980 resultados para horned monster, inscription
Material processing using high-intensity femtosecond (fs) laser pulses is a fast developing technology holding potential for direct writing of multi-dimensional optical structures in transparent media. In this work we re-examine nonlinear diffraction theory in context of fs laser processing of silica in sub-critical (input power less than the critical power of self-focusing) regime. We have applied well known theory, developed by Vlasov, Petrishev and Talanov, that gives analytical description of the evolution of a root-mean-square beam (not necessarily Gaussian) width RRMS(z) in medium with the Kerr nonlinearity.
Direct measurements of the absorbed energy in femtosecond laser inscription in a range of materials is performed. Key absorption parameters are characterized by fitting numerical modelling to measurements.
A method for direct inscription of fibre Bragg gratings laterally separated by inscription in separate segments of the fibre core is demonstrated for the first time.
We report on the production and characterization of narrow bandwidth fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) in two spectral regions using polymer optical fibers (POFs). Narrow bandwidth FBGs are increasingly important for POF transmission systems, WDM technology and sensing applications. Long FBGs with resonance wavelength around 850 nm and 1550 nm were fabricated in several types of polymer optical fibers. The 3 dB FBG bandwidth varies from 0.22 nm down to 0.045 nm considering a Bragg grating length of 10 mm and 25 mm, respectively. © 2013 SPIE.
We report on the operational parameters that are required to fabricate buried, microstructured waveguides in a z-cut lithium niobate crystal by the method of direct femtosecond laser inscription using a highrepetition-rate, chirped-pulse oscillator system. Refractive index contrasts as high as −0.0127 have been achieved for individual modification tracks. The results pave the way for developing microstructured WGs with low-loss operation across a wide spectral range, extending into the mid-infrared region up to the end of the transparency range of the host material.
This paper reports on buried waveguides fabricated in lithium niobate (LN) by the method of direct femtosecond (fs) laser inscription. 5% MgO doped LiNbO3 was chosen as the host material because of its high quality and damage threshold, as well as relatively low cost. Direct fs inscription by astigmatically shaped beam in crystals usually produces multiple 'smooth' tracks (with reduced refractive index), which encircle the light guiding 'core', thus creating a depressed cladding WG. A high-repetition rate fs laser system was used for inscription at a depth of approximately 500 μm. Using numerical modelling, it was demonstrated that the properties of fs-written WGs can be controlled by the WG geometry. Buried, depressed-cladding WGs in LN host with circular cross-section were also demonstrated. Combining control over the WG dispersion with quasi-phase matching will allow various ultralow-pump-power, highly-efficient, nonlinear light-guiding devices - all in an integrated optics format.
As optical coherence tomography (OCT) becomes widespread, validation and characterization of systems becomes important. Reference standards are required to qualitatively and quantitatively measure the performance between difference systems. This would allow the performance degradation of the system over time to be monitored. In this report, the properties of the femtosecond inscribed structures from three different systems for making suitable OCT characterization artefacts (phantoms) are analyzed. The parameter test samples are directly inscribed inside transparent materials. The structures are characterized using an optical microscope and a swept-source OCT. The high reproducibility of the inscribed structures shows high potential for producing multi-modality OCT calibration and characterization phantoms. Such that a single artefact can be used to characterize multiple performance parameters such the resolution, linearity, distortion, and imaging depths. © 2012 SPIE.
Microfabrication of photonic devices by means of femtosecond (fs) laser pulses is reviewed. Adaptive modeling of fs laser pulse propagation was performed for detailed study of different regimes. Submicron structures are demonstrated in both infrared and UV ranges. Applications to fibre based devices and prototype integrated planar devices are discussed. © 2007 Optical Society of America.
Principles of the femtosecond fabrication of the optoelectronic components in glass are explained and illustrated by examples of the in-bulk writing. The results of the experimental investigation of the dependence of the induced index change on the pulse energy and the numerical modelling of the corresponding laser-glass interaction are presented. The distribution of the plasma density is simulated that may bridge the gap between the models of the pulse propagation and the induced permanent refractive index change. © 2006 American Institute of Physics.
We present femtosecond laser inscribed phase masks for the inscription of Bragg gratings in optical fibres. The principal advantage is the flexibility afforded by the femtosecond laser inscription, where sub-surface structures define the phase mask period and mask properties. The masks are used to produce fibre Bragg gratings having different orders according to the phase mask period. The work demonstrates the incredible flexibility of femtosecond lasers for the rapid prototyping of complex and reproducible mask structures. We also consider three-beam interference effects, a consequence of the zeroth-order component present in addition to higher-order diffraction components. © 2012 SPIE.
We present the results of femtosecond laser microstructuring of optical fibres by direct access of the fibre end face, both at the surface and several hundred microns into the fibre, to realise one-and two-dimensional grating structures and optical fibre splitters, respectively. We show the versatility of this simple but effective inscription method, where we demonstrate classic multiple slit diffraction patterns and show the potential for coarse wavelength division multiplexing for sensor signals. A key advantage for the fibre splitter is that the inscription method avoids the use of oil immersion that compensate for the fibre curvature in the standard side writing method. © 2012 SPIE.
A comprehensive model of processes involved in femtosecond laser inscription and the subsequent structural material modification is developed. Different time scales of the pulse-plasma dynamics and thermo-mechanical relaxation allow for separate numerical treatments of these processes, while linking them by an energy transfer equation. The model is illustrated and analysed on examples of inscription in fused silica and the results are used to explain previous experimental observations. © 2007 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.
We apply well known nonlinear diffraction theory governing focusing of a powerful light beam of arbitrary shape in medium with Kerr nonlinearity to the analysis of femtosecond (fs) laser processing of dielectric in sub-critical (input power less than the critical power of selffocusing) regime. Simple analytical expressions are derived for the input beam power and spatial focusing parameter (numerical aperture) that are required for achieving an inscription threshold. Application of non-Gaussian laser beams for better controlled fs inscription at higher powers is also discussed. © 2007 Optical Society of America.
During the last decade, microfabrication of photonic devices by means of intense femtosecond (fs) laser pulses has emerged as a novel technology. A common requirement for the production of these devices is that the refractive index modification pitch size should be smaller than the inscribing wavelength. This can be achieved by making use of the nonlinear propagation of intense fs laser pulses. Nonlinear propagation of intense fs laser pulses is an extremely complicated phenomenon featuring complex multiscale spatiotemporal dynamics of the laser pulses. We have utilized a principal approach based on finite difference time domain (FDTD) modeling of the full set of Maxwell's equations coupled to the conventional Drude model for generated plasma. Nonlinear effects are included, such as self-phase modulation and multiphoton absorption. Such an approach resolves most problems related to the inscription of subwavelength structures, when the paraxial approximation is not applicable to correctly describe the creation of and scattering on the structures. In a representative simulation of the inscription process, the signature of degenerate four wave mixing has been found. © 2012 Optical Society of America.