementary learning resource in engineering degrees at Universidad Politecnica de Madrid. Secondly, the experimental platform model originally proposed in this thesis, which has been analysed by nuclear fusion researchers, has been taken as a reference to generate new educational tools in that field.


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El creciente uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones en el ámbito educativo ha hecho posible que existan nuevas formas de enseñanza que facilitan el aprendizaje y la mejora de éste. Una de las ramas educativas que más influenciada se ha visto por esto es la de los idiomas, debido en gran parte a la necesidad global de aprender nuevas lenguas y mejorar sus conocimientos de ellas. Entre todos los idiomas que la gente desea aprender destaca uno por encima de todos, el inglés. Esto viene dado no solo por la presencia de éste a nivel mundial, sino por la gran repercusión en el ámbito educativo, comenzando a ser un requisito indispensable en la realización de estudios superiores. El presente proyecto Fin de Grado pretende contribuir a la mejora del conocimiento del inglés para estudiantes que no han alcanzado un nivel B2 de éste. En éste se desarrolla una plataforma educativa accesible por el mayor número de alumnos posibles, no solo solo a través de ordenadores personales, sino principalmente a través de dispositivos móviles tales como smartphones y tablets. Para que fuese posible una mayor utilización de esta por parte de los estudiantes era necesario la creación de una aplicación que pudiese ser utilizada desde cualquier dispositivo sin importar el sistema operativo empleado. Dicha plataforma educativa está formada por un juego de preguntas en la que los estudiantes deberán contestar correctamente para obtener una puntuación final con la que accederán a una clasificación con el resto de miembros de dicha plataforma. Con éste sistema de puntos se pretende dar una componente de gamificación al juego para motivar a los estudiantes a que sigan compitiendo y realizando test de preguntas. Además a dicha plataforma podrán acceder los profesores administradores de ella para monitorizar y ver resultados de los estudiantes participantes. ABSTRACT. The growing use of Information and Communication Technologies in the educational field has made possible for new teaching ways to exist, thus making learning easier and better. One of the more influenced educational branches by this fact is languages, largely due to a global need to learn them and improve knowledge. Among all the languages that people wish to learn, one stands out above them, English. It is given, not only by its worldwide presence, but by its big scholar repercussion; that English is an essential requirement for higher education. This final degree project aims to improve the english level for those who have a hard time doing it. This project develops an educational accesible platform to the greatest number of students, not only through personal computers, but mainly through mobile devices like smartphones or tablets. To make a great use of it by students possible, it was necessary an application which could be used from any device regardless of the operative system. This teaching platform is formed by a quiz game in which students must answer correctly in order to get a final score which will place them in a ranking composed by other platform members. With this score system it is intended to give a gamification component in order to motivate students to keep playing and answering question tests. Also, in this platform, administration teachers will be able to monitor the students and watch their results.


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This paper analyzes the learning experiences and opinions from a group of undergraduate students in a course about Robotics. The contents of this course were taught as a set of seminars. In each seminar, the student learned interdisciplinary knowledge of computer science, control engineering, electronics and other fields related to Robotics. The aim of this course is that the students are able to design and implement their own and custom robotic solution for a series of tests planned by the teachers. These tests measure the behavior and mechatronic features of the students' robots. Finally, the students' robots are confronted with some competitions. In this paper, the low-cost robotic architecture used by the students, the contents of the course, the tests to compare the solutions of students and the opinion of them are amply discussed.


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This article presents an interactive Java software platform which enables any user to easily create advanced virtual laboratories (VLs) for Robotics. This novel tool provides both support for developing applications with full 3D interactive graphical interface and a complete functional framework for modelling and simulation of arbitrary serial-link manipulators. In addition, its software architecture contains a high number of functionalities included as high-level tools, with the advantage of allowing any user to easily develop complex interactive robotic simulations with a minimum of programming. In order to show the features of the platform, the article describes, step-by-step, the implementation methodology of a complete VL for Robotics education using the presented approach. Finally, some educational results about the experience of implementing this approach are reported.


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As class contact times are reduced as a result of fiscal restraints in the modern tertiary sector, language instructors are placed in the position of having to find new ways to provide experience and continuity in language learning. Extending 'learning communities'—sites of learner knowledge exchange, exposure to diverse learning styles and strategies, and mutual support—beyond the classroom is one solution to maintaining successful linguistic competencies amongst learners. This, however, can conflict with the diverse extra-curricular commitments faced by tertiary students. The flexibility of web-based learning platforms provides one means of overcoming these obstacles. This study investigates learner perceptions of the use of the WebCT platform's computer medicated communication (CMC) tools as a means of extending the community of learning in tertiary Chinese language and non-language courses. Learner responses to Likert and open-ended questionnaires show that flexibility and reduction of negative affect are seen as significant benefits to 'virtual' interaction and communication, although responses are notably stronger in the non-language compared with the language cohort. While both learner cohorts acknowledge positive learning outcomes, CMC is not seen to consistently further interpersonal rapport beyond that established in the classroom. Maintaining a balance between web-based and classroom learning emerges as a concern, especially amongst language learners. [Author abstract, ed]


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Introduction - Group learning has been used to enhance deep (long-term) learning and promote life skills, such as decision making, communication, and interpersonal skills. However, with increasing multiculturalism in higher education, there is little information available as to the acceptance of this form of learning by Asian students or as to its value to them. Methodology - Group-learning projects, incorporating a seminar presentation, were used in first-year veterinary anatomical science classes over two consecutive years (2003 and 2004) at the School of Veterinary Science, University of Queensland. Responses of Australian and Asian students to survey forms evaluating the learning experience were analyzed and compared. Results - All students responded positively to the group learning, indicating that it was a useful learning experience and a great method for meeting colleagues. There were no significant differences between Asian and Australian students in overall responses to the survey evaluating the learning experience, except where Asian students responded significantly higher than Australian students in identifying specific skills that needed improving. Conclusions - Group learning can be successfully used in multicultural teaching to enhance deep learning. This form of learning helps to remove cultural barriers and establish a platform for continued successful group learning throughout the program.